Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure*
ARetour au sommaireAtteindre l'élement suivantAtteindre l'élement précédent
Abstention (in roll-call vote)
Access (of government representatives/Ministers’ Deputies to committee meetings)
Access (of Ministers (Assembly and Committees))
Access (of Observers (Assembly and Committees))
Access (of Partners for democracy (Assembly and Committees))
Access (of representatives from national or international organisations)
Access (of secretaries of national delegations to committee meetings)
Access (of Special Guests (Assembly and committees))
Access (to chamber)
Access (to Committees)
Access (to galleries)
Activity report (Bureau and Standing Committee)
Ad hoc Committees and sub-committees
Adjournment of the Assembly or of a debate
Agenda of a Part-Session
Agenda of a Part-Session (adjournment, postponement of the debate)
Agenda of a Part-Session (adoption by the Bureau)
Agenda of a Part-Session (alterations to agenda)
Agenda of a Part-Session (communication of the draft agenda to all assembly members)
Agenda of a Part-Session (debate on question not included in agenda)
Agenda of a Part-Session (hybrid or remote part-sessions)
Agenda of a Part-Session (inclusion in agenda of certain reports)
Agenda of the Standing Committee
Alternates (in Committees)
Alternates (in Joint Committee)
Alternates (in sub-committees)
Alternates (of chairpersons of national delegations)
Alternates (of chairpersons of political groups)
Amendments and sub-amendments
Amendments and sub-amendments (by committees submitting the report or an opinion)
Amendments and sub-amendments (complicated or contradictory amendments)
Amendments and sub-amendments (deadline for tabling)
Amendments and sub-amendments (deadline for tabling )
Amendments and sub-amendments (enlarged debates on the activities of OECD )
Amendments and sub-amendments (number of signatures)
Amendments and sub-amendments (oral amendments and sub-amendments)
Amendments and sub-amendments (rapporteurs)
Amendments and sub-amendments (speaking time)
Amendments and sub-amendments (to draft texts)
Amendments and sub-amendments (vote in parts)
Amendments and sub-amendments (waiver of the immunity)
Amendments and sub-amendments (withdrawal)
Appointments see Elections and Representatives and Substitutes (in Committees)
Appointments see Elections and Representatives and Substitutes (majorities required)
Appointments see Elections and Representatives and Substitutes (secret ballot)
Appointments see Elections and Representatives and Substitutes (vote cast)
Assemblies, parliamentary and interparliamentary, of Non-Member States
Award of Assembly medals