Progress report | Doc. 13094 Add. | 21 January 2013
Activities of the Assembly’s Bureau and Standing Committee (21 January 2013)
Bureau of the Assembly
1. Decisions of the Bureau of 21 January 2013 requiring ratification by the Assembly
1.1. Election observations
1.1.1. Presidential election in Armenia (18 February 2013)
1.1.2. Presidential election in Montenegro (7 April 2013)
1.2. References and transmissions to committees
- Doc. 13093, Draft Protocol no. 15 amending the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Request for an opinion by the Committee of Ministers, to the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights for report
1.3. Implementation of Resolution 1903 (2012) on the code of conduct of members of the Parliamentary Assembly: good practice or a core duty
1.4. Protection mechanism against attacks, in the Bureau and Committees, on members’ honour and reputation
- the application mutatis mutandis of the right-to-reply procedure provided for in Resolution 1854 (2011) concerning response to defamatory statements made in plenary sittings, to statements made during meetings of the Bureau or of committees;
- requesting the Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs to examine the question of setting up a special committee responsible for order-related matters, including complaints over defamatory statements made by Assembly members;
- requesting the Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs to examine the issue of the right to speak of a member whose still unratified credentials are challenged in accordance with Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure in the framework of the report on “Evaluation of the implementation of the reform of the Parliamentary Assembly”.
1.5. Resolution 1376 (2004) relating to Cyprus
The Assembly is invited to ratify the above proposals made by the Bureau.
2. Other decisions of the Bureau
2.1. Vice-Presidents of the Assembly in 2013
2.2. Election observation
2.2.1. Presidential election in Armenia (18 February 2013)
2.3. References and transmissions to committees
- Doc.12548, Motion for a resolution on “National security and access to information” Reference 3762 of 15.04.2011 extended until 30.06.2013.
2.4. Communications
2.5. Appointment of Assembly representatives for official activities
- Mr Cavuşoğlu (Turkey, EDG), 21st annual meeting of the Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum and Round Table on “Russia as a bridge between Europe and Asia: parliamentary dimension”, in Vladivostok (Russian Federation), 27-31 January 2013;
- Mr Flego (Croatia, SOC), High Level Conference on “Skills for a culture of democracy and intercultural dialogue: a political challenge and one of values”, in Andorra la Vella, 7-8 February 2013
- Mr Walter (United Kingdom, EDG), 128th Parliamentary Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), in Quito (Equador), 22-27 March 2013 (at no cost for the Assembly).
Appendix 1 – AS/Bur/Arm (2013) 2 REV
(open)Ad hoc committee for the observation of the presidential election in Armenia / Commission ad hoc pour l’observation de l’élection présidentielle en Arménie
17 January 2013
18 February 2013
List of members / Liste des membres
Karin WOLDSETH (EDG, Norway), Head of the Delegation / chef de la délégation
group of the european people’s party (epp/cd) / groupe du parti populaire europeen (ppe/dc)
- Jean-Marie BOCKEL, France
- Lolita ČIGĀNE, Latvia / Lettonie
- Renato FARINA, Italy / Italie
- Marietta de POURBAIX-LUNDIN, Sweden / Suède
- Cezar Florin PREDA, Romania / Roumanie
- Senad ŠEPIĆ, Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie Herzegovine
- Luca VOLONTÈ *, Italy / Italie
Substitutes / suppléants
- Mladen IVANIĆ, Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie Herzegovine
- Nermina KAPETANOVIĆ, Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie Herzegovine
- François ROCHEBLOINE, France
- Stefaan VERCAMER, Belgium / Belgique
Socialist group (soc) / groupe socialiste (soc)
- Tadeusz IWINSKI, Poland / Pologne
- Paolo CORSINI, Italy / Italie
- Pietro MARCENARO, Italy / Italie
- Luc RECORDON, Switzerland / Suisse
- René ROUQUET, France
- Stefan SCHENNACH *, Austria / Autriche
Substitutes / suppléants
- Lennart AXELSSON, Sweden / Suède
- Christian BATAILLE, France
- Arcadio DIAZ TEJERA, Spain / Espagne
European democrat group (edg) / groupe democrate europeen (gde)
- Sir Roger GALE, United Kingdom / Royaume Uni
- Øyvind VAKSDAL, Norway / Norvège
Substitutes / suppléants
- ....
Alliance of liberals and democrats for europe (alde) / Alliance des democrates et des liberaux pour l’europe (adle)
- André BUGNON, Switzerland / Suisse
- Kerstin LUNDGREN, Sweden / Suède
- Mailis REPS*, Estonia / Estonie
Substitutes / suppléants
- Anti KAIKKONEN, Finland / Finlande
- Nursuna MEMECAN, Turkey / Turquie
Group of the Unified European Left (UEL) / Groupe pour la gauche unitaire européenne (GUE)
- Dimitrios PAPADIMOULIS, Greece / grèce
Co-rapporteurs AS/MON (ex-officio)
- Axel FISCHER*, Germany / Allemagne
- John PRESCOTT*, United Kingdom / Royaume Uni
Venice Commission / Commission de Venise
- Bogdan Torcatoriu, Administrator, interparliamentary cooperation and Election Observation
- Bastiaan Klein,Administrator, Monitoring Committee
- Franck Daeschler, Prinicpal Administrative Assistant, interparliamentary cooperation and Election Observation
* Pre electoral mission / mission pré-électorale (16-17 January 2013)
Appendix 2 – AS/Bur (2012) 72 rev
(open)Implementation of Resolution 1903 (2012) “Code of conduct of members of the Parliamentary Assembly: good practice or a core duty?”
9 January 2013
Bureau of the Assembly
Memorandum prepared by the Secretary General of the Assembly
1. Introduction
- the rules on access to and movement and security within Council of Europe premises during Parliamentary Sessions, and the appendices to the rules in question, in order to establish rules to apply to interest group representatives during Assembly sessions and to clearly identify such representatives (paragraph 9.2);
- the special rules on honorary association of the Parliamentary Assembly, and the special rules on the title and prerogatives of the Honorary President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (paragraph 9.3);
- the guidelines for the observation of elections by the Parliamentary Assembly, with a view to amending the provisions concerning conflict of interest and clarifying the declaratory requirements incumbent on members of ad hoc committees (paragraph 11).
2. Considerations regarding the registration of gifts or similar benefits
- Standing Committee, Bureau or committee meetings held outside Strasbourg;
- fact-finding visits carried out by rapporteurs in the preparatory stages of their reports;
- election observation missions;
- official visits by the President of the Assembly;
- miscellaneous events (conferences, seminars, meetings, organised by the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly, INGOs, national authorities or other international organisations, etc.) at which members represent the Parliamentary Assembly.

- information is gathered by means of a written declaration, using a specific form
or on ordinary paper,
sometimes by way of simple e-mail
or oral declaration
, and then recorded in a hard-copy
or electronic
register kept by the relevant parliamentary department;
more rarely, in some parliaments, this information is not recorded in an official centralised register.
- there are variations in the length of time the information is stored and in access to the information provided in the declaration. The information may be kept for the duration of the legislative period,
for the length of a given member’s term of office,
for a given period following the end of the member’s term of office
or indefinitely;
- with regard to access, electronic registers may be open to the public,
have restricted access,
or be accessible on request.
Conversely, some are not publicly accessible.

3. Introduction of a procedure for registering gifts and similar benefits of a minimum value of €200
- collection of information: any member having received a gift or enjoyed a similar benefit
of a minimum value of €200 must make a declaration to that effect, within one month, by filling out a standard form (draft version appended to this memorandum). The declaration should be e-mailed to the Assembly Secretariat using the following dedicated address ([email protected]).
- information management: once the declaration has been received, it will be entered, by date order, in a register kept by the secretariat of the Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs. The information collected will be stored for a period of 5 years.
- access to the register: the declarations are public and may be made available to anyone on request.
4. Conclusion
Appendix – Standard form for declaring gifts or similar benefits of a minimum value of €200
Appendix 3 – AS/Bur (2013) 05
(open)Protection mechanism against attacks, in the Bureau and committees, on members’ honour and reputation
16 January 2013
Bureau of the Assembly
Memorandum prepared by the Secretary General of the Assembly
1. Introduction

2. Existing rules
2.1. Provisions relating to the maintaining of order in plenary sittings
"21.1. The President shall call to order any member of the Assembly who causes a disturbance during proceedings.
21.6. Words or expressions which affront human dignity, undermine the right to respect for private life, or which may prejudice orderly debate may not be used. The President may order such words to be struck from the report of debates. (…)The report of the debates shall record any such decision."

2.2. Provisions affording protection from attacks on a person's honour and reputation (Rule 21.6 of the Rules of Procedure) through a right of reply
"1. Any member of the Assembly who has been named or referred to directly and considers that his or her reputation has been adversely affected by a statement made in the course of a debate by another member may ask the President of the Assembly to take the floor for not more than two minutes at the end of the debate. The President has the discretion to decide on how to respond to such a request. He or she may ask the person who made the statement to provide an explanation.
2. Any person who has been named or referred to directly and considers that his or her reputation has been adversely affected by a statement made in the course of a debate by a member of the Assembly may submit a written request to the President of the Assembly for an appropriate response to be included in the record.
3. The written request shall be reasoned, make reference to the impugned statement in the record and shall not contain any vexatious or offensive wording; it shall be submitted within three months of the date of the sitting during which the statement at issue was made.
4. The President shall examine the request and decide:
- either to include in the record a note in respect of the impugned statement along the following model: “By letter dated …, [person’s name] disagrees with the assertion/statement appearing in this record, on the ground that ";
- or not to include such a note.
5. This provision shall not apply if the words spoken have been struck from the record in accordance with Rule 21.6.".
2.3. Application of these provisions to the maintaining of order in committee meetings
3. Proposals
Concerning the protection of Assembly members, in Bureau and committee meetings, from attacks on their honour and reputation:
Concerning the setting up of a specific committee within the Assembly:
4. Conclusion
Appendix 4 – AS/Bur (2013) 08
(open)Election of the Vice-Presidents of the Assembly for 2013
18 January 2013
France |
Germany / Allemagne |
Mr Joachim HÖRSTER |
Italy / Italie |
Mr Luigi VITALI |
Russian Federation / Fédération de Russie |
Mr Alexey PUSHKOV |
United Kingdom / Royaume-Uni |
Mr Robert WALTER |
Poland / Pologne |
Mr Andrzej HALICKI |
Spain / Espagne |
Mr José Maria BENEYTO |
Turkey / Turquie |
Ms Nursuna MEMECAN |
Romania / Roumanie |
Vacant seat / siège vacant |
Serbia / Serbie |
Ms Aleksandra DJUROVIĆ |
Slovak Republic / République slovaque |
Sweden / Suède |
Ms Marietta de POURBAIX-LUNDIN |
Switzerland / Suisse |
Austria / Autriche |
Ms Gisela WURM |
Azerbaijan / Azerbaïdjan |
Mr Samad SEYIDOV |
Belgium / Belgique |
Mr Patrick MORIAU |
Luxembourg |
Mr Fernand BODEN |
Malta / Malte |
Mr Francis AGIUS |
Monaco |
Mr Jean-Charles GARDETTO |
Montenegro / Monténégro |