Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure*
Additional provisions relating to Assembly debates Retour au sommaire Atteindre l'élement suivant Atteindre l'élement précédent
(adopted by the Bureau of the Assembly on 25 March 2002 and
17 December 2007 )
iii. - Order of speakers
The order of speakers on the list for
each sitting will be determined according to the following criteria:
1. In a first round
all established Political Groups have the possibility to speak in
the order based on the number of members affiliated to their Group.
In the case of two or more Political Groups having the same number
of members, the order of members speaking on behalf of these groups
will be established on the basis of the membership of groups in
the last year before this situation has occurred.
2. A rotation between
the Political Groups will be ensured for the opening of each debate. This
rotation will be started anew at each Part-session.
3. After the first
round, the d’Hondt system will be applied taking also into account
the other criteria mentioned hereafter.
4. The order of speakers
will be governed by the d’Hondt system based on the same criteria as
those used for the distribution of chairmanships in Assembly committees.
5. A maximum of two
speakers from the same national delegation (even if belonging to
a different Political Group) shall follow each other on the list.
This does not apply to members speaking on behalf of Political Groups,
to Rapporteurs and to the end of the list of speakers when no alternation
is possible.
6. If a member’s
name appears amongst the first 10 speakers after the first round
for more than one debate, the member shall appear further down the
list the other times, unless he/she has been unable to speak in
the debate.
7. During one part-session,
members shall be entitled to enter their name on the register for a
maximum of five debates only, indicating an order of priority and
shall be allowed to address the Assembly during one Part-session
not more than three times. This does not apply to Rapporteurs, committee
chairpersons as part of their function and to members speaking on
behalf of Political Groups.
8. Subject to the provisions
of paragraph 14, the first half of a list of speakers shall not
include more than 50% of the members of a national delegation.
9. In the case of
a debate on a report particularly relevant to a member country,
a special guest, observer or partner for democracy country, the
list shall be drawn up in such a way as to allow for politically
balanced contributions from the countries concerned.
10. The ten members
who, during the previous Assembly part-session, have participated
in the highest number of votes taken in plenary shall be moved up
three positions on the lists of speakers on which they have been
11. For the establishment
of the d’Hondt calculation for the order of speakers, Non Registered members
will be treated like a Political Group and inserted accordingly
in the list.
12. Members of special
guest, observer and partner for democracy delegations shall follow
on the list of speakers each time (with the exception of the first
round) after a member of the smallest Political Group has taken
the floor.
13. If a speaker
whose name is on the list is prevented from taking the floor during
the debate, and he/she has notified the Chair before he/she has
been called, the first on the list of subsequent speakers from the
same Group will be moved up in his/her place.
14. The drawing up
of the final list for a debate shall be the responsibility of the
President of the Assembly. The occupant of the Chair shall take
responsibility for any changes in the list which become necessary
during the debate. The final list of speakers may not include more members
of a delegation than the number of seats held by that delegation
in the Assembly.