Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure*
MRetour au sommaireAtteindre l'élement suivantAtteindre l'élement précédent
Majority required
Majority required (for alteration of draft agenda)
Majority required (for appointments (elections))
Majority required (for complementary joint procedure between the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly)
Majority required (for dismissal of the President or Vice-President)
Majority required (for election of chairpersons and vice-chairpersons of committees and sub-committees)
Majority required (for election of judges of the European Court of Human Rights)
Majority required (for election of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights)
Majority required (for election of the President)
Majority required (for election of the Vice-Presidents)
Majority required (for urgent procedure debate in the Assembly)
Majority required (for urgent procedure debate in the Standing Committee)
Majority required (in committee)
Majority required (in the Standing Committee)
Majority required (of the vote cast)
Majority required (of two-thirds of the vote cast)
Meetings of committees and sub-committees
Meetings of committees and sub-committees (access of members of the Assembly to)
Meetings of committees and sub-committees (access of Ministers and Ministers’ Deputies to)
Meetings of committees and sub-committees (access of observers to)
Meetings of committees and sub-committees (access of other persons)
Meetings of committees and sub-committees (access of secretaries of national delegations)
Meetings of committees and sub-committees (access of special guests)
Meetings of committees and sub-committees (convening of committee meetings)
Meetings of committees and sub-committees (hybrid or remote)
Meetings of committees and sub-committees (in camera)
Meetings of committees and sub-committees (joint meetings of committees)
Meetings of committees and sub-committees (minutes)
Meetings of committees and sub-committees (private character of committee and sub-committee meetings)
Minutes of committee meetings
Mobile telephones (no use in Assembly chamber and meeting rooms)
Morocco (participation in OECD debates)
Morocco (partner for democracy)
Motions (see also procedural motions) (dilatory motions)
Motions (see also procedural motions) (motions of censure)
Motions (see also procedural motions) (procedural motions)
Motions (see also procedural motions) (to alter draft agenda)
Motions for recommendations and resolutions tabled by Assembly members (to amend the Rules of Procedure)
Motions (for dismissal of the President or Vice-President)
Motions (for recommendations and resolutions)
Motions (to annul ratification of credentials)
Motions (to initiate a complementary joint procedure between the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly)