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Progress report | Doc. 14086 Addendum I | 20 June 2016

Activities of the Assembly’s Bureau and Standing Committee (20 June 2016)

Rapporteur : Mr Ian LIDDELL-GRAINGER, United Kingdom, EC

1. Decisions of the Bureau of 20 June 2016 requiring ratification by the Assembly

1.1. References and transmissions to committees

The Bureau considered and approved the following references:

  • Doc. 14038, motion for a resolution, Fighting corruption as a policy response to the migration crisis: transmission to the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced persons for information;
  • Doc. 14039, motion for a resolution, The provision of elderly and palliative care in Europe: reference to the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development for report;
  • Doc. 14040, motion for a resolution, Protecting children from racism and hate speech: reference to the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination to be taken into account in the preparation of the report on "Ending cyberdiscrimination and online hate" (Ref. 4144 of 28 September 2015);
  • Doc. 14041, motion for a resolution, Safeguarding and enhancing Europe's intangible cultural heritage: reference to the Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media for report;
  • Doc. 14042, motion for a resolution, Reshaping the role of education for "digital citizens": reference to the Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media for report;
  • Doc. 14044, motion for a resolution, Restricting rights to protect national security – how far can States go? and Doc. 14048, motion for a resolution, Legal challenges arising from the hybrid war: reference of the two motions to the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights for one report and to the Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media for opinion;
  • Doc. 14046, motion for a resolution, Women's empowerment in the economy: reference to the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination for report;
  • Doc. 14049, motion for a resolution, Promoting the human rights of and eliminating discrimination against intersex people: reference to the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination for report;
  • Doc. 14051, motion for a resolution, Universal access to maternal healthcare: reference to the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development for report;
  • Doc. 14052, motion for a resolution, Protecting children and young people affected by armed conflicts: reference to the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development for report;
  • Bureau decision, An urgent call for increased solidarity: the right to work, the right to strike, reference to the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development for report.

1.2. Election observation

1.2.1. Jordan: early parliamentary elections (20 September 2016, subject to receiving an invitation)

Subject to receiving an invitation, the Bureau decided to observe these elections and constituted an ad hoc committee for this purpose composed of 11 members (EPP/CD: 3; SOC: 3; ALDE: 2; EC: 2; UEL: 1 - in accordance with the D’Hondt system) and the rapporteur of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy, Ms Josette Durrieu (France, SOC).

1.3. Composition of committees

1.3.1. Composition of the Monitoring Committee

On the basis of a proposal by the EC Group, the Bureau nominated Mr Dominik Tarczyński Poland) to replace Mr Andrzej Jaworski (Poland).

The Assembly is invited to ratify the above proposals made by the Bureau.

2. Other decisions of the Bureau

2.1. Third part-session of 2016 (20 to 24 June)

2.1.1. Request for a current affairs debate

The Bureau decided to propose to the Assembly to hold a current affairs debate on Reaffirming the role of the Assembly as a pan-European forum for inter-parliamentary dialogue and co-operation on Wednesday, 22 June in the afternoon, and designated Mr Axel Fischer (Germany, EPP/CD), as the first speaker.

2.1.2. Draft agenda

The Bureau took note of a letter by the Chairperson of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons informing about the display of photos taken during the visit of the ad hoc Committee of the Bureau on the situation of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Greece (30-31 May 2016) during the Assembly debate on Refugees at risk in Greece, and updated the draft agenda.

2.1.3. Election of a judge to the European Court of Human Rights in respect of the United Kingdom

The Bureau took note of the report drawn up by the Committee on the Election of Judges to the European Court of Human Rights following interviews with candidates for the post of judge to the Court in respect of this country. This report had been already declassified by the Committee and submitted to the attention of all members of the Assembly (Doc. 14086 Addendum II).

2.2. Election observation

2.2.1. Belarus: parliamentary elections (11 September 2016)

The Bureau approved the list of members of the ad hoc committee to observe these elections and authorised a pre-electoral mission (Appendix 1).

2.2.2. Morocco: parliamentary elections (7 October 2016)

The Bureau approved the list of members of the ad hoc committee to observe these elections (Appendix 2).

2.2.3. Georgia: parliamentary elections (8 October 2016, subject to receiving an invitation)

The Bureau approved the list of members of the ad hoc committee to observe these elections (Appendix 3).

2.2.4. Montenegro: parliamentary elections (16 October 2016, date to be confirmed, subject to receiving an invitation)

The Bureau approved the list of members of the ad hoc committee to observe these elections (Appendix 4).

2.2.5. Republic of Moldova: presidential election (30 October 2016)

The Bureau approved the list of members of the ad hoc committee to observe this election (Appendix 5).

2.2.6. Bulgaria: presidential election (October 2016, date to be confirmed, subject to receiving an invitation)

The Bureau approved the list of members of the ad hoc committee to observe this election (Appendix 6).

2.3. Ad hoc committee of the Bureau on the situation of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Greece

The Bureau approved the report of the ad hoc committee (see Doc. 14086 Addendum III).

2.4. References and transmissions to committees

2.4.1. Extension of references

  • Doc. 13555, motion for a resolution, Establishing genuine parliamentary dialogue with Algeria (Ref. 4065 of 3 October 2014 – validity: 3 October 2016): extension until 30 June 2017;
  • Doc. 13556, motion for a resolution, Political developments in Iran (Ref. 4066 of 3 October 2014 – validity: 3 October 2016): extension until 30 June 2017;
  • Doc. 13484, motion for a resolution, Azerbaijan’s Chairmanship of the Council of Europe: What follow-up on respect for human rights? (Ref. 4050 of 23 June 2014 – validity: 23 June 2016): extension until 23 June 2017;
  • Doc. 13567, motion for a resolution, The exploration and exploitation of non-conventional hydrocarbons in Europe (Ref. 4075 of 3 October 2014 – validity: 3 October 2016): extension until 30 June 2017;
  • Doc. 13569, motion for a resolution, Drafting social indicators and issuing an annual report on social rights / “The Turin process” for the European Social Charter (Ref. 4077 of 3 October 2014 – validity: 3 October 2016): extension until 30 June 2017.

2.4.2. Consultation of committees

  • Doc. 14043, motion for a resolution, Safeguarding the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace, Greece: consultation of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination on possible follow-up;
  • Doc. 14053, motion for a resolution, Human rights in the relations between the European Union and Cuba: consultation of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy on possible follow-up;

2.5. Communications

The Bureau took note of communications by the President, the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

Appendix 1 – List of members of the ad hoc committee for the observation of the parliamentary elections in Belarus (11 September 2016)


List of members


Group of the European People’s Party (EPP/CD) 
			Three members will
be designated to participate in the observation mission. The others
will be alternates.

  • Denis JACQUAT, France
  • Aleksander POCIEJ, Poland
  • Cezar Florin PREDA, Romania
  • Attila TILKI, Hungary

Socialist Group

  • Paolo CORSINI, Italy
  • Titus CORLĂŢEAN, Romania
  • Gisela WURM, Austria


  • Stefan SCHENNACH, Austria
  • Jean-Claude FRÉCON, France
  • Yuliya L OVOCHKINA, Ukraine
  • Attila MESTERHAZY, Hungary
  • Maryvonne BLONDIN, France
  • Idalia SERRÃO, Portugal

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)

  • Bernard PASQUIER, Monaco
  • Goran TUPONJA, Montenegro


  • Luis Alberto ORELLANA, Italy
  • Nellija KLEINBERGA, Latvia

European Conservatives Group (EC)

  • Ingebjørg GODSKESEN, Norway
  • Suat ӦNAL, Turkey


Group of the Unified European Left (UEL)

  • Soña MARKOVÁ, Czech Republic


Rapporteur AS/POL (ex officio)

  • Andrea RIGONI, Italy


  • Chemavon CHAHBAZIAN, Head of the Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division
  • Anne GODFREY, Assistant, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division

Appendix 2 – List of members of the ad hoc committee for the observation of the parliamentary elections in Morocco (7 October 2016)


List of members


Group of the European People’s Party (EPP/CD) 
			Three members will
be designated to participate in the observation mission. The others
will be alternates.

  • Nicole DURANTON, France
  • Iryna GERASHCHENKO, Ukraine
  • Vladyslav GOLUB, Ukraine
  • Alina Ştefania GORGHIU, Romania
  • Eduard KÖCK, Austria
  • Luís LEITE RAMOS, Portugal
  • François ROCHEBLOINE, France
  • Elisabeth SCHNEIDER-SCHNEITER, Switzerland
  • Senad ŠEPIĆ, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Adão SILVA, Portugal
  • Svitlana ZALISHCHUK, Ukraine

Socialist Group

  • Marietta KARAMANLI, France
  • George FOULKES, United Kingdom
  • Josette DURRIEU, France


  • Francesco VERDUCCI, Italy
  • Pascale CROZON, France
  • Eleonora CIMBRO, Italy
  • Titus CORLĂŢEAN, Romania
  • Geneviève GOSSELIN-FLEURY, France
  • Catherine QUÉRÉ, France
  • Florian KRONBICHLER, Italy
  • Stefan SCHENNACH, Austria
  • Pierre-Alain FRIDEZ, Switzerland
  • Gisela WURM, Austria
  • Maryvonne BLONDIN, France
  • Idália SERRÃO, Portugal

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)

  • Andrea RIGONI, Italy
  • Meritxell MATEU, Andorra


  • Bernard PASQUIER, Monaco
  • Adele GAMBARO, Italy
  • Ganira PASHAYEVA, Azerbaijan

European Conservatives Group (EC)

  • Ian LIDDELL-GRAINGER, United Kingdom
  • Serhii KIRAL, Ukraine


  • Suat ÖNAL, Turkey

Group of the Unified European Left (UEL)

  • Tiny KOX, Netherlands


  • ..

Expert Venice Commission


  • Chemavon CHAHBAZIAN, Head of the Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division
  • Franck DAESCHLER, Principal Administrative Assistant, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division

Appendix 3 – List of members of the ad hoc committee for the observation of the parliamentary elections in Georgia (8 October 2016)


List of members


Group of the European People’s Party (EPP/CD)

  • Damien ABAD, France
  • Giuseppe GALATI, Italy
  • Iryna GERASHCHENKO, Ukraine
  • Andres HERKEL, Estonia
  • Nermina KAPETANOVIĆ, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Inese LĪBIŅA-EGNERE, Latvia
  • Jasen MESIĆ, Croatia
  • Killion MUNYAMA, Poland
  • Joe O’REILLY, Ireland
  • Karin STRENZ, Germany
  • Svitlana ZALISHCHUK, Ukraine

Socialist Group (SOC)

  • Maryvonne BLONDIN, France *
  • Stefan SCHENNACH, Austria
  • Idàlia SERRĀO, Portugal
  • Liliane MAURY PASQUIER, Switzerland
  • Claude ADAM, Luxembourg
  • Pierre-Alain FRIDEZ, Switzerland
  • Florian KORNBICHLER, Italy
  • Gisela WURM, Austria
  • Catherine QUÉRÉ, France
  • Paolo CORSINI, Italy

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)

  • Alfred HEER Switzerland
  • Nellija KLEINBERGA, Latvia
  • Eerik-Niiles KROSS, Estonia
  • Jordi XUCLÀ, Spain *


  • Kristýna ZELIENKOVÁ, Czech Republic
  • Olena SOTNYK, Ukraine
  • Carles JORDANA MADERO, Andorra
  • Karl GARÐARSSON, Iceland
  • Bernard PASQUIER, Monaco

European Conservatives Group (EC)

  • Ingebjørg GODSKESEN, Norway *
  • Mark PRITCHARD, United Kingdom
  • Lord Richard BALFE, United Kingdom


Group of the Unified European Left (UEL)

  • Andrej HUNKO, Germany *


Rapporteurs AS/MON (ex officio)

  • Boriss CILEVIČS, Latvia *
  • Kerstin LUNDGREN, Sweden *

Expert Venice Commission


  • Bodgan TORCATORIU, Administrator, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division
  • Daniele GASTL, Assistant, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division
  • Anne GODFREY, Assistant, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division

* members of the pre-election delegation

Appendix 4 – List of members of the ad hoc committee for the observation of the parliamentary elections in Montenegro (16 October 2016)


List of members


Group of the European People’s Party (EPP/CD) 
			Three members will
be designated to participate in the observation mission. The others
will be alternates.

  • Damien ABAD, France
  • Viorel Riceard BADEA, Romania
  • Marie-Christine DALLOZ, France
  • Iryna GERASHCHENKO, Ukraine
  • Sylive GOY-CHAVENT, France
  • Denis JACQUAT, France
  • Luís LEITE RAMOS, Portugal
  • Jasen MESIĆ, Croatia
  • Aleksandar NIKOLOSKI, “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”
  • Joe O’REILLY, Ireland
  • Attila TILKI, Hungary

Socialist Group (SOC)

  • Petra DE SUTTER, Belgium
  • Gülsün BILGEHAN, Turkey
  • Silvia BONET, Andorra


  • Renata DESKOSKA, “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”
  • George FOULKES, United Kingdom
  • Geneviève GOSSELIN-FLEURY, France
  • Pierre-Alain FRIDEZ, Switzerland
  • Gisela WURM, Austria
  • Catherine QUÉRÉ, France
  • Idalia SERRÃO, Portugal

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)

  • Adele GAMBARO, Italy
  • Ganira PASHAYEVA, Azerbaijan


  • Luis Alberto ORELLANA, Italy
  • Alain DESTEXHE, Belgium
  • Bernard PASQUIER, Monaco

European Conservatives Group (EC)

  • Erkan KANDEMIR, Turkey


Group of the Unified European Left (UEL) (GUE)

  • Matjaž HANŽEK, Slovenia


Rapporteurs AS/MON (ex officio)

  • Terry LEYDEN, Ireland
  • Ionuţ-Marian STROE, Romania


  • Chemavon CHAHBAZIAN, Head of the Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division
  • Anne GODFREY, Assistant, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division

Appendix 5 – List of members of the ad hoc committee for the observation of the presidential election in the Republic of Moldova (30 October 2016)


List of members


Group of the European People’s Party (EPP/CD)

  • Damien ABAD, France
  • Elena CENTEMERO, Italy
  • Iryna GERASHCHENKO, Ukraine
  • Denis JACQUAT, France
  • Ionuţ-Marian STROE, Romania

Socialist Group

  • Stefan SCHENNACH, Austria *
  • Predrag SEKULIĆ, Montenegro
  • Maryvonne BLONDIN, France
  • Eleonora CIMBRO, Italy
  • Josette DURRIEU, France
  • Claude ADAM, Luxembourg
  • Pierre-Alain FRIDEZ, Switzerland


  • Catherine QUÉRÉ, France
  • Idália SERRÃO, Portugal

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)

  • Karl GARÐARSSON, Iceland
  • Meritxell MATEU, Andorra *


  • Alain DESTEXHE, Belgium
  • Bernard PASQUIER, Monaco
  • Luis Alberto ORELLANA, Italy

European Conservatives Group (EC)

  • Erkan KANDEMIR, Turkey *
  • Mark PRITCHARD, United Kingdom


  • Suat ÖNAL, Turkey

Group of the Unified European Left (UEL)

  • Lotta JOHNSSON FORNAVE, Sweden *


  • ..

Co-rapporteur on the honouring of obligations and commitments by Moldova

  • Valentina LESKAJ, Albanie *
  • Ögmundur JȮNASSON, Iceland *

Expert Venice Commission


  • Chemavon CHAHBAZIAN, Head of the Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division
  • Franck DAESCHLER, Principal Administrative Assistant, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division

* members of the pre-election delegation

Appendix 6 – List of members of the ad hoc committee for the observation of the presidential election in Bulgaria (October 2016, date to be confirmed)


List of members


Group of the European People’s Party (EPP/CD) 
			Three members will
be designated to participate in the observation mission. The others
will be alternates.

  • Damien ABAD, France
  • Denis JACQUAT, France
  • Luís LEITE RAMOS, Portugal
  • Aleksandar NIKOLOSKI "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia''

Socialist Group (SOC)

  • Attila MERTERHAZY, Hungary
  • Geneviève GOSSELIN-FLEURY, France
  • Renata DESKOSKA,''The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia''


  • Idàlia SERRĀO, Portugal

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)

  • Anne MULDER, Netherlands
  • Luis Alberto ORELLANA, Italy


  • Carles JORDANA MADERO, Andorra
  • Ganira PASHAYEVA, Azerbaijan

European Conservatives Group (EC)

  • Mark PRITCHARD, United Kingdom
  • Suat ÖNAL, Turkey


  • Lord Richard BALFE, United Kingdom

Group of the Unified European Left (UEL)

  • Ertuğrul KÜRKÇÜ, Turkey


Rapporteurs AS/MON (ex officio)

  • Zsolt NÉMETH, Hungary
  • Franck SCHWABE, Germany


  • Bogdan TORCĂTORIU, Administrative Officer, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division
  • Daniele GASTL, Assistant, Election observation and Interparliamentary co-operation Division