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Recommendation 502 (1967)

Persons wishing to engage in paid employment after retirement

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly

Origin - Assembly debate on 28th September 1967 (13th Sitting) (see Doc. 2266, report of the Social Committee). Text adopted by the Assembly on 28th September 1967 (13th Sitting).

The Assembly,

1. Considering that the trend of European population structures as a result of increased longevity and generalised ageing of the population is creating a whole series of new problems ;
2. Considering that a large number of workers are reaching the age of retirement at a time when, thanks more particularly to medical progress, their capacity for work is undiminished, and whereas, since working conditions are becoming less taxing, they do not wish to be forced to retire from active life too abruptly ;
3. Considering that, for a large part of the population, a professional activity is a means of self-expression and stability and that, in the opinion of gerontologists, a sudden cessation of working life may seriously endanger physical and mental health ;
4. Considering that older persons should not be excluded from the economic and social life of the community, to which they still have an important contribution to make ;
5. Considering, however, that the pension schemes of several European countries restrict or forbid the payment of a retirement pension at the same time as remuneration for regular employment ;
6. Considering that such provisions may be justified in certain circumstances by undesirable pressures on wage and pension levels and that the condition of the labour market should also be borne in mind ;
7. Considering that no one should be forced to work when in retirement through lack of an adequate pension ;
8. Considering the OECD's conclusions on policies relating to the employment of older workers, which meet with the Assembly's approval ;
9. Considering that the Committee of Ministers has included in the Programme of Intergovernmental Work for the Council of Europe the preparation of a Recommendation to Governments on social and medico-social policy for old age ;
10. Having regard to the report of the Social Committee (Doc. 2266),
11. Recommends that the Committee of Ministers :
a. consider means of enabling all wage-earners desirous and capable of doing so to remain in paid employment beyond the age-limit, without prejudice to their rights to retirement pension in respect of their normal working life and without exerting any unfavourable influence on the labour market ;
b. invite member Governments to effect a gradual liberal alignment of their labour legislation in respect of the simultaneous payment of retirement pension and remuneration for employment ;
c. inform the Joint Working Party on Social and Medico-Social Policy for old age of the Governmental Social Committee and the European Public Health Committee of this Recommendation and of the report of the Social Committee.