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Progress report | Doc. 14455 Add. 3 | 18 December 2017
Election of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
Report by the Sub-Committee on Human Rights
1. The Sub-Committee on Human
Rights of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights met in
Paris on 12 December 2017 at 2 pm in order to hold a hearing of
the candidates to the post of Council of Europe Commissioner for
Human Rights.
2. The list of candidates was transmitted to the Assembly by
the Committee of Ministers on 23 November 2017
. It contained the following names
in alphabetical order:

- Mr Goran KLEMENČIČ (Slovenia)
- Mr Pierre-Yves LE BORGN’ (France)
- Ms Dunja MIJATOVIĆ (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
3. The Sub-Committee interviewed
the three candidates, in the above order. It granted each of the candidates
a thirty-minute interview. The Sub-Committee then discussed its
impressions of the candidates in the light of their applications,
the presentations they made of their candidatures and the answers
they gave to members' questions.
4. On this basis, the Sub-Committee, whilst considering that
all three candidates were fully qualified to fulfill the requirements
of the office of Commissioner for Human Rights, established the
following order of preference amongst the candidates, with a large
majority in favour of the first candidate:
1. Mr Pierre-Yves LE BORGN’