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Amendment No. 8 | Doc. 13863 | 29 September 2015

Abuse of pretrial detention in States Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights

Signatories: Ms Manana KOBAKHIDZE, Georgia, SOC ; Ms Eka BESELIA, Georgia, SOC ; Mr Süreyya Sadi BİLGİÇ, Turkey, EC ; Ms Valentina BULIGA, Republic of Moldova, SOC ; Mr Ahmet Berat ÇONKAR, Turkey, EC ; Mr David CRAUSBY, United Kingdom, SOC ; Mr Zviad KVATCHANTIRADZE, Georgia, EC ; Ms Guguli MAGRADZE, Georgia, SOC ; Sir Alan MEALE, United Kingdom, SOC ; Mr Ali ŞAHİN, Turkey, EC ; Lord John E. TOMLINSON, United Kingdom, SOC

Origin - 2015 - Fourth part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 11.5, delete the words "(for example in Georgia)".

Explanatory note

Decisions on pre-trial detention are made only by the Court and not the Prosecutor's Office. The independence of the judiciary has significantly increased, where the use of pre-trial detentions has shrunk since 2012. On 16 September 2015, the Constitutional Court limited pre-trial detention to a maximum period of 9 months.