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Amendment No. 7 | Doc. 14010 | 18 April 2016

Preventing the radicalisation of children by fighting the root causes

Signatories: Mr Talip KÜÇÜKCAN, Turkey, EC ; Mr Mehmet BABAOĞLU, Turkey, EC ; Mr Ekmeleddin Mehmet İHSANOĞLU, Turkey, EC ; Mr Haluk KOÇ, Turkey, SOC ; Mr Rovshan RZAYEV, Azerbaijan, EPP/CD ; Ms Serap YAŞAR, Turkey, EC

Origin - 2016 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 4.2.5, insert the following paragraph:

"record, monitor and maintain reliable information and statistics about Islamophobic hate crimes committed within the state and make such reports publicly available;"

Explanatory note

We should have a reliable database upon which we will base our strategies to combat radicalization and hate speech.