See related documents
Recommendation 1947 (2010) Final version
Noise and light pollution
1. The Parliamentary Assembly, referring
to its Resolution 1776
(2010) on noise and light pollution, underlines the significant
harmful effects of noise and light pollution on the environment
in general, and on biodiversity and human health in particular.
2. It recommends that the Committee of Ministers:
2.1. invite member and observer states
of the Council of Europe to review their legislation regarding noise
and light pollution to ensure that it is relevant to the present-day
2.2. consider whether or not it would be appropriate to draft
a framework convention on the measures to be taken, at pan-European
level, to address the scourge of noise and light pollution.
3. The Assembly also calls on the Congress of Local and Regional
Authorities of the Council of Europe to analyse and encourage good
practices in the fight against noise and light pollution at local
and regional level.