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Sub-Amendment to Amendment No. 2 | Doc. 13943 | 28 January 2016

Strengthening the protection and role of human rights defenders in Council of Europe member States

Signatories: Ms Manana KOBAKHIDZE, Georgia, SOC ; Ms Eka BESELIA, Georgia, SOC ; Ms Valentina BULIGA, Republic of Moldova, SOC ; Ms Guguli MAGRADZE, Georgia, SOC ; Ms Hermine NAGHDALYAN, Armenia, EC ; Mr Andrei NEGUTA, Republic of Moldova, SOC

Origin - 2016 - First part-session

In Amendment 2, delete the words "including in Georgia".

Explanatory note

Mentioning Georgia in this paragraph directly contradicts the draft report because the Rapporteur has not indicated in the report any facts concerning Georgia. Moreover, the Rapporteur evaluates the situation in Georgia concerning human rights defenders as improved compared to the previous situation.