Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure*
Committees Retour au sommaire Atteindre l'élement suivant Atteindre l'élement précédent
Rule 46 - Bureaux of committees
46.1. The Bureau
of each committee shall consist of the chairperson and the three
vice-chairpersons, normally elected at the first committee meeting
of each ordinary session, while taking into account the principle
of gender equality.
46.2. Until
the chairperson of the committee is elected or, in the absence of
agreement among the political groups or of any candidate put forward
for the position of chair, until the vice-chairpersons are elected,
the meeting shall be chaired by the oldest member present, under whose
chairpersonship no subject other than the election of the bureau
of the committee may be considered.
46.3. Committee
members who have been members for at least one year may
be candidates for the office of chairperson or vice-chairperson
and must belong to the political group to which the Chair or a Vice-Chair
has been allocated on the basis of an agreement reached among the political
groups within the Presidential Committee. A
single candidate put forward for any office shall be declared elected
without proceeding to a vote.
46.4. No chairperson
or vice-chairperson of a committee or sub-committee may be chairperson
or vice-chairperson of another Assembly committee or sub-committee.
This does not apply to ad hoc committees and ad hoc sub-committees.
46.5. Elections
shall be held by secret ballot. Two tellers chosen by lot shall
count the votes, assisted by the Secretariat.
46.6. A candidate
who obtains an absolute majority of the votes cast on the first
ballot shall be declared elected. On the second ballot the election
shall be by relative majority .
In the event of a tie, there shall be a third ballot; in the event
of a further tie, the older candidate shall be declared elected.
46.7. The
chairperson and the vice-chairpersons of a committee shall remain
in office until the opening of the next ordinary session of the
Assembly. They may be re-elected for one further term, consecutive
or not. A committee chairperson or vice-chairperson elected in the
course of a session for an incomplete term may be re-elected for
two further terms. A former chairperson of a committee may stand
for the office of chairperson or vice-chairperson of the same committee
on expiry of a period of four years, or of another committee on
expiry of a period of two years, for two further terms, consecutive
or not. A former vice-chairperson of a committee may stand for the
office of vice-chairperson of the same committee on expiry of a
period of four years, or of another committee on expiry of a period
of two years, for two further terms, consecutive or not. A chairperson
or vice-chairperson of a committee who has been dismissed from office
pursuant to Rule 55 may
not be a candidate for the office of chairperson or vice-chairperson
of a committee or a sub-committee.