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Amendment No. 1 | Doc. 13142 | 23 April 2013

Culture and education through national parliaments: European policies

Signatories: Mr Robert SHLEGEL, Russian Federation, EDG ; Mr Otari ARSHBA, Russian Federation, EDG ; Mr Leonid KALASHNIKOV, Russian Federation, UEL ; Mr Anvar MAKHMUTOV, Russian Federation, EDG ; Mr Alexander SIDYAKIN, Russian Federation, EDG

Origin - 2013 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 3, before the words "by the European Union", insert the following words:

", if appropriate,".

Explanatory note

Such wording is used by the rapporteur in paragraph 5 of the present draft resolution and, in our view, it better reflects the realities of the composition of the Council of Europe as our Organisation consists of countries which are member states of the EU as well as countries which are not members of the EU.