President of Latvia
Speech made to the Assembly
Tuesday, 23 January 2001

I am truly pleased to have this special opportunity to address you today. For the first time in the history of the Council of Europe, my country has assumed the chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers. That is a responsibility and an honour that Latvia is happy to assume as we welcome the opportunity to become more actively involved in European affairs.
I express my heartfelt congratulations to Armenia and Azerbaijan, which will become full members of the Council of Europe later this week. I have no doubt that membership of this Organisation will help to strengthen democracy, human rights and the rule of law in those two new member states.
The accession of Armenia and Azerbaijan attests to the progress that they have made on their commitments to the high human rights standards of the Council of Europe. Those standards must be applied in the same manner to all the Council’s member states if the moral and political credibility of this Organisation is not to suffer.
The Council of Europe has a proven record of fairness and objectivity, for which Latvia has had occasion to be grateful. More than forty years ago, in 1960, the Parliamentary Assembly expressed, in a resolution, its opposition to the forcible occupation of the Baltic states by the Soviet Union. I am very pleased that the Parliamentary Assembly decided earlier this morning to terminate its monitoring procedure on Latvia’s compliance with the commitments that we made on joining this Organisation. Thank you for that. It is evident that the Council of Europe must continue to defend fundamental democratic values throughout the European continent, whenever and wherever the need arises.
The Council of Europe is the only pan-European organisation that serves to assess the democratic maturity of its members, including all European Union candidate countries, EU member countries and others. This Organisation offers a democratic forum for a vast region stretching from the western shores of Europe all the way to the Caucasus. Through the promotion of open dialogue, the Council of Europe has worked towards achieving its main objectives, which are to ensure the protection and promotion of democracy, respect for human rights and the primacy of the rule of law among its member states.
In assuming the chairmanship of the Council’s Committee of Ministers, Latvia wishes to maintain continuity in the current priorities and activities of the Council of Europe. Those include: ensuring the continued effectiveness of the European Convention on Human Rights; reinforcing the political role of the Council of Europe; emphasising the standard-setting role of the Council of Europe in member states and applicant countries; highlighting the contribution of the Council of Europe to issues of cultural identity; and increasing the effectiveness of the Council of Europe as an organisation. We are confident that close co-operation with the upcoming presidencies of Liechtenstein, Lithuania and Luxembourg, will ensure attention to those priorities in the longer-term perspective.
Linguistic diversity is one of Europe’s greatest strengths, and that will become increasingly evident with the forthcoming enlargement of European institutions. Therefore, it is most appropriate, timely and symbolic that the Council of Europe and the European Union should have joined forces to organise the European Year of Languages. I would like to quote the introductory words of Walter Schwimmer, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, and Viviane Reding, the European Commissioner for Education and Culture, when they launched the European Year of Languages: “Everyone in Europe should have the opportunity, throughout their lifetime, to learn languages. Everybody deserves the right to benefit from the cultural and economic advantages that language skills can bring. Learning languages also helps to develop tolerance and understanding between people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds.”
As a country whose national language is spoken by only about 2 million people worldwide, Latvia also wishes to contribute to the protection and promotion of Europe’s smaller languages in this, the European Year of Languages. In April, Riga will host a conference on minority languages, which will be Latvia’s main contribution to marking the European Year of Languages. My thanks go to the Council of Europe for its active involvement in that conference, at which linguists, politicians, and representatives of governmental and nongovernmental organisations will be invited to participate.
Given that Latvia has been home to a multicultural society for several centuries, and given Latvia’s unique and advantageous geographical position at the crossroads between East and West, most Latvians speak at least one foreign language.
Latvia’s multicultural environment is reflected in the country’s primary education system, which provides schooling to a greater or lesser extent in six different languages, including Roma. There are almost 200 Russian language schools in the country, as well as Polish, Jewish, Ukrainian and Belarussian schools. Minority children in Latvia are being given the chance to maintain their cultural identity while being Latvians and Europeans, in a spirit of cultural diversity and tolerance.
Since the end of the 1980s, minorities such as Lithuanians, Estonians, Russians, Belarussians, Germans, Poles, Jews, Roma, Tartars, Hungarians and Moldovans have renewed the cultivation of their identity in Latvia. There has been rapid growth in the number of national cultural associations, several of which have united under the Association of Ethnic Minorities and Cultural Societies in Latvia. Those of you who attended last month’s closing ceremony in Riga of the Council of Europe’s Campaign on a Common Heritage might have noticed the spirit of harmonious co habitation that governs relations between Latvia’s ethnic groups.
Relations among Latvia’s different ethnic groups are satisfactory, but the legacy of the fifty-year Soviet occupation still weighs heavily on my country. A considerable number of inhabitants have yet to acquire Latvian citizenship. They are, of course, legal permanent residents with legal rights to employment, property, ownership and unrestricted travel. Some are choosing to become Russian citizens and others Latvian citizens. Others still are undecided. Recent opinion polls show that many people are afraid of failing the naturalisation board’s Latvian language examination. Those fears are largely groundless since 95% of those who take the exam pass it.
The Latvian Government, in close co-operation with the Council of Europe and other international organisations, has established a language policy aimed at achieving increased Latvian language proficiency throughout the country. Latvia’s language law, together with the regulations for its implementation, was also elaborated in co-operation with the Council of Europe and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
Our aim is to create an environment in which non- Latvian speakers feel motivated to learn the state language, while maintaining their own mother tongues. I believe that that is an achievable aim. The state programme for Latvian language learning has been successfully ensuring the acquisition of the Latvian language for non-Latvian teachers, doctors, police officers, the unemployed and other groups. The programme is supported by the government and international donors, including Denmark, Finland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. We are very grateful for that support, and the results have been very impressive. In 2000 only 9% of non-Latvians surveyed said that they could not speak Latvian, compared to 22% in 1996.
A country’s national language is a manifestation of its identity and an instrument of communication and social integration. We are encouraging our minority population to master the Latvian language, because in the end a good knowledge of Latvian will increase their economic marketability and ensure their ability to participate in the country’s democratic processes. Nevertheless, language learning automatically depends on each individual’s commitments and motivation. Initiatives taken by the government can only set the framework that make learning and integration possible. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.
Language policy is but one area of the Council of Europe’s successful co-operation with Latvia. The Council of Europe has also provided expertise to the Latvian naturalisation board in establishing criteria for its naturalisation tests. Latvia has made good use of international funding for other programmes as well, which were later taken over by our government.
Those programmes relate to areas such as the strengthening of democracy, the protection of minorities, the promotion of tolerance and understanding and increasing the state’s administrative capacity. Latvia has in many cases become a positive role model, and other countries now seek our advice in several areas.
The Latvian National Language Centre is sharing its experience with Moldova and the Latvian School of Administration has submitted co-operation proposals to Georgia. There are encouraging signs of future cooperation with Ukraine in sharing the lessons that we have learned on our path of integration into the European Union and in restructuring our economy. There are other examples of such friendly co-operation at all levels, including the parliamentary level, with a variety of countries. We feel honoured to be consulted and are proud to give assistance to others.
I conclude by addressing the question of the European Convention on Human Rights. Last November, ministers from all the Council of Europe states gathered in Rome to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Convention, which is now widely recognised as the lynchpin of the European human rights protection system and as a fundamental achievement of the Council of Europe.
Until now, the success of the Convention has been largely due to the excellent work of the European Court of Human Rights. However, a vast increase in the number of individual applications over recent years has placed an enormous strain on the Court’s capacity. A thorough review of the Court’s workings and, possibly, a reform of the Convention system is required. I warmly welcome the efforts of the Committee of Ministers and the European Court of Human Rights to tackle the issue jointly.
The effectiveness of the Convention system also depends on member states’ willingness to implement the Court’s judgment. The Parliamentary Assembly has contributed a most valuable report on the matter which was debated at the Assembly’s previous session last September.
I must also stress the need for the best efforts of each member country’s national institutions, particularly the courts, to safeguard the rights laid down in the Convention. The Council of Europe has the noble task of ensuring that member states comply with the highest human rights standards. Let us make a concerted effort this year to give a new lease of life to the Convention and to the European Court of Human Rights. By doing so, we will ensure that the Council of Europe remains at the vanguard of the struggle to defend human dignity and individual rights.