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Amendment No. 3 | Doc. 13018 | 01 October 2012

The honouring of obligations and commitments by the Russian Federation

Signatories: Mr Alexey PUSHKOV, Russian Federation, EDG ; Mr Miloš ALIGRUDIĆ, Serbia, EDG ; Mr Brian BINLEY, United Kingdom, EDG ; Baroness Margaret EATON, United Kingdom, EDG ; Baroness Diana ECCLES, United Kingdom, EDG ; Ms Sevinj FATALIYEVA, Azerbaijan, EDG ; Ms Sahiba GAFAROVA, Azerbaijan, EDG ; Mr Davit HARUTYUNYAN, Armenia, EDG ; Mr Alexey KNYSHOV, Russian Federation, EDG ; Mr Ian LIDDELL-GRAINGER, United Kingdom, EDG ; Mr Samad SEYIDOV, Azerbaijan, EDG ; Mr Alexander SIDYAKIN, Russian Federation, EDG ; Mr Leonid SLUTSKY, Russian Federation, SOC ; Mr Øyvind VAKSDAL, Norway, EDG

Origin - 2012 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 11, delete the following words:

"and the use of disproportionate force to disperse them".

Explanatory note

The police of the United Kingdom, Greece, Belgium, the USA and some other countries have recently used tougher methods to disperse peaceful demonstrations. The word "disproportionate" seems to be rhetorical rather than notional in this context.