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Amendment No. 3 | Doc. 12898 | 23 April 2012

The promotion of active citizenship in Europe

Signatories: Mr Oliver HEALD, United Kingdom, EDG ; Lord Donald ANDERSON, United Kingdom, SOC ; Lord Tim BOSWELL, United Kingdom, EDG ; Mr Jeffrey DONALDSON, United Kingdom, EDG ; Baroness Diana ECCLES, United Kingdom, EDG

Origin - 2012 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 7, insert the following paragraph:

"Regarding the progress of a common agenda within the Council of Europe itself, the Assembly would encourage the following five steps: implementing the Chavez report (as agreed in Kiev in 2011 by the conference of Ministers for local and regional government); agreeing priorities annually; undertaking activity efficiently and transparently; reporting annually to citizens; and adopting administrative structures which support the new approach."