1. Introduction
1. Children have always participated
in many ways within societies – both informally, in families, among friends,
and within communities, or more formally – in schools, clubs, team
events in sport and in the arts, the voluntary sector, local government,
national parliaments, youth parliaments, and through action on specific issues
such as climate change. Nevertheless, in the past the dominant attitude
was, to a great extent, that “children should be seen and not heard.”
We used to assume that adults know what the best interest of the child
is and that they act accordingly. Today, there is a growing realisation
that this is not always the case, and that decisions made without
consulting children can have negative consequences on their well-being
and chances for success in life.
2. Considering children’s views and experiences allows us to
provide them with better care and protection and it allows them
to develop the ability to contribute to their own care and protection.
If children are systematically involved when decisions are made
about matters that concern them, they are more likely to develop
a sense of belonging and motivation and the ability to contribute
to their societies and perform better academically and socially.
Such participation benefits not only children, but also adults and
institutions encouraging child participation, which helps them to
gain different perspectives on issues of concern. UNICEF has children
on its boards, other organisations have children on committees or
advisory panels. I am aware of many examples of this, and the adults
involved testify to the benefits to their work of having children
involved and speaking from direct experience. These arguments, in
my view, strongly support the lowering of the voting age to 16 across
3. There have been many debates across Europe and around the
world about the issue of having the right to vote at the age of
16. Austria was the first member of the European Union to adopt
a voting age of 16 for most purposes in July 2007. A study of young
voters’ behaviour following the European Parliament in 2009 showed
them to be just as capable as older voters in articulating their
beliefs and making decisions. Several countries have now established
laws to approve voting at 16. It would seem logical that voting
at the age of 16 would lead to a greater awareness of child rights
and political systems and would encourage the teaching of civics
and rights in schools and other youth settings. I personally support
this and will continue to raise this issue in my own Parliament.
In Scotland, since 2015, 16-year-olds have been able to vote in
national and local elections.
4. Listening to children is not about giving them free rein to
do as they like. On the contrary, it enables children to think about
their role in society and helps in boosting their ability to express
themselves in appropriate ways. I am particularly concerned about
the need to involve vulnerable children – those living in poverty,
those from minority ethnic or religious backgrounds, those who are
disabled, those who are migrants or refugees, those who identify
as LGBT. We can learn about needs better from those directly affected.
As a young woman said at a PACE seminar “We are experts by experience.”
Children can be very articulate about their needs and willing to
express them when asked to be involved. The experience of being
involved in decision making can profoundly affect the individual’s
own development. They become “active agents” rather than passive
recipients, which enhances feelings of self-worth and confidence.
5. As a former chairperson of the Sub-Committee on Children,
and a former teacher, I am personally and professionally committed
to child participation, and happy to see its development. I have
had many discussions with my colleagues in the Parliamentary Assembly,
as well as with civil society organisations across Europe and internationally,
and with many children’s groups and individuals. I am convinced
that more could and should be done to support child participation.
This led me to propose that the Assembly prepare a report on this
Since then, I
have had the privilege of discussing opportunities and barriers
for child participation in many contexts. These discussions have
informed my thinking and ideas. I am indebted to, and would like
to thank, all those who have generously given their time to engage
with this initiative. The Covid-19 pandemic presented huge challenges
for working with teachers, others working with children and children
themselves. The initiative, with its original ambitious aims of
involving parliamentarians in 12 countries
with facilitators to deliver sessions on child rights and on the
functions of the Council of Europe, had to be scaled down dramatically.
6. However, a great deal was learned, many examples of good practice
were found and will be described in this report. I feel confident
in saying that now is a good time for the Council of Europe to assess
what has been achieved in the area of child participation and how
this could be developed. I have seen the potential for parliamentarians
to work with children in communities and encourage their engagement
with democratic processes. Many colleagues have said, and it is
my own experience, that whilst Covid-19 pandemic has devastated
local services such as in health and education, many communities,
including children, have become more active in stating their needs
and pressing for solutions. This report will therefore seek to suggest ways
of listening to children and taking on board their concerns and
encouraging action, based on what works and what might be possible.
Examples of the kind of support measures that are not just about
good intentions and “ticking boxes” but genuinely help in making
our societies a better place for all children will be described. I
hope that these examples will be of use for strengthening child
participation in the work of the Assembly, in national parliaments
and in other settings where decisions affecting children are made.
2. Definitions: what do we mean when
we talk about child participation?
7. In the aftermath of World War
II, efforts were made to develop international standards on human
rights. Promoting the rights of the child, including the right for
participation, has been part of this process, even if it was more
difficult, and took much longer. The United Nations Convention on
the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was only adopted in 1989, but it
has its roots in the philosophy of Janusz Korczak (1878-1942)
who believed that
children should be respected and listened to, rather than shaped
according to the will of adults. Today, the impetus behind the promotion
of child participation comes, on one hand, from the on-going development
of the rights of the child, and, on the other hand, from the growing
acknowledgement that enabling people to have a say is the best way
of developing effective and sustainable solutions.
8. Strategies on Children’s Rights from the Children’s Rights
Division of the Council of Europe and from the European Commission
and the European Parliament have been forcefully articulated and
include specific reference to child participation. Indeed, the Children’s
Rights Division developed, in 2020, a handbook on children’s participation,
“Listen – Act – Change”.
9. The right of children to be heard on all matters that affect
them is enshrined in Article 12 of the UN Convention of the Rights
of the Child (UNCRC) and is one of the four general principles that
must be applied in the realisation of all other rights. While Article
12 does not include the term participation, the Committee on the
Rights of the Child’s (CRC) deems that the right of children to
be listened to together with the rights to information, to freedom
of expression, religion, conscience, assembly, and association,
amounts to “participation.”
The term is widely used to describe
children’s right to involvement in decisions that affect them and
to have those views considered by decision makers.
10. According to the CRC, the right to be heard applies equally
to children as individuals, as well as to children as a group, such
as a class of schoolchildren, the children in a neighbourhood or
the children of a country. Vulnerable and hard to reach groups have
equal rights to participation.
For example, in a collaboration called
“Reaching In”, Eurochild, the University of Central Lancashire,
and partners working with children facing discrimination are collaborating
to strengthen opportunities for the participation of marginalised children
in public decision making. The pilot work concentrates on European
public decision making and local, national, and European policy
related to Roma minors’ health. In collaboration with children the
“Reaching In” team are collecting and sharing examples of good practice
of child participation and influence.
11. Meaningful participation has been conceptualised by Laura
Lundy to include the concepts of “Space” where children can come
together and can express their views; “Voice” where children are
provided with information and support; “Audience” where children
have access to the people who take decisions; and “Influence” where
children’s views are given proper consideration and they receive
feedback on the decisions and how their views were considered. In
line with this concept, child participation is defined in Recommendation (2012)2
of the Committee of Ministers to the Council of Europe member States
as: “individuals and groups of individuals having the right, the
means, the space, the opportunity and, where necessary, the support
to freely express their views, to be heard and to contribute to
decision making on matters affecting them, their views being given
due weight in accordance with their age and maturity.”
12. Cath Larkins, building on her work on the Council of Europe’s
Handbook on Children’s Participation, has been acting as a consultant
to the Sub-Committee on Children in discussions on child participation.
She has developed a model for evaluating child participation in
the Assembly, which includes nine principles drawn from the UNCRC:
an initiative should be transparent and informed; voluntary; respectful;
relevant; child-friendly; inclusive, supported by training; safe
and sensitive to risk; and accountable. The evaluation model also includes
a theory of change that sets out the desirable outcomes by which
an initiative can be judged – such as numbers of children involved
and their diversity; feelings of safety, support and being informed;
better awareness, better services, better communities, better laws
or policies; increased scrutiny of laws, policy and services, informed
links (for example between Assembly members and children) and institutional
learning loops, resourced plans and concrete strategies developed.
13. One parliamentarian said to me recently “I don’t want to just
go into a formal Assembly of a hundred kids and talk about me in
parliament. It might be a useful starter, but they deserve to be
involved in getting to know how parliament really works and how
they might have influence”. In other words, whilst raising awareness
is important, it is limited, and a Council of Europe strategy for
child participation involving parliamentarians could go much further.
14. I was struck by a recent joint study on child participation
in EU political and democratic life by Rand Europe and Eurochild,
prepared for the European Commission. Eurochild involved members
from 10 different countries who in turn organised child focus group
consultations. Over 200 children and young people were involved.
The study showed that the most prevalent mechanisms of children’s
participation are child and youth councils, child and youth parliaments
and ombudspersons for children (or an equivalent). Initiatives also
take place in schools. Other findings were that most mechanisms
are adult initiated and good for proposing ideas but lack evaluation
to show their impact. The children involved are usually 12 years
old and above. There is a lack of availability and accountability
of information. The study showed a lack of recognition of children’s participation
and of feedback to children. Facilitative measures to child participation
are listed, such as: the EU promoting children’s participation in
political and democratic life across all levels; investing in child
participation; creating national laws and plans to ensure that children
are included in government decisions.
3. Piloting child participation in the
Parliamentary Assembly
15. As the former chairperson of
the Sub-Committee on Children I was keen to explore and to introduce
child participation in the Assembly. Other colleagues were equally
enthusiastic. The first concept of an initiative on child participation
in the Assembly was developed after representatives of the Sub-Committee
on Children met the (then) President of the Parliamentary Assembly,
Liliane Maury Pasquier, to seek support which she gave readily.
A report on the benefits of child participation was produced
and a
survey was conducted among the members of the Sub-Committee.
members of the Sub-Committee expressed interest in participating in
this initiative.
were held to determine the rationale for the work and how it might
be carried out. At the June 2019 part-session, the Sub-Committee
on Children held a working breakfast with representatives of the
Children’s Rights Division and the Youth Department, NGOs, children
from local schools and the Office of the President of the Assembly,
to develop a provisional, organic, and inclusive plan of action.
Two experts on children’s rights and child participation were subsequently
selected to give advice, and a methodological guide
well as an evaluation model
prepared and shared with parliamentarians. A theoretical base was
developed, and many theoretical models were discussed. This report
sets the scene on this and will, I hope, enable the Council of Europe
to re-examine practice and build on all our experiences.
16. As stated earlier, original plans have been severely affected
by the Covid-19 pandemic. Schools and education centres have been
closed or only opened sporadically. Teachers, children, and parents
have been under stress and it has been impossible to have face-to-face
meetings. This required a re-consideration of what could be achieved
in such adverse conditions, and what might be useful for this report.
The Sub-Committee on Children has continued to meet online, and
updates of progress have been shared. I have attended several webinars
and other meetings and listened to children’s experiences (particularly
regarding the pandemic) and have carried out consultations with
individuals and organisations online. The parliamentarians involved
with schools and clubs have continued to work, to the best of their
ability, to encourage child participation in various ways. Most
work has been carried out online. Such meetings have inevitably
been less satisfactory than physical face-to-face meetings. At the
same time, one advantage of this is that it has been possible to
involve more children, nationally and internationally than would
otherwise have been achievable.
3.1. United Kingdom
17. In the United Kingdom, we have
worked with Burntwood School in London. This is a comprehensive school
educating girls from 11 to 18 years, from all backgrounds (multi-ethnic
and multifaith). It has been a UNICEF Rights Respecting School (RRS)
since 2008 and has gained UNICEF’s top award: the gold standard. The
school has 100 “Ambassadors” who take responsibility for running
school assemblies and visiting primary schools in the area to talk
about children’s rights. As one facilitator put it, “Primary schools
love it. They feel a real connection with the older pupils.” Several
senior pupils are involved in a circuit of schools who run conferences
in conjunction with the UN and there is an active School Council.
18. PACE member Lord Simon Russell of Liverpool contacted the
school to explain the Council of Europe initiative. The Headteacher
approved and the Deputy Head, Katelyn Farrenson, became the facilitator.
She included the Council of Europe initiative in her programme on
“Social Responsibility and Democracy” which involves students from
age 11 to 17 in discussions on rights and responsibilities in both
school and society. A small group and the facilitator have presented
the initiative at two sessions. The children were encouraged to find
something they were passionate about (for example, mental health,
climate change) and discuss what they can do about it, with the
help of the parliamentarians. Lord Russell, and I, to a lesser extent,
kept in touch with the facilitator on a regular basis. The activities
were carried out online, apart from when the school was not in lockdown.
He has recently visited the school and spoke with a group of older
students. The students have readily incorporated the principles
of the Council of Europe materials, which helped to further discussions.
The facilitator said that the Council had opened a new perspective
to learning and was a beacon of light in the difficulties and stress
generated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
19. Lord Russell and I plan to invite a group of students from
the school to parliament this autumn to meet with parliamentarians
working in an area chosen by the students, as well as attend a parliamentary
session. We will also try to get them into a committee meeting of
interest to them. The students will be prepared for this by our
visiting the school to discuss the programme for such a visit. We
plan to visit the school in the coming months.
3.2. Ireland
20. The Irish Senator and PACE
member Joe O’Reilly led the initiative to involve Foróige in the Assembly’s work on
child participation. The organisation Foróige has
branches all over Ireland. It engages over 50,000 young people aged
8 to 24 and 5,500 volunteers. Its vision is “An
Ireland that believes in every young person, that includes you.”
It focuses on uniqueness, creativity, taking responsibility, relations
with others, making a difference in the world, having an influence,
and learning from every situation. The Ombudsperson for Ireland is
supportive and involved. The work includes a “Big Sister, Big Brother”
mentoring programme and other programmes on “Youth Citizens”, “Youth
Leaders up” and “Youth Entrepreneurship”. It has its own Charter
of Rights. It produces a wide range of publications, including posters. Foróige works with other organisations, such
as the Irish Youth Justice Service and programmes on sexual health.
Children are involved in developing aims and objectives for every
programme and evaluating them.
21. Senator O’Reilly has kept in touch with
Foróige and
involved them in two presentations at Council of Europe events,
on children’s rights, the right to safety online and climate change.
The methods of working on children’s rights and increasing knowledge
of democracy in societies are fully described in their report to
the Assembly
and follow the materials produced
by the Assembly. Over 130 young people aged 15 to 18 were involved.
Senator O’Reilly described his role in the Council of Europe and
what it stands for. Some participants had heard of the Council of
Europe but were initially uncertain about the roles of the different
European organisations. After the discussion they noted that the
most important function of this organisation was that of upholding
the rule of law, democracy, and human rights, and ensuring that
countries do not see war as a solution to conflicts and disagreements.
22. The group researched and discussed the rights of young people,
using Council of Europe materials as well as other similar ones.
A poll was taken on 9 topics, one of which would be presented to
Senator O’Reilly. The topic chosen was the right to protection while
using the internet. The group expressed their wish that the Assembly
streamline this topic across all 47 member States as a priority
and engage with schools and youth groups in the consultation process.
The group also discussed my colleague
Ms Jennifer De Temmerman’s report on climate change and prepared
their own presentation with their concerns and recommendations on what
governments could do. This was presented to the Social Affairs Committee
in December 2020 and in June 2021 and reflected the children’s frustration
about climate change and the lack of dialogue between generations.
They discussed the Sustainable Development Goals and concluded that
their generation would have an enormous influence on future change.
23. The young people who took part in these discussions expressed
their appreciation of “an opportunity to engage in a consultation
process directly with PACE.” They also noted that presenting to
a parliamentarian felt like they were making a difference or starting
the process of change and that it was very important for young people
to have opportunities to engage and be heard.
24. Three members of the group and their facilitator will produce,
with the help of consultants Cath Larkins and Zsusanna Rutai, a
child-friendly version of this report.
3.3. France
25. In France, our colleagues Ms Martine
Wonner and Ms Jennifer De Temmerman worked with several groups of
children. Romains Primary School from Strasbourg Koenigshoffen took
part in classroom discussions, held meetings with Ms Wonner, attended
Assembly hearings and prepared a written report on their activities.
A lot of work was done in school time, thanks to a committed teacher,
and supportive school administration, who see this initiative as
a good learning opportunity for the children and their school. Association
Themis advised the school in these endeavours and facilitated contacts
and exchanges. Founded in 1990, Themis is an association that aims
to improve legal access for children and young people. It provides legal
information and personalised support; facilitates and supports citizenship
and human rights education; and promotes child participation at
national and European levels.
As part of its outreach activities,
Themis has organised several editions of a Children’s Forum in the
Council of Europe’s Hemicycle in Strasbourg. To support the children
of the Romans school in expressing themselves and participating
in the work of the sub-committee, the association also carried out
interventions in class, with appropriate support materials.
26. Ms De Temmerman worked with Eco-delegates from Joan of Arc
High School, Colombes, who presented their work at Assembly hearings.
They suggested that democracy must be developed in schools around
projects devoted to sustainable development. In their school, each
class has at least one eco-delegate who leads actions within the
school and participates in the class council. The eco-delegates
meet every three weeks with the co-ordinating teacher to discuss
the actions chosen. It is possible to invite parliamentarians to these
debates. Each year, students focus on a different theme, such as
energy, water, or biodiversity. A steering committee with parents
and teachers was set up to develop a strategy on how specific goals
on these themes could be achieved in their school. Some mayors participate
in these committees. This year, eco-delegates started using social
media to share their work with their classmates.
27. Working contacts have also been established with members of
the youth council of the City of Strasbourg. I had the pleasure
of meeting them online and discussing their work, as well as the
challenges that they are facing in the context of pandemic. They
took part in a hearing and provided written contributions to this
report (as well as on the report “Inaction on climate change - a
violation of children’s rights”
), including the following proposals:
allow young people to sit in the Assembly; organise events where
young people can express themselves publicly; develop frameworks
that allow for dialogue between young people and elected officials
(for example, participation spaces, meetings, debates, sessions,
forums, digital platforms, surveys). While some of these proposals
require additional funding and resources, and might not be feasible,
at least in the short term, some others can certainly be integrated
in the work of the Assembly, in a step-by-step way, and on a small
scale. The youth counsellors did most of this work in their free
time. At middle and high school, they were excused from courses
on the occasion of the PACE hearing.
28. The young people of the city of Strasbourg have notably pointed
out, in a very relevant way, that the social climate is deteriorating
more and more noticeably, generating an increased need for protection
and security for young people. European texts (European Convention
on Human Rights, European Social Charter) and international texts
(Convention on the Rights of the Child) guarantee children and young
people social rights which should protect them from the violence
and the harmful situations mentioned above. However, it is essential
to consolidate their right to protection and strengthen its application
to guarantee them a more peaceful social life and allow them to
live fulfilling and enriching collective experiences. “
Non aux violences éducatives ordinaires! Place
aux droits des jeunes!» [“No to ordinary educational
violence! Make way for youth rights!”] is a poster campaign that
warns about the place of and respect for the rights of young people
and denounces the serious situations of which some young people
are the victims. This project was presented to the Mayor of Strasbourg
and to elected municipal officials in 2020.
3.4. Hearings
29. As part of the above-mentioned
activities, children from Azerbaijan, France, Ireland, and United Kingdom
attended face-to-face and online public hearings organised by the
Social Affairs Committee from November 2019 to November 2021. They
made presentations and took part in the discussions. They expressed
their feelings, shared their research, and made practical recommendations.
Children from 10- to 18-years-old took part in these meetings and
were accompanied by their teachers or NGO leaders. This has been a
very enriching experience both for the children and the parliamentarians.
30. The children involved considered that children knew best what
their needs were, they should be involved in every discussion affecting
them. The children felt that participation had a substantial impact
on their psychological development and positive implications on
self-control, responsibility, communication skills and the ability
to perceive others’ point of view, as well as expressing one’s own
opinions. Being able to discuss their problems and to ask for help
allowed children to lower stress levels and to build better foundations
for their future. The negative effects of not participating included
high levels of uncertainty and anxiety. The main reasons for children
not participating included: lack of experience and the lack of opportunities
for expressing their feelings, opinions and wishes. Adults could
help children prepare from an early age to make decisions by and
for themselves, by giving them freedom and options to make choices,
while ensuring the necessary control and providing support. Adults
could also advise children on the possible consequences of their
decisions, and arrange children’s participation at different levels,
in accordance with their age and maturity.
31. The children considered that it was a great idea to involve
children in the work of parliaments. They put forward many practical
suggestions and ideas, including the creation of an online platform
and debates through which many children from many countries can
speak; direct communication between children and parliamentarians
who visit them in their schools and organisations and quartiers (not just going through
school councils); inviting elected children from every country to
come and contribute to a debate in Strasbourg; children visiting
their national parliaments and raising the issues that children
think are important; organising a Youth Day; organising opinion
polls and surveys; traineeships for children; and starting from
a blank page and using creative activities. Among the subjects of
special interest, the children mentioned the functioning of schools,
neighbourhood facilities, judicial proceedings, mental health, discrimination,
climate change and the rights of the child. They felt that children
should be able to choose their own representatives; the language
used in the consultations needed to be simpler and more understandable;
and it was important to define how we knew what worked. Combinations
of different means of participation were needed, and a step-by-step approach
should be applied.
32. The teachers and NGOs representatives who have accompanied
the children during these hearings, have stressed the importance
of including child participation in school programmes, initial and
in-service teacher training, and promotion of a whole school approach
and partnerships, so that all actors within the school and those
outside of it (e.g., parents, local authorities and civil society
organisations) value and support such participation.
3.5. Next steps
33. As mentioned earlier, a child-friendly
version of the report is being prepared, in close co-operation with the
children from Ireland, and in consultation with other children.
It is proposed to disseminate a provisional version of this document
on the occasion of the adoption of the report in January 2022, and
to finalise it after the adoption. The aim is to share the information
on the report and its recommendations with a broad audience, and
in particular children and professionals working with them. It is
hoped that it will be a good example of how parliaments can work
with children, that can be replicated in national parliaments and
elsewhere as appropriate
34. Achieving child participation requires effort but it is exciting
and fulfilling. Such participation can be integrated within the
existing school and NGO programmes and activities. It can be very
basic or very ambitious, depending on the available resources. It
requires political support and individual commitment. My suggestion
would be to enshrine in the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure an obligation
to consult children on all the reports that deal with issues that
can affect children’s lives (and not necessarily only those that
deal specifically with children’s rights), to propose several simple
models, and to provide practical and easy-to-use tools for such
participation. There is already a great deal of expertise and experience
available on this subject, and the support materials developed as
part of the preparation of this report could be a good starting
35. The Parliamentary Assembly could usefully hold a debate on
lowering the voting age. Many colleagues have experience of being
involved in such debates in their own countries and it would be
useful to share such experience and its impact.
4. Overview of existing practices
36. In this section, I will consider
some other existing practices, which illustrate what can be done
to encourage children to learn about democratic principles and human
rights; to help them gain participation skills, and to involve them
effectively in decision-making processes. The contexts include parliaments,
schools, youth organisations, international organisations, local
government, and the voluntary sector (NGOs). I recognise that there
will be many more examples of good practice experienced by colleagues,
and hopefully these will be useful in future deliberations on how
the Council of Europe, this Assembly, and national parliaments might move
forward with a strategy for child participation as a foundation
for democratic societies.
4.1. The Council of Europe
37. The Council of Europe, which
was set up to protect and promote human rights, democracy, and the
rule of law in its 47 member States, considers child participation
of crucial importance for achieving its objectives. Its Strategy
for the Rights of the Child is developed by the Children’s Rights
Division. It promotes child participation both as a key strategic
objective and as a cross-cutting approach that is mainstreamed into
the Organisation’s standard-setting, monitoring, and co-operation
activities. To support such participation, a Council of Europe Safeguarding
Policy is currently under preparation. It will cover a broad range
of issues, from data protection and consent arrangements to ensuring
that no child labour is involved when running procurement procedures.
The Children’s Rights Division is currently updating the Council
of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child and involving a wide
number of contributors, including children, NGOs, and parliamentarians.
The new Strategy is to be launched in Rome on 7-8 April 2022 under
the Italian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council
of Europe.
38. The Council of Europe aims to support its member States in
strengthening democracy and human rights by facilitating the development
of common basic standards that the governments agree upon (“standard-setting”),
putting in place procedures for checking if these standards are
respected (“monitoring”), and helping the countries to work together
on bridging the gaps (“co-operation”). The main contributors to
this work in the area of children’s rights are the Children’s Rights
Division and Youth and Education Departments, but virtually all
other parts of the Organisation are involved.
4.1.1. Standard setting: agreeing on common
39. In 2012, the member States
adopted the Recommendation on participation of children and young
people under the age of 18,
which provides practical guidelines
on the rights of children and young people to be heard in all settings.
Also in 2012, the member States adopted the Recommendation on the
Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship
and Human Rights Education, thus undertaking to promote democratic
governance in all educational institutions “both as a desirable
and beneficial method of governance in its own right and as a practical
means of learning and experiencing democracy and respect for human
rights.” These recommendations express the political consensus on
child participation and provide a useful basis for the development
of national legislation. They also underpin co-operation activities
that bring together government officials, professionals, and civil
society representatives from the 47 member States.
40. In the youth sector, back in 1995, the Council of Europe introduced
a ground-breaking co-management system. Within this system both
representatives of public authorities responsible for youth issues
and young Europeans have an equal say, and exchange ideas and experiences.
Through this co-operation, mutual understanding and respect are
developed and the legitimacy of the decisions made is reinforced,
enabling their effective implementation.
One of the main aims of this system
is to bring the youth perspective to the Council of Europe’s work,
and its deliberations often lead to the adoption of resolutions,
recommendations and treaties, such as the “Revised European Charter
on the participation of young people in local and regional life”.
A motion for an Assembly resolution
on the establishment of a youth partner status with the Assembly
was recently tabled.
The Congress of Local and Regional
Authorities operates a youth delegates scheme, whereby one youth
delegate per member state is selected following an open call and
they take part in the Congress sessions for one year, undertaking
projects and advising the Congress on various issues.
4.1.2. Monitoring and evaluation: assessing
41. Efforts have been made to include
children in monitoring activities, which aim to assess to what extent the
countries uphold the commitments voluntarily undertaken under various
treaties. The Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of
children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (CETS No.
201, Lanzarote Convention), requires criminalisation of sexual offences
against children. The countries that have ratified the Convention
(“Parties to the Convention”) undertake to prevent sexual violence,
to protect child victims and to prosecute offenders. The Committee
of the Parties to the Convention (Lanzarote Committee) monitors
whether the Parties effectively implement the Convention. It seeks
the views of civil society and requires Parties to “encourage the
participation of children, according to their evolving capacity,
in the development and the implementation of State policies, programmes
or other initiatives” (Article 9 (1)). Guidelines for the Implementation
of Child Participation have been developed to support the 2nd thematic monitoring
round on “The protection of children against sexual exploitation
and sexual abuse facilitated by information and communication technologies
42. The role of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
is to foster the effective observance of human rights, identify
possible shortcomings in the law and practice, and assist member
states in the implementation of human rights standards. Commissioner
Dunja Mijatović gives high priority to child participation and has
recently pointed out that few governments “have made systematic
efforts to institutionalise mechanisms at different levels for children
to participate actively and meaningfully in all decisions that affect
them. In many countries children still face challenges in accessing
information about their rights and national policies that affect
43. Children play an active role in high profile evaluation events,
such as the Conference entitled “Redefining Power: Strengthening
the rights of the child as the key to a future-proof Europe”, which
was organised in 2019 to review mid-term progress in the implementation
of the Strategy on the Rights of the Child.
Similarly, the “Learning to Live
Together” Conference, held in 2017, aimed at reviewing the implementation
of the Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human
Rights Education.
44. The Child Participation Assessment Tool provides indicators
to measure progress in implementing the Recommendation on the participation
of children and young people under the age of 18. The Tool is accompanied
by an Implementation Guide with a roadmap and detailed guidance
on information collection and focus groups, based on the results
of reporting to the UN Committee for the Rights of the Child. It
was tested in Bulgaria, Estonia, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, and Romania.
4.1.3. Co-operation: working together to
improve the situation
45. In April 2021, the Council
of Europe and its partners from the Czech Republic, Finland, Iceland,
Portugal and Slovenia, launched the EU-CoE Joint Project “CP4EUROPE
– Strengthening National Child Participation Frameworks and Action
in Europe” which they will implement until 31 March 2023. The expected
results include child participation assessments and improved national
frameworks, as well as the creation of a “Child participation leadership
network”, and a new webpage to facilitate the sharing of resources
and experiences.
46. For child participation to be successful, adults working with
children need to be duly prepared and trained. The Council of Europe
develops practical materials based on existing practice and lessons
learned. Among the latest examples is the publication of “New and
innovative forms of youth participation in decision-making processes”
and the Handbook on children’s participation
“Listen – Act – Change”, both for professionals working with children.
HELP Online course on “Child-friendly Justice and Children’s Rights”
supports child participation within the justice system.
47. The “4Children-by-Children” campaign and associated learning
material are part of the DOSTA! initiative to assist children in
confronting prejudice and challenging stereotypes about Roma. Seventy
children aged 12–15 from Albania, Hungary and Spain took part in
specially designed “think tank” activities through a child consultation
process and helped in developing child-friendly material.
48. Child participation is also promoted through the Europe Prize,
which was set up in 1955 by the Assembly to reward towns which champion
European ideals, for example, by means of twinning of towns, European events,
or exchanges between educational establishments. Towns must apply
first for the European Diploma, then for the Flag of Honour and
the Plaque of Honour. The Europe Prize Sub-Committee, of which I
am a member, adjudicates on each category annually. In 2021, a new
Europe Prize trophy replaced the original trophy. It was designed
by a team of young graphic artists from the Strate School of Design
in France. The city of Khmelnytski, in Ukraine, was the winner of
the Europe Prize trophy in 2021. I am always delighted to see, when
we examine the entries for awards, the emphasis which is placed
on involving children and young people. This year, for example,
I visited (virtually) the town of Meudon (near Paris) to present
the Plaque of Honour. Meudon is outstanding in involving young people
in the life of the town. It runs Europe Clubs to raise awareness about
European issues among young people, organises visits to the European
institutions for young people from the city’s youth sites and for
young, elected officials of the Municipal Youth Council, and involves
children in World War II commemorations. Apart from this formal
competition, many parliamentarians will be aware of the numerous
activities in their local towns where children are involved in community
service, and where local councillors encourage child participation.
4.2. Other international institutions
49. The European Union has expressed
a clear commitment to child participation, including in the Charter of
Fundamental Rights (Article 24), the EU Strategy on the Rights of
the Child, and the EU Agenda on the Rights of the Child. As previously
mentioned, in 2021, the European Commission published a “Study on
child participation in EU political and democratic life.”
The study covers a broad range of
mechanisms that have been implemented since 2012 across 28 countries.
During this research, over 200 children and young people shared
their experiences. Thanks to leading child rights organisations,
the Commission received over 10,000 online submissions from children
on the new EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child. The Commission
is also publishing child-friendly versions of the report and of
the Strategy. The European Forum on the Rights of the Child is an
annual conference, which gathers key actors, international organisations,
NGOs, Ombudspersons for children, practitioners, academics, and
EU institutions to promote good practice.
50. In the European Parliament,
Parlamentariums in
Brussels and Strasbourg offer a role-play game for young people.
They are installed in a dedicated space as part of a permanent exhibition.
The role-play game accommodates 16 to 32 players aged 14 and above.
It lasts for about 2.5 hours and must be pre-booked around 4 months
in advance. The young people are given the roles of MEPs of four
political groups discussing two fictitious cases, the aim being
to simulate the legislative process. The process is fully automated,
and the students use mobile phones to guide them through the game.
51. Established in 1987, the European Youth Parliament (EYP) is
a peer-to-peer educational programme operating in 40 countries across
Europe. Its mission is “to inspire and empower young Europeans to
become open-minded, tolerant, and active citizens.” It operates
through a network of organisations of National Committees across
Europe and provides a forum for young people to express opinions
on a wide range of topics. Most participants are aged 16–25 years.
Overall, more than 500 EYP events are organised each year at local,
national, and international levels and more than 30 000 young people
take part in those activities.
52. Children contribute to reporting procedures in the framework
of several UN mechanisms, including the UN Convention on the Rights
of the Child, the Universal Periodic Review and the 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals. The
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has integrated child participation
in its work in many other ways. Children participate in the design,
planning, and organisation of the General Discussion Days.
The Committee consults with children
during the drafting process of its general comments. The Committee
engages children in various events, including anniversaries of the
Convention on the Rights of the Child.
4.3. Parliaments: experiencing democracy
53. Many parliaments across the
world are engaged in initiatives and programmes involving children.
The publication of “Parliaments promoting Democracy”
showcases how some 50 countries around
the world are promoting democracy, particularly among young people.
It follows a survey conducted by the Austrian Parliament in the
lead-up to the Fifth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament
in August 2020, which it co-hosted virtually with the Inter-Parliamentary
Union (IPU) and the United Nations. A Handbook on Child Participation
in Parliament published in 2014 by the Inter-Parliamentary Union
and UNICEF aims “to provide parliamentarians with information on
a variety of mechanisms designed to ensure that children’s participation in
parliaments is meaningful, reflects the voices of the most marginalised,
and contributes to policies, laws, and budgets that intend to correct
the disparities and inequities that afflict the world's children.”
A review of national children and
youth parliaments is included in the recently published “Study on
child participation in EU political and democratic life.”
In what follows, I can only give
a snapshot of various approaches, but more information is available
on websites or by contacting the programmes concerned.
4.3.1. Outreach activities: examples of learning
about rights and democracy
54. In the United Kingdom the Parliament
runs an Engagement Programme and has an Education Department.
Visits to Parliament are organised
for the public and resources such as booklets, videos, and posters
are sent out on request. There are specific resources for children
of different ages. Workshops for schools are run by Education Centre
staff using participatory methods, including group discussion, role
play and games, depending on age, to help children understand how
government works and what children can do to have influence. Outreach
work involves MPs and Peers visiting schools or other youth settings
to present what parliament does and their role in it. MPs also have
links with local government structures and can introduce children
to this aspect of democracy. Under the Programme “Learning with
the Lords”
, Peers visit schools and invite schools
to parliament. Recently, the Lord Speaker has asked me to set up
a small group of Peers, children and advisers involved in this programme
to explore, and report back to him on which structures across Parliament
work with children and young people and in what manner specifically.
Recommendations for development will be included. We hope to report
back by next March.
55. The Austrian Parliament has an educational programme,
which includes a Democracy Workshop,
consisting of workshops for students
in grades 3 to 9. These participatory workshops introduce the foundations of
democracy and parliamentary life, including the role of European
institutions. I had the pleasure, when in Austria for an Assembly
meeting, of attending one of these workshops and was invited to
a discussion after the event. The students were curious and informed
about Europe and asked and responded to questions with confidence.
The Parliament also runs a Youth Parliament and Apprentices Forum.
In the Youth Parliament, participants have discussion groups, argue
their positions, and vote on topical issues. Its proceedings are videorecorded,
and a newspaper covers these activities. In the Apprentices Forum,
participants learn about democracy and what it means to each of
them, the role of parliament and how people can influence the democratic
process. The Civics Education Department runs these workshops and
liaises with the Ministry of Education in relation to school involvement.
56. Every other year, Denmark holds three-week long “School Elections”,
in which 13- to 16-year-olds simulate the entire process of a real
parliamentary election – from the announcement of the election through to
broadcasting of the polling results on TV. The programme is designed
to strengthen pupils’ confidence in taking part in the political
process and broaden their understanding of how elections work. The
result of the elections attracts considerable interest in the Danish
57. The “Democracy Game” is an all-day role-play programme for
secondary school students in Hungary. It demonstrates the legislative
process through the example of a fictitious bill. Four school groups
participate at once, representing different parties with different
values. These profiles accompanied by the fictitious bill are sent
to the students several weeks before the event. During the preparation
period they can draft amendments and familiarise themselves with
the other parties’ proposed amendments. On the day, the participants
attend plenary sittings, committee meetings and parliamentary group
meetings, culminating in the final vote. At the end of the day,
they hold a press conference. The special feature of the programme
is that the coalition does not have a majority in Parliament, so
all the party groups must co-operate if they want to succeed.
4.3.2. Participating in democracy: consultation
leading to change
58. Ultimately, the aim of child
participation is to ensure that children’s views are considered
when decisions affecting their lives are made, including in parliaments.
One example of how this can be done is the project on “Supporting
implementation of Barnhaus (Children’s
house) in Slovenia”, which was organised by the Council of Europe
Children’s Rights Division in 2019-2021 to support victims and witnesses
of sexual violence against children. In 2020, the Ministry of Justice
held a public consultation on the draft law in which 104 children participated.
These consultations were carried out in line with the Council of
Europe and other international standards. Following this consultation,
in 2021 the National Assembly of Slovenia adopted the Law on Child Protection
(“Barnhaus Law”). The children evaluated the process positively.
They appreciated that their opinions were valued and expressed interest
in taking part in similar activities in the future.
59. Some parliaments, such as those of Germany and Turkey, have
established children’s rights committees that examine all laws,
policies, and the government budget from a child rights perspective.
Such committees can not only invite children to participate in their
proceedings and provide testimony but also set up mechanisms for
ongoing participation.
60. In the United Kingdom, the All Party Parliamentary Groups
(which include members from all Parties in both the House of Commons
and the House of Lords) often invite experts on a particular topic
to address the group in order to add to their knowledge. Several
groups are concerned with different aspects of children’s rights
and welfare. Ministers frequently speak at these groups. Children
also speak and attend meetings where their interests are involved.
Such involvement of children can impact on the views of ministers
and members of groups. Frequently children are asked to follow-up
meetings for further consultation. The select Parliamentary Joint
Committee on Human Rights seeks the views of children as relevant.
4.4. The voluntary sector
61. The voluntary sector and its
NGOs are of unique importance in supporting children. There are
many international organisations defending children’s rights (such
Save the Children,
Child Rights International Network (CRIN),
Defence for Children International (DCI)
Child Rights Connect),
and every country has its own NGOs specialising in children’s issues
and collaborating where appropriate (online safety, for example). The
Centre for Human Rights in Geneva has a children’s rights section
with whom the Council of Europe has worked specifically on the issue
of safeguarding children and young people in sports. NGOs have grass
roots information about children in all contexts and can inform
parliamentarians directly, via briefings and meetings. In the United
Kingdom, they provide enormous support to All Party Parliamentary
Groups for children and other issues. All NGOs I know of have children
on their governing bodies or create separate advisory panels, as
does the Children’s Commissioner. Some provide services, such as
professional training.
Save the Children has developed
a “Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Children’s participation.”
The toolkit provides a conceptual framework,
guidance on how to undertake monitoring and evaluation and practical
tools, for the organisations working directly with children, child-
and youth-led organisations, and for governments that are committed
to fulfilling their obligations to respect children’s right to participate.
62. Eurochild is a network of organisations and individuals who
work with and for children in Europe and has a membership across
Europe. They are committed to child participation. Eurochild works
closely with the European Union and the Council of Europe. It has
a Children’s Council, National Eurochild Forums and a Child Participation
Reference Group. They have produced a resource developed with children
and for children which explains the EC Recommendation on Investing
in Children. They hold webinars and support participation of children
in relevant fora such as the high-profile event held by the European
Parliament in Brussels for the 30th anniversary
of the UNCRC.
They produce policy briefings, working
papers and reports on issues which affect the lives of children.
Membership is open to all organisations and individuals with an
interest in the rights and wellbeing of children and young people.
4.5. Schools and the youth sector
63. Many schools are actively promoting
child participation. One example of such work is the Rights Respecting
Schools Programme (RSS) run by UNICEF UK. Other national committees
of UNICEF are also actively engaged, including Iceland, Ireland,
the Netherlands, and France. More than 5,000 schools across the United
Kingdom are currently involved with 1.7 million children and young
people. This includes primary and secondary schools, schools for
children with special needs and pupil referral units (for disaffected
students). The focus is “to work with schools to create safe and
inspiring places to learn, where children’s rights are respected,
their talents are nurtured, and they are able to thrive.” There
are four key areas of impact for children: wellbeing, participation,
relationships, and self-esteem. The premise is that children who
understand their rights understand how they and others should be
treated and their sense of self-worth is strengthened.
64. An extensive website supports the programme, including guidance
and case studies. There is a training programme for teachers who
then share their learning with colleagues. The Head of the RSS UK,
Frances Bentley, has said in an interview that schools must have
ownership of the programme. They do not use only UNICEF materials
but invent their own and adapt. It is important to have the headteacher
and senior staff supportive for RSS to become a whole school approach
to empower staff and pupils. The programme links to other initiatives
in school from government, local authorities, and the voluntary
sector. A school can apply for an RRS award, beginning with bronze
and going on to silver and gold. Some students from the school who have
gone on to higher education have set up their own version of RRS.
The programme works in settings outside schools, for example in
madrassas (religious schools, which are attached to mosques). The
Deputy Headteacher who leads the programme in Burntwood also works
with an LGBT group outside the school.
65. The programme has been extensively evaluated for its impact
on students, teachers, and entire schools. Between 2017 and 2019,
UNICEF gathered evidence from 190 000 students and 20 000 staff.
This survey found that children know about rights, can exercise
their rights, feel valued and recognise the rights of others. School
headteachers and staff were overwhelmingly positive about the programme.
In 2020, the Equality and Human Rights
Commissions published a research report on 10 RRS schools. The report
showed the impact on attainment, attendance, and a reduction in
racist and other prejudiced attitudes.
66. I can testify personally to the success of the RRS. Some years
ago, I was a School Governor of a primary school in South London.
It was a challenging school with several homeless families and a
high incidence of free school meals (an indication of poverty).
Its students used over 40 different languages at home and many children
entered with no English. Academic and behavioural standards were
low. It was classed by inspectors as a “special needs” school. The
governors appointed a new headteacher who had worked in Rights Respecting
Schools. She immediately brought in the programme. Staff were trained,
the school appearance was changed with paintings and other work
of pupils displayed around the premises, each class developed its own
set of class rules, a School Council was set up. A room for parents
was included. A school garden was built. School pets lived in classrooms
in the school and children were responsible for their care. New
ways of teaching were brought in. Absenteeism was reduced and behaviour
improved, academic attainment rose, and more parents were involved
and supportive. Within 2 years, the school was judged, by inspectors,
to be excellent.
4.6. Local authorities
67. In Turkey, at the local level
and in several municipalities, there are “Children’s Councils –
Children’s Municipalities”, and several are in the process of being
established. The rules of election/selection differ across municipalities,
as do their activities and effective participation in local decision-making
processes. These councils are either under the umbrella of City
Councils or Local Governments. Most of these councils hold meetings
and take decisions internally; with only a very few of them having
any institutionally binding/effective relationship with the governing
authorities and local decision-making processes. The İzmir Metropolitan Municipality
is in the process of institutionalising this effort, with the aim
of creating examples of true democratic participation of children.
In smaller municipalities – such as Kadıköy Municipality in İstanbul,
and Şavşat Municipality in Artvin – interaction between the children’s
council and the municipality is often directly related to decision-making
5. Conclusions
68. The Council of Europe with
its relevant Divisions and Committees has produced a great deal
of excellent work on child welfare, child protection and child empowerment.
There are many highly committed and knowledgeable people amongst
staff and parliamentarians. I feel that we could benefit from a
“drawing together” of initiatives in order to have a picture of
what we do in relation to child participation, how this has been
received and how we might proceed in developing what has been achieved.
I would suggest that a panel be convened consisting of parliamentarians,
a member of the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF),
a member of the Lanzarote Committee, a representative from the Children’s
Rights Division, the Youth and Education Departments, Eurochild,
an agreed number of children, and an independent expert on child
participation. Its remit would be to draw together information (in
particular, examples of how children have influenced laws and policies)
and to suggest next moves. I would suggest that the panel be chaired
by either the President of the Assembly or its Secretary General.
69. During work on my last report on the “Impact of the Covid-19
pandemic on children’s rights”,
I was impressed by the wish from
representatives of the European Commission and of the European Parliament
to collaborate on relevant issues. In October 2021 I had another
opportunity to discuss the issue of child participation with Ms Ewa
Kopacz, European Parliament Co-ordinator on Children’s Rights. Useful
exchanges were also held with Mr Colin Scicluna, Head of Cabinet
of European Commissioner Dubravka Šuica, and Mr Emilio Puccio, Co-ordinator
of the European Parliament Intergroup on Children's Rights. Furthermore,
at a high-level international conference on 21 October this year,
experts, including children,
spoke of their experiences of child participation. I was pleased
to be invited to chair a discussion with three children from Portugal
and Slovenia. Children were heavily involved in sessions. Valeria
Setti, European Commission Co-ordinator for the rights of the child,
restated the Commission’s commitment to developing and supporting
child participation in Europe with a number of initiatives in progress
and planned. The current mobilisation of the EU institutions for
promoting participation in general, and child participation is commendable.
I am convinced that joining forces on child participation could
be productive and effective. How that might work would, of course, be
up to the three organisations to decide.
70. This report maintains, as do those with whom I have worked
in its development, that the opinions and perceptions of children
should be considered in all settings, including when forming, and
assessing policy in democratic institutions. Child participation
should be part of policy development and implementation in areas such
as health, education, migration, family, and community affairs.
Children have repeatedly shown themselves to be able to participate
in decision making. As one 9-year-old said, “we children are more acceptable
and reliable than society gives us credit for. Give us the opportunity
to participate.”
71. The pandemic has been a difficult time for us all, and children
have suffered disproportionately. At the same time, it may have
enabled stock taking for individuals and groups about who they are,
what they want to achieve, how they might help others, as well as
the benefits and dangers of online engagement. Many local communities
have sprung to life during the strictures of Covid-19. Re-thinking
our possibilities for involving children in democratic societies
could be refreshing and practical. I feel that now is a good time
for us to assess what has been achieved and what we could further
72. While the principle of child participation has been widely
acknowledged, too often it becomes tokenism and consequently fails
to make a real difference in children’s lives. The main conclusion
that emerged from my discussions with different partners is that
child participation must be meaningful and sustainable. For this,
it needs to be thoroughly prepared, supported with sufficient resources,
and integrated with existing structures and working methods.
73. One key area that many of my interlocutors emphasised is capacity
building for child participation. It is important to include child
participation in curricula for education and training for all professionals
dealing with children, as well as to envisage training for parliamentarians
and public servants. European organisations could perhaps agree
on a training model of “training the trainers” where a pool of expertise
is developed in a particular locality and these experts train others
in schools, youth clubs and in other relevant venues. This is an
effective and economical way of working and develops community spirit.
The Assembly has the advantage of having parliamentarians in constituencies
across Europe. Many have already proved to be good ambassadors for work
on child participation and could give inspiration and support to
local initiatives, for example by encouraging visits to the European
organisations in Strasbourg and Brussels (finance allowing) as well
as to local political and trade union organisations. Advice and
guidance already exist as I reflect in this report. The model of
the Rights Respecting School programme and their “cascade model”
has proven successful, as have other initiatives. They serve to
embed training and development of resources at local levels and
are therefore owned by local children and facilitators.
74. Meaningful participation requires more than just talking to
children. Many teachers and youth workers are now familiar with
teaching methods which give a voice to children, such as group work
and role play. Others may not be confident about taking on this
participatory work. But such a model as I have described can give practical
help, as can sympathetic training of which there are a number of
excellent ones, which I have mentioned.
75. The difficulty of reaching children from various backgrounds,
especially vulnerable groups, needs to be addressed more assiduously.
As I have said before, I am particularly concerned about those children
who are vulnerable and underprivileged or suffer prejudice – those
who live in poverty, are disabled, are from minority backgrounds,
are migrants or refugees, or who identify as LGBTI+. It can happen
that these children are not involved in activities such as debates,
youth parliaments and school councils, often because they lack confidence
or are simply disregarded. We need to be aware of this and ensure
equality of opportunity for all children. It has also been mentioned
to me that children living in rural areas are sometimes not included
in plans to enhance participation.
76. Feedback from children shows that they feel most empowered
when they are involved throughout the procedure and when there are
opportunities for them to meet other children. They feel that they
are listened to, and often go on to become human rights activists.
Adult-led spaces and procedures are often overwhelming.
77. I am convinced that parliamentarians can be instrumental and
a positive force in encouraging children to participate in, and
contribute to, organisational thinking in the context of democratic
societies and learning about child rights. Such participation needs
to be given higher priority within the parliaments, and it should
be integrated in the working methods, through the rules of procedure
and the work of committees.
78. Any work with children must be done with care. Like for health
professionals, “do no harm” should be the underlying principle for
any action. Both adults and children need to be duly trained and
prepared, to ensure respect and protection from excessive exposure
or abuse. Any organisation working with children should have a safeguarding
policy, as well as mechanisms to prevent and reduce negative experiences,
and to address any issues promptly and effectively. I have often
found it useful to consult with particular NGOs about child welfare when,
for example, children visit parliament.
79. Children’s rights and the concept of democratic societies
are closely linked. Learning about rights reinforces the strength
of democracies and learning about democracy reinforces the need
to understand rights. Given that democracy is currently facing many
challenges, child participation is an essential tool for laying
the foundations of future Europe that is prosperous, peaceful, fair,
and caring.