1. Introduction
do not become Nazi countries in one day. Evil progresses cunningly,
with a minority operating, as it were, to remove the levers of control.
One by one freedoms are suppressed, in one sphere after another
(…). It is necessary to intervene before it is too late. A conscience
must exist somewhere which will sound the alarm to the minds of
a nation menaced by this progressive corruption, to warn them of
the peril (…)”
Pierre-Henri Teitgen
1.1. Procedure
1. The motion for a resolution
entitled “Countering ill democracies in Europe”, on which this report
is based, and which was also referred to the Committee on Legal
Affairs and Human Rights for opinion on 12 April 2019, focuses on
the rise of ill democracies in Council of Europe member States and
refers to a number of negative practices and trends that are features
of “ill democracies”. The text calls for a set of clear standards
and criteria to define the phenomenon and consequently counter these
2. The committee discussed this motion at its meeting of 20 May
2019, and I was appointed rapporteur on 25 June 2019. On 30 January
2020, on the basis of an introductory memorandum that I submitted,
the committee held a hearing with the participation of Mr Larry
Diamond, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Freeman
Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University,
and Mr Michael Frendo, a member of the European Commission for Democracy
through Law (Venice Commission). During the same meeting, the committee
accepted my proposal to change the title of the report to “Fostering
healthy democracies in Europe.
3. On 8 September 2020, the committee agreed to request a contribution
from the Venice Commission in order to gain a better understanding
of the Council of Europe’s constitutional acquis in the field covered
by my report. The information provided by the President of the Venice
Commission, Mr Gianni Buquicchio, during the hearing entitled “Democracy:
trends, challenges and opportunities” that was held in Budapest
on 3 November 2021 was very relevant and enabled me to make progress
in my work.
4. On 6 December 2021, I presented a preliminary draft report
to the committee which was supported by most of the members. Improvements
were proposed, however, among them the inclusion of some clarification as
to the reasons for the democratic backsliding described in the report.
This final version of my report takes account of the contributions
and the criticisms I received. I also propose to adopt the terminology
used in the Statute of the Council of Europe (STE No. 1) and to
change the title to “Safeguarding and promoting genuine democracy
in Europe”.
1.2. Scope and aim of the report
5. My report aims to identify
the structural components of “genuine democracy”, as referred to
in the Council of Europe Statute, and to offer recommendations so
that they can be strengthened in the member States. By doing so,
I hope to be able to prevent the committee from channelling its
energy into a debate about whether it is appropriate to use terms
such as “ill democracy” or “illiberal democracy” so that it can
focus on matters of substance in analysing what a genuine democracy
is and how it can be strengthened. However, since these concepts
are used in the motion for a resolution underlying this report as
opposing liberal democracy, the latter must be briefly described.
6. Liberal democracy means a democratic system of government
in which individual rights and freedoms are officially recognised
and protected and in which the exercise of political power is limited
by the rule of law.
Although it does not use the term
“liberal democracy”, the preamble to the Statute of the Council
of Europe provides that “all genuine democracy” is based on principles
of individual freedom, political liberty and the rule of law.
7. Even though democracy and liberalism have different content
and origins in the history of political thought, political science
has suggested that they form a coherent whole, because each component
seems necessary to protect and support the other. So on the one
hand, democracy implies the principle of equality of all citizens
and their participation in the decision-making process, which is
based on majority rule. It also includes the principle of popular
sovereignty, which means that the people are the sole source of
legitimacy and only they can authorise forms of government.
On the other
hand, liberalism is a political doctrine
that recognises
and protects a sphere beyond the rightful reach of government in
which individuals can enjoy independence and privacy.
8. Consequently, liberal democracy is understood to mean the
political system that both protects individual rights and translates
the people’s views into public policy. Dysfunction in one aspect
can quickly breed dysfunction in another: democracy without rights
undermines democracy itself. For example, violations of freedom
of expression or of assembly are clearly detrimental to pluralism,
which is necessary for every democratic form of government. There
is therefore good reason to fear that liberal democracy may not
survive if one of its components is abandoned and if we cannot avert
the slow divergence between its two pillars.
2. Democratic backsliding across Europe
and the world
2.1. Current position and initial analysis
9. For several years, many organisations
working to promote human rights and democracy have been issuing
warnings about democratic backsliding across the world. This phenomenon
has been combined with an equally worrying regression in human rights
and the rule of law, which are closely associated with democracy.
The situation is so alarming that there is already talk of “democracy
under siege”.
In its most recent
report on the state of democracy, the International Institute for
Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) warns that
“the monumental human victory achieved when democracy became the predominant
form of governance now hangs in the balance like never before”.
10. Unfortunately, Europe has not been spared by this phenomenon,
a particular feature of which has been a rise in populist parties
and a gradual erosion of democratic values by democratically elected
governments and leaders. The 2021 report by the Secretary General
of the Council of Europe on the state of democracy, human rights
and the rule of law also notes the “clear and worrying degree of
democratic backsliding”.
11. Over recent decades, our democracies have been faced with
many challenges, which have had a considerable impact, both on the
functioning of democratic institutions and on our societies’ perceptions
vis-à-vis the traditional political class. The high concentration
of wealth and power has taken our democratic institutions hostage
through, among others, politics, media and the justice system. Globalisation,
growing economic inequalities, economic stagnation, unemployment
and the erosion of the middle classes have led to a general loss
of faith in the ability of politicians and traditional political
forces to deliver prosperity and good governance. The image of representative
democracy has also been tarnished by practices such as corruption and
tax fraud. Furthermore, multiculturalism and the impact of the migration
crisis have given rise to feelings of insecurity creating a fertile
breeding ground for nationalism and xenophobia. A general sense
of dissatisfaction with democracy has taken hold and has played
a crucial role in the rise of populism.
12. To restore faith in democratic institutions, we have to conduct
a serious, broad-based and creative assessment of these political
challenges. Policy makers also need to pay attention to the valid
concerns of citizens who feel that they are losing their bearings
in the face of globalisation, which threatens their jobs or economic
prospects, economic failure and uncontrolled immigration, and feel
abandoned by Europe, making them receptive to the appeals of populists.
13. It is also important to guarantee good democratic governance.
In this regard, local and regional democracy has an important role
to play because citizens generally have more confidence in local
authorities than they have in central government authorities. The
Council of Europe’s 12 Principles of Good Democratic Governance
at local level – which cover issues such as ethical conduct, the
rule of law, effectiveness and efficiency, transparency, sound financial
management and accountability – provide an invaluable tool for local and
regional authorities, which must also have the necessary powers,
adequate financial resources and skilled staff to provide good governance
and the best possible services to the entire population. We must
welcome the fact that work is under way on the preparation, under
the responsibility of the European Committee on Democracy and Governance
(CDDG), of a draft recommendation of the Committee of Ministers
to the member States on principles of good democratic governance
to be applied generally at all levels of government, building on
the 12 Principles of Good Democratic Governance at local level.
14. In addition, in view of the erosion of the popular support
base of traditional parties, it is essential for governments to
reinvigorate civic education and democratic education by disseminating
the values of a democratic way of life at all stages of education
and training for young people, including by raising awareness of
the dangers of cyberspace and disinformation. In this context, it
is encouraging to note that education for democratic citizenship
and empowerment of and an increased decision-making role for young
people are part of the Council of Europe’s strategic priorities
for the next four years. As the Secretary General of the Council of
Europe points out, all work in this area “constitutes an investment
in the future democratic development of European societies and a
strong guarantee of future generations’ commitment to the protection
and promotion of human rights, democratic values and the rule of
2.2. Progressive backsliding
15. During the January 2020 hearing,
Mr Diamond argued that the significant acceleration in “democratic failure”
over the last 40 years did not happen overnight, but rather through
a “gradual, incremental, undeclared and stealth strangulation of
the same vein, Mr Frendo pointed out that the transition to an “illiberal
democracy” is seldom sudden, and that it is instead the outcome
of a “gradual, piecemeal erosion of the country’s democratic values
which ultimately only leaves behind the bare bones of an electoral
process, leading to domination of the majority”.
16. Mr Diamond outlined what he called the “autocrats’ 12-step
programme” whereby democratically elected leaders or governments,
usually on a populist platform:
i. begin
to demonise the opposition as illegitimate and unpatriotic, part
of the discredited establishment, out of touch with the “true people”;
ii. undermine the independence of the courts by forcing existing
judges to leave and then packing the courts;
iii. undermine the independence of the media, by denouncing
them as partisan, mobilising the intense populist following against
them, taking over ownership of them through politically loyal businesses
and party-linked political cronies;
iv. if there is public broadcasting, gain control of it and
politicise it;
v. impose stricter control of the internet, in the name of
morality, security, counter-terrorism, but casting a chilling effect
on free speech;
vi. subdue other elements of civil society, particularly NGOs
and universities, by casting them as elitist, politically partisan
and anti-government;
vii. intimidate the business community into ceasing support
for opposition parties;
viii. use State control over contracts, credit flows, and other
resources to enrich a new class of political crony capitalists who
are tightly linked to and reliably supportive of the ruling party;
ix. extend political control over the State bureaucracy and
security apparatus to purge the “deep State” of anyone not slavishly
loyal, use the State intelligence apparatus as a weapon against
the opposition;
x. gerrymander constituencies and otherwise rig electoral
rules to make it much more difficult for opposition parties to win
the next election;
xi. gain control over electoral administration to further
tilt the electoral playing field and institutionalise offensive
xii. repeat steps 1 to 11, ever more vigorously, deepening
fear of opposing or criticising the new political hegemony and thus
demobilising all significant forms of resistance.”
17. Consequently, institutions and actors whose role is to constrain
and scrutinise the executive are being gradually hollowed out, compromised
or hijacked. Given these trends, defending the independence of the judiciary,
parliament, the public prosecution service, anti-corruption authorities,
audit agencies, the media, civil society, universities and think
tanks is crucially important.
18. The Rule of Law Checklist
up by the Council of Europe’s expert body on constitutional law,
the Venice Commission, and endorsed by both the Assembly and the
Committee of Ministers, can be seen as a useful tool to adjust a
government’s course, along with a clear expression of political
will to strengthen the pillars of democracy.
3. Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
19. The Covid-19 pandemic has severely
tested the public’s faith in democratic institutions and has affected many
components of European societies beyond health services, including
respect for the values defended by the Council of Europe. In terms
of the impact on democracy, the conclusion in the report of the
Secretary General of the Council of Europe is unequivocal: while
the phenomenon of democratic backsliding predates the health crisis,
the legitimate measures taken by national authorities to deal with
Covid-19 have exacerbated the trend.
20. The health crisis has affected the democratic process in every
country in the world. According to a report by International IDEA,
in order to deal with the pandemic, more than half of the world’s
countries declared a national state of emergency that enabled them
to take drastic (and often necessary) measures to stem the spread
of Covid-19. In more than half of the world’s countries, the measures
taken were viewed as worrying from a democracy and human rights
perspective because they were, among other things, disproportionate
to the health risk. The aspects of democracy that have seen the
most worrying developments during the pandemic are freedom of expression,
media freedom and personal integrity and security. Another core democratic
process that has been heavily affected by the pandemic is the electoral
process, with half of the elections scheduled between February and
December 2020 having been postponed due to the pandemic.
21. Our Assembly has adopted a number of texts concerning different
aspects of the health crisis and its effects. In
Resolution 2337 (2020) “Democracies facing the Covid-19 pandemic”
, which was adopted on the basis
of a report approved by our committee, the Assembly highlighted
the importance of parliaments as guarantors of democracy in times
of crisis and reaffirmed their fundamental role in holding governments
to account: parliaments, which ensure that the system of checks
and balances functions properly, considerably mitigate the risk
of abuse of emergency powers by governments and evaluate the effectiveness
of measures taken to tackle the pandemic. The Assembly also underlined
that the continuity of parliamentary work and the provision of information
to the public about it also ensure government legitimacy, promote
transparency in policy making and enhance public trust, which can
increase public adherence to emergency measures. With regard to
elections during emergency situations, the Assembly suggested a
set of principles based on the Venice Commission’s recommendations.
22. The Assembly has also identified democratic values and fundamental
principles from which States must not deviate, and drawn attention
to certain areas where problems have arisen, such as: the legal
basis for introducing a state of emergency was not always sufficient
to justify the measures taken and was not always clear; the duration
and scope of restrictive measures were not always duly limited;
derogations from the European Convention on Human Rights (ETS No.
5)may have been used too freely and perhaps unnecessarily; judicial
systems’ emergency operating arrangements did not always guarantee
the right to a fair trial and a public hearing within a reasonable
time; and parliament, notably the opposition, was not always able to
play its role fully.
4. The structural components of genuine
4.1. Pluralism of opinions and freedom
of expression
23. To boost people’s participation
in political debate, it is essential for every citizen to have access
to the whole spectrum of opinions, thoughts and ideas. Everyone
must have the right to freedom of thought and conscience, and no
one should be subject to ill treatment or be prosecuted for their
ideas. Pluralism of ideas allows for beneficial exchange of opinions
and makes political debate possible.
24. Freedom of thought is protected under Article 9 of the European
Convention on Human Rights and there is a considerable amount of
case law of the European Court of Human Rights in this field.
strengthen political debate, freedom of expression, which is protected
by Article 10 of the Convention and on which there is another large
body of case law, may only be restricted in very precise circumstances,
because it is “the mainstay of the defence of fundamental rights”
and without it, “it is impossible to discover the violation of other rights”.
potential restriction must therefore be viewed as an exception,
be proportionate to the goal pursued and be interpreted narrowly.
25. It should be underlined that social media are gradually becoming
a crucial factor in people’s participation in politics, as they
facilitate communication in the public realm and offer new possibilities
for free expression. However, they also facilitate the dissemination
of contentious, harmful and illegal content. In addition to hate speech,
a growing amount of disinformation is contributing to “information
disorder” and is having a negative impact on society’s trust in
the media and, more broadly, democratic institutions.
A clear regulatory framework
concerning information in the digital age is therefore needed, as
is close co-operation between governments and multinational internet
26. According to a report prepared by Mr Frithjof Schmidt (Germany,
SOC) entitled “Democracy hacked? How to respond?”, “manipulation
and disinformation tactics played an important role in elections
in at least 18 countries in 2017, damaging citizens’ ability to
choose their leaders based on factual news and authentic debate
and giving rise to what has been named ‘digital authoritarianism’.
At the same time, governments around the world are tightening control
over citizens’ data and using claims of “fake news” to suppress
dissent, eroding trust in the internet as well as the foundations
of democracy.”
Digital interference in elections
is still widespread across the democratic spectrum and on social
networks, which are a growing conduit for electoral manipulation
and mass surveillance.
27. As regards media coverage of election campaigns, the Assembly’s
election observation reports note that in a large number of countries,
most of the media are affiliated with the main political parties
and advertising media are controlled by them, so media pluralism
can be regarded as limited. In his speech on 3 November 2021, the
President of the Venice Commission, Mr Buquicchio, confirmed this
when he underlined that one of the main challenges in elections
is distortion of political competition, including through imbalanced
media coverage. Moreover, there are serious concerns about the very
high concentration of media ownership, the monopolisation of many
media outlets and the lack of transparency as to their sources of
funding and ownership.
28. Safety of human rights defenders including lawyers, journalists
and members of NGOs is certainly a criterion of a genuine democracy.
Resolution 2225 (2018) “Protecting human rights defenders in Council of Europe
member States”, the Assembly noted that reprisals against human
rights defenders had been on the rise in recent years. Likewise,
Resolution 2317 (2020) “Threats to media freedom and journalists’ security
in Europe”, it highlighted the urgent need to protect journalists’
safety and stated that over the previous five years, “threats to
media freedom and the safety of journalists have become so numerous,
repeated and serious that they are jeopardising […] the stability
and smooth functioning of our democratic societies”.
4.2. Freedom of assembly and association
29. The right to freedom of peaceful
assembly, which is protected by Article 11 of the European Convention on
Human Rights, is a fundamental right in a democratic society and,
like the right to freedom of expression, it is one of its foundations.
Freedom of association – which is also protected by Article 11 –
is similarly important and the European Court of Human Rights has
underlined its direct relationship with democracy and pluralism, noting
that the state of democracy in a country can be gauged by the way
in which this freedom is guaranteed by national law and the way
in which it is applied by the authorities in practice.
30. While, in the context of Article 11, the Court has often referred
to the essential role played by political parties in ensuring pluralism
and democracy, associations formed for other purposes, including
those protecting cultural or spiritual heritage, pursuing various
social or economic aims, proclaiming or teaching a religion, seeking
an ethnic identity or asserting a minority consciousness, are also
important to the proper functioning of democracy. In addition, NGOs
play an important role in monitoring State action and exposing human
rights abuses. As underlined by the former Secretary General of
the Council of Europe, this watchdog function is in full compliance
with the objectives of a liberal democracy and in profound contrast
with any authoritarian method.
31. In
Resolution 2226
(2018) “New restrictions on NGO activities in Council of Europe
member States”, the Assembly also underlined the importance of NGOs
in developing and realising democracy, the rule of law and human
rights, which they do by promoting public awareness and participation
in public life, ensuring the transparency and accountability of
public authorities and contributing to the cultural life and social
well-being of democratic societies. Noting with concern that the
space for civil society had been shrinking in several Council of
Europe member States over the previous years, especially in respect
of NGOs working in the area of human rights, the Assembly decided
to remain active on this issue.
In 2021, the Assembly adopted a further
resolution on the same subject, noting that space for civil society
was still dwindling.
4.3. Free and fair elections
32. Having promoted and protected
the desired pluralism, every democratic government should also guarantee
the right to free and fair elections, which is crucial in sustaining
the foundations of effective and genuine democracy governed by the
rule of law. The legitimacy of any government relies on elections
that allow citizens to participate in the democratic debate and
to express their choices at the ballot box.
33. In its conclusions, which remain valid today, the Forum for
the Future of Democracy held in Kyiv from 21 to 23 October 2009
stated that:
i. Democratic elections are decisive for ensuring
that the will of the people is respected in the shaping of the legislature
and government at all levels. The process of translating the outcome
of elections into political mandates should take place in a fair,
impartial and trustworthy manner. Citizens must be sure that their
collective will has been respected and, in turn, they will accept
the verdict from the ballot box.
ii. The Council of Europe’s
objective is to establish a common understanding about all the principles which
qualify elections as being ‘free and fair’ in compliance with democratic
standards. Those standards must be fully implemented in all elections
throughout the Council of Europe space and in those States aspiring
to join the Organisation or engage in a privileged relationship
with it.
34. However, it must be noted that public confidence in the electoral
process is falling sharply, as shown by the continually decreasing
level of voter turnout. According to the report of the Secretary
General of the Council of Europe, for the tenth year in a row, the
average turnout in parliamentary elections in Europe has stagnated, and
it actually decreased in 2020. At the end of 2020, 13 member States
(27.66%) had elected their parliament on a turnout lower than 50%.
Despite this downward trend in election turnout, the report notes
a renewal of interest in public affairs, which appears to show that
“the current electoral systems are not sufficiently sharp enough
to ensure the continued influence of citizens over public decisions
and the ensuing bond of trust between the electorate and its elected
representatives”. It would therefore be essential to initiate substantive reflection
on the development of electoral practices and systems in order to
adapt them to current realities.
35. Moreover, the prevention of governmental manipulation of the
electoral process is central to the democratic alternation of political
parties in government. For this reason, the electoral process must
be organised and supervised by an independent and impartial authority
tasked with guaranteeing free and fair elections.
36. Outside of government, it is vital to prevent vested economic
interests from exerting illegitimate influence. Electoral authorities
must pay attention to the issue of the transparency of funding of
political parties and candidates. At the same time, disproportionate
prohibition of funding for parties can lead to manipulation of pre-election
Resolution 2390 (2021) “Transparency and regulation of donations to political parties
and electoral campaigns from foreign donors”, the Assembly expressed
serious concern over the fact that legal loopholes in the existing
regulations governing financial contributions to political parties
and electoral campaigns from foreign sources were or could be exploited
or deliberately circumvented in order to exert inappropriate influence
on political processes. It made specific proposals to close these
loopholes and called on States to review their relevant regulations,
including their enforcement, among other things.
37. In addition, Assembly
2332 (2020) “Setting minimum standards for electoral systems in
order to offer the basis for free and fair elections” states that
a discrepancy between the political choices of voters as expressed
in elections and the composition of elected institutions is a sign
of democratic deficit and puts the electoral system’s fairness in
doubt. The Assembly therefore asked the Venice Commission to consider
ways of setting up minimum standards with which electoral systems
must comply in order to be regarded as guaranteeing not only free
elections, but also fair results. It also called on it to consider
updating the 2002 Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters in
order to keep pace with the political realities observed in European societies
and face up to new challenges.
4.4. Parliamentary opposition’s fundamental
38. The representation system and
the significant legacy of parliamentarianism have already created
an important tradition concerning the opposition in Council of Europe
member States. However, the legal position of the opposition should
be appropriate to its political task, which is to ensure that the
minority’s views and rights are articulated, that its opinions are
aired and that its ideas are disseminated. Every opposition should
have sufficient means to perform the essential scrutiny of government
activity. Any measure taken to weaken the parliamentary opposition
leads to tyranny of the majority, and hence amounts to undermining
democracy itself.
39. In 2008, our Assembly adopted
1601 (2008) “Procedural guidelines on the rights and responsibilities
of the opposition in a democratic parliament”
. Subsequently,
in view of worrying trends across Europe, the former Secretary General
of the Council of Europe, Mr Jagland, asked the Venice Commission
to formulate guidelines on relations between the majority and the
opposition. As a result, on 21-22 June 2019, the Venice Commission
adopted an opinion entitled “Parameters on the relationship between
the parliamentary majority and the opposition in a democracy: a
40. This checklist – which was subsequently endorsed by the Committee
of Ministers – goes beyond specific opposition rights and also deals
with rights of parliamentarians and parliament in general. However,
the focus is on opposition rights. The opposition must be able to
participate in the legislative process effectively: in this context,
the list deals with its involvement in agenda-setting, the allocation
of speaking time, the tabling of amendments, decisions to be taken
by a qualified majority, the initiation of referenda and the possibility
of seeking review of the constitutionality of laws.
41. The importance of opposition involvement in parliamentary
scrutiny of the government’s activity is also underlined. More generally,
the list reflects the fundamental principles according to which
democracy is not dictatorship by the majority. In his speech on
3 November 2021, Mr Buquicchio underlined that a problem often criticised
by the Venice Commission is that of legislation being passed swiftly
with no prior consultation or in-depth debate in parliament. He
stressed that a maximally inclusive process involves compromise
or, better still, seeking a win-win solution.
4.5. Legality and legal certainty
42. The principle of legality is
recognised by both the European Court of Human Rights and the Venice Commission
as a component of the rule of law. It is a highly important principle
in the legal order of every democracy, because it implies that everything
that the government does should be in accordance with and allowed
by the law. As the law is the outcome of the parliamentary process,
its supremacy strengthens the democratic system.
43. That is the reason why no government is permitted to interpret
the law
contra legem. It should
be combined with the principle of legal certainty, as accessibility
and predictability of the law require that the law is worded with
sufficient precision and clarity to enable legal subjects to adjust
their behaviour in accordance with its rules. Moreover, every institution
in a democracy must respect the non-retroactivity of criminal law
res judicata.
4.6. Anti-discrimination, diversity and
44. Democracy is based on respect
for human rights and the participation and inclusion of all citizens.
On 17 May 2019, in Helsinki, on the 70th anniversary
of the Council of Europe, the Committee of Ministers adopted a declaration
in which it reaffirmed “the importance of anti-discrimination and
equality policies in a democratic society characterised by pluralism,
tolerance and broad-mindedness”. Further to this declaration, a
Steering Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion
(CDADI) was set up by the Committee of Ministers to promote equality
for all and develop more inclusive societies which offer effective
protection against discrimination and hatred and in which diversity
is respected.
45. Regrettably, the whole of Europe is seeing an increase in
hate speech and crimes targeted in particular at Roma and Travellers,
Jews, Muslims, Black people and ethnic minorities. Victimisation
based on sexual orientation and gender is also frequent. As the
European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) noted
in its 2019 annual report, hate speech by politicians against minority
groups and migrants, including by parliamentarians and especially
in the form of xenophobic populism during election campaigns, has
increased in frequency. At times, even high-level politicians engage
in negative stereotyping.
In addition, the
rise of xenophobia and racism is infringing on the democratic space
of national minorities, who can find themselves excluded from political
discourse and decision making as a result.
46. In
Resolution 2275
(2019), the Assembly pointed out that, when used in political
debate, hate speech becomes a barrier to constructive dialogue between
political forces and undermines democratic values. It pointed out
that “politicians have both a political obligation and a moral responsibility
to refrain from using hate speech and stigmatising language, and
to condemn promptly and unequivocally its use by others, as silence may
be interpreted as approval or support. The enhanced protection of
freedom of expression that they enjoy also strengthens their responsibility
in this area”.
47. The participation of women is an essential component of democracy.
There can be no true democracy without balanced representation and
participation of women and men in the democratic process. A democracy that
overlooks the aspirations and potential of 50% of society is inherently
biased. Equality also helps to strengthen democracy, as has been
shown by research and experience on the ground. It is therefore necessary
to tackle the patterns of exclusion, the structural barriers, the
stereotypes and the unequal power relationships that perpetuate
these patterns.
4.7. Government not abusing or misusing
its power
48. The separation of powers is
one of the fundamental pillars of the modern State. Every constitutional order
must guarantee that the powers of the State are divided between
three branches: the legislature, the executive and the judiciary.
Ultimately, the aim is to prevent abuses of power, but it is also
essential to avoid misuse of power. Any democracy puts in place
legal safeguards against arbitrariness and abuse of power in case
the government attempts to expand its powers beyond the law, or
even to use its powers for illegitimate purposes.
49. Therefore, clear restrictions and an authority with the power
to remedy and punish abuses are strongly recommended. Independent
authorities, such as the Ombudsman and a number of regulatory committees
as recommended by the Venice Commission, can also serve as a useful
means of remedying abuse or misuse of power.
4.8. Efficiency, impartiality and independence
of the judiciary
50. An efficient, impartial and
independent judicial system is an essential pillar of the rule of
law and a prerequisite for the exercise of fundamental rights and
freedoms, including the right to a fair trial. It is also the cornerstone
of the system of democratic checks and balances, namely the separation
of powers. Therefore, the judiciary must be administratively and
financially independent and the government must refrain from taking action
that undermines its special status. This means that sufficient funds
are required, and that the judicial council tasked with the administrative
management must be made up of judges (at least 50% + 1) chosen by their
peers. Additionally, the judiciary should have independent decision-making
power and judges must have personal independence with regard to
their term of office and remuneration.
51. In his speech on 3 November 2021, Mr Buquicchio mentioned
the following worrying developments in relation to the independence
of the judiciary, including infringements arising from legislation:
excessive powers of the executive and the legislature in appointing
judges; the absence of guarantees of stability for judges – including
the possibility that they can be transferred easily without their
consent; the creation of new courts or the elimination of old ones;
the limited role of judges in electing the National Council of the
Judiciary; and the existence of special courts that try judges themselves.
52. Similarly, one of the key findings in the report of the Secretary
General of the Council of Europe is that proposed legislation and
intervention with the aim of exerting political influence over judicial
appointments and the make-up and running of self-governing judicial
bodies have become more common in recent years. In addition, steps
have been taken to weaken the security of judges’ tenure or empower
the executive to replace court presidents in a discretionary manner.
5. Conclusions
53. Democratic backsliding in Europe
(and around the world), which has been happening for several years already,
has worsened during the ongoing health crisis, to the point where
we are being warned of the danger that “our democratic culture will
not fully recover”.
There is an urgent
and imperative need to reverse this trend. The Russian Federation’s
aggression against Ukraine demonstrates the importance of the responsibility of
member States in this context. For the Council of Europe member
States this is not just a responsibility that the authorities have
vis-à-vis their citizens but also one which each member State has
vis-à-vis all the others, because only genuine democracies can ensure
“the pursuit of peace based upon justice and international co-operation”,
as advocated by the Organisation’s Statute.
54. This crisis of democracy affects almost all aspects of the
democratic order: erosion and loss of confidence in institutions,
mis- and disinformation of the public, disintegration of social
cohesion and polarisation of society.
55. Some argue that new models of democracy need to be invented
because “liberal democracy” has been incapable of meeting the challenges
of the last few decades. Yet democracy has the necessary resilience
and flexibility to deal successfully with current and future challenges
and citizens’ needs and expectations while remaining committed to
respect for individual freedoms and the rule of law.
56. As underlined by Mr Buquicchio in his speech before the committee
on 3 November 2021, “democracy is not an exercise for philosophers,
it must be alive and involve the people who gave it its name, as
well as their elected representatives”, which means us parliamentarians
of member States.
57. The Assembly should clearly express its political will to
strengthen and renew democracy based on respect for individual freedoms
and the rule of law. In the process, it must be borne in mind that
a stable and robust democracy is not static; on the contrary, it
is capable of adapting to new challenges and developments in society
and addressing citizens’ needs and expectations, which are likewise
in a constant state of flux. The Assembly should also make recommendations
on how the impact and consistency of the Council of Europe’s democracy-related
activities could be enhanced.