Amendment 17
| Doc. 13441
| 09 April 2014
Signatories: Mr Valeriu GHILETCHI,
Republic of Moldova, EPP/CD ; Mr Viorel Riceard BADEA,
Romania, EPP/CD ; Ms Ana GUŢU,
Republic of Moldova, ALDE ; Mr Cezar Florin PREDA,
Romania, EPP/CD ; Mr Johann WADEPHUL,
Germany, EPP/CD
In the draft resolution, replace paragraph 6.7 with the following paragraph:
"call on the Venice Commission to study if adopting or strengthening legislative provisions punishing the abuse of psychological and/or physical weakness, and enabling associations to join proceedings as parties claiming damages in criminal cases concerning excesses of sects, would be necessary, and if so how it could be done in conformity with international human rights standards;"
Explanatory Note :
There is no data in the report which can justify such measures which have been already strongly criticised by human rights international bodies, including the Assembly itself, and an input from the Venice Commission is therefore the best way to be sure of what the Assembly engages in.
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