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Dilatory motion | Doc. 14917 | 24 June 2019

Strengthening the decision-making process of the Parliamentary Assembly concerning credentials and voting

Signatories: Ms Olena SOTNYK, Ukraine, ALDE

This motion has not been discussed in the Assembly and commits only those who have signed it.

Under Rule 37.1.a., I would like to move a motion to defer the debate on the report «Strengthening the decision-making process of the Parliamentary Assembly concerning credentials and voting» (Doc. 14900) until a relevant committee provides an assessment of the progress in democratic developments in the Russian Federation with a view to establishing the nature of exceptional circumstances to allow derogation from Rules 6.1. and 6.3.


To allow a derogation from Rules 6.1. and 6.3. of the Rules of Procedure, paragraph 7 of the draft resolution puts forward the exceptional context by referring to a number of cases which took place in the past. Those cases concerned either exceptional political circumstances marked by the return of Turkey and Greece to democracy or the admission in the Assembly of national delegations of new member States. The Russian Federation is not a new member State and therefore the assessment of the democratic developments has to be done in order for the derogation to be in compliance with the steady practice of the Assembly. I therefore ask for this issue to be referred to the Monitoring Committee.