Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure* 
Sessions of the Assembly Retour au sommaire Atteindre l'élement suivant
- Sessions of the Assembly
Rule 1 - Ordinary sessions
1.1. The Assembly shall hold each
year an ordinary session
, divided into several part-sessions.

1.2. The
dates of the sessions shall be fixed by the Assembly or by the Standing
or, failing that,
by the Bureau in such a way that representatives and substitutes
may be notified personally not less than three weeks beforehand.

Rule 2 - Extraordinary
2.1. The Assembly may be convened
in extraordinary session by agreement between the President of the
Assembly and the Committee of Ministers, at the initiative of either.
Rule 3 - Place
of meeting 
sessions of the Assembly shall be held at the seat of the Council
of Europe unless the Assembly and the Committee of Ministers agree
that they should be held elsewhere.

3.2. Extraordinary
sessions shall be held at such place as shall be decided by agreement
between the President of the Assembly and the Committee of Ministers.
Rule 4 - Duration of sessions 
4.1. The
period during which the Assembly shall meet in ordinary session
shall not exceed a total of thirty-one days unless the Assembly
and the Committee of Ministers agree otherwise.
4.2. Extraordinary
sessions shall end when the agenda is finished.