Voting results

Select Session
Date   Votes on draft texts
23/04/2013 Ending discrimination against Roma children (Doc. 13158)
23/04/2013 Fighting “child sex tourism” (Doc. 13152)
23/04/2013 Parliaments united in combating sexual violence against children: mid-term review of the ONE in FIVE Campaign (Doc. 13151)
23/04/2013 Post-monitoring dialogue with Turkey (Doc. 13160)
24/04/2013 Culture and education through national parliaments: European policies (Doc. 13142)
24/04/2013 Violence against religious communities (Doc. 13157)
24/04/2013 Young Europeans: an urgent educational challenge (Doc. 13155)
24/04/2013 Young people's access to fundamental rights (Doc. 13156)
25/04/2013 Challenge on procedural grounds of the still unratified credentials of Mr Andriy Shevchenko (Ukraine, EPP/CD) (Doc. 13193)
25/04/2013 Frontex: human rights responsibilities (Doc. 13161)
25/04/2013 Management of mixed migration and asylum challenges beyond the European Union's eastern border (Doc. 13163)
26/04/2013 Draft Protocol No. 15 amending the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Doc. 13154)
26/04/2013 Ethics in science and technology (Doc. 13141)
26/04/2013 Nanotechnology: balancing benefits and risks to public health and the environment (Doc. 13117)