Voting results

Select Session
Date   Votes on draft texts
27/01/2020 First part of the 2020 Ordinary Session (27-31 January 2020) (Doc. 15013)
28/01/2020 The functioning of democratic institutions in Poland (Doc. 15025)
28/01/2020 Threats to media freedom and journalists’ security in Europe (Doc. 15021)
29/01/2020 Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of the Russian Federation (Doc. 15050)
29/01/2020 Complementary joint procedure between the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly in response to a serious violation by a member State of its statutory obligations (Doc. 15024)
29/01/2020 The protection of freedom of religion or belief in the workplace (Doc. 15015)
30/01/2020 Concerted action against human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants (Doc. 15023)
30/01/2020 International obligations concerning the repatriation of children from war and conflict zones (Doc. 15055)
30/01/2020 Missing refugee and migrant children in Europe (Doc. 15026)
30/01/2020 Reported cases of political prisoners in Azerbaijan (Doc. 15020)
30/01/2020 The progress of the Assembly's monitoring procedure (January-December 2019) (Doc. 15031)
31/01/2020 Combating trafficking in human tissues and cells (Doc. 15022)
31/01/2020 Democracy hacked? How to respond? (Doc. 15028)
31/01/2020 Organ transplant tourism (Doc. 15029)