1. Introduction
1. Women’s empowerment is a complex
process encompassing various factors, ranging from access to education
and increased political representation to participation in the economy,
improved work-life balance and freedom from gender-based violence.
Empowering women means removing all the obstacles preventing them
from contributing to the development of society on an equal footing
with men.
2. Protecting women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights
is part of this process, particularly so in the current context
of global backlash against women’s rights. Today, it is important
not only to consolidate what has been achieved, but also to push
forward for further progress. This also applies to contraception,
an area which is crucial to women’s empowerment and where further
progress is necessary. Contraception increases women’s decision-making
power and autonomy, as individuals and within the household, and
helps them to strike a better balance between private and work life.
3. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals highlight
the correlation between gender equality and sexual and reproductive
health and rights. In particular, goal 5 (“Achieve gender equality
and empower all women and girls”) includes the specific target to
“Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive

4. Council of Europe member States are far from reaching goal
5: the Europe-wide “Contraception Atlas” published by the European
Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (EPF) and presenting
the situation in 46 European countries regarding access to contraception,
supplies and the availability of relevant information and counselling,
concludes that “every country analysed needs to do more to improve
5. The “Barometer of Women’s Access to Modern Contraceptive Choice
in 16 EU Countries”, published by the International Planned Parenthood
Federation – European Network (IPPF EN) in January 2015, highlights “the
strong grip that patriarchal, traditional and religious influences
still have over the everyday lives of women and girls in many European
countries” and finds that access to contraception has “stagnated
or even worsened” in recent years in the countries covered by the
report. However, the report also indicates that progress is possible
and highlights some positive examples, such as Cyprus and Denmark
for their sexuality education policy and Poland and Sweden for their
updated national medical guidelines on contraceptive service delivery.
6. It is significant to note that in most cases, countries with
easier access to contraception also present higher fertility rates.
France, for instance, ranks among the first European countries for

Contraception policies, in other words, do not decrease birth rates.
The figures also indicate a decrease of voluntary terminations of
pregnancy where access to modern contraceptives is made easier.
While abortion is not part of the scope of this report in itself,
this correlation, confirmed by several sources, cannot be ignored.
7. Access to contraception and protecting and promoting access
to sexual and reproductive health and rights should be high in the
list of political, equality and health priorities of European governments.
8. In addition, access to such rights should be guaranteed to
all women equally. Governments need to tackle existing inequalities
in access to contraception, which mirror socio-economic inequalities
within the population. Women with higher incomes and better education
for example, are much more successful avoiding unintended pregnancies,
as they have easier access to contraception and information about
9. Barriers in the access to contraceptives exist especially
for marginalised and vulnerable groups such as migrants, young people,
persons with disabilities and minorities. People in these groups
often lack the necessary knowledge on how to obtain and correctly
use contraceptives, including emergency contraception.
10. When talking about contraception, we must not forget the responsibility
of men in preventing unintended pregnancies and the transmission
of infections. Men also need access to contraception and education
on how to take responsibility in informed, self-determined family
11. Informing and raising awareness, not only in the specific
groups mentioned but also among the population at large, are key.
Sexuality education must be part of school curricula and awareness
raising activities must target young and adult populations alike.
12. In the preparation of this report, I co-operated closely with
civil society organisations, which I consider to be crucial partners
in view of their commitment and their direct knowledge, not only
of legislation and policies but also of the actual situation on
the ground. In addition to inviting experts from civil society organisations
to a hearing, I sent out a questionnaire and received information
from non-governmental organisations (NGOs) active at national level,
and on several occasions, I had informal meetings and exchanges.
13. On 16 and 17 October 2019, I conducted a fact-finding visit
to Finland, a country with excellent public social services and
health care (ranking among the top OECD member States in this area

) which has been very active in experimenting
contraception policies and offers a repertory of good practices.
Among the reasons that motivated the choice of Finland, I would
mention an awareness of gender equality issues (the modern debate
in this area dates back to the 1960s), a long-established sexuality
education in schools, and the fact that regulations and policies
on contraception vary across the country, allowing to identify more
successful experiences.
14. Furthermore, the Issue paper on Women’s sexual and reproductive
health and rights in Europe, published by the Council of Europe
Commissioner for Human Rights in December 2017, is a timely document that
provides a wealth of valuable recommendations. While my report covers
only part of the issues discussed in the paper, I have paid great
attention to both the descriptive and the prescriptive parts of
this document that specifically concern contraception.
2. Access to contraception in Europe:
an overview
15. In April 2019, the Committee
on Equality and Non-Discrimination held a hearing with the participation
of representatives of two civil society organisations that are active
in sexual and reproductive health and rights in Europe: Mr Neil
Datta, Executive Director of the European Parliamentary Forum on
Population and Development (EPF), and Ms Camille Butin, Advocacy
Advisor at the International Planned Parenthood Federation European
Network (IPPF EN). The hearing was an excellent opportunity to learn
more about the overall situation regarding access to contraception
in Europe, and the findings of EPF’s “Contraception Atlas” and IPPF’s
“Barometer of Women’s Access to Modern Contraceptive Choice in 16
EU Countries”.
16. The discussions and exchanges on the occasion of the hearing
highlighted the shortcomings that exist in many Council of Europe
member States and allowed the best performing systems to be identified
with a view to disseminating them as “good practices” which may
inspire others to take action to fill existing gaps and improve
access to contraception.
17. The two studies that were presented to the committee during
the hearing complement each other. The Atlas describes the situation
of as many as 46 countries, based on only two main criteria. The
Barometer covers a wider range of policies, but its geographic scope
is limited to 16 countries, all of them members of the European
18. The Barometer uses eight policy benchmarks, corresponding
to eight policy areas, to evaluate and rate the countries’ situation
with regard to access to modern contraception, which includes contraceptive
pills, condoms (male and female), intrauterine device (IUD), sterilisation
(male and female), injectables, hormone implants, patches, diaphragms,
spermicidal agents (foam/jelly), and emergency contraception. The
eight areas are as follows:
- policy
making and strategy;
- general awareness of sexual and reproductive health and
rights and modern contraceptive choice;
- sexuality education in schools;
- education and training of healthcare professionals and
service providers;
- provision of individualised counselling and high-quality
- existence of reimbursement schemes;
- prevention of discrimination;
- empowering women through access to the modern contraceptives
of their choice.
19. The study concludes that, due to shifting political priorities,
the monitoring and evaluation of policies on sexual and reproductive
health and rights are both weak and inadequate. Religious influence
continues to negatively impact access to contraception. Public awareness
of contraceptive options appears to be low in most European countries.
Only two countries have launched information campaigns on contraception.
In most cases, not all the stakeholders are involved in information
activities. Including civil society organisations working at grassroot
level, health professionals and service providers would bring real
added value and increase the impact of information campaigns. The
study also found that sexuality education curricula vary considerably
across countries, and often rely on the personal knowledge and views
of individual teachers, which is detrimental to the consistency
and possibly the accuracy of teaching. Conservative and religious groups
tend to oppose sexuality and relationship education. The training
of healthcare professionals on contraception is rare and often of
poor quality, which is reflected in the low quality and quantity
of individualised counselling available in most countries. Only
half of the countries studied offer reimbursement, and policies
in this area are unsatisfactory from a non-discrimination perspective:
economic and social barriers are not always taken into account and
the focus on vulnerable groups is insufficient.
20. The last area analysed by the study, namely women’s empowerment,
is particularly relevant to the political perspective of the report.
The IPPF EN notes that in the vast majority of the countries studied,
access to contraception is not viewed by regulators as part of gender
equality policies and a factor of empowerment. This is, in my opinion,
a serious shortcoming that should be addressed and corrected. Being
able to plan if and when a pregnancy should occur is crucial to
women’s autonomy and to their ability to manage the balance between
work and private life and is therefore an empowering factor.
21. It’s also worth noting that the Barometer for the policy areas
in each country indicates a predominantly static situation: in most
cases, policies remain 80 to 90% unchanged. In one case (area 5,
“Provision of individualised counselling and quality services”),
none of the countries studied have evolved in any way. Considering
the clearly unsatisfactory situation that currently exists in most
countries, the absence of progress is a reason for concern.
22. It is worth highlighting the fact that the Barometer indicates
that the urgently needed political will, ambition and support to
improve sexual and reproductive health and rights, including access
to contraception, are lacking.
23. EPF’s Contraception Atlas ranks countries according to two
main criteria (which in turn are based on several indicators):
- availability of online information
about modern contraception;
- access to contraceptive supplies and counselling.
24. Countries score from “exceptionally good” to “exceptionally
poor”. The seven “champion States” at the top of the list are characterised
by having a general reimbursement scheme for contraceptives and
special reimbursement facilities for young people and low-income
women. They offer free counselling for family planning. “Very good”
countries have a general reimbursement scheme only and provide satisfactory counselling.
“Medium” to “very poor” countries provide little to no reimbursement,
and less comprehensive or less accessible counselling. The “exceptionally
poor” category includes only Poland and was created because of the
worsening situation in this country, which sets it apart from the
rest of those observed. It is only in Poland that access to contraception
requires the consent of a third party, and emergency contraception
is provided only with medical prescription.
25. As regards the other key criterion, the best performing countries
feature websites which are supported by their governments, provide
up-to-date information on all modern types of contraception, and
also indicate how to obtain it. In other countries, websites may
not be supported by the government, or may not provide sufficient
26. The Atlas was first published in 2017 and then updated in
2018 and 2019. It is interesting to see how the situation has evolved
in the countries studied, based on comparable data and criteria.
The 2019 Atlas shows that 15 European countries have seen their
score unchanged, 17 have improved and 14 have declined. Variations
in the score, however, tend to be minor. The highly satisfactory
situation of the top three countries in the ranking (France, Belgium
and the United Kingdom) remains unchanged. The most serious decline occurred
in Poland, in the context of a backlash against women’s sexual and
reproductive health and rights in general, and not only limited
to contraception. The situation in this country is a reason for
concern. Overall, EPF’s Contraception Atlas confirms to a large
extent the “static” situation described in the IPPF EN Barometer.
27. The contribution of experts and exchanges with fellow Committee
members highlighted the fact that contraception is a less consensual
matter than one may expect. Data shows that countries which grant
easier access to modern contraception are also those with the highest
fertility rates. In other words, planned parenthood does not decrease
childbirth rates. And yet, conservative and religious groups continue
to use this argument and are firmly opposed to making modern contraception
more accessible. Inequalities in access to modern contraception
particularly concerned committee members, and rightly so. The hearing
also stressed the difficult access to contraception for marginalised
and vulnerable groups, such as Roma or refugee women and called
for action to address the situation. A number of measures have proved
to be useful, including information campaigns; online information;
specific guidelines for professionals; mobile clinics; the involvement of
cultural mediators and, in the case of Roma women, of community
28. I would like to reiterate once again that the key element
missing is political will. Inciting decision makers to act is therefore
the main aim of this report and of the relevant resolution to be
adopted by the Assembly.
3. Access
to contraception in Europe: a comparison of selected countries
29. In June 2019, I sent out a
questionnaire to civil society organisations that are active in
the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights at national
level, with the aim of updating the information I had collected
by other means. The questionnaire helped me to gather information
on the contraceptive methods available in Council of Europe member
States and whether they are subsidised or reimbursed; the kind of
training that health professionals are offered in this area and
their attitudes towards contraception; barriers to contraception and
opposition to contraception policies; the role of civil society
organisations, and sexuality education in schools.
30. Organisations based in Albania, Austria, Georgia, Germany,
Lithuania, the Netherlands, North Macedonia and Serbia provided
replies. Although limited in number, the diversity of the regions
covered by the respondents (Southeast Europe/Western Balkans, Western
Europe and the Caucasus), allows for a robust analysis and some
interesting parallels.
31. In addition to the information collected through the survey,
I will also present the main findings of the visit that I conducted
to Finland.
4. Types
of contraception and reimbursement
32. The widest difference across
the countries surveyed is whether contraceptives are covered under
public health insurance, subsidisation or reimbursement schemes
(or provided free of charge). In Georgia, no reimbursement is provided
by public health schemes. While contraceptive methods are widely
available (including emergency contraception, with no need for prescription),
their cost is entirely born by users. State budget funds are not
allocated for family planning consultations or services, and these
services are not included in the State programmes, or in private
insurance companies’ packages. In the past, international entities
such as the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United
States Agency for International Development (USAID) were active
in this area and funded programmes that provided modern contraceptives throughout
the country. However, this is no longer the case. No reimbursement
is provided for contraception in Austria, Lithuania, North Macedonia
and Serbia.
33. In Albania, according to the information provided non-profit
organisation Albanian Centre for Population and Development, the
Ministry of Health is leading efforts to strengthen access to contraception,
aiming to provide it to all those who need it. The Ministry covers
the costs of contraceptive procurement for the entire public sector
and Albania is self-sufficient and independent of outside donor
support in this respect. Contraceptives, including pills, condoms,
and injectables are made available without prescription and free
of charge in over 425 public health facilities such as hospitals,
polyclinics, and health centres. Sterilisation and IUD insertion
are available in facilities with trained obstetricians/gynaecologists.
34. In Germany, all contraceptive methods prescribed by doctors,
including emergency contraception, are reimbursed to women until
the age of 22. Over this age, some methods are reimbursed (for example
to women who receive social security payments), and only in some
cities. In the Netherlands, contraception is reimbursed by the basic
health insurance for adolescents and young adults up to 21 years
of age. Over the age of 21, medical expenses relating to contraception
are only partially covered by the public insurance. This may mean that
people with lower income have limited access to certain contraceptive
methods that are more costly, such as long-acting reversible contraception
(LARC), and thus they may not be able to freely choose a method according
to their own preferences and needs. The affordability and availability
of modern contraception methods for low income and vulnerable groups
over 21 years, are now part of a political debate in the Netherlands.
35. As regards the access to contraception through internet, wide
differences exist across the countries examined. In Austria, non-hormonal
methods, including emergency contraception, are available legally
via the Net. Hormonal contraception, however, is available only
on prescription. In Georgia, no contraceptive is available online.
In Germany, online pharmacies sell all types of contraceptives by
screening the requests through an “internet doctor”. In Lithuania,
emergency contraception is available through online pharmacies,
but other contraceptives are not. In Serbia, none of them can legally
be sold online.
36. In Finland, contraception falls within the remit of municipalities,
which means that 311 different systems coexist each corresponding
to the number of municipalities. A reform aiming to make healthcare
part of the mandate of regional governments, has been part of the
political debate for several years. Once approved, the reform should
simplify the situation and reduce disparities across cities. 50
out of 311 municipalities have introduced various forms of reimbursement
of contraceptives, varying slightly in terms of methods of contraception
covered and age limits (reimbursement is given to young people,
the maximum age being between 20 and 25 depending on the scheme)
which allows to observe the impact of different policies.
37. Promoting contraception, particularly LARC has proved to be
effective in reducing the number of induced abortions. The experience
of Vantaa, the fourth-largest city in Finland and part of Greater
Helsinki, is particularly meaningful in this respect. I had the
pleasure to meet with Frida Gyllenberg, a researcher of Helsinki
University who studied the case of Vantaa closely. This municipality
has provided public family planning free of charge to all residents
since 1975. It then launched a free of charge LARC programme in

A time-series analysis shows that, thanks to this programme, the
use of LARCs increased 2.2 times (from 1.9 to 4.2 per thousand women)
and the abortion rate declined considerably: by 16% in the total
sample and by 36% among those aged 15 to 19 years. These conclusions
confirm the findings of previous research conducted in the United
States and elsewhere

. They provide invaluable indication that
no legislator or policy maker should ignore.
38. The current government programme stipulates that “there will
be a national experiment on free contraceptives to everyone under
the age of 25. Making the experiment a permanent practice will be
decided at the end of the electoral term, taking into account the
outcomes of the experiment.” Furthermore, the practice will cover
all modern contraception methods, short- and long-term, with a view
to preventing unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections
and diseases (STDs). Ten million Euros were allocated to the programme
for the years 2021-2022.
5. Sexuality
education, professional training and misconceptions
39. Other factors largely contribute
to determining the access to and actual use of contraception. These factors
include the availability of sexuality education in school curricula;
the training of health professionals (whether or not it is provided
and compulsory); the existence of myths and misconceptions regarding
the need and the effects of contraception and organised opposition
to the use of contraception by certain political segments, conservative
and religious groups.
5.1. Healthcare
professionals: training and attitudes
40. The training of doctors and
other healthcare professionals on contraception is generally not
compulsory, but rather voluntary, and it is provided by various
actors. In Albania, for instance, the main provider is the NGO ACPD,
supported by UNFPA and the IPPF. The average length of training
is 18 hours. In North Macedonia, training on contraception is part
of the specialisation curriculum for obstetrician-gynaecologists,
while most family doctors (as from 2015) receive a two-day training
course (12 hours) on modern contraception counselling. Training
is funded by the Ministry of Health preventive programme for mother
and child. The Austrian organisation ÖGF International reports that
training for healthcare professionals is not obligatory and considers
it to be it insufficient. In the Netherlands training is also done
on a voluntary basis. In Georgia, there is no post-graduate course
available for healthcare professionals in this area. However, the
Association HERA-XXI has developed an online learning platform for
health service providers (
www.ehera.ge), which offers health professionals various types of
courses on family planning, modern methods of contraception and
counselling techniques. It is important to note that courses are
free of charge. In Serbia, while contraception is not part of university
curricula, healthcare professionals may attend seminars on contraception
as part of their continuous medical education. In addition, they
are provided with national clinical guidelines on contraception.
41. As regards a possible preference in the choice of contraceptive
methods, it appears difficult to identify a trend. The Dutch organisation
Rutgers does not rule out the possibility of doctors promoting certain
types of contraception over others but is not able to provide more
details. It reports that young people generally receive information
on at least two methods. In Albania, professionals tend to recommend
LARC methods only to adults, and to promote condoms and pills to
young people. This also applies to North Macedonia. In Georgia, doctors
seem to recommend IUDs more than other methods. In Germany, doctors
show a preference for methods that reduce the risk of human error,
particularly IUDs and three-months injections. In Serbia, healthcare
professionals seem to prescribe all different types of contraception
unbiasedly, depending on each individual’s situation and needs.
5.2. Sexuality
42. Comprehensive sexuality education
is key in determining the awareness of access to and use of contraception
among the general public, particularly young people. It should be
made available and compulsory for pupils and students. While in
some systems the parents are allowed to withdraw children from this
part of education, age-appropriate sexuality education should be
taught to pupils and students without exception. It is worth noting
that the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights (the Court)
recognises the importance of sex education regarding the prevention
of sexual violence and exploitation of children and the development
of their cultural, social and life skills. In this regard, the Court
confirms that sexuality education may be compulsory for all students
and member States are not under the obligation to grant exemption
from such curricula

In Austria and in Germany, sexuality education is part of school
curricula and parents are not allowed to withdraw their children
from these classes (in Germany, however, cases are reported of parents keeping
children at home and pretending they are ill). In the Netherlands,
parents can opt to withdraw children from sexuality education classes,
but only few of them do so.
43. In North Macedonia, contraception is part of the curricula
of biology and life skills education. However, the NGO HERA reports
that contraception is barely taught during these classes. According
to a HERA study carried out in 2014, only 2% of young people received
some type of information on contraception in schools. Moreover,
this included some false information (for example, that oral contraception
was not recommended for young people and that it could cause infertility
or breast cancer).
44. In Albania, considerable progress has been achieved in the
last few years, mainly due to the efforts of the Ministry of Education
and the Institute of Educational Development, with financial and
technical support from UNFPA and IPPF. Civil society, including
the Albanian Centre for Population and Development and other NGOs,
have played an important role in advocating sexuality education.
A curriculum on ‘Life Skills and Sexuality Education’ was developed
on the basis of international standards and officially introduced
at school level (ages 9 to 15) in 2012. About 3 000 teachers have
received specific training in this area.
45. In Lithuania, sexuality education is part of school curricula
but is met with hostility by religious and conservative organisations,
which have an influence on public education. Parents have the right
to opt-out and textbooks are not always adequate, according to Family
Planning and Sexual Health Association.
46. Opposition to sexuality education in school curricula is reported
in several of the countries considered and is usually said to come
from churches and religious organisations, sometimes connected to
political parties. In some cases, Christian denominations offer
alternative sexuality education curricula, for instance dealing
with sexuality only within marriage. Misconceptions, stemming from
intentional disinformation spread by these groups about sexuality
education may be a challenge – the Macedonian organisation, for
instance, reports that sexuality education curricula were presented
as a way of “promoting homosexuality” by one of the ruling parties,
which opposed it. Sexuality education is not part of school curricula
in Georgia. In Austria, the political debate on sexuality education
dealt among other things with claims of a risk of “early sexualisation”
of children. The Austrian parliament passed a resolution to ban
external educators from schools, as they “would endanger the quality
and impartiality of sexuality education”.
47. Finland has been an example of advanced comprehensive sexuality
education for decades: curricula were first introduced in 1970.
Today, sexuality education begins early, with some elements being
provided in kindergarten and then in school between ages seven and
twelve. As knowledge on sexuality increased among young people in
1970s and 80s, a decrease in the rate of teenage pregnancies was
observed. Sexuality education programmes were reduced in the 1990s,
but the trend was reversed in the following decade. The impact of
sexuality education has been measured by two national surveys, in
1996 and 2006, and by evaluating young people’s knowledge in 2000
and 2006. Assessments showed considerable improvement of young people’s
knowledge on sexuality between the first and the second evaluation.
In parallel, there was once again a decrease of teenage pregnancies.
A correlation between the two trends was suggested by various observers

. In Helsinki I visited a
Tyttöjen talo or “House of girls”
established in 2000 as part of a network of seven structures of
this kind across the country (two “Houses of boys” were also set
up). Sexuality education and awareness raising on gender-based violence
are central among the activities of this centre, which co-operates
regularly with health care structures and schools, where they conduct
workshops. The director, Ms Herttua, explained that while sexuality
education in school is generally adequate, additional activities
were helpful. Several organisations, for instance, held internet
chat sessions to give advice individually and anonymously. Young
people still sought information about sexuality in pornography which
is both unreliable and conveys a distorted, often dangerous image
of sex and interpersonal relations. However, the overall situation
was improving, with better awareness of one’s feelings, needs and
rights. The House of girls provides a “safe place” for girls where
group activities and courses are organised and individual counselling
is provided. Tests for STDs and pregnancy are also available, as
well as condoms and emergency contraceptives. The work of this structure
shows that sexuality education may be taught in schools but also
in other contexts. Co-operation between various actors, including
schools, other public entities and NGOs, ensures that correct, unbiased
and scientific-based information is conveyed to young people and
the community at large, with a positive impact on their health,
awareness and self-determination.
48. Väestöliitto, or the Family Federation, a NGO that has been
active in advocacy, counselling and education on sexuality for decades,
finds that while sexuality education is generally available in schools,
there is room for improvement. Training of doctors and other healthcare
professionals on sexuality, for instance, is not compulsory, and
is rather expensive. NGOs are therefore advocating for training
on sexuality education to be promoted and made more easily accessible
by professionals. Väestöliitto, like other organisations, is also directly
involved in sexuality education and awareness raising actions in
schools and the provision of individual counselling, including through
internet chat.
5.3. Myths
and misconceptions about contraception
49. Several respondent organisations
mention that myths and misconceptions about contraception are widespread
among the general public, including in the form of misinformation
circulated on social media, and are often difficult to counter.
Examples of misconceptions include the idea that hormonal contraception
would be a potential cause of infertility, weight gain, hair growth
and various diseases. Doctors and other health professionals do
not necessarily have the tools to debunk these myths, which end
up adding to the barriers which prevent or limit women’s access
to modern contraception. At the same time, information provided
by the survey showed that information and awareness raising activities
are conducted regularly. In Albania for example, a variety of actions
were carried out including media and social media campaigns (promoted
by the UNFPA and ACPD), parliamentary activities (such as the presentation
of the Contraception Atlas to the All‑Party Parliamentary Group
for Population and Development), as well as other activities carried
out by public health institutions and human rights activists. The
Dutch organisation reports that campaigns were carried out in the
Netherlands on the use of condoms to prevent AIDS and other STDs,
but not on contraceptives in general. The information from Austria
also concerns an activity on condoms and STDs carried out at local
level in Vienna in 2013. From the information collected so far it
appears that information and awareness raising campaigns are sporadic
and inadequate. Public authorities should step up efforts to provide
unbiased, evidence-based information and to counter misconceptions
and misinformation regarding contraception.
5.4. Other
barriers to contraception and possible countermeasures
50. Among the barrier to contraception,
its costs are mentioned most often by respondent organisations. When
no reimbursement is provided, access to contraception is difficult,
particularly for lower income groups and the more expensive methods.
A low level of commitment of the authorities in promoting access
to contraception is also mentioned by some organisations, and so
are social and cultural barriers, in particular harmful social norms
and traditional gender stereotypes, including the stigma attached
to the use of contraceptives; logistic difficulties, in particular
for people residing in remote areas who have to travel to cities to
obtain contraception, also have an impact. Lack of information and
data is mentioned repeatedly. For refugees, language barriers also
contribute to making access to contraception more difficult.
51. The exchanges I had with Finnish politicians, namely fellow
MPs Taria Filatov, Hanna Sarkinen, Mirka Soinikoski and Minna Reijonen,
as well as Maria Makynen, member of the City Council of Lathi, reinforced
my belief that politics in Finland is largely supportive of contraception.
Opposition comes from certain religious communities, which are stronger
in the “Bible Belt” in the centre of the country, and from those
who believe that Finland “needs more Finnish babies”. While this
attitude is typical of conservatives, no official position regarding
contraception policies was adopted by the right-wing True Finns
party at national level. The debate on this issue, as on healthcare
in general, seems to be a pragmatic one, focusing mainly on designing
cost-effective policies and promoting the well-being of Finland
residents. Some of my interlocutors pointed out that support for
radical, religion-inspired stances against contraception may originate
from abroad.
52. Responding organisations indicated a wide range of measures
to overcome such barriers: strategies to make available all types
of contraception to vulnerable groups such as Roma, LGBTI people
and sex workers; specific training of health professionals to reduce
social stigma and tackle prejudice and misconceptions; effective
collection of disaggregated data to guide policies and legislation,
communication strategies and social marketing programmes; ensuring
access to comprehensive sexuality education which includes working
with parents and teachers to create a supportive school environment;
sexual empowerment programmes for vulnerable groups; and access
to a broad range of contraceptives without financial barriers.
5.5. A
good practice from Finland: the “Neuvola”.
53. I had the opportunity to visit
a health center in Vuosaari, a more ethnically diverse neighbourhood
of Helsinki. I was impressed both with the enthusiasm and commitment
of the staff members that I met (two doctors and one nurse) and
with the wide range of services provided. The Health Centre hosts
a “Neuvola”, a Finnish structure that can be described as a “one
stop-shop” providing all necessary maternity and child care to children
and their families. Neuvola services are available in all municipalities
and are free of charge. In Vuosaari, a family planning clinic is
also available and is open daily from 7am to 7pm, which makes it
accessible to anyone. As the staff members explained, availability
of all types of care services under one roof makes it easier for
users to access the services but also for professionals, ranging
from psychologists to social workers and from diet specialists to
gynaecologists, to co-operate. In the centre, specific attention
is paid to the needs of persons with a migration background. Information
material, for instance, is made available in English in addition
to Finnish and Swedish. Overall, the Neuvola is a successful example
of a holistic approach to childcare and parenting, which should
be an inspiration for legislators and policy makers elsewhere in
Europe and beyond.
6. The
role of civil society organisations
54. Civil society organisations
play a crucial role in raising awareness and promoting access to contraception.
Most of the organisations participating in the survey reported good
co-operation with public authorities, other NGOs or international
donors. Their work consists mainly of education, information and awareness-raising
activities. In some cases, they oversee the actual provision of
contraceptives, particularly to specific vulnerable groups. While
women’s rights organisations are in many cases active in the area
of sexual and reproductive health and rights and may offer advice
on contraception, they generally cannot prescribe contraceptives.
In Albania, a programme carried out by ACPD provided sexuality education
and better knowledge of contraception to young people belonging
to vulnerable groups. Young people taking part in the programme
were made aware of the availability of contraception and its benefits,
as well as the barriers preventing access to contraception because
of the social stigma attached to it. In Austria, ÖGF provides contraception
(copper coil) at low or no cost to vulnerable groups including refugees.
The service (not the devices) is financially covered by the State.
SRH Serbia distributes male condoms and, in some of its projects, IUDs,
together with information leaflets, and provides free counselling
services in their Drop-In Centre, aiming to both increase demand
and tackle the lack of information on contraceptives. In Georgia,
HERA offers youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health counselling
free of charge. They indicate that online counselling is very popular
among young people. In the Netherlands, Rutgers cooperates with
governmental and non-governmental actors to run Sense.info, an exemplary
website providing comprehensive information to young people on all
aspects of sexuality. An online chat and phone counselling services
are also made available by this project to young people, free of
55. The elements provided by respondent organisations highlight
the need to systematically collect data and information on access
to and use of contraception. Comprehensive data, disaggregated by
sex, age, income, social status and education level, are necessary
for the authorities to design and implement effective policies.
56. It was also confirmed that social and cultural barriers, misconceptions
and myths hinder access to effective contraception. They may originate
from lack of sexuality education in schools; lack or insufficient training
of healthcare professionals; traditional patriarchal social norms
and gender stereotypes; and social stigma affecting, among others,
young and unmarried people seeking reliable contraception.
57. Civil society organisations are active on the ground and have
a direct knowledge of the needs of the public and the challenges
they face. They are best placed to support public authorities in
the implementation of relevant policies, and in most cases also
have valuable information and recommendations to share, of which the
authorities should make good use.
7. Conclusions
58. The preparation of this report
was based on information originating from a variety of sources.
It draws on the work carried out by civil society organisations
at local and national level, the research and advocacy of international
networks, the experience and the achievements of some Council of
Europe member States, and particularly Finland, which I had the
opportunity to observe more closely. Academic work was also largely
taken into account to better understand the current situation. I
would like to highlight briefly the main elements emerging from
this review, which I believe were confirmed consistently by the
various sources that I have mentioned.
59. Firstly, detailed information on contraception is lacking
or insufficient across Europe. There is a need to systematically
collect data and information on access to and use of contraception,
disaggregated by sex, age, income, social status and education level.
Comprehensive, reliable, comparable data are necessary for public authorities
to be able to design and implement appropriate policies.
60. Secondly, social and cultural barriers, misconceptions and
myths severely hinder access to modern contraception. They may originate
from a lack of sexuality education in schools and among the larger
public; lack of awareness about contraception and its availability;
lack or insufficient training of healthcare professionals; biased
and judgmental behaviour of healthcare professionals and lack of
confidentiality; traditional patriarchal social norms and gender
stereotypes; and social stigma affecting, among others, women, young
and unmarried people seeking reliable contraception. All these factors
need to be addressed urgently.
61. Thirdly, civil society organisations play an important role
in the area of sexual and reproductive health and rights. Public
authorities should strive to create an enabling environment for
civil society and provide sufficient public funding to support the
work and activities of these organisations. At the same time, they
should take advantage of their competence and commitment, and co-operate
closely with them in the design and implementation of contraception
policies. A more detailed presentation of the main challenges that
Europe is facing in the area of contraception, of the main lines
that should inspire our action, and of concrete measures that should
be taken, is to be found in the draft resolution attached to this
62. I would like to thank wholeheartedly the organisations that
have participated in the survey, namely ACPD (Albania), ÖGF International
(Austria), HERA XXI (Georgia), Pro Familia (Germany), the Family
Planning and Sexual Health Association (Lithuania), Rutgers (the
Netherlands), HERA (North Macedonia) and SRS (Serbia). I am grateful
to the Centre for Reproductive Rights, the European Parliamentary
Forum for Sexual & Reproductive Rights (EPF) and the International
Planned Parenthood Federation – European Network (IPPF-EN) for their
invaluable contributions throughout the preparation of the report.
My gratitude goes to the Finnish parliament, both fellow parliamentarians
and the secretariat of the delegation to the Assembly, for their
warm hospitality and the efforts they made to give me the opportunity
to meet with the most relevant interlocutors.