Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure* 
Petitions Retour au sommaire Atteindre l'élement suivant
- Petitions
Rule 71 -
Petitions to the Assembly
71.1. Petitions must be addressed
to the President.
71.2. They must:
71.2.a. show the name
and address of each signatory whose signature must be authenticated in
accordance with the internal legislation of the state in which he
or she resides;
71.2.b. bear on matters
within the competence of the Council of Europe.
71.3. The
Bureau of the Assembly shall examine the admissibility of petitions
consulting relevant committees if necessary. 

71.4. A petition declared
admissible shall be referred by the Bureau to the competent committees
for examination.
71.5. When
a committee has examined a petition, it shall inform the Bureau
of the Assembly of its conclusions and recommendations. The Bureau
shall decide on any further action.