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Progress report | Doc. 13872 Addendum I | 28 September 2015

Activities of the Assembly's Bureau and Standing Committee (28 September 2015)

1. Decisions of the Bureau of 28 September 2015 submitted for ratification by the Assembly

1.1. Composition of the Monitoring Committee

On the basis of proposals respectively by the Socialist Group and the European Conservatives Group, the Bureau nominated Ms Yuliya L’Ovochkina (Ukraine, SOC) and Lady Diana Eccles (United Kingdom, EC), subject to ratification by the Assembly (see document Commission 07 addendum 1).

1.2. Composition of the Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs

On the basis of a proposal by the European Conservatives Group, the Bureau nominated Mr Reha Denemeç (Turkey) instead of Mr Tuğrul Türkeş (Turkey) (see document Commission 07 addendum 1).

2. Decisions of the Bureau of 28 September 2015 submitted for confirmation by the Assembly

2.1. Request for the opening of a monitoring procedure in respect of France

The Bureau took note of the opinion of the Monitoring Committee against opening a monitoring procedure in respect of France and considered that there is no need to open this procedure. This decision is subject to confirmation by the Assembly.

3. Other decisions by the Bureau

3.1. Fourth part-session of 2015 (28 September to 2 October)

3.1.1. Request for a current affairs debate (under Rule 53 of the Rules of Procedure)

The Bureau decided to propose to the Assembly to hold a current affairs debate on A comprehensive humanitarian and political response to the migration and refugee crisis in Europe on Tuesday 29 September in the afternoon, and designated Mr Pedro Agramunt (Spain, EPP/CD) as first speaker.

3.1.2. Draft agenda

The Bureau updated the draft agenda.

3.1.3. Election of a judge to the European Court of Human Rights in respect of the Slovak Republic

The Bureau took note of the report drawn up by the committee on the election of a judge following interviews with candidates for the post of judge to the Court in respect of the Slovak Republic. This report had been already declassified by the committee and submitted to the attention of all members of the Assembly (Doc. 13872 Addendum II).

3.2. Election observation

3.2.1. Kyrgyzstan: parliamentary elections (4 October 2015)

The Bureau approved the final composition of the ad hoc committee (Appendix 1) and took note of the appointment by Ms Brasseur of its chairperson, Ms Meritxell Mateu Pi (Andorra, ALDE).

3.2.2. Belarus: presidential election (11 October 2015)

The Bureau took note of the press release of the pre-electoral mission, approved the final composition of the ad hoc committee (Appendix 2) and appointed Mr Reha Denemeç (Turkey, EC) as its chairperson for the election observation mission.

3.2.3. Ukraine: local elections (25 October 2015)

The Bureau approved the composition of the ad hoc committee (Appendix 3) which will observe the elections as part of the Congress delegation and appointed Mr Emanuelis Zingeris (Lithuania, EPP/CD) as its leader.

3.2.4. Azerbaijan: parliamentary elections (1 November 2015)

The Bureau reviewed the situation and confirmed its decision to observe these elections.

It also took note of the press release of the pre-electoral mission and approved the final composition of the ad hoc committee (Appendix 4).

3.2.5. Turkey: early parliamentary elections (1 November 2015)

The Bureau approved the composition of the ad hoc committee (Appendix 5) and appointed Mr Andreas Gross (Switzerland, SOC) as its Chairperson.

3.3. Meeting elsewhere than Strasbourg and Paris

The Bureau authorised the ad hoc sub-committee of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination to participate in the Conference on “Monitoring the implementation of the Istanbul Convention: New Synergies”, which will take place in Sarajevo on 20 October 2015.

Appendix 1 – Ad hoc committee for the observation of the parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan (4 October 2015)


List of members

Chairperson: Meritxell MATEU PI (Andorra, ALDE)

Socialist Group (SOC) – 7 seats

  • Paolo CORSINI, Italy
  • Josette DURRIEU, France
  • Gisela WURM, Austria
  • Florin IORDACHE, Romania

Group of the European People’s Party (EPP/CD) – 7 seats

  • Deborah BERGAMINI, Italy
  • Inese LĪBIŅA-EGNERE, Latvia
  • Stefaan VERCAMER, Belgium
  • Andres HERKEL, Estonia
  • Yves POZZO DI BORGO, France
  • Attila TILKI, Hungary

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) – 3 seats

  • André BUGNON, Switzerland
  • Meritxell MATEU PI, Andorra
  • Nellija KLEINBERGA, Latvia
  • Chiora TAKTAKISHVILI, Georgia

European Conservatives Group (EC) – 2 seats

  • Lord Richard BALFE, United Kingdom
  • Ingebjørg GODSKESEN, Norway

Group of the Unified European Left (UEL) – 1 seat

Rapporteur – Evaluation of the Partnership for Democracy in respect of the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic

Expert – Venice Commission

  • Nicolae ESANU, Moldova


  • Chemavon CHAHBAZIAN, Head of the Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division
  • Daniele GASTL, Assistant, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division
  • Gaël MARTIN-MICALLEF, Administrator, Venice Commission

Appendix 2 – Ad hoc committee for the observation of the presidential election in Belarus (11 October 2015)


List of members

Chairperson: Reha DENEMEÇ (Turkey, EC)

Socialist Group (SOC)

  • Jonas GUNNARSSON, Sweden*
  • Titus CORLATEAN, Romania
  • Luc RECORDON, Switzerland


  • Paolo CORSINI, Italy
  • Gisela WURM, Austria
  • Arcadio DIAZ TEJERA, Spain
  • Ermira MEHMETI DEVAJA, “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”
  • Geneviève GOSSELIN-FLEURY, France
  • Birute VESAITE, Lithuania
  • Marit MAIJ, The Netherlands

Group of the European People’s Party (EPP/CD)

  • Thierry MARIANI, France
  • Emanuelis ZINGERIS, Lithuania
  • Yves POZZO DI BORGO, France


  • Ben-Oni ARDELEAN, Romania
  • Viorel Riceard BADEA, Romania
  • Corneliu Mugurel COZMANCIUC, Romania
  • Attila KORODI, Romania
  • Olivia MITCHELL, Ireland

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)

  • Marieluise BECK, Germany*
  • Luis Alberto ORELLANA, Italy


  • Ksenija KORENJAK KRAMAR, Slovenia
  • Goran TUPONJA, Montenegro

European Conservatives Group (EC)

  • Robert NEILL, United Kingdom
  • Reha DENEMEÇ, Turkey*


  • Ömer SELVI, Turkey
  • Richard BALFE, United Kingdom
  • Egemen BAĞIŞ, Turkey

Group of the Unified European Left (UEL)

  • Andrej HUNKO, Germany*

Rapporteur AS/POL

  • Andrea RIGONI, Italy*


  • Chemavon CHAHBAZIAN, Head of the Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division
  • Franck DAESCHLER, Principal administrative assistant, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division

* members of the pre-election delegation

Appendix 3 – Ad hoc committee for the observation of the local elections in Ukraine (25 October 2015)


List of members

Leader: Emanuelis ZINGERIS (Lithuania, EPP/CD)

Group of the European People’s Party (EPP/CD)

  • Imer ALIU, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”
  • Emanuelis ZINGERIS, Lithuania
  • ZZ
  • ZZ
  • ZZ
  • ZZ
  • ZZ

Socialist Group (SOC)

  • Marit MAIJ, Netherlands
  • Birutè VĖSAITĖ, Lithuania
  • Saša MAGAZINOVIĆ, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Philippe BLANCHART, Belgium
  • Ferdinand AIELLO, Italy
  • Arcadio DĺAZ TEJERA, Spain
  • Claude ADAM, Luxembourg


  • Anna ASCANI, Italy

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)

  • Krýstina ZELIENKOVÁ, Czech Republic
  • Marieluise BECK, Germany
  • Kerstin LUNDGREN, Sweden


  • Andrea RIGONI, Italy
  • Alfred HEER, Switzerland

European Conservatives Group (EC)

  • Ingebjørg GODSKESEN, Norway
  • ZZ

Group of the Unified European Left (UEL)

  • Andrej HUNKO, Germany

Co-rapporteurs AS/MON (ex officio)

  • Jean-Claude MIGNON, France
  • Jordi XUCLÀ, Spain

Venice Commission


  • Chemavon CHAHBAZIAN, Head of the Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division
  • Daniele GASTL, Assistant, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division

Appendix 4 – Ad hoc committee for the observation of the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan (1 November 2015)


List of members

Chairperson: Jordi XUCLÀ* (Spain, ALDE)

Socialist Group (SOC)

  • Franck SCHWABE, Germany
  • Maria GUZENINA, Finland
  • Sílvia BONET PEROT, Andorra
  • Maryvonne BLONDIN, France
  • Stefan SCHENNACH, Austria
  • Luc RECORDON, Switzerland
  • Michael McNAMARA, Ireland
  • Arcadio DíAZ TEJERA, Spain
  • Attila MESTERHÁZY, Hungary
  • Valentina LESKAJ, Albania
  • Ute FINCKH-KRÄMER, Germany


  • René ROUQUET, France
  • Pascale CROZON, France
  • Ferdinando AIELLO, Italy
  • Josette DURRIEU, France
  • Ol’ga NACHTMANNOVÁ, Slovak Republic
  • Dana VÁHALOVÁ, Czech Republic
  • Milica MARKOVIĆ, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Ermira MEHMETI DEVAJA, “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”
  • Birute VESAITE, Lithuania
  • Predrag SEKULIĆ, Montenegro
  • Philippe BLANCHART, Belgium
  • Joseph DEBONO GRECH, Malta
  • Florin PȂSLARU, Romania
  • Marit MAIJ, Netherlands

Group of the European People’s Party (EPP/CD)

  • Pedro AGRAMUNT, Spain
  • Aleksandra DJUROVIĆ, Serbia
  • Giuseppe GALATI, Italy
  • Valeriu GHILETCHI, Republic of Moldova
  • Evangelos MEIMARAKIS, Greece
  • Aleksandar NIKOLOSKI*, “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”
  • Cezar Florin PREDA, Romania
  • Senad ŠEPIĆ, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Karin STRENZ, Germany


  • Boriana ÅBERG, Sweden
  • Werner AMON, Austria
  • Elena CENTEMERO, Italy
  • Şaban DİŞLİ, Turkey
  • Nicole DURANTON, France
  • Claudio FAZZONE, Italy
  • Hans FRANKEN, Netherlands
  • Iryna GERASHCHENKO, Ukraine
  • Nermina KAPETANOVIĆ, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Inese LĪBIŅA-EGNERE, Latvia
  • Marija OBRADOVIĆ, Serbia
  • Gabriela PECKOVÁ, Czech Republic
  • François ROCHEBLOINE, France
  • Andrej ŠIRCELJ, Slovenia
  • Ionuţ-Marian STROE, Romania
  • Attila TILKI, Hungary
  • Tobias ZECH, Germany

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)

  • Sirkka-Liisa ANTTILA, Finland
  • Alain DESTEXHE, Belgium
  • Andrea RIGONI, Italy
  • Jordi XUCLÀ*, Spain


  • Alfred HEER, Switzerland
  • Bernard PASQUIER, Monaco
  • Adele GAMBARO, Italy
  • Ksenija KORENJAK KRAMAR, Slovenia

European Conservatives Group (EC)

  • Egemen BAǦIŞ *, Turkey
  • Roger GALE, United Kingdom
  • Oleksii HONCHARENKO, Ukraine


  • Brian BINLEY, United Kingdom
  • Margaret EATON, United Kingdom
  • Tüllin ERKAL KARA, Turkey
  • Richard BALFE, United Kingdom

Group of the Unified European Left (UEL)

  • Athanasia ANAGNOSTOPOULOU*, Greece
  • Ioanneta KAVVADIA, Greece

Rapporteurs AS/MON (ex officio)

  • Agustín CONDE, Spain
  • Tadeusz IWIŃSKI, Poland


  • Bogdan TORCĂTORIU, Administrative Officer, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division
  • Franck DAESCHLER, Principal administrative assistant, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division
  • Anne GODFREY, Assistant, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division

* members of the pre-election delegation

Appendix 5 – Ad hoc committee for the observation of the parliamentary elections in Turkey (1 November 2015)


List of members

Chairperson: Andreas GROSS (Switzerland, SOC)

Group of the European People’s Party (EPP/CD)

  • Volodymyr ARIEV, Ukraine*
  • Elena CENTEMERO, Italy
  • Nicole DURANTON, France
  • Iryna GERASHCHENKO, Ukraine
  • Nermina KAPETANOVIĆ, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Anže LOGAR, Slovenia
  • Ionuƫ-Marian STROE, Romania
  • ZZ
  • ZZ
  • ZZ
  • ZZ


  • Imer ALIU, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
  • Ben-Oni ARDELEAN, Romania
  • Yves POZZO di BORGO, France
  • François ROCHEBLOINE, France
  • Attila TILKI, Hungary

Socialist Group (SOC)

  • Andreas GROSS, Switzerland*
  • Josette DURRIEU, France
  • René ROUQUET, France
  • Athina KYRIAKIDOU, Cyprus
  • Birutè VĖSAITĖ, Lithuania
  • Predrag SEKULIĆ, Montenegro
  • Saša MAGAZINOVIĆ, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Philippe BIES, France
  • Paolo CORSINI, Italy
  • Yuliya L’OVOCHKINA, Ukraine

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)

  • André BUGNON, Switzerland
  • Alfred HEER, Switzerland
  • Olena SOTNYK, Ukraine*
  • Carles JORDANA MADERO, Andorra

European Conservatives Group (EC)

  • Richard BALFE, United Kingdom
  • Christopher CHOPE, United Kingdom*

Group of the Unified European Left (UEL)

  • Nikolaj VILLUMSEN, Denmark*
  • George LOUKAIDES, Cyprus


  • Tiny KOX, Netherlands

Rapporteur AS/MON (ex officio)

  • Ms Ingebjørg GODSKESEN, Norway*
  • Ms Nataša VUCKOVIC, Serbia*

Venice Commission


  • Sylvie AFFHOLDER, Administrator, Parliamentary Assembly
  • Danièle GASTL, Assistant, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division
  • Anna KOLOTOVA, Secretary of the Group of the Unified European Left (UEL)

* Pre-electoral mission