1. Are human
rights little more than a fairweather option?
1.1. 11 September 2001
1. The tragedies that took place on 11 September 2001
undoubtedly marked the beginning of an important new chapter in
the terrible, never-ending history of terrorism. It is a history
of indiscriminate violence, instigated in order to create a climate
of insecurity and fear with the intention of attacking the existing
political and social system. For the first time, spectacular and
extremely lethal acts struck highly symbolic targets at the very
heart of the United States of America, the most powerful state in
the world. Europe, for its part, already has a long and painful
experience of terrorism, involving numerous victims and large-scale
attacks, particularly in Italy

, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom,
France and, more recently, Russia.
2. While the states of the Old World have dealt with these threats
primarily by means of existing institutions and legal systems

, the
United States appears to have made a fundamentally different choice:
considering that neither conventional judicial instruments nor those
established under the framework of the laws of war could effectively
counter the new forms of international terrorism, it decided to
develop new legal concepts. The latter are based primarily on the
Military Order on the Detention, Treatment,
and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War against Terrorism signed
by President Bush on 13 November 2001

. It is significant that, to date,
only one person has been summoned before the courts to answer for
the 11 September attacks: a person, moreover, who was already in
prison on that day, and had been in the hands of the justice system
for several months

. By
contrast, hundreds of other people are still deprived of their liberty,
under American authority but outside the national territory, within
an unclear normative framework. Their detention is, in any event,
altogether contrary to the principles enshrined in all the international
legal instruments dealing with respect for fundamental rights, including
the domestic law of the United States (which explains the existence
of such detention centres outside the country). The following headline
appears to be an accurate summary of the current administration’s
No Trials for Key Players:
Government prefers to interrogate bigger fish in terrorism cases
rather than charge them 
3. This legal approach is utterly alien to the European tradition
and sensibility, and is clearly contrary to the European Convention
on Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Cicero’s
old adage,
inter arma silent leges,
appears to have left its mark even on international bodies supposed
to ensure the rule of law and the fair administration of justice.
It is frankly alarming to see the UN Security Council sacrificing essential
principles pertaining to fundamental rights in the name of the fight
against terrorism. The compilation of so-called “black lists” of
individuals and companies suspected of maintaining connections with
organisations considered terrorist and the application of the associated
sanctions clearly breach every principle of the fundamental right
to a fair trial: no specific charges, no right to be heard, no right
of appeal, no established procedure for removing one’s name from
the list

1.2. Guantanamo Bay
4. At Guantanamo Bay, on the island of Cuba, several
hundred people are being detained without enjoying any of the guarantees
provided for in the criminal procedure of a state governed by the
rule of law or by the Geneva Conventions on the law of war. These
people have been arrested in unknown circumstances, handed over
by foreign authorities without any extradition procedure being followed,
or illegally abducted in various countries by United States special
services. They are considered "enemy combatants", according to a
new definition introduced by the American administration

5. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
has strongly criticised this state of affairs: on 26 April 2005,
it unanimously adopted
1433 (2005) and
1699 (2005) in which it urges the United States Government to put
a stop to this situation and to ensure respect for the principles
of the rule of law and human rights. It also concludes that "
the United States has engaged in the unlawful
practice of secret detention". In its reply of 17 June
2005 (
Doc. 10585), the Committee of Ministers expresses
"its full support to all such efforts and
to all efforts to obtain a prompt release or fair trial of persons
detained at Guantánamo Bay by an independent and impartial court.
It urges the United States Government to ensure that the rights
of all detainees are ensured and that the principle of the rule
of law is fully respected. For its own part, it expresses the determination
of the member States to ensure that the rights of persons released
and returned to their jurisdiction are fully respected".
The Committee of Ministers has conveyed a message in these terms
to the Government of the United States of America

. To our knowledge, no reply has
been received to date.
6. The UN Committee against Torture has also called for the closure
of the Guantanamo Bay detention facility in recent times, criticising
its secret character and the denial of access to the ICRC

1.3. Secret CIA prisons
in Europe?
7. This was the news item circulated in early November
2005 by the American NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW), the Washington
Post and the ABC television channel. Whereas the Washington Post
did not name specific countries hosting, or allegedly having hosted,
such detention centres, simply referring generically to "eastern
European democracies", HRW reported that the countries in question
are Poland and Romania. On 5 December 2005, ABC News in turn reported
the existence of secret detention centres in Poland and Romania,
which had apparently been closed following the Washington Post’s
revelations. According to ABC, 11 suspects detained in these centres
had been subjected to the harshest interrogation techniques (so-called "enhanced
interrogation techniques’) before being transferred to CIA facilities
in North Africa.
8. It is interesting to recall that this ABC report, confirming
the use of secret detention camps in Poland and Romania by the CIA,
was available on the Internet for only a very short time before
being withdrawn following the intervention of lawyers on behalf
of the network’s owners. The Washington Post subsequently admitted
that it had been in possession of the names of the countries, but
had refrained from naming them further to an agreement entered into
with the authorities. It is thus established that considerable pressure
was brought to bear to ensure that these countries were not named.
It is unclear what arguments prevailed on the media outlets in question
to convince them to comply. What is certain is that these are troubling
developments that throw into question the principles of the freedom
and independence of the press. In this light, it is worth noting that
just before the publication of the original revelations by the reporter
Dana Priest in early November 2005, the Executive Editor of the
Washington Post was invited for an audience at the White House with
President Bush
meeting, along with several similar instances, was reported in a
column in the Washington Post at the end of 2005. Leonard Downie,
the Executive Editor of the Washington Post, said: “We met with them on more than one occasion…
The meetings were off the record for the purpose of discussing national
security issues in [Dana Priest’s] story”. See Howard
Kurtz, “Bush Presses Editors on Security”, The
Washington Post, 26 December 2005; available at <a href='http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/12/25/AR2005122500665_pf.html'>http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/12/25/AR2005122500665_pf.html</a>.](/nw/images/icon_footnoteCall.png)
1.4. The Council of
Europe’s response
9. The Council of Europe responded straight away. The
President of the PACE immediately took a very firm position, and
asked the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights to look into
the matter without delay. The latter did so at its meeting of 7
November 2005. The Secretary General of the Council, for his part,
set in motion the procedure established by Article 52 of the European
Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The Committee on Legal Affairs
and Human Rights also requested the Venice Commission to prepare
an opinion on the international legal obligations and duties of
Council of Europe member States in respect of secret detention facilities
and inter-state transport of prisoners. Cooperation was likewise
established with the Council of Europe's Human Rights Commissioner.
10. The European Union Commission, via its Vice-President Franco
Frattini, expressed its full support for the Council of Europe.
The EU Commission’s support proved invaluable in obtaining the necessary
information from Eurocontrol and the European Union Satellite Centre.
The reference to named European countries suddenly aroused huge
media interest. Yet these incidents – secret detentions and "renditions"
– had already been attracting condemnation for some time, both from
the PACE itself,
inter alia through
the aforementioned resolution and recommendation concerning Guantanamo
Bay, the re-reading of which I cannot recommend highly enough, and
in extremely detailed reports by NGOs, university professors and
journalists known for their very painstaking work

. These
revelations had met with curious indifference from the media, governments
and political circles in general.
1.5. European Parliament
11. Members of the European Parliament also became alarmed
at the mounting evidence that European countries, or at least facilities
located on European territory, had been the scene of systematic
human rights violations. In early 2006, a 46-member Temporary Committee
was set up and instructed to investigate the alleged existence of
CIA prisons in Europe in which terrorist suspects had allegedly
been detained and tortured

12. I welcomed this initiative in my previous memorandum, considering
it wholly consistent with the Council of Europe’s desire to ascertain
the truth. Co-operation with the Temporary Committee has been extremely satisfactory,
both at the level of our respective secretariats and with its Chairman,
Carlos Miguel Coelho, and rapporteur, Claudio Fava. I had the opportunity
to address members of the European Parliament’s committee during
one of its first public hearings.
13. On 24 April 2006 the Temporary Committee presented its draft
interim report, which confirmed strong indications of illegal actions
carried out by the CIA in Europe. In its initial analysis, the report
largely supported the observations we made in our own
Information Memorandum II on 24
January 2006. The TDIP rapporteur Claudio Fava, in presenting his
interim report, spoke of
“more than a
thousand flights chartered by the CIA [that] have transited through
Europe, often in order to carry out extraordinary renditions” 
In a press conference, Mr Fava clarified that, according to information
given to him in confidence by an intelligence source, “
30 to 50 people have been rendered by the CIA
in Europe” and that “
the CIA
could not have carried out such renditions without the agreement
of European states” 
The Temporary Committee proposes to continue its work

1.6. Rapporteur or investigator?
14. I have often been described as an "investigator",
or even a "special investigator". It might be helpful to point out,
therefore, that I do not enjoy any specific investigatory powers
and, in particular, am not entitled to use coercive methods or to
require the release of specific documents. My work has consequently
consisted primarily of interviews and analysis. I submitted a set
of questions to governments via their national parliamentary delegations,
and asked the latter to take the debate to the national level. Parliamentary
questions were thereby tabled in many states with a view to obtaining
information from the various governments. Special parliamentary
commissions of inquiry were set up in some countries. The work undertaken
by a number of NGOs has proven invaluable and even, in many cases,
more detailed and reliable than the information supplied by governments.
A significant contribution was also made by many journalists investigating
on the ground, often for months on end. I also received information
entrusted to me only on the assurance that I would keep it confidential
and protect my sources. The information thus received clearly cannot
be presented as evidence; it did, however, point my research in
certain more specific directions, and enables me to state with certainty that
the search for the truth about what really happened to terrorist
suspects in Europe will not end with the present report.
15. I received considerable assistance in this task from the head
of the secretariat of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
and one of his colleagues – both of whom were already very busy
with other tasks connected with the committee’s operation and work
with other rapporteurs – as well as from another young colleague
who, in the end, was temporarily assigned specifically to this investigation
(and whose help proved invaluable). I am extremely grateful to them
for their outstanding competence and exceptional readiness to assist.
16. I was formally designated as Rapporteur on 13 December 2005.
Within the Council of Europe it was considered that the report should
be presented as quickly as possible. Taking into account the breadth
and complexity of the subject, as well as the extremely modest means
put at my disposal, I have certainly not been able to present a
complete overview of the different aspects of what has really occurred.
Moreover, we are still far from knowing all the details of “extraordinary
renditions” and the conditions in which abducted persons have been
detained and interrogated in Europe. It is thus highly likely that
the Council of Europe should remain seized on this subject matter.
Elements presently in the public domain - which are supplemented
with new information as every week goes by - not only justify, but
require that member States finally decide to open serious inquiries
on the extent to which they were directly or indirectly implicated
in such activities.
17. As I stated in my previous memorandum, serious consideration
must be given to whether the Assembly should equip itself with other
resources for dealing with such complex matters. Where investigations
relate to possible human rights violations that are not confined
to individual cases (for which the European Court of Human Rights
has jurisdiction) and transcend borders, thereby sidestepping national
procedures, one is justified in questioning the effectiveness of
existing instruments. Instead of appointing a single member as rapporteur
with the support of the normal resources of the Committee’s secretariat,
which is already overwhelmed by other reports in preparation, we
might seriously consider whether setting up a proper commission
of inquiry, assisted by experts and enjoying genuine investigatory
powers, might not be a better solution for dealing with these new
and important challenges.
18. We have tackled this problem with determination and a constant
concern for objectivity, mindful of both the enormity of the task
entrusted to me and the frankly derisory resources available and
the risk of being manipulated. My aim was by no means to amass evidence
for the purpose of condemning or stigmatising. On the contrary,
I was guided by a desire to ascertain the truth in order to reaffirm
the values the Council of Europe has always striven to uphold, and
to guard against the repetition of such incidents.
1.7. Is this an Anti-American
19. I consider this reproach, made fairly frequently
when criticisms are voiced about violations of fundamental rights
committed in the context of the fight against terrorism, downright
ridiculous and wholly inaccurate. It overlooks the fact that the
initial criticisms, relating to the establishment of the detention
centre at Guantanamo Bay as well as the use of extraordinary renditions and torture,
were first forcefully expressed by American journalists, NGOs and
politicians, often thanks to detailed information released by sources
within the administration, and indeed the intelligence services
themselves. The debate has been, and in my view still is, considerably
more heated in the United States than in Europe, at least in certain
circles and media.
20. Moreover, the United States Supreme Court itself pointed out,
in an extraordinary June 2004 judgment, that "at stake in this case
is nothing less than the essence of a free society. (…) For if this
Nation is to remain true to the ideals symbolized by its flag, it
must not wield the tools of tyrants even to resist an assault by
the forces of tyranny"

This is a sharp reminder of the great democratic tradition of the
United States and its exemplary commitment to human rights. The
United States is, and remains, a deeply democratic country. Indeed,
criticisms of some of the current administration’s decisions also
reflect a concern that a country which unquestionably serves as
an example to the rest of the world is committing what we consider
to be mistakes that not only violate fundamental principles, but
also constitute a counterproductive anti-terrorism strategy.
1.8. Is there any evidence?
21. It is paradoxical to expect bodies without any real
investigatory powers – the Council of Europe and the European Parliament
– to adduce evidence in the legal sense. Indeed, these European
bodies have been prompted to undertake such investigations owing
to a lack of willingness and commitment on the part of national
institutions that could, and should, have completely clarified these
allegations which from the outset did not appear to be totally unfounded.
22. At this stage there is no formal evidence of the existence
of secret CIA detention centres in Poland, Romania or other Council
of Europe member States, even though serious indications continue
to exist and grow stronger. Nevertheless, it is clear that an unspecified
number of persons, deemed to be members or accomplices of terrorist
movements, were arbitrarily and unlawfully arrested and/or detained
and transported under the supervision of services acting in the
name, or on behalf, of the American authorities. These incidents took
place in airports and in European airspace, and were made possible
either by seriously negligent monitoring or by the more or less
active participation of one or more government departments of Council
of Europe member States.
23. In the light of the silence and obvious reluctance on the
part of the bodies that could have provided the necessary information,
it is legitimate to assume that there are more such cases than can
be proven at present. In effect, the facts as would appear to be
established today – and as will be illustrated throughout the report
– as well as the total absence of serious inquiries by the national
authorities concerned, implies, in my view, the reversal of the
burden of proof: in such a situation it is incumbent on the Polish
and Romanian authorities to conduct an independent and in-depth
inquiry and to make public not only its results but also the method
and the different stages of the enquiry

. Even if proof, in the classical
meaning of the term, is not as yet available, a number of coherent
and converging elements indicate that such secret detention centres
did indeed exist in Europe. Such an affirmation does not pretend
to be a judgment of a criminal court, necessitating “proof beyond reasonable
doubt” in the Anglo-Saxon meaning of the term; it rather reflects
a conviction based on a careful balance of probabilities, as well
as logical deductions from clearly established facts. The intention
is not to determine that the authorities of these countries are
“guilty” for having tolerated secret detention sites, but rather
to hold them "responsible" for failing to comply with the positive
obligation to investigate serious allegations.
2. The global
“spider’s web” 
24. The system of targeting, apprehending and detaining
terrorist suspects, which forms the focus of this report, was not
created overnight. Nor has it been built up from scratch in the
wake of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001.
25. I have chosen to adopt the metaphor of a global “spider’s
web” as the leitmotif for
my report. It is a web that has been spun out incrementally over
several years, using tactics and techniques that have had to be developed
in response to new theatres of war, new terms of engagement and
an unpredictable threat.
26. The chief architect of the web, the United States of America,
has long possessed the capacity to capture individual targets abroad
and carry them to different parts of the world. Through its Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), the United States designed a programme
known as “rendition” for this purpose in the mid-1990s. The CIA
aimed to take terrorist suspects in foreign countries “off the streets”
by transporting them back to other countries, usually their home
countries, where they were wanted for trial, or for detention without
any form of due process.
2.1. The evolution of
the rendition programme
27. During a recent mission to the United States, a member
of my team came into contact with several “insider sources” in the
US intelligence community. The most prominent such witness was Mr
Michael Scheuer, who designed the original rendition programme in
the 1990s under the Clinton Administration and remained employed
by the CIA until November 2004

. Excerpts of Mr Scheuer’s
testimony are reflected verbatim in this report and, to the extent
possible, have been substantiated or corroborated by a range of
other source material in the account below

28. The strategic target of the CIA rendition programme has always
been, and remains, the global terrorist network known as Al-Qaeda.
In the conception of the United States, Al-Qaeda exists as a nebulous
collection of "cells" in countries around the world, comprising
"operatives" who perform various roles in the preparation of terrorist
attacks. When the US National Security Council became alarmed, in
1995, at what appeared to be a serious prospect of Osama bin Laden
acquiring weapons of mass destruction, it developed rendition, according
to Scheuer and others, as a way of “breaking
down Al-Qaeda”, “taking down
cells” and “incarcerating senior
Al-Qaeda people”.
29. Rendition was designed, at the outset of the programme at
least, to fit within the United States’ interpretation of its legal

. The prerequisites for launching
a rendition operation in the pre‑9/11 period included:
- an “outstanding legal process”
against the suspect, usually connected to terrorist offences in
his country of origin;
- a CIA “dossier”, or profile of the suspect, based on prior
intelligence and in principle reviewed by lawyers;
- a “country willing to help” in the apprehension of the
suspect on its territory; and
- “somewhere to take him after he was arrested”.
30. The receiving countries were, as a matter of policy, only
asked to provide diplomatic assurances to the United States that
they would “treat the suspects according to their own national laws”.
After the transfer, the United States made no effort to assess the
manner in which the detainees were subsequently treated

31. Intelligence gathering, according to Scheuer, was not considered
to be a priority in the pre-9/11 programme:
“It was never intended to talk to any of these people.
Success, at least as the Agency defined it, was to get someone,
who was a danger to us or our allies, ‘off the street’ and, when
we got him, to grab whatever documents he had with him. We knew
that once he was captured he had been trained to either fabricate
or to give us a great deal of information that we would chase for
months and it would lead nowhere. So interrogations were always
a very minor concern before 9/11.” 
32. Several current Council of Europe member States are known
to have co-operated closely with the United States in the operation
of its rendition programme under the Clinton Administration

Indeed, the United Kingdom Government has indicated to the Council
of Europe

that a system of prior notification
existed in the 1990s, whereby even intended stopovers or overflights
were reported by the United States in advance of each rendition

33. The act of “rendition” may not
se constitute a breach of international human rights
law. It is worth noting that other States have also asserted their
right to apprehend a terrorist suspect on foreign territory in order
to bring him to justice if the tool of international judicial assistance
or cooperation did not attain the desired result

34. The most prominent legal authorities in the United States,
including its Supreme Court, have interpreted the object of the
pre-9/11 rendition programme to be within the law

. Indeed, several human
rights NGOs have assessed the original practice under the rubric
of “rendition to justice”, conceding that an inter-state transfer could
be lawful if its object is to bring a suspect within a recognised
judicial process respectful of human rights

This indicator might in fact provide a legal benchmark against which
unlawful inter-state transfers can be measured

35. However, there has clearly been a critical deviation away
from notions of justice in the rendition programme. In the wake
of the 9/11 attacks, the United States transformed rendition into
one of a range of instruments with which to pursue its so-called
“war on terror”. The attacks of 9/11 genuinely signalled something
of a watershed in the United States approach to overcoming the terrorist

This new "war on terrorism" was launched by the military intervention
in Afghanistan in October 2001. At the same time new importance
was attached to the collection of intelligence on persons suspected
of terrorism. The CIA was put under pressure to play a more proactive
role in the detention and interrogation of suspects rather than
just putting them "behind bars". Without appropriate preparation,
a global policy of arresting and detaining "the enemies" of the
United States was – still according to Scheuer – improvised hastily.
It was up to the lawyers to "legitimise" these operations, whilst
the CIA and the American military became the principal supervisors
and operators of the system

36. Rendition operations have escalated in scale and changed in
focus. The central effect of the post-9/11 rendition programme has
been to place captured terrorist suspects outside the reach of any
justice system and keep them there. The absence of human rights
guarantees and the introduction of “enhanced interrogation techniques”
have led, in several cases examined, as we shall see, to detainees
being subjected to torture.
37. The reasons behind the transformation in the character of
rendition are both political and operational. First, it is clear
that the United States Government has set out to combat terrorism
in an aggressive and urgent fashion. The executive has applied massive
political pressure on all its agencies, particularly the CIA, to
step up the intensity of their counter-terrorist activities. According
to Scheuer, “after 9/11, we had nothing ready to go – the military
had no plans, they had no response; so the Agency felt the brunt
of the executive branch’s desire to show the American people victories”

38. Second, and more importantly, the key operational change has
been the mandate given to the CIA to administer its own detention
facilities. When it takes terrorist suspects into its custody, the
CIA no longer uses rendition to transport them into the custody
of countries where they are wanted. Instead, for the high-level suspects
at least, rendition now leads to secret detention at the CIA’s so-called
“black sites”

in unspecified locations around
the world. Rather than face any form of justice, suspects become
entrapped in the spider’s web.
2.2. Components of the
spider’s web
39. In addition to CIA “black sites”, the spider’s web
also encompasses a wider network of detention facilities run by
other branches of the United States Government. Examples reported
in the public domain have included the US Naval Base at Guantanamo
Bay and military prisons such as Bagram in Afghanistan and Abu Ghraib in
Iraq. Although the existence of such facilities is known, there
are many aspects of their operation that remain shrouded in secrecy
40. It should also be noted that “rendition” flights by the CIA
are not the only means of transporting detainees between different
points on the web. Particularly in the context of transfers to Guantanamo
Bay, detainees have been moved extensively on military aircraft

, including large
cargo planes. Accordingly military flights have also fallen within
the ambit of my inquiry.
41. The graphic included in this report depicts only a small portion
of the global spider’s web. It consists of two main components.
42. First it illustrates the flights of both civilian and military
aircraft, operated by the United States, which appear to be connected
to secret detentions and unlawful inter-state transfers also involving
Council of Europe member States. This inquiry is based on seven
separate sets of data from Eurocontrol

combined with specific information from about twenty national aviation
authorities in response to my requests. In this way, we have obtained
a hitherto unique database

43. Second, it distinguishes four categories of aircraft landing
points, which indicate the different degrees of collusion on the
part of the countries concerned. These landing points have been
placed into their respective categories as follows on the basis
of the preponderance of evidence gathered

Category A: "Stopover points"
(points at which aircraft land
to refuel, mostly on the way home)
- Prestwick
- Shannon
- Roma Ciampino
- Athens
- Santa Maria (Azores)
- Bangor
- Prague
Category B: "Staging points"
(points from which operations
are often launched - planes and crews prepare there, or meet in
- Washington
- Frankfurt
- Adana-Incirlik
- Ramstein
- Larnaca
- Palma de Mallorca
- Baku
Category C: "One-off pick-up
(points from which, according
to our research, one detainee or one group of detainees was picked
up for rendition or unlawful transfer, but not as part of a systematic
- Stockholm-Bromma
- Banjul
- Skopje
- Aviano
- Tuzla
Category D: "Detainee transfer
/ Drop-off points"
(places visited often, where
flights tend to stop for just short periods, mostly far off the
obvious route – either their location is close to a site of a known
detention facility or a prima facie case can be made to indicate
a detention facility in their vicinity)
- Cairo
- Amman
- Islamabad
- Rabat
- Kabul
- Guantanamo Bay
- Timisoara / Bucharest
- Tashkent
- Algiers
- Baghdad
- Szymany
2.3. Compiling a database
of aircraft movements
44. As we began our work in November 2005, various organisations
and individuals in the non‑governmental sector, especially investigative
journalists and NGOs, sent us lists of aircraft suspected either
of belonging to the CIA or of being operated on the CIA’s behalf
by bogus “front companies”. The lists contained details such as
the type of aircraft, the registered owner and operator, and the
“N-number“ by which an aircraft is identified. These lists are the
result of painstaking efforts to piece together information that
is publicly available on certain Internet sites, observations by
“planespotters” and testimony from former detainees. We subsequently received
from Eurocontrol "flight plans" regarding these planes, at least
in so far as the European air space is concerned, for the period
between the end of 2001 and early 2005. The Eurocontrol data received
in January and February 2006 include, on the one hand, the plans
of flights foreseen (which can be changed even during a flight for
different reasons) and, on the other hand, information that has
been verified following a request for collection of route charges,
and flight data obtained from aviation authorities in the United
States and elsewhere.
45. The lists requested from Eurocontrol in our original correspondence
were somewhat speculative, but knowingly so. It was important for
the inquiry team, in conjunction with external experts and investigators familiar
with the topic, to gain a sense of how CIA-related aircraft operate
in relation to the thousands of other, non-CIA aircraft that use
European airspace. In other words we sought to build a profile of
the characteristics of CIA flights. Additionally we hoped that by
casting our net widely, we would be able to identify planes never before
connected to the CIA.
46. We subsequently reverted to Eurocontrol on several occasions
to obtain additional flight records

. As our work has progressed,
we have been able to narrow down the number of aircraft movements
that are of interest to our work and develop our analysis into a
more sophisticated, realistic measure of the extent of illegality
in the CIA’s clandestine flight operations.
47. Based on our initial analysis, we sent a series of one-off
additional requests to certain national air traffic control bodies
in order to obtain records of the flights actually made in their
countries; we also asked for data on the movements of military aircraft,
which are not covered by Eurocontrol.
48. I am happy to report that through this channel I received
useful information from various state institutions in different
Council of Europe member States, including from transport ministries,
aeronautic authorities, airport operators and state airlines. In
addition, I obtained official records from national parliaments
directly, including papers lodged by ministries of defence in response
to parliamentary questions

. All of these diverse sources have contributed
to the database of aircraft movements relied upon in this report.
2.4. Operations of the
spider’s web
49. We believe that we have made a significant step towards
a better comprehension of the system of "renditions" and secret
detention centres. One observation must be made. We should not lose
our sense of proportion. It would be exaggerated to talk of thousands
of flights, let alone hundreds of renditions concerning Europe.
On this point I share the views expressed by members of the US Department
of State, who recently delivered a first-hand briefing in Washington,
DC at which a member of my team was present

. We undermine our
credibility and limit the possibility for serious discussion if
we make allegations that are ambiguous, exaggerated or unsubstantiated

. Indeed,
it is evident that not all flights of CIA aircraft participate in "renditions".
As Mr John Bellinger pointed out:
flights are a manifestation of the co-operation that happens amongst
us. They carry analysts to talk with one another, they carry evidence
that has been collected… I’m sure the Director of Intelligence himself
was personally on a number of those flights.” 
Mr Scheuer gave another explanation as to the purposes of
such flights:
“There are lots of reasons
other than moving prisoners to have aircrafts. It all depends on
what you are doing. If you are in Afghanistan and you’re supplying
weapons to a commander that is working with Karzai’s Government,
then it could be a plane load of weapons. It could be food – the
CIA is co-located with the US Military in bases around the country,
so it could be rations.
Also, we try to take care of our people as well as we
can, so it’s toiletries, it’s magazines, it’s video recorders, it’s
coffee makers. We even take up collections at Christmas, to make
sure we can send out hundreds and hundreds of pounds of Starbucks
Coffee. So out of a thousand flights, I would bet that 98% of those
flights are about logistics!” 
In fact it is precisely the remaining 2% that interests us.
50. In order to understand the notion of a "spider's
web", what is important to bear in mind is not the overall numbers
of flights

; but rather the nature and
context of individual flights. Our research has covered ten case studies
of alleged unlawful inter-state transfers, involving a total of
seventeen individual detainees. In most of these cases it was possible
to generate flight logs from the amalgamated official flight database
referred to earlier. I have then matched those logs with the times,
dates and places of the alleged transfer operations – according
to victims themselves, lawyer’s notes or other sources. Finally,
where possible, I have corroborated this information with factual
elements acquired from legal proceedings in Council of Europe member
States or in the United States.
51. In translating these case studies into graphic representations,
I resolved to trace each flight route not individually, but as part
of a circuit. Each circuit begins and ends, where possible, at the
aircraft’s “home base” (very often Dulles Airport in Washington,
DC) in the United States. Following these flight circuits helps
to better understand the different categories of aircraft landings
– simple stopovers for refuelling, staging points that host clusters
of CIA aircraft or serve to launch operations, and detainee drop-off
points. Despite being a fairly simple analytical technique, it has
also helped discover some significant new information, which we
present in the following sections.
2.5. Successive rendition
operations and secret detentions
52. We believe we are in a position to state that successive
CIA rendition operations have taken place in the course of the same,
single flight circuit. Two of the rendition case studies examined
in this report, both involving Council of Europe member States to
differing degrees, belonged to the same clandestine circuit of abductions and
renditions at different points of the spider’s web. The information
at our disposal indicates that the renditions of Binyam Mohamed
and Khaled El-Masri were carried out by the same CIA‑operated aircraft,
within 48 hours of one another, in the course of the same 12-day
tour in January 2004. This finding appears significant for a number
of reasons. First, since neither man even knows of the other – Mr
Mohamed is still detained at Guantanamo Bay and Mr El-Masri has
returned to his home community near Ulm in the South of Germany
– their respective stories can be used to lend credence to one another.
My team has received direct or indirect testimony from each of them
53. As they both allege having been subjected to CIA rendition,
the fact that the same aircraft - operated by a CIA-linked company
– carried out two transfers in such quick succession allows us to
speak of the existence of a “rendition circuit” within the "spider's
54. It is also possible to develop a hypothesis as to the nature
of some other aircraft landings belonging to the same renditions
circuit. Thus, for example, the landings which occurred directly
before and directly after the El-Masri rendition bear the typical
characteristics of rendition operations

55. Our analysis of the rendition programme in the post-9/11 era
allows us to infer that the transfer of other detainees on this
rendition circuit must have entailed detainees being transferred
out of Kabul to alternative detention facilities in different countries.
Thus, drawing upon official flight data, the probable existence
of secret detention facilities can be inferred in Algeria and, as
we will see, in Romania.
2.6. Detention facilities
in Romania and Poland
2.6.1. 1 The case of
56. Romania is thus far the only Council of Europe member
State to be located on one of the rendition circuits we believe
we have identified and which bears all the characteristics of a
detainee transfer or drop-off point. The N313P rendition plane landed
in Timisoara at 11.51 pm on 25 January 2004 and departed just 72 minutes
later, at 1.03 am on 26 January 2004. I am grateful to the Romanian
Civil Aeronautic Authority for confirming these flight movements

57. It is known that detainee transport flights are customarily
night flights, as is the case of the other rendition flights already
documented. The only other points on this rendition circuit from
which the plane took off at a similar hour of the morning were Rabat,
Morocco (departure at 2.05 am) and Skopje, "the former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia" (hereinafter "Macedonia") (departure at 1.30 am).
In both of these cases, we possess sufficient indications to claim
that when the plane left its destination, it was carrying a prisoner
to a secret detention centre situated in Kabul.
58. We can likewise affirm that the plane was not carrying prisoners
to further detention when it left Timisoara.
Its next destination, after all, was Palma de Mallorca, a well-established
“staging point”, also used for recuperation purposes in the midst
of rendition circuits.
59. There is documentation in this instance that the passengers
of the N313P plane, using US Government passports

apparently false identities

stayed in a hotel in Palma de Mallorca for two nights before returning
to the United States. One can deduce that these passengers, in addition
to the crew of the plane, comprised a CIA rendition team, the same
team performing all renditions on this circuit.
60. The N313P plane stayed on the runway at Timisoara on the night
of 25 January 2004 for barely one hour. Based on analysis of the
flight capacity of N313P, a Boeing 737 jet, in line with typical
flight behaviours of CIA planes, it is highly unlikely that the
purpose of heading to Romania was to refuel. The plane had the capacity to
reach Palma de Mallorca, just over 7 hours away, directly from Kabul
that night – twice previously on the same circuit, it had already
flown longer distances of 7 hours 53 minutes (Rabat to Kabul) and
7 hours 45 minutes (Kabul to Algiers).
61. It should be recalled that the rendition team stayed about
30 hours in Kabul after having "rendered" Khaled El-Masri. Then,
it flew to Romania on the same plane. Having eliminated other explanations
– including that of a simple logistics flight, as the trip is a
part of a well-established renditions circuit – the most likely hypothesis
is that the purpose of this flight was to transport one or several
detainees from Kabul to Romania.
62. We consider that while all these factual elements do not provide
definitive evidence of secret detention centres, they do justify
on their own a positive obligation to carry out a serious investigation,
which the Romanian authorities do not seem to have done to date.
2.6.2. The case of Poland
63. Poland was likewise singled out as a country which
had harboured secret detention centres.
64. On the basis of information obtained from different sources
we were able to determine that persons suspected of being high level
terrorists were transferred out of a secret CIA detention facility
in Kabul, Afghanistan in late September and October 2003

. During this period, my official
database shows that the only arrival of CIA-linked aircraft from
Kabul in Europe was at the Polish airport of Szymany. The flights
in question, carried out by the well-known "rendition plane" N313P,
bear all the hallmarks of a rendition circuit.
65. The plane arrived in Kabul, on 21 September 2003, from Tashkent,
Uzbekistan. The axis between Tashkent and Kabul was well known for
detainee transfers

. Still, according to information
received, the most significant detainee movements at this time probably
involved transfers
out of Kabul.
The explanation attributed by NGO sources and journalists who have
investigated this period

that the CIA required a more isolated, secure, controlled environment
in which to hold its high-level detainees, due to the proliferation
of both prison facilities and prisoners in Afghanistan arising from
the escalating “war on terrorism”.
66. Thus, the circuit in question continued on 22 September 2003,
when the plane flew from Kabul to Szymany airport in Poland. On
the same grounds given above for the case of Romania, one may deduce
that this flight was a CIA rendition, culminating in a “detainee
drop-off” in Poland.
67. Szymany is described by the Chairman of the Polish delegation
to PACE as a “former Defence Ministry airfield”, located near the
rural town of Szczytno in the North of the country. It is close
to a large facility used by the Polish intelligence services, known
as the Stare Kiejkuty base. Both the airport and the nearby base were
depicted on satellite images I obtained in January 2006

68. It is noteworthy that the Polish authorities have been unable,
despite repeated requests, to provide me with information from their
own national aviation records to confirm any CIA-connected flights
into Poland. In his letter of 9 May 2006, my colleague Karol Karski,
the Chairman of the Polish delegation to PACE, explained:
"I addressed the Polish authorities
competent in gathering the air traffic data, related to these aircraft numbers…
I was informed that several numbers from your list were still not
found in our flight logs’ records. Being not aware about the source
of your information connecting these flight numbers with Polish
airspace, I am not able, [nor are] the Polish air traffic control
authorities, to comment on the fact of missing them in our records." 
69. Karski also made the following statement, which reflects the
position of the Polish Government on the question of CIA renditions:
"According to the information I
have been provided with, none of the questioned flights was recorded
in the traffic controlled by our competent authorities – in connection
with Szymany or any other Polish airport."
70. The absence of flight records from a country such as Poland
is unusual. A host of neighbouring countries, including Romania,
Bulgaria and the Czech Republic have had no such problems in retrieving
official data for the period since 2001. Indeed, the submissions
of these countries, along with my data from Eurocontrol, confirm
numerous flights into and out of Polish airports by the CIA-linked
planes that are the subject of this report.
71. In this light, Poland cannot be considered to be outside the
rendition circuits simply because it has failed to furnish information
corroborating our data from other sources. I have thus presented
in my graphic the suspected rendition circuit involving Szymany
airport, in which the landing at Szymany is placed in the category of
“detainee drop-off” points.
72. According to records in our possession, the N313P plane remained
at Szymany airport on 22 September 2003 for just 64 minutes. I can
also confirm that the plane then flew from Szymany to Romania, where
it landed, after a change of course, at Bucharest Baneasa airport.
Here, as in the case of Timisoara above, the aircraft landing in
Romania fits the profile of a “detainee drop-off”.
73. It is possible that several detainees may have been transported
together on the flight out of Kabul, with some being left in Poland
and some being left in Romania. This pattern would conform with
information from other sources, which indicated the simultaneous
existence of secret prisons in these two Council of Europe member

74. This suspected rendition circuit continued after Romania by
landing in Rabat, Morocco, which several elements point to as a
location that harbours a detention facility

It is conceivable that this landing may even have constituted a
third “detainee drop-off” in succession before the plane returned
to the United States, via Guantanamo Bay.
75. As for Romania, I find that there is now a preponderance of
indications, not to prove the existence of detention centres, but
in any case to open a real in-depth and transparent inquiry. One
can add that the sources at the origin of the publications by Human
Rights Watch, The Washington Post and ABC News, referring to the existence
of such centres in Romania and Poland, are multiple, concordant
and particularly well informed, as they belong to the very services
that have directed these operations.
2.7. The human impact
of rendition and secret detention
76. Rendition is a degrading and dehumanising practice;
certainly for its victims, but also for those who perform the operations.
This simple realisation has become clear to me and my team as we
have met with various people whose lives have been indelibly changed
by rendition.
77. Therefore, while it is necessary to analyse the global system
that rendition has become, we should never lose sight of the human
dimension, as this is at the core of the abuses.
78. I have considered the human impact of rendition in two ways:
first, the systematic CIA practice of preparing a detainee to be
transported on a rendition aircraft; and second, the grave and long-lasting psychological
damage that extraordinary rendition inflicts upon its victims.
2.7.1. CIA methodology
– how a detainee is treated during a rendition
79. The descriptions of rendition operations in this
report reflect many different individual cases. These cases entail
a diverse range of victims, being captured in and transferred to
numerous different countries, spanning a time period of several
years. The stories are recounted by both first- and second-hand
witnesses, speaking various languages in various public and private
forums. Some of the people subjected to rendition have since been
released, while others are still detained in the custody of the
United States or another country. In short, the cases appear to
have little or no connection to one another.
80. Yet on the contrary there are striking parallels between several
of these renditions, particularly as they relate to the CIA’s methodology.
It seems that in each separate case, rendition was carried out in
an almost identical manner. Collectively the cases in the report
testify to the existence of an established modus
operandi of rendition, put into practice by an elite,
highly-trained and highly-disciplined group of CIA agents who travel around
the world mistreating victim after victim in exactly the same fashion.
81. It falls to analyse this methodology through the lens of human
rights, as they are enshrined in the European Convention on Human
Rights (ECHR) and applied in the vast majority of the countries
that share these values. Every individual, even those accused, or
found guilty, of involvement in terrorism and other categories of
serious crime, has the unqualified right not to be tortured or subjected
to inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. While state agents
have the right to use force in carrying out their work, there are obviously
strict limits on the extent to which restraining or coercive measures
may be applied during the course of an arrest or transfer operation.
82. According to Michael Scheuer, the CIA intentionally puts security
concerns ahead of the rights of the detainee during a rendition
“Clearly your first
priorities in those situations are to protect your officers. So
the person would generally be shackled and restrained. And probably
at least getting on to the plane and while it was on the ground, he
was blindfolded.
I would think that the locals who arrested him would probably
be the ones who would handcuff and blindfold him. Then he would
be put on the plane, prepared and tied into his seat, or however
it happened, and be watched over by guards from the receiving country
he was going back to.” 
83. I consider that no security measure justifies a massive and
systematic violation of human rights and dignity. In the cases examined
– whilst being conscious of dealing with possibly dangerous persons
– the principle of proportionality was simply ignored and with it
the dignity of the person. In several instances, the actions undertaken
in the course of a "security check" were excessive in relation to
security requirements

and may therefore
constitute a violation of Article 3 ECHR

. While it does not
appear to reach the threshold for torture

, it may well
be considered as inhuman or degrading, particularly in the extent
to which it humiliates the person being rendered

84. The “security check” used by the CIA to prepare a detainee
for transport on a rendition plane was described to us by one source
in the American intelligence community as a “twenty‑minute takeout”

. His explanation was that within
a very short space of time, a detainee is transformed into a state
of almost total immobility and sensory deprivation.
“The CIA can do three of these guys in an hour.
In twenty minutes they’re good to go.” 
investigating officer for the Swedish Ombudsman was struck by the
“fast and efficient procedure” used
by the American agents

while the Swedish interpreter who witnessed the CIA operation at Bromma
Airport said simply:
“It surprised me
how the heck they could have dressed him so fast” 
85. The general characteristics of this “security check” can be
established from a host of testimonies as follows

i. it generally takes place in a small room (a locker room,
a police reception area) at the airport, or at a transit facility
ii. the man is sometimes already blindfolded when the operation
begins, or will be blindfolded quickly and remain so throughout
most of the operation.
iii. four to six CIA agents perform the operation in a highly-disciplined,
consistent fashion – they are dressed in black (either civilian
clothes or special "uniforms'), wearing black gloves, with their
full faces covered. Testimonies speak, variously, of “big people in black balaclavas”
people "dressed in black like ninjas”
or people wearing “ordinary clothes,
but hooded”
iv. the CIA agents “don’t utter
a word when they communicate with one another”
, using only hand
signals or simply knowing their roles implicitly.
v. some men speak of being punched or shoved by the agents
at the beginning of the operation in a rough or brutal fashion
; others talked
about being gripped firmly from several sides
vi. the man’s hands and feet are shackled.
vii. the man has all his clothes (including his underwear)
cut from his body using knives or scissors in a careful, methodical
fashion; an eye-witness described how “someone
was taking these clothes and feeling every part, you know, as if
there was something inside the clothes, and then putting them in
a bag”
viii. the man is subjected to a full-body cavity search, which
also entails a close examination of his hair, ears, mouth and lips.
ix. the man is photographed with a flash camera, including
when he is nearly
totally naked
in some instances, the man's blindfold may be removed for the purpose
of a photograph in which his face is also identifiable
x. some accounts speak of a foreign object being forcibly
inserted into the man's anus; some accounts speak more specifically
of a tranquiliser or suppository being administered per rectum
- in each description this
practice has been perceived as a grossly violating act that affronts
the man’s dignity.
xi. the man is then dressed in a nappy or incontinence pad
and a loose-fitting "jump-suit" or set of overalls; “they put diapers
on him and then there is some handling with these handcuffs and
foot chains, because first they put them on and then they are supposed
to put him in overalls, so then they have to alternately unlock
and relock them”
xii. the man has his ears muffled, sometimes being made to
wear a pair of "headphones" 
xiii. finally a cloth bag is placed over the man's head, with
no holes through which to breathe or detect light; they “put a blindfold on him and after that a hood
that apparently reaches far down on his body”
xiv. the man is typically forced aboard a waiting aeroplane,
where he may be “placed on a stretcher, shackled”
, or strapped to a mattress or seat,
or “laid down on the floor of the plane and they bind him up in
a very uncomfortable position that makes him hurt from moving”
xv. in some cases the man is drugged and experiences little
or nothing of the actual rendition flight
; in other cases, factors such
as the pain of the shackles or the refusal to allow him to drink
water or use the toilet make the flight unbearable: “this was the hardest moment in my life”
xvi. in most cases, the man has no notion of where he is going,
nor the fate that awaits him upon arrival.
86. This manner of treating detainees has been heavily criticised
by the lawyers of many of the persons subjected to rendition. In
his testimony to the Swedish Ombudsman, Kjell Jönsson, the Swedish
lawyer for Mohamed Alzery

stated his concern that the measures taken before the rendition
were disproportionate to the security needs: “from Alzery’s point
of view it would have been perfectly enough to ask him to co-operate and
he would have done that just like he always has done before”

87. Perhaps the most troubling aspect of this systematic practice,
however, is that it appears to be intended to humiliate. Many accounts
speak of these measures being taken despite "strong resistance",
both physical and verbal, on the part of the detainee. The nudity,
forced shackling "like an animal’

being forced to wear nappies appear offensive to the notions of
dignity held by the detainees. In my view it is simply not acceptable in
Council of Europe member States for security services, whether European
or foreign, to treat people in a manner that amounts to such “extreme

2.7.2. The effects of
rendition and secret detention on individuals and families
88. In compiling this report, members of my team and
I have met directly with several victims of renditions and secret
detentions, or with their families. In addition, we have obtained
access to further first‑hand accounts from victims who remain detained,
in the form of their letters or diaries, unclassified notes from
their discussions with lawyers, and official accounts of visits
from Embassy officials.
89. Personal accounts of this type of human rights abuse speak
of utter demoralisation. Of course, the despair is greatest in cases
where the abuse persists – where a person remains in secret detention,
without knowing the basis on which he is being held, and where nobody
apart from his captors knows about his exact whereabouts or wellbeing.
The uncertainty that defines rendition and secret detention is torturous,
both for those detained and those for whom they are “disappeared”
See Louise Arbour,
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Human Rights: A casualty of the war on terror?;
interview for UN World Chronicle No. 996, 7 December 2005 (transcript
provided by UN Television, on file with the rapporteer): “Secret
detention under these extreme conditions is an unacceptable treatment,
both of the person detained and I would certainly suggest of members
of their families [for whom], for all purposes, these people have
90. Yet the ordeal continues long after a detainee is located,
or even released and able to return home. Victims have described
to us how they suffer from flashbacks and panic attacks, an inability
to lead normal relationships and a permanent fear of death. Families
have been torn apart. On a personal level, deep psychological scars
persist; and on a daily basis, stigma and suspicion seem to haunt
anybody branded as “suspect” in the “war on terror”. In short, links
with normal society appear practically impossible to restore.
91. I salute the remarkable courage and resilience of those who
have been held in secret detention and subsequently released, like
Khaled El-Masri and Maher Arar. Both these men have spoken eloquently
to us about what moves them to recount their experiences despite
the obvious pain and trauma of doing so. From these words we must
draw our own resolve to uncover the secret abuses of the spider’s
web and ensure that they never again be allowed to occur. From Mr
El-Masri, “all I want is to know the truth about what happened to
me and to have the American Government apologise for what it did”

from Mr Arar, “the main purpose of talking about my torture is to
prevent the same treatment from ever happening to another human

3. Specific examples
of documented renditions
3.1. Khaled El-Masri
92. We spoke for many hours with Khaled El-Masri, who
also testified publicly before the Temporary Committee of the European
Parliament, and we find credible his account of detention in Macedonia
and Afghanistan for nearly five months.
3.1.1. The individual
account of Mr El-Masri
93. A summary of the unprecedented suffering endured
by Mr El-Masri reads as follows:
94. [A]ccording to the statement of facts presented to the US
District Court

Khaled El-Masri, a German citizen of Lebanese descent, travelled
by bus from his home near Neu Ulm, Germany, to Skopje, Macedonia, in
the final days of 2003. After passing through several international
border crossings without incident, Mr El-Masri was detained at the
Serbian-Macedonian border because of alleged irregularities with
his passport. He was interrogated by Macedonian border officials,
then transported to a hotel in Skopje. Subsequent to his release
in May, 2004, Mr El-Masri was able to identify the hotel from website
photographs as the Skopski Merak, and to identify photos of the
room where he was held and of a waiter who served him food. Over
the course of three weeks, Mr El-Masri was repeatedly interrogated
about alleged contacts with Islamic extremists, and was denied any
contact with the German Embassy, an attorney, or his family. He
was told that if he confessed to Al-Qaeda membership, he would be
returned to Germany. On the thirteenth day of confinement, Mr El-Masri
commenced a hunger strike, which continued until his departure from
Macedonia. After 23 days of detention, Mr El-Masri was videotaped,
blindfolded, and transported by vehicle to an airport.
95. There, he was beaten, stripped naked, and thrown to the ground.
A hard object was forced into his anus.When
his blindfold was removed, he saw seven or eight men, dressed in
black and hooded. He was placed in a diaper and sweatsuit, blindfolded,
shackled, and hurried to a plane, where he was chained spreadeagled
to the floor. He was injected with drugs and flown to Baghdad, then
on to Kabul, Afghanistan, an itinerary that is confirmed by public
flight records. At some point prior to his departure, an exit stamp
was placed in his passport, confirming that he left Macedonia on
January 23, 2004.
96. Upon arrival in Kabul, Mr El-Masri was kicked and beaten and
left in a filthy cell. There he would be detained for more than
four months. He was interrogated several times in Arabic about his
alleged ties to 9/11 conspirators Muhammed Atta and Ramzi Bin Al-Shibh
and to other alleged extremists based in Germany. American officials
participated in his interrogations. All of his requests to meet
with a representative of the German government were refused.
97. In March, Mr El-Masri and several other inmates commenced
a hunger strike. After nearly four weeks without food, Mr El-Masri
was brought to meet with two American officials. One of the Americans
confirmed Mr El-Masri’s innocence, but insisted that only officials
in Washington, D.C. could authorize his release. Subsequent media
reports confirm that senior officials in Washington, including the
CIA Director Tenet, were informed long before Mr El-Masri’s release
that the United States had detained an innocent man. Mr El-Masri continued
his hunger strike. On the evening of April 10, Mr El-Masri was dragged
from his room by hooded men and force-fed through a nasal tube.
98. At around this time, Mr El-Masri felt what he believed to
be a minor earthquake. Geological records confirm that in February
and April, there were two minor earthquakes in the vicinity of Kabul.
99. On May 16, Mr El-Masri was visited by a uniformed German speaker
who identified himself as “Sam”. “Sam” refused to say whether he
had been sent by the German government, or whether the government
knew about Mr El-Masri’s whereabouts. Subsequent to his release,
Mr El-Masri identified “Sam” in a photograph and a police lineup
as Gerhard Lehmann, a German intelligence officer.
100. On May 28, 2004, Mr El-Masri, accompanied by “Sam,” was flown
from Kabul to a country in Europe other than Germany. He was placed,
blindfolded, into a truck and driven for several hours through mountainous terrain.
He was given his belongings and told to walk down a path without
turning back. Soon thereafter, he was confronted by armed men who
told him he was in Albania and transported him to Mother Theresa
Airport in Tirana. There, he was accompanied through customs and
immigration controls and placed on a flight to Frankfurt.
101. Upon his return to Germany, Mr El-Masri contacted an attorney
and related his story. The attorney promptly reported Mr El-Masri’s
allegations to the German government, thereby initiating a formal
investigation by public prosecutors. Pursuant to their investigation,
German prosecutors obtained and tested a sample of Mr El-Masri’s
hair, which proved consistent with his account of detention in a
South-Asian country and deprivation of food for an extended period.
That investigation, as well as a German parliamentary investigation
of Mr El-Masri’s allegations, is ongoing.
3.1.2. Elements of corroboration
for Mr El-Masri’s account
102. Mr El-Masri’s account is borne out by numerous items
of evidence, some of which cannot yet be made public because they
have been declared secret

, or because they
are covered by the confidentiality of the investigation underway
in the office of the Munich prosecuting authorities following Mr
El-Masri’s complaint of abduction.
103. The items already in the public domain are cited in the afore-mentioned

to the Virginia court in which Mr El-Masri lodged his complaint:
- Passport stamps confirming Mr
El-Masri’s entry to and exit from Macedonia, as well as exit from
Albania, on the dates in question;
- Scientific testing of Mr El-Masri’s hair follicles, conducted
pursuant to a German criminal investigation, that is consistent
with Mr El-Masri’s account that he spent time in a South-Asian country
and was deprived of food for an extended period of time;
- Other physical evidence, including Mr El-Masri’s passport,
the two t-shirts he was given by his American captors on departing
from Afghanistan, his boarding pass from Tirana to Frankfurt, and
a number of keys that Mr El-Masri possessed during his ordeal, all
of which have been turned over to German prosecutors;
- Aviation logs confirming that a Boeing business jet owned
and operated by defendants in this case, then registered by the
FAA as N313P, took off from Palma, Majorca, Spain on January 23,
2004; landed at the Skopje airport at 8:51 p.m. that evening; and
left Skopje more than three hours later, flying to Baghdad and then
on to Kabul, the Afghan capital;
- Witness accounts from other passengers on the bus from
Germany to Macedonia, which confirm Mr El-Masri’s account of his
detention at the border;
- Photographs of the hotel in Skopje where Mr El-Masri was
detained for 23 days, from which Mr El-Masri has identified both
his actual room and a staff member who served him food;
- Geological records that confirm Mr El-Masri’s recollection
of minor earthquakes during his detention in Afghanistan;
- Evidence of the identity of “Sam,” whom Mr El-Masri has
positively identified from photographs and a police line-up, and
who media reports confirm is a German intelligence officer with
links to foreign intelligence services;
- Sketches that Mr El-Masri drew of the layout of the Afghan
prison, which were immediately recognizable to another rendition
victim who was detained by the U.S. in Afghanistan;
- Photographs taken immediately upon Mr El-Masri’s return
to Germany that are consistent with his account of weight loss and
unkempt grooming.
Numerous government inquiries,
including the German prosecutors’ investigation, a German parliamentary investigation,
and various intergovernmental human rights inquiries, are almost
certain to produce additional corroborating evidence.
3.1.3. The role of "the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"
104. The role of "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"
in the rendition of Khaled El-Masri has yet to be fully understood.
The information collected on site by a member of my team appears
to show a certain ambiguity in the Macedonian position. In effect,
the Government of Macedonia has adopted an "official line" of complete
negation, repeated in a rigid and stereotyped fashion.
105. I am indebted to the delegation from the European Parliament
for arranging and administering an excellent programme of meetings
with the highest-level representatives of the Macedonian Government
and Parliament

I share many of the reflections of my colleagues from the European
Parliament in their review of these meetings, not least the sense
of discomfort that in many areas the Macedonian authorities fell
short of genuine transparency

. The position of
the authorities
106. The "official line" of the Macedonian Government
was first contained in a letter from the Minister of Interior, Ljubomir
Mihajlovski, to the Ambassador of the European Commission, Erwan
Fouere, dated 27 December 2005. In its simplest form, it essentially
contains four items of information “according
to police records”: first, Mr El‑Masri arrived by bus
at the Macedonian border crossing of Tabanovce at 4 pm on 31 December
2003; second, he was interviewed by “authorised
police officials” who suspected “possession
of a falsified travel document”; third, approximately
five hours later, Mr El‑Masri “was allowed
entrance” into Macedonia, apparently freely; and fourth,
on 23 January 2004, he left Macedonia over the border crossing of Blace
into Kosovo.
107. Mr Mihajlovski restated exactly the same Government position
in response to a parliamentary question in the Sobranie on 26 January

. He cited “
official evidence of the Ministry of Interior”
and went on to describe the allegations as “
and unfounded”.
108. The President of the Republic, Branko Crvenkovski, set out
a firm stance in the very first meeting with the European Parliament
delegation, providing a strong disincentive to any official who
may have wished to break ranks by expressing an independent viewpoint:
“Up to this moment, I would like to assure
you that I have not come across any reason not to believe the official
position of our Ministry of Interior. I have no additional comments
or facts, from any side, to convince me that what has been established
in the official report of our Ministry is not the truth.”
109. On Friday 28 April the official position was presented in
far greater detail during a meeting with Siljan Avramovski, who
was Head of the UBK

, Macedonia’s main intelligence service,
at the time of the El-Masri case. Avramovski stated that the UBK’s
"Department for Control and Professional Standards" had undertaken an
investigation into the case and traced official records of all Mr
El‑Masri’s contact with the Macedonian authorities. The further
details as presented by Mr Avramovski

summarized as follows:
Mr El-Masri
arrived on the Macedonian border on 31 December 2003, New Year’s
Eve. The Ministry of Interior had intensified security for the festive
period and was operating a higher state of alert around the possible
criminal activity. In line with these more intense activities, bus
passengers were being subjected to a thorough security check, including
an examination of their identity documents.
Upon examining Mr El-Masri’s passport, the Macedonian
border police developed certain suspicions and decided to “detain him”. In order not to make
the other passengers wait at the border, the bus was at this point
allowed to continue its journey.
The objective of holding Mr El-Masri was to conduct an
interview with him, which (according to Avramovski) was carried
out in accordance with all applicable European standards. Members
of the UBK, the security and counter-intelligence service, are present
at all border points in Macedonia as part of what is described as
“Integrated Border Management and Security”. UBK officials participated
in the interview of Mr El-Masri.
The officials enquired into Mr El-Masri’s reasons for
travelling into the country, where he intended to stay and whether
he was carrying sufficient amounts of money. Avramovski explained:
“I think these were all standard questions that are asked in the
context of such a routine procedure – I don’t think I need to go into
further details”.
At the same time, Macedonian officials undertook a preliminary
visual examination of Mr El-Masri’s travel documents. They suspected
that the passport might be faked or forged – noting in particular
that Mr El-Masri was born in Kuwait, yet claimed to possess German
A further passport check was carried out against an Interpol
database. The border point at Tabanovce is not linked to Interpol’s
network, so the information had to be transmitted to Skopje, from
where an electronic request was made to the central Interpol database
in Lyon. A UBK official in the Analytical Department apparently
made this request using an electronic code, so the Macedonian authorities
can produce no record of it. Mr El-Masri was made to wait on the
border point while the Interpol search was carried out.
When it was established that there existed no Interpol
warrant against Mr El‑Masri and no further grounds on which to hold
he was released. He then left the border point at Tabanovce, although Macedonian
officials were not able to describe how. Asked directly about this
point in a separate meeting, the Minister of Interior, Mr Mihajlovski
said: “we’re not able to tell you exactly
what happened to him after he was released because it is not in
our interest; after the person leaves the border crossing, we’re
not in a position to know how he traveled further”
The Ministry of Interior subsequently established, according
to Avramovski, that Mr El-Masri had stayed at a hotel in Skopje
called the “Skopski Merak”. Mr El-Masri is said to have checked
in on the evening of 31 December 2003 and registered in the Guest
Book. He stayed for 23 nights, including daily breakfast, and checked
out on 23 January 2004.
The Ministry then conducted a further check on all border
crossings and discovered that on the same day, 23 January 2004,
in the evening, Mr El-Masri left the territory of Macedonia over
the border crossing at Blace, into the territory of Kosovo. When
asked whether Mr El-Masri had received a stamp to indicate his departure
by this means, Avramovski answered: “Normally
there should be a stamp on the passport as you cross the border
out of Macedonia, but I can’t be sure. UNMIK is also present on
the Kosovo border and is in charge of the protocol on that side…
My UBK colleague has just informed me that he has crossed the border
at Blace twice in recent times and didn’t receive a stamp on either
Avramovski concluded his
summary with the words: “This is the truth of the case that has
been exploited by the media – the so-called El-Masri case.”
110. In a separate meeting directly following Avramovski’s briefing,
Minister Mihajlovski retained the position and added very few further
details. Both officials were keen to talk about the case as if it
were a routine matter, one which only came to their attention when
it was reported in the local and international press. They referred repeatedly
to the media “prejudice” and “pressure” against Macedonia. Mihajlovski
even implied that there was a conspiracy theory at play, designed
to discredit the country: “Who is really
behind all of this? This case is making so much damage to the country.
If you can get a reason why it is happening, please send us a message;
tell us.”
111. It seems clear that the Macedonian public has reacted negatively
to the El-Masri affair. Most Macedonians feel aggrieved that their
country has been given such a bad press and is associated with what
is often portrayed as a manipulative operation. Many regard the
international media interest as a thinly veiled attempt to discredit
Macedonia’s prospects for European integration. In reality, it seems
that the Macedonian Government is itself responsible for this situation.
More transparency, and a greater degree of preparedness genuinely
to seek the truth, rather than locking themselves into a pre‑established,
dogmatic scheme, would have certainly avoided much criticism and
suspicion. Further elements
112. The Government’s official line is based on what Mr
Avramovski called “a reconstruction after the fact, based on information
we established through documents and discussions” with, inter alia,
“employees of the hotel”. There is no doubt in my mind that the
Ministry of Interior has put together a very thorough reconstruction of
the case; just not an accurate one. Equally I accept that the Ministry
has undertaken “discussions” with witnesses, including hotel employees;
but I regard these as efforts to harmonise the official line, not
to establish the truth.
113. One could, with sufficient application, begin to tease out
discrepancies in the official line. For example, the Ministry of
Interior stated that “the hotel owner
should have the record of Mr El-Masri’s bill”, while
the hotel owner responded to several inquiries, by telephone and
in person, by saying that the record had been handed over to the
Ministry of Interior.
114. Contacts we were able to make with sources close to the administration
and to the intelligence services have enabled us to obtain much
more credible information, in order to better understand what really
happened. We can consequently present a more coherent analysis of
this case. For obvious reasons, the sources contacted locally wish
to stay anonymous, at least for the time being.
115. The Government’s public portrayal seems at first glance perfectly
plausible. However, it ceases to be credible when it asserts that
El-Masri was allowed to proceed freely from Tabanovce on the evening
of 31 December 2003. In reality, that evening signalled the beginning
of his five-month ordeal in secret detention ordered by the CIA.
116. What is not said in the official version is the fact that
the Macedonian UBK routinely consults with the CIA on such matters
(which, on a certain level, is quite comprehensible and logical).
According to confidential information we received (of which we know
the source), a full description of Mr El-Masri was transmitted to
the CIA via its Bureau Chief in Skopje for an analysis similar to
the one Avramovski says was undertaken by Interpol: did the person
in question have contact with terrorist movements, in particular
with Al Qaida? Based on the intelligence material about Khaled El-Masri
in its possession – the content of which is not known to us – the
CIA answered in the affirmative. The UBK, as the local partner organisation,
was requested to assist in securing and detaining Mr El-Masri until
he could be handed over to the CIA for transfer.
117. The UBK has an excellent reputation for its professionalism.
It is well practiced in the conduct of clandestine surveillance
and detention operations, having exploited its own network of "secret
apartments" for decades

. Information obtained from our internal
sources indicates that the UBK is equally skilled in working on
behalf of the CIA. – we even learned of one previous collaborative
operation between these services in the past, targeted at apprehending
suspected Islamic terrorists. In the El‑Masri case, according to
our understanding, this co-operation was particularly efficient
and the Macedonian services fulfilled the expectations of the CIA.
118. The choice of the Skopski Merak hotel as a detention site
warrants comment. The Macedonian authorities have categorically
denied that this hotel could have served as a place for detention,
considering such a possibility as downright ridiculous. Avramovski
said he could “
rule out the prospect of Mr El-Masri’s being held there:
“Look, I can state this very specifically
and decisively. The 31 December is New Year’s Eve – that period is
a holiday, there are always a lot of guests, many of them tourists,
in the hotel to celebrate the New Year. There is not even a theoretical
possibility [laughing] that a person could be detained in an open hotel,
where there’s a constant flow of people coming and going. There
were many guests there at the time, including foreign nationals
– it’s a well-known, open hotel with a fine reputation in this city!”
fact, a busy place with this hotel’s features lends itself very
well to a clandestine operation, given that a top‑floor room facing
away from the street was used.
119. Whilst the operation was driven and directed by CIA agents,
the Americans kept a very low profile throughout the operation in
Macedonia. The CIA transmitted to UBK the questions to ask the suspect,
without ever taking part in any interrogation.
120. Several of our interviewees told us – with varying degrees
of knowledge – that German intelligence was informed of the fact
that Mr El-Masri was in Macedonian custody in the days immediately
following the arrest, but not about the operational details. Intelligence
material from Germany was added to the dossier from which questions
were later asked, both in Macedonia and in Afghanistan, by interrogators
of various nationalities.
121. According to our insider sources in the intelligence community,
whom we consider serious and well-informed, approximately 20 officials
were involved overall on the Macedonian side, including “four or
five” politically responsible persons in Government. Three teams
of three agents rotated in the task of guarding and surveillance.
Technicians and analysts helped to compile the record of the operation,
which was a running log rather than a cumulative written report.
An operational commander and a deputy marshalled the Macedonian agents
and took responsibility for reporting to their liaisons in the CIA.
122. The period for which the Macedonians held Mr El-Masri in advance
of his rendition – 23 days – was abnormally long for any operation
involving the CIA. Partner agencies and CIA officials alike prefer
to keep the time between the initial arrest and the transfer to
a CIA detention centre as short as possible

123. The delay in this case appears to have been caused by logistical
reasons, in particular related to the availability of an aircraft.
A flight on an unusual route, from Skopje into the Middle East,
had to be incorporated into an existing schedule for that month,
which, as established above in the description of the newly-discovered rendition
circuit, included other detainee transfers.
124. According to further eye-witness accounts from persons in
the civil aviation sector, who described the presence and movements
of the suspect rendition plane at Skopje airport that evening, the
aircraft thought to have taken Mr El-Masri on board did not follow
regular procedures. The manner in which the plane registered with
ground staff and paid its "route charge" fees was highly unusual
– as the Ministry of Interior himself confirmed, no passengers even
left the plane to enter the terminal building and thus cross officially
onto Macedonian territory. Instead the plane taxied into position
at the far end of the runway, more than a kilometer from the terminal.
A detail of armed Macedonian security police formed a lookout nearby,
under strict instructions to face away from the plane itself. Asked
whether such a measure was conventional for foreign aircraft, Minister
of Interior Mihajlovski answered:
no. Not at all. The plane is not Macedonian territory; if Spain
sends us a plane, it’s the territory of Spain. If there’s a bomb
on board we must come inside; but otherwise it’s like a ship, a
diplomatic territory”.
125. All these factual elements indicate that the CIA carried out
a “rendition” of Khaled El-Masri. The plane in question had finished
transferring another detainee just two days earlier and the plane
was still on the same "rendition circuit". The plane and its crew
had spent the interim period at Palma de Mallorca, a popular CIA staging
point. The physical and moral degradation to which Mr El‑Masri was
subjected before being forced aboard the plane in Macedonia corresponds
with the CIA’s systematic "rendition methodology" described earlier
in this report. The destination of the flight carrying Mr El-Masri,
Kabul, forms a hub of CIA secret detentions in our graphic representation
of the “spider’s web”.
126. All the indications are that the Macedonian authorities have
decided to deny their part in the abduction of El-Masri, admitting
only what has already been clearly proven and trying to conceal
the rest. It is regrettable that the will is lacking to perform
a true inquiry and that Parliament has not shown the initiative
to take up the issue (as the German
Bundestag has
done in the same case). To this must be added the further accusations of
the Macedonian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights. According to
reports produced by this NGO, suspects were and still are interrogated
and sometimes imprisoned and ill-treated for several days, outside
the normal arrest and custody system

specifically in the "apartments" that had been widely used by the previous
127. It is worth repeating that the analysis of all facts concerning
this case points in favour of the credibility of El-Masri. Everything
points in the direction that he was the victim of abduction and
ill‑treatment amounting to torture within the meaning of the term
established by the case-law of the United Nations Committee against Torture.
In addition, numerous indications support the conclusion that German
services participated in a manner that still remains to be precisely
established (not excluding the fact that the same services were
in the end instrumental in El-Masri’s release; the latter told me
that he considered "Sam" as his guardian angel, a kind of "life

128. The detailed information with which El-Masri was confronted
during his interrogations in Skopje and in Afghanistan included
details of his private life in Neu-Ulm. It is hard to imagine that
such information could have been obtained by foreign services without
help from their German counterparts. For example, the interrogators in
Afghanistan knew that El-Masri had met a certain Reda Seyam

at the
Multikulturhaus and
had agreed to get a car, which Seyam had just bought with his help
and had registered in the name of El-Masri’s wife in order to save
on the cost of insurance. El-Masri assured me that he had shared
this information only with Seyam and his wife. In addition, the
same interrogators confronted him with bank details of money transfers
between his bank in Neu-Ulm and an account in Norway

. Such
bank details are not normally accessible to foreign services.
129. In my opinion, this detailed knowledge of Mr El-Masri’s –
real – life also rules out the theory that Mr El-Masri was the victim
of mere mistaken identity
appears to be the argument of the German government, in the context
of the talks between Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and American
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (cf. the link to the record
of the joint press conference by Mrs Merkel and Mrs Rice on 6 December
2005 [<a href='http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2005/57672.htm'>http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2005/57672.htm</a>]. Mrs Merkel confirmed that she had spoken to Mrs Rice
about the El-Masri case and said that the American government, the
American administration, had admitted that the man had been taken
by mistake and that the American administration did not deny in principle
that this had occurred).](/nw/images/icon_footnoteCall.png)
, being confused with
a person of the same (or similar) name, whose name appeared in the
American Congressional report on the 11 September attacks

having travelled by train in Germany together with members of the
“Hamburg cell” of the terrorists of 11 September, including one
of the murderous pilots, Muhammad Atta
Mr El Masri stated
in our talks that he had not even been questioned about this train
journey mentioned in the report on 11 September. In his written
deposition to the Virginia court (Declaration of Khaled El-Masri
in support of plaintiff’s opposition to the United States’ motion
to dismiss […] dated 6 April 2006, p. 13), he said that he was interrogated
in Afghanistan also about his alleged association with important
terrorists such as Muhammad Atta, Ramzi Bin Al-Shibh and other presumed
extremists based in Germany.](/nw/images/icon_footnoteCall.png)
130. As regards the identity of “Sam”, who came and interrogated
Mr El-Masri in Afghanistan and accompanied him back on the return
flight to Europe, speaking German with a Northern accent, Mr El-Masri remains
convinced that this is Mr Lehmann, an agent of the German
Bundeskriminalamt. He had identified
him with "100%" certainty on photographs and a videotape, and with
"90%" certainty at a surprise police lineup on 22 February 2006

131. Mr El-Masri has also been the victim of a defamatory campaign.
The press service of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Interior
had indicated that El-Masri was a member of “Al Tawid”, implying
“Al Tawid al Jihad”, a group belonging to Al Quaida and headed by
Abu Musab al-Zarkawi. According to Mr Gnjidic, the confusion was
deliberate: El-Masri did belong to a militant anti-Syrian party
(a nationalist party of the left also including Islamist elements)
called “Al Tawid”, founded in 1982 and wound up in 1985 after the
Syrian invasion. Whereas certain members were captured by the Syrians,
El-Masri fled and sought political asylum in Germany, for precisely
that reason. That group allegedly had absolutely nothing in common
(except part of the name, which means “all-powerful god”) with the
terrorist group headed by al-Zarkawi. Mr El-Masri was again faced with
this confusion at his hearing by the Temporary Committee of the
European Parliament, where at least one EP deputy asked him to what
other terrorist groups he belonged. As Mr El-Masri was still in
a fragile psychological state, I find it particularly odious that
he was also the subject of an article, with a photograph, in the
local press

again insinuating his links with terrorist circles without any evidence
whatsoever. He told us that he now hardly dares to leave his home.
132. The case of Khaled El-Masri is exemplary. Some aspects still
require further investigation and it is for that reason that inquiries
are ongoing in the Bundestag’s
Committee of Inquiry and by the Munich prosecutors. The story of
El-Masri is the dramatic story of a person who is evidently innocent
– or at least against whom not the slightest accusation could ever
be made - who has been through a real nightmare in the CIA’s "spider’s web",
merely because of a supposed friendship with a person suspected
at some point in time of maintaining contacts with terrorist groups.
El-Masri is still waiting for the truth to be established, and for
an apology. His application to a court in the United States has
been rejected, at least in the first instance: not because it seemed unfounded,
but because the Government brought to bear so-called "national security"
and "state secrecy" interests. This speaks for itself.
3.2. "The Algerian Six"
133. Six Bosnians of Algerian origin – four Bosnian citizens
and two longstanding residents

were arrested in October 2001
by order of the Supreme Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
and detained on remand. They were suspected of having planned bomb
attacks on the American and British embassies.
134. The investigation, between October 2001 and January 2002,
did not reveal any evidence linking these men to a terrorist plot.
On 17 January 2002, the office of the federal prosecutor informed
the investigating magistrate at the supreme court that he had no
reason to keep the men in custody any longer. On that same day at
about 3pm the investigating magistrate ordered the immediate release
of the six men.
135. Again on the same day, at about 5pm, the Human Rights Chamber
of Bosnia and Herzegovina issued an interim order, following an
application lodged by four of the men

. The order, which had statutory force in Bosnia
according to the Dayton peace accords, required the Government of
Bosnia and Herzegovina to take all necessary steps to prevent the
forcible deportation of the applicants from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
136. However, on the evening of 17 January 2002 the six men were
arrested by Bosnian police officers, and handed over to members
of the United States military forces stationed in Bosnia and Herzegovina
on the morning of 18 January. This is recorded as an established
fact in a judgment of the Human Rights Chamber for Bosnia and Herzegovina
of 4 April 2003

. The Chamber refers to a document
of the Council of Ministers dated 4 February 2002, according to
which members of the police forces of the Federation under the authority of
the Federal Minister of the Interior and of forces of the Minister
of the Interior of the Canton of Sarajevo handed the applicants
over to the American forces at the Butmir base on 18 January at
137. According to the victims’ evidence, transmitted by their lawyers

the six victims were handcuffed in uncomfortable positions and hooded
so that they could not see the aircraft which they were forced to
board, at a given time on 18 or 19 January 2002. According to the
lawyers, official documents obtained in the course of the judicial
proceedings in progress show that two aircraft were assigned to
this operation

, and
that the aircraft which the six men were made to board was at the
Tuzla military base. After a flight of several hours, the aircraft
landed and the six men were made to disembark, at a place which
they describe as very cold

. During
the flights the men were beaten and tied up in uncomfortable positions.
At the stopover – probably Incirlik – they were joined by other
detainees, some of whom said they came from Afghanistan. The human cargo
arrived at Guantanamo on 20 January 2002.
138. The six men have been prisoners at Guantanamo until the present
time, that is to say for over four years.
139. The illegal nature of these detentions was recognised by the
Human Rights Chamber for Bosnia

. In the three decisions,
the Chamber invited the Government of Bosnia to assist the six men,
recourse to diplomatic
and judicial means. In the decision of 4 April 2003 concerning Mr
Ait Idir, the Chamber even ordered the Government of Bosnia to take
all possible steps to secure the release of the applicant and his
return home

140. The Bosnian government has recognised its legal obligations
but not complied with them.
141. In the Council of Ministers document cited by the Human Rights

, the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina
admitted that the six men had been “handed over” to the American
forces by the Bosnian authorities without extradition formalities
being observed

142. On 21 April 2004, the Human Rights Committee of the Parliament
of Bosnia and Herzegovina exhorted the Bosnian executive to execute
the decision of the Human Rights Chamber and start proceedings with
the United States for the repatriation of the detainees. Its report
was endorsed by the parliament chamber on 11 May 2004.
143. On 11 March 2005, the Minister of Justice confirmed that the
Bosnian government had sent a letter to the American government
requesting the return of the six men.
144. On 21 June 2005, the Bosnian Prime Minister Mr Adnan Terzic
confirmed before the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

importance of this case as an indicator of democratic progress in Bosnia,
and declared his willingness to identify the best way of ensuring
the release of the six Bosnian citizens and former residents from
Guantanamo, in accordance with Parliamentary Assembly
Resolution 1433 (2005).
145. Lastly, on 16 September 2005, the Bosnian parliament adopted
a resolution inviting the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
to make contact with the American government in order to resolve
the problem of the six men as rapidly as possible.
146. It is all the more surprising that, in spite of all these
promising declarations, including that of the Prime Minister to
the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, there has been
no government initiative aimed at the release of the six men.
147. According to their lawyers

the American government has declared on several occasions that it
is willing to enter into bilateral discussions with the governments
of countries whose citizens are detained at Guantanamo in order
to arrange their repatriation, subject to adequate security conditions.
In the case of the six men in question, such measures would be unnecessary
anyway, since the charges against them have already been investigated
by the competent authorities and those investigations have shown
that they are innocent. Nonetheless, the Bosnian government has
apparently made no credible move to initiate negotiations in that

148. The innocence of the men in question – which is in any event
presumed, and is in no sense a condition for treating the suspects
in accordance with legal rules – has just been strengthened by a
report drawn up by the German military. This report, produced in
decidedly unusual circumstances

which also aroused the interest of the German media and parliamentarians

, concluded
inter alia that the reasons for
arresting the six men were “highly dubious”

149. In my opinion, the case of the “Bosnian six” is another well
documented example of the abduction of European citizens and residents
by the American authorities with the active collusion of the authorities
of a Council of Europe member state. The government of Bosnia and
Herzegovina has the merit of no longer denying the fact that it
handed over the six men to the American forces. According to information
I have received

the Bosnian authorities acted under extraordinary pressure from
the American embassy in Sarajevo, but the fact remains that they
acted in violation of clear decisions by the Supreme Court and the Human
Rights Chamber ordering the release of these men. If the damage
to the good human rights reputation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is
to be repaired, official recognition of the facts is an important
step in the right direction, but it must be followed as swiftly
as possible with credible diplomatic intervention vis-à-vis the American
government in order to secure the rapid repatriation of these six
men, who have now been festering in Guantanamo Bay for over four
3.3. Ahmed Agiza and
Mohammed Alzery (El Zari)
150. The case of the two Egyptian asylum-seekers “handed
over” by the Swedish authorities to American agents who took them
to Egypt, where they were tortured in spite of diplomatic assurances
given to Sweden, is another very well documented case. It led to
Sweden’s being condemned by the United Nations Committee against
Torture (UN-CAT)

. The Swedish
authorities were also criticised for having attempted to conceal
the facts from UN-CAT

151. The affair was brought to public notice mainly by the “Kalla

programme, and research by the Swedish investigative journalists
blew open the secret system of CIA aircraft transporting clandestine
prisoners in the “war against terrorism”. The aircraft used for
this operation – a Gulfstream, number N379P – has become one of
the most notorious “rendition” aircraft

152. The behaviour of the Swedish secret police (Säpo) gave rise
to a detailed investigation by the Swedish parliamentary ombudsman,
Mats Melin

. The judicial authorities also
examined the case and concluded that there were no grounds for a
criminal prosecution against either the Swedish agents involved,
or the pilot of the aircraft, or other American agents who were
part of the team responsible for transporting Mr Agiza and Mr Alzery
to Egypt

153. In short, the facts occurred in the following manner: on 18
December 2001, Mr Agiza and Mr Alzery, Egyptian citizens seeking
asylum in Sweden, were the subject of a decision dismissing the
asylum application and ordering their deportation on grounds of
security, taken in the framework of a special procedure at ministerial
level. In order to ensure that this decision could be executed that
same day, the Swedish authorities accepted an American offer to
place at their disposal an aircraft which enjoyed special overflight authorisations

. Following their arrest by
the Swedish police, the two men were taken to Bromma airport where
they were subjected, with Swedish agreement, to a “security check”
by hooded American agents.
154. The account of this “
is especially interesting, as it corresponds in detail to the account
given independently by other victims of “rendition”, including Mr
El-Masri. The procedure adopted by the American team, described
in this case by the Swedish police officers present at the scene

was evidently well rehearsed: the agents communicated with each
other by gestures, not words. Acting very quickly, the agents cut
Agiza’s and Alzery’s clothes off them using scissors, dressed them
in tracksuits, examined every bodily aperture and hair minutely,
handcuffed them and shackled their feet, and walked them to the
aircraft barefoot.
155. The ombudsman condemns as degrading the way in which the detainees
were treated from the time when they were taken charge of by the
American agents until the end of the operation when the two men
were handed to the Egyptian authorities. He does not consider that
it constitutes torture for the purposes of Article 3 of the European
Convention on Human Rights, but asks the question – though he does
not answer it – whether the execution of the deportation order nonetheless
violates Article 3. In any event, he finds that the operation was
carried out in an inhuman and therefore unacceptable manner

156. According to the ombudsman’s findings, the Swedish officers,
who were poorly led, lost control of the operation from the start
of the American team’s intervention. They ought to have intervened
to put an end to the degrading treatment of the detainees, which
was not justified on security grounds since the Swedish police had
already carried out a body search on the detainees at the time of
157. Prior to deportation of the two men to Egypt, Sweden sought
and obtained "diplomatic assurances" that they would not be subjected
to treatment contrary to the anti-torture convention, would have
fair trials and would not be subjected to the death penalty. The
"assurances" were even backed up by a monitoring mechanism, regular
visits by the Swedish Ambassador and participation by Swedish observers
at the trial.
158. Developments in the case show that these "assurances" were
not honoured. Mr Alzery’s lawyer, Kjell Jonsson

, states that extremely
grave acts of torture took place

Although Mr Alzery was released from prison in October 2003, he
is not allowed to leave his village without permission from the
authorities. Mr Agiza was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment by
a military court in a trial from which the Swedish observers were excluded
for the first two days out of a total of four. Despite the fact
that Mr Agiza complained of torture during his detention, which
lasted over two years after his forced return to Egypt, and despite
the fact that the prison doctor’s report did record physical injuries
sustained in prison, the military court did not act on the defence request
for an independent medical examination

159. The UN-CAT decision shows that the "diplomatic assurances",
even with follow-up clauses attached, are not such as to prevent
the risk of torture

. The deporting
state therefore still bears responsibility.
160. All things considered, the Swedish case of Agiza and Alzery
cannot be classed as “abduction” by the CIA. The two men were the
subject of a Swedish deportation procedure following dismissal of
the asylum application; that procedure was severely criticised by
UN-CAT, and rightly so: the immediate execution of the decision
deprived the two men of any possibility of appeal, including under
the United Nations Convention against Torture – an appeal which
moreover would have stood a good chance of success, in view of the
risk of torture they faced in Egypt. Other criticisms directed at
Sweden are the "slack" implementation of the follow-up clause relating
to the assurances obtained prior to extradition

and above all the fact that Sweden did not send UN-CAT all the relevant

. On the other
hand, with regard to the ill-treatment of the prisoners at Bromma
airport and in the aircraft, the reproach is aimed primarily at
the United States. I share Mats Melin’s view that such degrading
and humiliating treatment is unacceptable.
161. Nonetheless, in my opinion it is for Sweden to clarify further
the reasons and responsibilities: how was it that the Swedish officers
present on the scene allowed their American counterparts to do as
they wished, letting them take control of this operation while still
on Swedish soil?
3.4. Abu Omar
162. At midday on 17 June 2003, Hassam Osama Mustafa Nasr,
known as Abu Omar, an Egyptian citizen, was abducted in the middle
of Milan. Thanks to an outstanding and tenacious investigation by
the Milan judiciary and the DIGOS police services, Abu Omar’s is
undoubtedly one of the best-known and best-documented cases of “extraordinary

Via the military airbases at Aviano (Italy) and Ramstein (Germany),
Abu Omar was flown to Egypt, where he was tortured before being
released and re-arrested. To my knowledge, no proceedings were brought
against Abu Omar in Egypt. The Italian judicial investigation established
beyond all reasonable doubt that the operation was carried out by
the CIA (which has not issued any denials). The Italian investigators
likewise established that the presumed leader of the abduction operation –
who had also worked as the American consul in Milan – was in Egypt
for two weeks immediately after Abu Omar was handed over to the
Egyptian authorities. It may safely be inferred that he contributed,
in one way or another, to Abu Omar’s interrogation. The proceedings
instituted in Milan concern 25 American agents, against 22 of whom
the Italian judicial authorities have issued arrest warrants. Abu
Omar was a political refugee. Suspected of Islamic militancy, he
had been under surveillance by the Milan police and judicial authorities.
As a result of the surveillance operation, the Italian police were
probably on the verge of uncovering an activist network operating
in northern Italy. Abu Omar’s abduction, as the Milan judicial authorities
expressly point out, sabotaged the Italian surveillance operation
and thereby dealt a blow to the fight against terrorism. Is it conceivable
or possible that an operation of this kind, with a deployment of
resources on this scale in a friendly country that was an ally (being
a member of the coalition in Iraq), was carried out without the
Italian authorities – or at least the corresponding Italian officials
– being informed? The Italian Government has denied having been
informed. There has recently been a significant new development
in the investigation by the Milan prosecuting authorities, however:
an agent belonging to an elite
Carabinieri unit
has admitted taking part in Abu Omar’s abduction as part of an operation
co-ordinated by the military intelligence services (SISMI)

But General Pollari, head of SISMI, had formally denied any SISMI
participation in the abduction; he had even affirmed that he had
only been informed of this episode after the abduction itself

3.5. Bisher Al-Rawi
and Jamil El-Banna
163. This case, which concerns two British permanent residents
arrested in Gambia in November 2002 and transferred first to Afghanistan
and from there to Guantanamo (where they still are), is an example
of (ill-conceived) cooperation between the services of a European
country (the British MI5) and the CIA in abducting persons against
whom there is no evidence justifying their continued detention in
prison and whose principal crime is to be on social terms with a
leading Islamist, namely Abu Qatada.
164. The information made public to date

shows that the abduction of
Messrs Al-Rawi and El-Banna was indeed motivated by information
– partly erroneous – supplied by MI5.
165. Bisher Al-Rawi and Jamil El-Banna were arrested in Gambia
on 8 November 2002. They intended to join Mr Al-Rawi’s brother Wahab,
a British citizen, and help him set up a mobile peanut processing
plant. The British authorities were well aware of this business

. On 1 November,
Messrs Al-Rawi and El-Banna left on their trip, but did not get
very far. At Gatwick airport they were arrested by reason of a suspect
item in Mr Al-Rawi’s hand luggage.
166. On the same day, a first telegram from MI5 informed the CIA
that the two men had been arrested under the 2000 anti-terrorist
act. That telegram contained false information, including the statement
that Mr Al-Rawi was an Islamist extremist, and that the search of
his luggage had revealed that he was carrying a sort of improvised
electronic device which could be used, according to preliminary
investigations, as a component of a home-made bomb

167. The two men spent 48 hours in police custody, until the police
decided that the “suspicious device” was nothing other than a battery
charger on sale in several electronic goods shops (Dixons, Argos,
Maplins). Mr Al-Rawi explained this when he was arrested, but it
had to be checked. The conclusion to the charger episode – that
it was indeed a "harmless device" – was communicated to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs by MI5 in a telegram of 11 November 2002. Unfortunately,
there is no evidence that this information was ever conveyed to the
CIA. The allegations concerning this "device" reappeared in their
"trial" before the CSRT (Combatant Status Review Tribunal)

"evidence" that they were "enemy combatants".
168. Messrs Al-Rawi and El-Banna returned home on 4 November 2002
and reorganised their trip to Gambia for 8 November. Meanwhile,
several telegrams were sent by MI5 to the Americans concerning the
two men, informing them that they knew Abu Qatada and that Mr El-Banna
was the latter’s "financier". It is true that the two men knew Abu

. On the other hand,
according to the lawyers, Mr Al-Rawi had helped MI5 to prepare the
non-violent arrest of Abu Qatada, and British agents had even thanked
him for doing so

169. On 8 November 2002, the day when the two men flew to Gambia,
MI5 sent another telegram giving the flight details, including the
departure of the delayed flight and the estimated arrival time.
The telegram states that “this message
should be read in the light of earlier communications”.
In addition, the telegram of 8 November does not mention, as the
earlier telegrams do, that this information “must
not be used as the basis of overt, covert or executive action”.
170. At Banjul airport, Al-Rawi and El-Banna, accompanied by a
collaborator, Mr El Janoudi, met Bisher Al-Rawi’s brother Wahab,
who had gone to Gambia one week before the others, and all four
were arrested by Gambian agents. They were taken to a house outside
Banjul. Mr Janoudi managed to telephone his wife in London, and
another brother of Mr Al-Rawi, Numann, went to see his MP, Edward
Davey, who informed the Foreign Ministry.
171. During the following days, according to Wahab’s account, American
agents were very present, but the detainees never saw a British
official despite the fact that they asked to see a consular representative.
Wahab stated at the APPG hearing that the CIA and Gambian officials
repeatedly alluded to the fact that
is the British who have told us to arrest you”. Mr El-Banna
says he has continually been told the same thing during his subsequent
detention at Guantanamo Bay:
interrogator asked me ‘Why are you so angry at America? It is your
Government, Britain, the MI5, who called the CIA and told them that
you and Bisher were in The Gambia and to come and get you. Britain
gave everything to us. Britain sold you out to the CIA'”
172. On 5 December 2002, after 27 days, Wahab was released and
returned to the United Kingdom. Some days afterwards, on a Sunday,
Bisher Al-Rawi and Jamil El-Banna were flown to Afghanistan in a
military jet with over 40 seats. There were at least 7 or 8 American
agents on board, including a female doctor. Through their lawyers,
the two men gave a detailed account of their degrading and humiliating
treatment, many details of which echo the treatment suffered by
other victims of "renditions’

173. At Kabul, they were taken in less than 15 minutes to the prison
identified as the "Dark Prison". The description of the inhuman
detention conditions in this prison

, an important link in the CIA "spider’s
web", corresponds in many details to that given by other victims
of "renditions" who were brought there. After two weeks in this
sinister prison, the two men were transferred to Bagram by helicopter.
At Bagram they were imprisoned and ill-treated for a further two
months. The American interrogators allegedly offered Mr El-Banna large
sums of money in exchange for false witness against Abu Qatada.
When these offers failed to produce the expected result, the interrogators
allegedly threatened to send him back for a year to the "Dark Prison", followed
by 5 or 10 years in Cuba, and made shameful threats against his
family living in London

174. Finally, the two men were transported to Guantanamo, where
they were again subject to inhuman treatment. Mr Al-Rawi says he
received many visits from MI5 agents, the first of them in early
autumn 2003, and that he was interrogated by ten or so different
CIA agents. One of the MI5 agents, he says, even apologised to him.
In January 2004, two British agents (“Martin” and “Mathew”) asked
him whether he would be willing to work for MI5 again. Mr Al-Rawi
replied that he would, provided that this would serve the cause
of peace. Several months later, a certain “Alex” with whom Mr Al-Rawi
had worked in London came to see him at Guantanamo, accompanied
by an "attractive female agent". However, at the time of his “trial”
before the CSRT, the British authorities refused to send to Guantanamo
the witnesses he named or simply to confirm his links with MI5,
thereby condemning him to continuous detention – detention which
continues to this day, having lasted almost four years in all.
175. The families of Messrs Al-Rawi and El-Banna and their lawyers
at the London firm Birnberg, Peirce & Partners brought an action
to oblige the British government to make representations to the
United States through diplomatic channels in order to secure the
release and repatriation of the two men as soon as possible. According
to the latest information, the British government has acted along
those lines with regard to Mr Al-Rawi, but not with regard to Mr
El-Banna. The judgment at first instance, given in May 2006, dismissed
the families’ complaints.
176. In view of these highly disturbing facts, I find that the
British authorities must shed light on this case in full. I welcome
the fact that our colleague, Andrew Tyrie, has devoted much energy
to this matter in order for truth to be established in this disturbing
case. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom, even if it has no recognised legal
obligation, must make good the consequences of the apparently very
imprecise communication between the MI5 and the American services.
There is indeed little doubt that the arrest of the two men was
largely triggered or at least influenced by the messages of November
2002, only part of which (the afore-mentioned telegrams) is public
3.6. Maher Arar
177. Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen of Syrian origin,
came to testify in public before the Temporary Committee of the
European Parliament

. During a stopover on
return from holiday in Tunisia, in September 2002, he was arrested
at JFK airport in New York by American agents. After being detained
in a high-security prison and interrogated for two weeks by the
New York police, the FBI and the American immigration service, he
was allegedly transported from New Jersey airport via Washington,
Rome and Amman to a prison belonging to Syrian military intelligence

He spent more than ten months there, during which he says he was
tortured, abused and forced to make false confessions. During his
stay in Syria, he says, he also heard the voice of a German prisoner
being tortured. After a tenacious campaign by his wife, Mr Arar
was able to have irregular contacts with Canadian diplomats posted
in Syria. He says he has never been the subject of criminal charges in
any country. Mr Arar stills suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome
following his terrible experience.
178. The American Government considers the "rendition" of Arar
as a legitimate procedure in conformity with its immigration rules

179. According to Mr Arar, the agents on board the aircraft never
identified themselves, but he heard that they belonged to a
“special removal unit”. In this
specific case, the transfer of Mr Arar to Syria seems to be a well established
example of the "outsourcing of torture", a practice mentioned publicly
by certain American officials

180. The question which interests us more particularly, in view
of our mandate, is whether and if so, to what extent, the European
states concerned (in particular Italy and Greece) were aware of
the illegal transport of Mr Arar and perhaps even gave logistical

181. Another question is the role of the Canadian authorities in
the matter. This question is the subject of a very thorough investigation
by a special commission

182. The initial report of the investigator Stephen J. Toope was
published on 14 October 2005

Mr Toope, who has lengthy experience in working with torture victims,
has convincingly established the truthfulness of Mr Arar’s depositions,
which he has compared with those of other former Syrian prisoners
held in the same prison run by Syrian military intelligence (Far
Falestin). His report, which also mentions the findings of specialist doctors
whom Mr Arar consulted on his return, describes in detail Mr Arar’s
treatment in Syria, which he unhesitatingly regards as torture within
the meaning of the United Nations Convention against Torture. However,
that report does not cover the part played by the Canadian authorities
in the matter. This point will be covered in the final report of
the Commission, which is expected to be published by the end of
the summer of 2006

It is thus premature to draw any conclusions at this stage

183. The working methods of this commission, a genuine commission
of inquiry with real powers of investigation, empowered to take
cognisance of classified information, strike me as very interesting.
However, Mr Paul Cavalluzo, principal lawyer to the Commissioner,
the Honourable Dennis O'Connor, has reportedly deplored the tendency
of the Canadian authorities to use national security confidentiality;
Mr Arar’s lawyers, Lorne Waldman et Marlys Edwardh, have accused
the Government to “hide behind” official secrecy considerations.
3.7. Muhammad Bashmila
and Salah Ali Qaru
184. The cases of Mr Bashmila and Mr Ali Qaru are described
in an Amnesty International report

based on
inquiries made on the spot and intensive discussions with the victims.
It is likely that they owe their recent release to Amnesty's commitment.
The two men, who have never been accused of the slightest terrorist
crimes, were arrested in Jordan and disappeared, as far as their
families were concerned, into the American "spider's web" in October

. According to AI’s investigations,
they were held in at least four secret American detention centres,
probably in three different countries. The former detainees themselves
say that they spent time in Djibouti, Afghanistan and - of particular
interest to us - "
somewhere in eastern
Europe". The exact location of the place where they spent
the final 13 months from the end of April 2004 onwards remains unknown.
The men gave a precise description of their place of detention,
which has not yet been published in full

, and of the
route along which they were taken. Particularly intriguing is their
return flight to Yemen on 5 May 2005, reportedly a non-stop flight
lasting approximately seven hours. I wrote to the Yemeni authorities
and asked where the plane had come from, and the arrival of the
aircraft on that date with the two men on board was officially confirmed
to me. Unfortunately, although I wrote again, I have not yet received
the specific information requested. Since the aircraft concerned
was probably a military one, the information obtained from Eurocontrol
has also been unable to clarify this matter. We have been unable
to locate a site corresponding to the description provided.
3.8. Mohammed Zammar
185. Mr Zammar, a German of Syrian origin, was suspected
of having been involved in the "Hamburg cell" of Al Qaeda and had
been under police surveillance for several years in Germany. After
11 September 2001, he had been the subject of a criminal investigation
for "support for a terrorist organisation", but there was insufficient
evidence to keep him in prison.
186. On 27 October 2001, he is reported to have left Germany for
Morocco, where he spent several weeks. When he attempted to return
to Germany, he was allegedly arrested by Moroccan officials at Casablanca airport
early in December, and to have been questioned by Moroccan and American
officials for over two weeks. Towards the end of December 2001,
he is said to have been flown to Damascus, Syria, on a CIA-linked aircraft

187. The case has received extensive press coverage

, and there have
been allegations that Mr Zammar’s arrest in Morocco was facilitated
through the provision of information by German services, that he
was tortured by Syrian services and that he was questioned in Syria
by German officials.
188. A detailed German government report to the
Bundestag, a copy of which I have

gives a balanced version of this affair.
189. Mr Zammar’s arrest in Morocco was objectively facilitated
by exchanges of information between the German services and their
Dutch, Moroccan and also American counterparts. These exchanges
of information about the travel plans of a person suspected of terrorist
activities (the German government's report contains detailed information
which seem to justify such suspicion) are part of normal international
co-operation in the fight against terrorism. It cannot be deduced
from the fact that the German services informed their colleagues of
the dates on which Mr Zammar had flight reservations that it was
their intention - or even that they suspected - that he would be
arrested and held in violation of normal procedures. The facts date
back to December 2001, well before the public revelations about
the illegal practice of "rendition flights".
190. The German Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Damascus and
Rabat Embassies intervened several times, firstly to establish Mr
Zammar’s whereabouts, then to give him consular assistance during
his detention in Syria. Syria refused any kind of consular intervention,
on the basis of its non-recognition of his renunciation of Syrian
nationality when he underwent naturalisation in Germany, a policy
applied generally by Syria.
191. German officials did indeed question Mr Zammar in Syria. While
Mr Zammar is said to have told his German interrogators that he
had been beaten both in Morocco and in the early stages of his detention
in Syria, but nothing supports the conclusion that this mistreatment
related to the presence and intervention of the German agents. The
German officials are reported to have found him in a good physical
and psychological condition, although he had lost a considerable
amount of weight. Relations between Mr Zammar and his Syrian guards
did not seem tense, although the German visitors did note a somewhat
authoritarian relationship.
192. As indicated above, a Bundestag committee
of inquiry is looking into the matter, and it is appropriate to await
its results.
3.9. Binyam Mohamed
al Habashi
193. Binyam Mohamed al Habashi is an Ethiopian citizen
who has held resident status in the United Kingdom since 1994. While
many of his family members emigrated to the United States and became
naturalised citizens there, Binyam moved to the UK as a teenager
and claimed asylum. He spent seven years pursuing his education
in London while his asylum application was considered in a protracted,
ultimately unresolved process. He had problems with drugs and converted
to Islam at the age of twenty.
194. Binyam is now detained at Guantanamo Bay and has been selected
as one of the first group of ten prisoners to appear before a special
United States Military Commission, probably later in 2006. We were
able to view Binyam’s diary, an account of the last five years of
his life, and a series of letters he has written from Guantanamo.
A member of my team was also able to hear first-hand testimony from
members of his family and his legal representatives in the United
195. In treating Binyam’s case in my report I shall avoid any reference
to the charges he is likely to face before the Military Commission.
Suffice to say that I regard such commissions generally as a flawed
basis on which to prosecute allegations of the most serious nature,
since the defendant’s due process rights are severely impaired

I do not consider these commissions to be fair hearings and I reiterate
my position that the global effort to bring terrorist suspects to
justice should depend primarily upon judicial remedies.
196. Of greatest concern in Binyam’s case are the accounts of torture
and other serious human rights violations which he says he has suffered.
He speaks of being wounded all over his body with a scalpel and
a razor blade, beaten unconscious and hung from the walls in shackles.
He suffered gross physical injuries, including broken bones. He
was constantly threatened with death, rape and electrocution.
197. It is difficult to say whether this account actually reflects
reality. Let us just recall that some of these acts are included
in what has been called "enhanced interrogation techniques", which
have been developed by the United States in the “war on terror”

Furthermore many of the abuses described by Binyam bear striking similarities
to the allegations of other detainees who have been held in the
same detention facilities at various points over the last few years

198. Binyam‘s case is an example for the very numerous detainees
– most of whose names and whereabouts we do not know – who have
become trapped in the United States’ spider’s web during the course
of the "war on terror". Binyam has been subjected to two CIA renditions,
a US military transfer to Guantanamo Bay and several other clandestine
transfers by plane and helicopter. He has been held in at least
two secret detention facilities, in addition to military prisons.
During his illegal interrogations, he has been confronted with allegations that
could only have arisen from intelligence provided by the United
199. Binyam’s family told my representative that he disappeared
in the summer of 2001. His close-knit family subsequently endured
several years of desperate uncertainty about his whereabouts and
well-being, only partially clarified by their first visit from FBI
agents three years later, in 2004. Although they have received a handful
of letters from him in Guantanamo, none of the family has been able
to see or speak to Binyam for five years.
200. According to his testimony, Binyam travelled voluntarily to
Afghanistan in 2001

and spent some time there, probably several
months, before crossing into Pakistan and seeking to return to the
UK. He was arrested by Pakistani officials at Karachi Airport on
10 April 2002 for attempting to travel on a false passport. Within
ten days of his arrest, he was interrogated by American officials.
Upon asserting his right to a lawyer, and later upon refusing to
answer questions, American officers are alleged to have told him:
The law has been changed. There are
no lawyers. You can co-operate with us the easy way, or the hard
way. If you don’t talk to us, you’re going to Jordan. We can’t do
what we want here, the Pakistanis can’t do exactly what we want
them to do. The Arabs will deal withyou."
201. The initial interrogations in Karachi involved Pakistani,
American and British agents. Binyam was never accused of a particular
crime and was told by MI6 agents that “they
checked out my story and said they knew I was a nobody”.
When he was discharged from Pakistani custody, however, he was not
released. Instead, the Pakistani security services took him to a
military airport in Islamabad and handed him over to the United
202. Binyam testifies that he underwent his first rendition on
21 July 2002. He was set upon by unidentified people “dressed in black, with masks, wearing what
looked like Timberland boots”. He describes how they “stripped [him] naked, took photos, put fingers
up [his] anus and dressed [him] in a tracksuit. [He] was shackled, with
earphones, and blindfolded”, before being forced onto
an aircraft and flown to Morocco. Official flight records obtained
by this inquiry show that the known rendition plane, N379P, took
off from Islamabad on 21 July 2002 and flew to Rabat, Morocco.
203. Binyam has described various secret detention facilities in
which he was held in Morocco, including one prison that was submerged
“almost underground” and one
more sanitary place in which he was apparently placed to recover
from injuries sustained from his torture. Between July 2002 and
January 2004 Binyam was tortured on numerous occasions by a team
of interrogators and other officials, most of whom were Moroccan. Some
of the officials wore masks, while others did not; at least one
interrogator, who identified herself as a Canadian, is thought to
have been an American CIA agent.
204. It appears that the object of the torture was to break Binyam’s
resistance, or to destroy him physically and psychologically, in
order to extract confessions from him as to his involvement in terrorist
activities. In addition to the sustained abuse and threats, the
torturers used information, apparently obtained from intelligence
sources, to indicate to Binyam that they knew a lot about him. Much
of the personal information – including details of his education,
his friendships in London and even his kickboxing trainer – could
only have originated from collusion in this interrogation process
by UK intelligence services.
205. Binyam has described his ill-treatment in Morocco to his lawyer
in several phases: an initial "softening up"; a routine "circle
of torture"; and eventually a "heavy" abuse involving mental torment
and the infliction of physical injury. In the first few weeks of
his detention he was repeatedly suspended from the walls or ceilings, or
otherwise shackled, and brutally beaten: “They
came in and cuffed my hands behind my back. Then three men came
in with black ski masks that only showed their eyes… One stood on
each of my shoulders and the third punched me in the stomach. The
first punch… turned everything inside me upside down. I felt I was
going to vomit. I was meant to stand, but I was in so much pain
I’d fall to my knees. They’d pull me back up and hit me again. They’d
kick me in the thighs as I got up. They just beat me up that night…
I collapsed and they left. I stayed on the ground for a long time
before I lapsed into unconsciousness. My legs were dead. I could
not move. I’d vomited and pissed on myself.”
206. At its worst, the torture involved stripping Binyam naked
and using a doctor’s scalpel to make incisions all over his chest
and other parts of his body: “One of
them took my penis in his hand and began to make cuts. He did it
once and they stood for a minute, watching my reaction. I was in
agony, crying, trying desperately to suppress myself, but I was
screaming. They must have done this 20 to 30 times, in maybe two
hours. There was blood all over. They cut all over my private parts.
One of them said it would be better just to cut it off, as I would
only breed terrorists.”
207. Eventually Binyam began to co-operate in his interrogation
sessions in an effort to prevent being tortured: “They said if you
say this story as we read it, you will just go to court as a witness
and all this torture will stop. I could not take any more… and I
eventually repeated what they read out to me. They told me to say I
was with bin Laden five or six times. Of course that was false.
They continued with two or three interrogations a month. They weren’t
really interrogations – more like trainings, training me what to
208. Binyam says he was subjected to a second rendition on the
night from 21 to 22 January 2004. After being cuffed, blindfolded
and driven for about 30 minutes in a van, he was offloaded at what
he believes was an airport. Again, Binyam’s description matches
the "methodology" of rendition described earlier in this report: “They did not talk to me. They cut off my clothes.
There was a white female with glasses – she took the pictures. One
of them held my penis and she took digital pictures. When she saw
the injuries I had, she gasped. She said: ‘Oh my God, look at that’.”
209. The second rendition of Binyam Mohamed took place within the
"rendition circuit" that I have identified in this inquiry. The
aircraft N313P, operated on behalf of the CIA, is shown in my official
data to have flown from Rabat to Kabul in the early hours of 22
January 2004. Two days later, as part of the same circuit, the same plane
flew back to Europe and was used in the rendition of Khaled El-Masri

210. Binyam Mohamed’s ordeal continued in Kabul, Afghanistan, where
he was held in the facility he refers to as “The Prison of Darkness”

for four months.
Detention conditions in this prison amount to inhuman and degrading
treatment. In addition, forcing prisoners to remain in painful positions,
sleep alteration, sensory deprivation and other recognised "enhanced
interrogation techniques"

are known to be deployed there routinely
by the United States military and its partners. At various times,
Binyam was chained to the floor with his arms suspended above his
head, had his head knocked against the wall and describes “
torture by music”, involving the
sounds of loud rap and heavy metal, thunder, planes taking off,
cackling laughter and horror sounds that amounted to a
“perpetual nightmare”.
211. Up until his transfer by helicopter to Bagram at the end of
May 2004, Binyam was not allowed to see daylight. He was persistently
interrogated and told about terrorist plots and activities in which
he was accused of involvement. He was subjected to irregular eating
patterns and ”weird” sessions
with psychiatrists.
212. In a detention facility at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, Binyam
was forced to write out a lengthy statement prepared by the Americans.
The content of the statement is unknown to us. Binyam has told his lawyers
that he wrote and signed this document in a state of complete mental
disarray: “I don’t really remember [what
I wrote], because by then I just did what they told me. Of course,
by the time I was in Bagram I was telling them whatever they wanted
to hear.”
213. The case of Binyam Mohamed is sufficient grounds for an urgent
and decisive change of course in the international effort to overcome
terrorism. The Council of Europe is duty-bound to ensure that secret detentions,
unlawful inter-state transfers and the use of torture are absolutely
prohibited and never resorted to again.
214. It remains to be seen whether a Military Commission process
will decide for or against Binyam Mohamed. The only certain legacy
of this case is the deeply disturbing recognition that a human being
has, in his own words, been completely dehumanised: ”I’m sorry I have no emotion when talking about
the past, ‘cause I have closed. You have to figure out all the emotional
part; I’m kind of dead in the head.”
4. Secret places of
215. After the publication of allegations by the Washington
Post and Human Rights Watch

, we centred our search on certain
sites in Poland and Romania.
4.1. Satellite photographs
216. We obtained from the European Union Satellite Centre
(EUSC) in Torrejón[V1] a number of satellite photographs of the
sites concerned

, some taken at different times. We
studied these with the assistance of an independent expert.
217. These photographs do not constitute conclusive evidence. With
the expert's help, we were able to identify several specific locations
at a civil airport and a secret services base (in Poland) and at
military airfields (in Romania) which would be very suitable for
the secret detention of persons flown in from abroad. There are however
hundreds of equally favourable locations throughout Europe. As the
EUSC did not have available, for most of the places concerned, sequences
of photographs which would have shown whether physical structures (huts,
fences, watchtowers, and so on) had been altered (added or dismantled)
at certain relevant times, the satellite photographs do not enable
us to reach any conclusions with a high degree of certainty.
218. On the other hand, they did enable us to request certain clarifications
from the Polish and Romanian delegations. All the replies we received,
in my opinion, show a lack of transparency and genuine willingness
to co-operate in the authorities concerned

4.2. Documented aircraft
219. As we showed above, the information received from
Eurocontrol and certain national air traffic control authorities,
confirmed by witnesses' accounts, makes it possible to be sure that
certain flights were made between known detention centres and the
suspected places in Poland and Romania. The geographical position
of these places making them unlikely to be used for refuelling,
the period spent on the ground in these places by these aircraft,
and in particular the fact that the landings in question belong
to well-established "rendition circuits’

allow us to suspect that they are or were places of detention which
form part of the "spider's web" referred to above.
4.3. Witnesses' accounts
220. Accounts given by witnesses to Amnesty International

it look very likely that a relatively large place of detention had
to be located in a European country, without any more detail.
221. A journalist working for German television

interviewed a young
Afghan in Kabul who said that he had been held in Romania. This
witness, very frightened and unwilling to give direct evidence to
a member of my team, was reported to have been told by a guard to
whom he had complained about his conditions of detention that he
was lucky in fact to be in Romania.
222. Let us recall also – as mentioned in my note of January 2006

- that according
to a fax sent by the Egyptian Ministry for European Affairs to the
Egyptian Embassy in London and intercepted by Swiss intelligence
services, such centres had existed in Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia,
Kosovo and in Ukraine.
223. Both sources from inside the CIA referred to by the Washington
Post, ABC and HRW are said to have named Poland and Romania, but
without indicating specific places

4.4. Evaluation
224. Whilst to date no evidence, in the formal sense of
the term, has come to light, many coherent and convergent elements
provide a basis for stating that these secret CIA detention centres
have indeed existed in Europe, and we have seen that several indicators
point at these two countries. As explained above, even if these
elements do not constitute evidence, they are sufficiently serious
to reverse the burden of proof: it is now for the countries in question
to address their "positive obligations" to investigate, in order
to avoid endangering the credibility of their denials.
5. Secret detentions
in the Chechen Republic
225. Although massive violations of human rights in Chechnya
began and were denounced long before the American "spider's web"
was woven, it is regrettable and worrisome to observe that the two
principal world powers cite the fight against terrorism as a reason
to abandon the principle of respect for fundamental rights. This
creates a mechanism of "reciprocal justification" and sets a deplorable
example for other states.
226. It is hardly possible to speak of secret detention centres
in Council of Europe member States without mentioning Chechnya.
Mr Rudolf Bindig’s very recent report also notes not only numerous
cases of forced disappearance and torture, but also the existence
of secret places of detention.
5.1. The work of the
European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT)
227. The situation in Chechnya, where unofficial places
of detention are concerned, has already been roundly criticised
by the CPT in two public declarations to which I referred in my
memoranda of December 2005 and January 2006

. The positions expressed therein
could not be clearer, but the Committee of Ministers of the Council
of Europe has not yet given them the attention they deserve. During
a very recent visit to the region, in May 2006, a CPT delegation
again had grounds to believe that locations which might serve as
unofficial places of detention were in the region

5.2. Damning recent
accounts by witnesses
228. Aaron Rhodes, Executive Director of the International
Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF), sent me an open letter
dated 12 May 2006

accompanied by a report compiled
by the IHF, with the help of Russian non-governmental organisations
active in the region, containing damning accounts by the victims
of secret detention and torture, often followed by enforced disappearance,
in the North Caucasus region. Many of these cases were attributed
to the
Kadyrovtsi, the militia
under the direct command of the current Prime Minister of the Chechen
Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. According to several of these accounts,
some places used as unofficial places of detention were in Tsentoroy,
the village where the Kadyrov family originated

229. Concern about our Organisation's credibility means that these
allegations deserve to be investigated in the same way as the violations
committed by American services, especially as the Chechen Republic
is on the territory of a member state of the Council of Europe.
6. Attitude of governments
230. It has to be said that most governments did not seem
particularly eager to establish the alleged facts. The body of information
gathered makes it unlikely that European states were completely
unaware of what, in the context of the fight against international
terrorism, was happening at some of their airports, in their airspace or
at American bases located on their territory. Insofar as they did
not know, they did not want to know. It is inconceivable that certain
operations conducted by American services could have taken place
without the active participation, or at least the collusion, of
national intelligence services. If this were the case, one would be
justified in seriously questioning the effectiveness, and therefore
the legitimacy, of such services. The main concern of some governments
was clearly to avoid disturbing their relationships with the United
States, a crucial partner and ally. Other governments apparently
work on the assumption that any information learned via their intelligence
services is not supposed to be known

231. The most disturbing case – because it is the best documented
– is probably that of Italy. As we have seen, the Milan prosecuting
authorities and police have been able, thanks to a remarkably competent
and independent investigation, to reconstruct in detail the
extraordinary rendition of the imam
Abu Omar, abducted on 17 February 2003 and transferred to the Egyptian
authorities. The prosecuting authorities have identified 25 persons
responsible for this operation mounted by the CIA, and have issued
arrest warrants against 22 of them. The then Justice Minister in
fact used his powers to impede the judicial authorities’ work: as
well as delaying forwarding requests for judicial assistance to
the American authorities, he categorically refused to forward the
arrest warrants issued against 22 American citizens

. Worse
still: the same Justice Minister publicly accused the Milan judiciary
of attacking the terrorist hunters rather than the terrorists themselves

. Furthermore,
the Italian Government did not even consider it necessary to ask
the American authorities for explanations regarding the operation
carried out by American agents on its own national territory, or
to complain about the fact that Abu Omar’s abduction ruined an important
anti-terrorism operation being undertaken by the Milan judiciary
and police. As I stated in my January 2006 memorandum, it is unlikely
that the Italian authorities were not aware of this large-scale
CIA operation. As mentioned in chapter 3.4 above, the investigation
in progress shows that Italian officials directly took part in Abu
Omar’s abduction and that the intelligence services were involved.
232. In an effort to be impartial, I shall also discuss the example
of my own country, Switzerland. As we shall see, a number of aircraft
described as suspect and mentioned in the questionnaires sent to
the member States landed in Geneva (and Zurich, as Amnesty International
investigations subsequently showed). The United States did not respond
to the Swiss authorities’ requests for explanations for several
months. A few hours before the annual clearance for aircraft flying
on behalf of the American Government to overfly Swiss territory was
due to expire, an American official apparently gave a Swiss Embassy
representative in Washington verbal assurances that the United States
had respected Switzerland’s sovereignty and had not transported
prisoners through Swiss airspace, thus simply reiterating the statement
made by Ms Rice in Brussels on 5 December 2005. This assurance was
very belated and, above all, not particularly credible in the light
of the established facts: the Italian judicial authorities have
established, on the basis of some very convincing evidence, that
Abu Omar, abducted in Milan on 17 February 2003, was flown the same
day from the Aviano base to the base at Ramstein in Germany, passing
through Swiss airspace; this flight has been confirmed, moreover,
by Swiss air traffic controllers. The Italian investigation also
established that the head of the Milan operation stayed in Switzerland.
The Swiss Government deliberately ignored these allegations

– despite their detailed
and clearly serious nature – and settled for that vague, somewhat
informal response from an official. It has taken a formalistic position,
claiming that it did not have any evidence and, under international
law, had to rely on the principle of trust. It clearly wished to
renew the overflight clearance, which it quickly did without asking
any further questions. The Confederal Prosecutor’s Office has nevertheless
opened a preliminary investigation to establish whether there have
been violations of the law under Swiss jurisdiction in the Abu Omar
case. At the same time, the Military Prosecutor’s Office has begun
an investigation aimed at identifying and punishing the perpetrator(s)
of the leak which allowed the publication of the Egyptian fax intercepted
by the intelligence services. The journalists who published this
are also being prosecuted, on the basis of rules whose compatibility
with the principles of the freedom of the press in a democratic
system seems highly doubtful. A revelation made these days rekindles
the criticism directed at the authorities accused of servile obedience towards
the United States: according to press reports, based on apparently
well-informed sources, the Swiss authorities are said to have deliberately
failed to execute an international arrest warrant brought by the
Italian judicial authorities following the abduction of Abu Omar
in February 2003. Robert Lady, the head of the detail wanted by
the police, who was at the time in charge of the CIA in Milan holding
the title and status of Consul of the United States, is said to
have stayed in Geneva very recently; the police had been ordered
to merely carry out discrete surveillance.
233. The principle of trust has also been invoked by other governments.
This is the case with Ireland, for example: the government has stated
that there was no reason to investigate the presence of American
aircraft, since the United States had given assurances

. In Germany, the
government and the ruling parties opposed – ultimately in vain –
the establishment of a parliamentary commission of inquiry, despite
the significant questions being raised about the role of the intelligence
services, particularly in the case of the abduction of El-Masri.
Lastly, in November 2005 I sent a request for information to the
United States Ambassador (an observer to the Council of Europe).
The Ambassador responded by sending me the public statement made
by the American Secretary of State on 5 December 2005. In particular,
the latter stated that the United States had not violated the sovereignty
of European states, that "renditions" had saved human lives and
that no prisoners had been transported for the purpose of torture

European ministers, meeting in the framework of NATO, hastened to
declare themselves satisfied with these assurances

Or almost

234. It should be pointed out that some governments have deliberately
assisted in "renditions". This is especially well established with
regard to Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has rendered six persons
to the American forces outside of any legal procedure, as established
by the national judicial authorities, as we have noted above. This
certainly deserves to be stressed and welcomed. It is true that
the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina was regrettably not particularly
determined, but it should not be forgotten that this young republic
had been strongly pressured by a great power present on its territory.
We have already criticised the Macedonian authorities, which have
locked themselves up in categorical denial without having carried
out any serious enquiry. Sweden has also rendered two asylum seekers
to American operatives for "rendition" to the Egyptian authorities,
as formally condemned by the UN Committee against Torture. The Swedish
authorities, despite this international condemnation and parliamentary
requests to this effect have yet to commence a proper inquiry into
these facts

235. When the previous memoranda, which set out interim summaries,
were published, criticisms were voiced that the evidence referred
primarily to NGO reports and accounts related in the press. It should
be pointed that without the work undertaken by these organisations
and the investigations of competent and tenacious journalists, we
would not today be talking about this affair – which, nobody can
now dispute, has some basis in fact. Indeed, governments did not
spontaneously or autonomously take any real action to seek evidence
for the allegations, despite their serious and detailed nature.
Critics included those who, given their existing or previous positions
and responsibilities, could have helped to establish the truth.
Furthermore, it is shocking that some countries put pressure on
journalists not to publish certain news items (I have mentioned the
cases of the ABC and the
Washington Post)
or prosecuted them for publishing documents deemed confidential

. Such zeal would have been better employed
in seeking to ascertain the truth – a fundamental requirement in
a democracy – and prosecuting those guilty of perpetrating or tolerating
any kind of abuse, such as illegal abductions or other acts contrary
to human dignity.
236. The American administration’s attitude to the questions being
raised in Europe about the CIA’s actions was, once again, clearly
illustrated during the fact-finding visit to the United States by
a delegation from the European Parliament’s Temporary Committee
(TDIP): no or few replies were given to the numerous questions. I
have already discussed the response to my request from the United
States Ambassador to the Council of Europe (3.1.4). It is obvious
that if the American authorities did not constantly raise the objection
of secrecy for national security reasons, it would be far easier
to establish the truth. We find that today, this secrecy is no longer
justified. In a free and democratic society, it is far more important
to establish the truth on numerous allegations of serious human
rights violations, many of which are proven to a large extent.
7. Individual cases:
judicial proceedings in progress
7.1. A positive example:
the Milan public prosecutor's office (Abu Omar case)
237. In this case, the Italian judicial authorities and
police have shown great competence and remarkable independence in
the face of political pressures. Their competence and independence
was already proven during the tragic years stained with blood by
terrorism. The Milan public prosecutor's office was able to reconstitute
in detail a clear case of "rendition" and a regrettable example
of the lack of international cooperation in the fight against terrorism

. As I have already said

the Italian judicial authorities have brought international arrest
warrants against 22 American officials. In addition, the ongoing
investigation seems to be in the process of showing that operatives
belonging to the Italian services have participated in the operation.
7.2. A matter requiring
further attention: the Munich (El-Masri case) and Zweibrücken (Abu
Omar case) public prosecutors' offices
238. The German justice system gave its attention to the
Abu Omar and El-Masri cases in terms of criminal proceedings for
abduction against persons unknown. In the first-named case, normal
co-operation took place with the Milan public prosecutor's office.
As I have already stated, in my memorandum of January 2006, the Zweibrücken
public prosecutor's office came up against a total lack of co-operation
by the American authorities, who refused to provide any information
on what had happened at the Ramstein base.
239. Where the second case is concerned, I have already

some information showing that certain serious investigative measures
have already been taken and that more remains to be done, especially
in relation to the witnesses named by El-Masri and to clarification
of the possible role played by the various German intelligence services.
7.3. Another matter
requiring further attention: the Al Rawi and El Banna case
240. Where the case of Al Rawi and El Banna is concerned,
the British justice system has had to deal with an application by
the families of the persons concerned attempting to force the UK
government to intercede with the US government to obtain the release
of both men, who are still held at Guantánamo Bay. It was in the framework
of this procedure that the telegrams proving that the MI5 was involved
in the two men's arrest in Gambia came into the public domain. After
proceedings had begun, the UK authorities agreed to intercede on Mr
Al Rawi’s behalf, but not on that of his fellow detainee, Mr El
Banna, although he had been arrested for the same reasons with the
assistance of the UK services. In May 2006, the action was dismissed
by the court of first instance.
241. In view of the circumstances which have led up to the arrest
of these two men, one may think that the UK government is under
at least a moral and political obligation to do everything in its
power to actively intercede to secure their release from Guantanamo
so that they can return to the country.
7.4. Sweden: what next
in the Agiza and Alzery case?
242. Sweden was condemned by the UN Committee against
Torture in respect of the case of Mr Agiza and Mr Alzery, which
led to an investigation by the parliamentary ombudsman, Mr Mats
Melin. He noted that a preliminary investigation by the judicial
authorities had culminated in the termination of the proceedings

243. According to some criticisms, which do not appear unfounded,
different aspects of the case need further investigation. This disguised
extradition, without any possibility of appeal and judicial scrutiny,
and the ill-treatment at Bromma airport, still on the ground, under
the eyes of Swedish officials, as well as the incomplete information
provided to UN-CAT are serious matters which require that the whole
truth be exposed.
7.5. Spain
244. The Palma de Mallorca public prosecutor's office
has begun an investigation following the transmission of a
Guardia Civil file containing the
names of the passengers on the aircraft which took off from the
local airport bound for Skopje, where they were most likely joined
by Mr El-Masri and flown on to Afghanistan

7.6. Mr El-Masri’s complaint
in the United States
245. With the assistance of the American Civil Liberties

, Mr El-Masri has taken
judicial action in Alexandria, in Virginia, seeking compensation
from the CIA. On 19 May 2006, his complaint was rejected by the
court of first instance, without a ruling on the merits of his application,
as the court accepted the US government's argument that continuation
of the proceedings would have jeopardised national security. In
the course of the trial, the CIA’s secret methods would indeed become
the subject of discussions before the court.
8. Parliamentary investigations
246. As long ago as January, I called on national parliaments
to put questions to their governments and to begin inquiries, where
appropriate, to clarify the role of European governments in this
affair. A large number of questions were indeed raised in the parliaments
of numerous Council of Europe member States, which is very gratifying.
Unfortunately, the government replies were almost without exception
vague and inconclusive. The German and UK parliaments were particularly
active, whereas parliamentary reactions in three of the main countries
concerned by the allegations that are the subject of this report
(Poland, Romania and "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia")
were particularly feeble, if not inexistent.
8.1. Germany
247. Opposition MPs in Germany, although few in number
since the recent elections, have put numerous questions to their

The replies were very general in every case

. The government systematically
hid behind the responsibility of the parliamentary monitoring committee
parlamentarisches Kontrollgremium,
known as the PKG) for dealing with matters relating to the activities
of the secret services. A number of questions relating to the subject
of this report have effectively been discussed within the PKG, but the
government's detailed report to this very select group, which works
in very carefully maintained secrecy, was classified "secret". The
chair of the committee, Mr Röttgen (CDU), in response to my request,
sent me the "public" version of this report, which is, frankly,
not very informative and does not mention the individual cases raised
by the media. The government attempted to avoid setting up a committee
of inquiry by sending all members of the
Bundestag a
more informative version, classified "confidential", which contains
some information about some of the aforementioned individual cases

At the insistence of the three opposition parties, a committee of
inquiry has nevertheless been set up, and it started work in May

Its mandate includes investigation of the allegations of collusion
between the German authorities and the CIA in the case of Mr El-Masri.
In short, the
Bundestag has
been highly active, urged on by the opposition parties in particular.
8.2. The United Kingdom
248. Our work regarding the United Kingdom benefited greatly
from the efforts of a variety of interlocutors, whom I should like
to salute in this report

. The United Kingdom
parliament has not yet established a formal inquiry into possible
British participation in abuses committed by the United States in
the course of the "war on terror", but there have been several noteworthy
parliamentary initiatives designed to broaden the public debate and
encourage greater openness.
249. Late last year, one of the UK Parliament’s standing committees,
the Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR), launched an inquiry
into UK Compliance with the United Nations Convention against Torture.
As part of its mandate the Committee examined several issues of
relevance to this inquiry, including the use of diplomatic assurances
and the practice of "extraordinary rendition".
250. The JCHR held a series of evidentiary sessions, featuring
Ministers of the United Kingdom Government

as well as representatives of non-governmental

. Members of my team, on a visit to
London in March 2006, met with a Committee Specialist of the JCHR
and attended its evidentiary session with the UK Minister of State
for the Armed Forces, Rt. Hon. Adam Ingram. In its report on UK Compliance
with UNCAT published on 26 May 2006

, the JCHR recognised the “
growing calls for an independent public inquiry”
in the UK, but ultimately decided that such an inquiry would be
premature” until the Government’s
own inquiries have been given a chance to publish the “
detailed information required”.
251. In the meantime an ad-hoc body known as the “All-Party Parliamentary
Group (APPG) on Extraordinary Renditions” has engaged Members of
the UK Parliament belonging to all political parties. On Tuesday
28 March, members of my team attended the APPG’s information session
on the cases of Bisher Al-Rawi and Jamil El‑Banna

which featured testimony from both men’s legal representatives,
MPs and family members. This session stimulated considerable media
interest in the case and coincided with the public release of government
telegrams passed on to the CIA in advance of the men’s rendition.
I wish to thank the Chairman of the APPG, Mr Andrew Tyrie MP, along
with his dedicated staff, for their valuable support.
8.3. Poland: a parliamentary
inquiry, carried out in secret
252. A parliamentary inquiry into the allegations that
a "secret prison" exists in the country has been conducted behind
closed doors in Poland. Promises made beforehand notwithstanding,
its work has never been made public, except at a press conference
announcing that the inquiry had not found anything untoward. In
my opinion, this exercise was insufficient in terms of the positive
obligation to conduct a credible investigation of credible allegations
of serious human rights violations.
8.4. Romania and "the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia": no parliamentary inquiry
253. To my knowledge, no parliamentary inquiry whatsoever
has taken place in either country, despite the particularly serious
and concrete nature of the allegations made against both. What is
more, the committee which supervises the secret services in "the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" ceased operations three years

, and this is particularly worrying
in a country where the secret services not so very long ago played a
particularly important and controversial role.
9. Commitment to combating
9.1. Fight against terrorism:
an absolute necessity
254. The fight against terrorism is unquestionably a priority
for every government and, above all, for the international community
as a whole. The use of terror, previously employed primarily as
a weapon against individual governments, has increasingly become
a means of attacking a political and social model, and indeed a
lifestyle and civilisation represented by large parts of the planet.
Terrorism has taken on a clear international connotation in recent
years, and it too has taken advantage of the tremendous technological
progress made in the fields of arms, telecommunication and mobility.
It is consequently vital to co-ordinate the fight against terrorism
at the international level.
255. It has to be said, however, that there are still significant
deficiencies in such co-ordination, and that it too often depends
on the goodwill, but also the arbitrary nature, of intelligence
services. An understanding of this phenomenon, its structures, the
resources at its disposal and its leaders is essential in order
to deal with the terrorist threat successfully. Intelligence services
consequently play an important and irreplaceable role. That role
must, however, be specified and delimited within a well-defined
institutional framework consistent with the principles of the rule
of law and democratic legitimacy. This also calls for effective
supervisory mechanisms; the evidence under consideration has highlighted
alarming flaws in such mechanisms. It is a well-known fact that
the various American and European intelligence services have set
up working groups and exchanged information. This initiative can
only be welcomed. The events of recent years show, however, that
international co-ordination is still seriously inadequate. The Milan
imam’s abduction is emblematic in this regard: the operation by
CIA agents ruined the efforts of the Italian judiciary and police,
who were involved in a major anti-terrorism investigation targeting
precisely the Milan mosque

256. The governments’ very replies and especially their silence
are a telling indication that intelligence services appear increasingly
to work outside the scope of proper supervisory mechanisms. The
way in which American services were able to operate in Europe, carrying
out several hundred flights and transporting illegally arrested
persons without any scrutiny, can only point to the participation
or collusion of several European services – or, alternatively, incredible
incompetence, a scenario which, frankly, is difficult to envisage.
Indeed, everything seems to indicate that the American services
were given considerable latitude and allowed to act as they saw
fit, even though it would have been impossible not to be aware that
their methods were incompatible with national legal systems and
European standards relating to respect for human rights

Such passivity on the part of European governments and administrative
departments is disturbing, and such a careless, laissez-faire attitude
257. The Council of Europe has already had the opportunity to voice
clearly its concern about certain practices that have been adopted,
particularly in the fight against terrorism, such as the indefinite
imprisonment of foreign nationals on no precise charge and without
access to an independent tribunal, degrading treatment during interrogations,
the interception of private communications without subsequently
informing those concerned, extradition to countries likely to apply
the death penalty or the use of torture, and detention or assault
on the grounds of political or religious activism, which are contrary
to the European Convention on Human Rights (ETS no 5) and the protocols
thereto, the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (ETS no 126), and the
Framework Decision of the Council of the European Union

9.2. The strength of
unity and of the law
258. The Parliamentary Assembly has already expressed
its views very clearly: it unreservedly shares the United States’
determination to combat international terrorism and fully endorses
the importance of detecting and preventing terrorist crimes, prosecuting
and punishing terrorists and protecting human lives

This determination must also be shared by all of Europe. Back in
1986, the Assembly regretted the procrastination of European states
in reacting multilaterally to the terrorist threat, and the absence
up to the present time of a coherent and binding set of co-ordinated
measures adopted by common consent

. Despite the intervening years and the spectacular
development of this threat, no significant progress has really been
made. It is more necessary than ever to extend this coherent and
binding set of co-ordinated measures to Europe and to other parts
of the world, starting with the United States. The approach of simply
leaving the United States to it and pretending not to know what
is happening, in many cases even on one’s own territory, is unacceptable.
Only the adoption of a joint strategy by all the countries concerned
can successfully counter the new threats, such as terrorism and
organised crime. If, as the United States believes, existing legal
instruments are no longer adequate to counter the new threats, the
situation must be analysed and discussed on a joint basis.
259. It is highly likely that existing resources and arrangements
will have to be adapted in order to combat international terrorism
effectively. This is the view held by the United States Government,
in particular

. Police
investigation tools and the rules of criminal procedure clearly
need to take into account the development of more serious forms
of crime. However, such adaptation calls for multilateral consultation,
presupposing dialogue, debate or even a frank and open confrontation,
which clearly have yet to take place. On the contrary, the states
of the European Union have just issued a particularly negative signal:
giving in to what appears to be a nationalist reflex, in late April
2006 they turned down a Commission proposal to step up judicial
and police co-operation under the Schengen Agreement

260. Efforts to combat impunity are undoubtedly a crucial element
in the fight against terrorism. It is unfortunate that the American
administration has systematically opposed the establishment of a
universal jurisdiction, refusing to ratify the Rome agreement on
the establishment of the International Criminal Court

. Handing over terrorist
suspects (without, moreover, any verification of the substance of
the accusations by a judicial authority) to states one knows, or
must presume, will not respect fundamental rights, is unacceptable. Relying
on the principle of trust and on diplomatic assurances given by
undemocratic states known not to respect human rights is simply
cowardly and hypocritical.
261. The American administration states that
rendition is
a vital tool in the fight against international terrorism

We consider that
renditions may
be acceptable, and indeed desirable, only if they satisfy a number
of very specific requirements (which, with a few exceptions

has not been the case in any of the known
renditions to
date). If a state is unable, or does not wish, to prosecute a suspect,
it should be possible to apply the following principle: no person
genuinely suspected of a serious act of terrorism should feel safe anywhere
in the world. In such cases, however, the person in question may
be handed over only to a state able to provide all the guarantees
of a fair trial, or – even better – to an international jurisdiction,
which in my view should be established as a matter of urgency.
262. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour,
has publicly criticised the practice of handing over detainees –
outside the scope of the justice system – to countries known to
use torture, while demanding assurances that these prisoners will
not be ill treated. She added that secret detention was a form of

263. Abandoning or relativising human dignity and fundamental human
rights is utterly inconceivable. All of history shows that arbitrary
decisions, contempt for human values and torture have never been
effective, have failed to resolve anything and, ultimately, have
led only to a subsequent exacerbation of violence and brutality. In
the end, such abuses have served only to confer a sense and appearance
of legitimacy on those who attack institutions. In fact, giving
in to this temptation concedes a major initial victory to the very
people attacking our values. Furthermore, attempting to focus solely
on security aspects, as is the case at present – with an outcome that
is more than questionable – plays into the hands of the terror lords.
It is imperative for a global anti-terrorism strategy to consider
political and social aspects. Above all, we must be mindful of the
strength of the values of the society for which we are fighting

. Benjamin Franklin inevitably
comes to mind, and his approach seems more relevant than ever:
they that can give up essential liberty to
attain a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor safety 
264. Legality and fairness by no means preclude firmness, but confer
genuine legitimacy and credibility on a state’s inevitable preventive
actions. In this respect, some of the international community’s
attitudes are disturbing. I have already mentioned the unacceptable
practice involving the application of UN Security Council sanctions
on the basis of black lists. Another example is the situation in
Kosovo, where the international community intervened to restore
peace, justice and democracy: the inhabitants of this region are
still the only people in Europe – with the exception of Belarus
– not to have access to the European Court of Human Rights; its
prisons are a virtual black hole, not open for inspections or monitoring
by the Committee for the Prevention of Torture. In the name of what
legitimacy, and with what credibility, is this same international
community entitled to lecture Serbia? Examples
are more effective than threats (Corneille).
10. Legal perspectives
10.1. The point of view
of the United States
265. In May 2006 the United States sent its first state
delegation to the United Nations Committee against Torture (UN CAT)
since the Bush Administration came to power. The delegation was
headed by the Chief Legal Advisor to the Department of State, Mr
John Bellinger.
266. Mr Bellinger oversaw the presentation of a 184‑page submission
to UN CAT, in which the United States set out its "exhaustive written
responses" to most of the Committee’s list of issues. The United
States should certainly be commended for this level of engagement,
notwithstanding that its policy regarding secret detentions and
intelligence activities remained, for the most part, at a firm “
no comment”

267. There can have been few more opportune times at which to engage
Mr Bellinger on discussion of pertinent legal issues than in the
week of his return from the UN CAT to Washington, DC. In a briefing
lasting about one hour

, Mr Bellinger
and his colleague Dan Fried, Assistant Secretary of State for European
Affairs, provided us with a range of valuable perspectives, which
I think it worthwhile to indicate in this report as the best contemporary
first‑hand portrayal of the US legal position.
268. Mr Bellinger made clear on several occasions that a programme
of renditions remains a key strand of United States’ foreign policy:
“As Secretary Rice has said, we do conduct
renditions, we have conducted renditions and we will not rule out
conducting renditions in the future.”
269. He was very decisive, however, in drawing a distinction between
the original meaning of rendition and the popular, media-driven
notion of Extraordinary Rendition:
the extent that extraordinary rendition – as I have seen it defined
– means the intentional transfer of an individual to a country,
expecting or intending that they will be mistreated, then the United
States does not do extraordinary renditions to begin with. The United
States does not render people to other countries for the purpose
of being tortured, or in the expectation that they will be tortured.”
270. Dan Fried used the briefing to explain some of the underlying
considerations for the United States in pursuit of its "war on terror":
“We are attempting to keep our
people safe; we are attempting to fight dangerous terrorist groups
who are active and who mean what they say about destroying us. We
are trying to do so in a way consistent with our values and our
international legal obligations. Doing all of those things in practice
is not easy, partly because – as we’ve discovered as we’ve gotten
into it – the struggle we are in does not fit neatly either into
the criminal legal framework, or neatly into the law of war framework.”
271. With regard to the question of fitting into legal frameworks,
I find it particularly noteworthy that the United States does not
see itself bound to satisfy anyone’s interpretation of international
law but its own. Mr Bellinger continually expressed this view: “We have to comply with our legal obligations.
None of this can be done in an illegal way. We think from our point
of view that we comply with all the legal obligations we have.”
272. Similarly, in one of his longer explanations, Mr Bellinger
defended the United States’ record in the eyes of its European partners:
“For those who say we’re not following
our international obligations in certain cases, I have to say that sometimes
it comes down to a disagreement on what the obligation is.
With regard to Article 3 of CAT, this is a technical issue.
The obligation under Article 3 of the Convention Against Torture
requires a country not to return, expel or refouler an individual.
For more than a decade, the position of the US Government, and our
courts, has been that all of those terms refer to returns from, or
transfers out from the United States.
So we think that Article 3 of the CAT is legally binding
upon us with respect to transfers of anyone from the United States;
but we don’t think it is legally binding outside the United States.
Similarly the Senate of the United States and our courts
for more than ten years have taken a position that the words ’substantial
grounds’ means ’more likely than not’. If we transfer a person from
one point outside the United States to another point outside the
United States then, as a policy matter, if we think there are substantial
grounds to believe that the individual will be tortured or mistreated,
we follow the same rules. I think it is a reasonable position for
our courts to have set – that ’substantial grounds’ means ‘more
likely than not’.
What I can say, though, is that there are different legal
regimes between the European Court of Human Rights and our courts,
and you can’t ‘beat up’ our courts and our Senate based on some
things that they said ten years ago as how they interpret the law.
You may wish that the ECtHR interpretation of the CAT
was the same position that we have here, but it is not. We do, though,
take our legal obligations seriously. And there needs to be a recognition
that there may be different interpretation of the terms, but nonetheless
the United States still takes our legal obligations seriously –
and we do that.”
Mr Bellinger’s interpretation
also serves to explain why a detention facility like Camp Delta
is situated at Guantanamo Bay, in Cuba, and not in the desert of
Arizona. The United States’ formalistic and positivist approach
shocks the legal sensibilities of Europeans, who are rather influenced
by "teleological" considerations. In other words, the European approach
is to opt for an interpretation that affords maximum protection
to the values on which the legal rule is based.
273. Mr Bellinger was predictably reluctant to discuss the legal
issues surrounding any of the cases of rendition that are alleged
to have occurred, including the case studies treated in this report.
He cited a considered policy on the part of the US Government to
refrain from commenting:
“We have
thought seriously about whether we can answer specific questions
publicly and say that there were one, two, or three renditions and
where they went through. But we have concluded that, due to the nature
of intelligence activities, we simply cannot get into the business
of confirming or denying specific questions – as much as we would
like to. I’m not going to confirm or deny whether there have been
any renditions that have gone through Europe at all.”
274. The United States Government is always prepared, however,
to explain the “hard choices” it feels it has to make to protect
its citizens

. Mr Bellinger, for
his part, described a hypothetical “
dilemma” based loosely on a real-life scenario, where
a member of Al-Qaeda is captured at the Kenyan border, “
trying to enter the country but the Kenyans
don’t want him there”. The captive is known to be wanted
“some other country such as Egypt,
Pakistan or Jordan” and the United States has an aircraft
it could use to render him back. Mr Bellinger concluded his briefing
by characterising the choice:
the choice is between letting a person go who’s suspected of involvement
in terrorism, or taking them back to their country of nationality,
or some other country where they’re wanted – then that’s your choice, because
there’s no extradition treaty and you obviously don’t want us to
put more people in Guantanamo.
If the choice is whether the person will disappear and
be let go, or the country of his nationality or some other country
wants him back, and the US is able to provide that – what should
be done? That’s your choice.
The United States says there are cases where in fact rendition
might make sense.”
10.2. The point of view
of the Council of Europe
10.2.1. The European Commission
for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)
275. The legal issues raised by the facts examined in
this report, from the point of view of the Council of Europe, have
been set out clearly and precisely by the Venice Commission, whom
the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights had asked for a
legal opinion in December 2005

276. In its conclusion, the Venice Commission stresses the responsibility
of the Council of Europe’s member States to ensure that all persons
within their jurisdiction enjoy internationally agreed upon fundamental
rights (including the right to security of the person, freedom from
torture and the right to life), even in the case of persons who
are aboard an aircraft that is simply transiting through its airspace

. The Venice Commission also confirms
that the obligations arising out of the numerous bilateral and multilateral
treaties in different fields such as collective self-defence, international
civil aviation and military bases, “
not prevent States from complying with their human rights obligations”

277. In reply to the specific questions asked by the Committee
on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, the Venice Commission has drawn
the following conclusions:
regards arrest and secret detention
a. Any form of involvement of a Council of Europe member
State or receipt of information prior to an arrest within its jurisdiction
by foreign agents entails accountability under Articles 1 and 5
of the European Convention on Human Rights (and possibly Article
3 in respect of the modalities of the arrest). A State must thus
prevent the arrest from taking place. If the arrest is effected
by foreign authorities in the exercise of their jurisdiction under
the terms of an applicable Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), the
Council of Europe member State concerned may remain accountable
under the European Convention on Human Rights, as it is obliged
to give priority to its jus cogens obligations, such as they ensue
from Article 3.
b. Active and passive co-operation by a Council of Europe
member State in imposing and executing secret detentions engages
its responsibility under the European Convention on Human Rights.
While no such responsibility applies if the detention is carried
out by foreign authorities without the territorial State actually
knowing it, the latter must take effective measures to safeguard
against the risk of disappearance and must conduct a prompt and
effective investigation into a substantiated claim that a person
has been taken into unacknowledged custody.
c. The Council of Europe member State’s responsibility
is engaged also in the case where its agents (police, security forces
etc.) co-operate with the foreign authorities or do not prevent
an arrest or unacknowledged detention without government knowledge,
acting ultra vires. The Statute of the Council of Europe and the
European Convention on Human Rights require respect for the rule
of law, which in turn requires accountability for all form of exercise
of public power. Regardless of how a State chooses to regulate political
control over security and intelligence agencies, in any event effective
oversight and control mechanisms must exist.
d. If a State is informed or has reasonable suspicions
that any persons are held incommunicado at foreign military bases
on its territory, its responsibility under the European Convention
on Human Rights is engaged, unless it takes all measures which are
within its power in order for this irregular situation to end.
e. Council of Europe member States which have ratified
the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture must inform
the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture of any detention
facility on their territory and must allow it to access such facilities.
Insofar as international humanitarian law may be applicable, States
must grant the International Committee of the Red Cross permission
to visit these facilities.
As regards inter-state transfers
of prisoners
f. There are only four legal ways for Council of Europe
member States to transfer a prisoner to foreign authorities: deportation,
extradition, transit and transfer of sentenced persons for the purpose
of their serving the sentence in another country. Extradition and
deportation proceedings must be defined by the applicable law, and
the prisoners must be provided appropriate legal guarantees and
access to competent authorities. The prohibition to extradite or
deport to a country where there exists a risk of torture or ill-treatment
must be respected.
g. Diplomatic assurances must be legally binding on the
issuing State and must be unequivocal in terms; when there is substantial
evidence that a country practices or permits torture in respect
of certain categories of prisoners, Council of Europe member States
must refuse the assurances in cases of requests for extradition
of prisoners belonging to those categories.
h. The prohibition to transfer to a country where there
exists a risk of torture or ill-treatment also applies in respect
of the transit of prisoners through the territory of Council of
Europe member States: they must therefore refuse to allow transit
of prisoners in circumstances where there is such a risk.
As regards overflight
i. If a Council of Europe member State has serious reasons
to believe that an airplane crossing its airspace carries prisoners
with the intention of transferring them to countries where they
would face ill-treatment in violation of Article 3 of the European
Convention on Human Rights, it must take all the necessary measures
in order to prevent this from taking place.
j. If the state airplane in question has presented itself
as a civil plane, that is to say it has not duly sought prior authorisation
pursuant to Article 3 c) of the Chicago Convention, the territorial
State must require landing and must search it. In addition, it must
protest through appropriate diplomatic channels.
k. If the plane has presented itself as a state plane
and has obtained overflight permission without however disclosing
its mission, the territorial State cannot search it unless the captain
consents. However, the territorial State can refuse further overflight
clearances in favour of the flag State or impose, as a condition
therefor, the duty to submit to searches; if the overflight permission
derives from a bilateral treaty or a Status of Forces Agreement
or a military base agreement, the terms of such a treaty should
be questioned if and to the extent that they do not allow for any
control in order to ensure respect for human rights.
l. In granting foreign state aircraft authorisation for
overflight, Council of Europe member States must secure respect
for their human rights obligations. This means that they may have
to consider whether it is necessary to insert new clauses, including
the right to search, as a condition for diplomatic clearances in
favour of State planes carrying prisoners. If there are reasonable
grounds to believe that, in certain categories of cases, the human
rights of certain passengers risk being violated, States must indeed
make overflight permission conditional upon respect of express human
rights clauses. Compliance with the procedures for obtaining diplomatic
clearance must be strictly monitored; requests for overflight authorisation
should provide sufficient information as to allow effective monitoring
(for example, the identity and status (voluntary or involuntary
passenger) of all persons on board and the destination of the flight
as well as the final destination of each passenger). Whenever necessary,
the right to search civil planes must be exercised.
m. With a view to discouraging repetition of abuse, any
violations of civil aviation principles in relation to irregular
transport of prisoners should be denounced, and brought to the attention
of the competent authorities and eventually of the public. Council
of Europe member States could bring possible breaches of the Chicago
Convention before the Council of the International Civil Aviation
Organisation pursuant to Article 54 of the Chicago Convention.
n. As regards the treaty obligations of Council of Europe
member States, the Commission considers that there is no international
obligation for them to allow irregular transfers of prisoners or
to grant unconditional overflight rights, for the purposes of combating
terrorism. The Commission recalls that if the breach of a treaty
obligation is determined by the need to comply with a peremptory
norm (jus cogens), it does not give rise to an internationally wrongful
act, and the prohibition of torture is a peremptory norm. In the
Commission’s opinion, therefore, States must interpret and perform
their treaty obligations, including those deriving from the NATO
treaty and from military base agreements and Status of Forces Agreements,
in a manner compatible with their human rights obligations.”
10.2.2. The Secretary General
of the Council of Europe (Article 52 ECHR)
278. The Secretary General has made use of his power of
enquiry under Article 52 ECHR as rapidly and as completely as possible.
In his report dated 28 February 2006

, the Secretary General takes a
clear position as regards member States’ responsibilities:
“The activities of foreign agencies
cannot be attributed directly to States Parties. Their responsibility
may nevertheless be engaged on account of either their duty to refrain
from aid or assistance in the commission of wrongful conduct, acquiescence
and connivance in such conduct, or, more generally, their positive
obligations under the Convention.5 In accordance with the generally
recognised rules on State responsibility, States may be held responsible
of aiding or assisting another State in the commission of an internationally
wrongful act.6 There can be little doubt that aid and assistance
by agents of a State Party in the commission of human rights abuses
by agents of another State acting within the former’s jurisdiction
would constitute a violation of the Convention. Even acquiescence
and connivance of the authorities in the acts of foreign agents
affecting Convention rights might engage the State Party’s responsibility
under the Convention. Of course, any such vicarious responsibility presupposes
that the authorities of States Parties had knowledge of the said
As regards the result of the Secretary General’s request for
information, the report of 28 February concludes in a preliminary
fashion that “all forms of deprivation
of liberty outside the regular legal framework need to be defined
as criminal offences in all States Parties and be effectively enforced.
Offences should include aiding and assisting in such illegal acts,
as well as acts of omission (being aware but not reporting), and
strong criminal sanctions should be provided for intelligence staff
or other public officials involved in such cases. However, the most
significant problems and loopholes revealed by the replies concern
the ability of competent authorities to detect any such illegal
activities and take resolute action against them. Four main areas
are identified where further measures should be taken at national,
European and international levels:
- the rules governing activities
of secret services appear inadequate in many States; better controls
are necessary, in particular as regards activities of foreign secret
services on their territory;
- the current international regulations for air traffic
do not give adequate safeguards against abuse. There is a need for
States to be given the possibility to check whether transiting aircraft
are being used for illegal purposes. But even within the current
legal framework, States should equip themselves with stronger control
- international rules on State immunity often prevent States
from effectively prosecuting foreign officials who commit crimes
on their territory. Immunity must not lead to impunity where serious
human rights violations are at stake. Work should start at European
and international levels to establish clear human rights exceptions
to traditional rules on immunity;
- mere assurances by foreign States that their agents abroad
comply with international and national law are not enough. Formal
guarantees and enforcement mechanisms need to be set out in agreements
and national law in order to protect ECHR rights.”

279. In this context, the Secretary General, referring
to my memorandum of 21 January 2006, was worried about the fact
that some countries have not replied, or have not replied completely,
to his question concerning the involvement of any public official
in such deprivation of liberty or transport of detainees, and whether
any official investigation is under way or has been completed. Consequently,
the Secretary General has asked additional questions to some countries.
The replies are not yet in the public domain.
11. Conclusion
280. Our analysis of the CIA "rendition" programme has
revealed a network that resembles a "spider’s web" spun across the
globe. The analysis is based on official information provided by
national and international air traffic control authorities, as well
as other information including from sources inside intelligence
agencies, in particular the American. This "web", shown in the graphic

, is composed
of several landing points, which we have subdivided into different
categories, and which are linked up among themselves by civilian
planes used by the CIA or military aircraft.
281. These landing points are used for various purposes that range
from aircraft stopovers to refuel during a mission to staging points
used for the connection of different "rendition circuits" that we
have identified and where “rendition units” can rest and prepare
missions. We have also marked the points where there are known detention
centres (Guantanamo Bay, Kabul and Baghdad…) as well as points where
we believe we have been able to establish that pick-ups of rendition
victims took place.
282. In two European countries only (Romania and Poland), there
are two other landing points that remain to be explained. Whilst
these do not fall into any of the categories described above, several
indications lead us to believe that they are likely to form part
of the "rendition circuits’

. These landings therefore
do not form part of the 98% of CIA flights that are used solely
for logistical purposes

, but rather belong to the 2% of flights that
concern us the most. These corroborated facts strengthen the presumption
– already based on other elements - that these landings are detainee
drop-off points that are near to secret detention centres.
283. Analysis of the network’s functioning and of ten individual
cases allows us to make a number of conclusions both about human
rights violations – some of which continue – and about the responsibilities
of some Council of Europe member States.
284. It must be emphasised that this report is indeed addressed
to the Council of Europe Member states. The United States, an observer
state of our Organisation, actually created this reprehensible network,
which we criticise in light of the values shared on both sides of
the Atlantic. But we also believe to have established that it is
only through the intentional or grossly negligent collusion of the
European partners that this “web” was able to spread also over Europe.
285. The impression which some Governments tried to create at the
beginning of this debate – that Europe was a victim of secret CIA
plots – does not seem to correspond to reality. It is now clear
– although we are still far from having established the whole truth
- that authorities in several European countries actively participated with
the CIA in these unlawful activities. Other countries ignored them
knowingly, or did not want to know.
286. In the draft resolution, which sums up this report’s conclusions,
I have not directly named the countries responsible simply because
there is not enough room in such a text to adequately develop the
nuances of each individual case. In addition, we only know part
of the truth so far, and other countries may still turn out to be implicated
in light of future research or revelations. This explanatory note,
however, explains the discovered facts in far greater detail. Finally,
the purpose of this report is not to attribute "grades" to different
member States, but to try to understand what really happened throughout
Europe and to stop certain violations shown from reoccurring in
future. I would add that a key element seems to be the urgent need
to improve the international response to the threat of terrorism.
This response presently appears today as largely inadequate and
insufficiently coordinated.
287. Whilst hard evidence, at least according to the strict meaning
of the word, is still not forthcoming, a number of coherent and
converging elements indicate that secret detention centres have
indeed existed and unlawful inter-state transfers have taken place
in Europe. I do not set myself up to act as a criminal court, because
this would require evidence beyond reasonable doubt. My assessment
rather reflects a conviction based upon careful examination of balance
of probabilities, as well as upon logical deductions from clearly established
facts. It is not intended to pronounce that the authorities of these
countries are "guilty" for having tolerated secret detention sites,
but rather it is to hold them "responsible" for failing to comply
with the positive obligation to diligently investigate any serious
allegation of fundamental rights violations.
288. In this sense, it must be stated that to date, the following
member States could be held responsible, to varying degrees, which
are not always settled definitively, for violations of the rights
of specific persons identified below (respecting the chronological
order as far as possible):
- Sweden,
in the cases of Ahmed Agiza and Mohamed Alzery ;
- Bosnia-Herzegovina, in the cases of Lakhdar Boumediene,
Mohamed Nechle, Hadj Boudella, Belkacem Bensayah, Mustafa Ait Idir
and Saber Lahmar ( the “Algerian six“) ;
- The United Kingdom in the cases of Bisher Al-Rawi, Jamil
El-Banna and Binyam Mohamed ;
- Italy, in the cases of Abu Omar and Maher Arar ;
- “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia“, in the case
of Khaled El-Masri ;
- Germany, in the cases of Abu Omar, of the “Algerian six”,
and Khaled El-Masri ;
- Turkey, in the case of the “Algerian six”.
289. Some of these above mentioned states, and others, could be
held responsible for collusion – active or passive (in the sense
of having tolerated or having been negligent in fulfilling the duty
to supervise) - involving secret detention and unlawful inter-state
transfers of a non specified number of persons whose identity so
far remains unknown:
- Poland
and Romania, concerning the running of secret detention centres;
- Germany, Turkey, Spain and Cyprus for being "staging points"
for flights involving the unlawful transfer of detainees;
- Ireland, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Greece and Italy
for being "stopovers" for flights involving the unlawful transfer
of detainees.
290. Other States should still show greater willingness and zeal
in the quest for truth, as serious indications show that their territory
or their airspace might have been used, even unbeknownst, for illegal
operations (the example of Switzerland was cited in this context).
291. The international community is finally urged to create more
transparency in the places of detention in Kosovo, which to date
qualify as "black holes" that cannot even be accessed by the CPT.
This is frankly intolerable, considering that the international
intervention in this region was meant to restore order and lawfulness.
292. With regards to these extremely serious allegations, it is
urgent – that is the principal aim of this report – that all Council
of Europe member States concerned finally comply with their positive
obligation under the ECHR to investigate. It is also crucial that
the proposals in the draft resolution and recommendation are implemented
so that terrorism can be fought effectively whilst respecting human
rights at the same time.

Reporting committee:Committee
on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
Reference to committee: Doc. 10748 and Reference No 3153 of 25 November 2005
Draft resolution and draft recommendation unanimously
adopted by the Committee on 7 June 2006
Members of the Committee :
Mr Dick Marty (Chairperson),
Mr Erik Jurgens, Mr Eduard
Lintner, Mr Adrien Severin (Vice-Chairpersons), Mrs Birgitta Alhqvist,
Mr Athanasios Alevras, Mr Rafis Aliti, Mr Alexander Arabadjiev,
Mr Miguel Arias, Mr Birgir Ármannsson, Mr José Luis Arnaut, Mr Abdülkadir
Ateş, Mr Jaume Bartumeu Cassany,
Mrs Meritxell Batet, Mrs Soledad Becerril, Mrs Marie-Louise Bemelmans-Videc, Mr Giorgi Bokeria,
Mrs Olena Bondarenko, Mr Erol Aslan Cebeci, Mrs Pia Christmas-Møller,
Mr Boriss Cilevičs, Mr Domenico
Contestabile, Mr András Csáky, Mrs Herta Däubler-Gmelin,
Mr Marcello Dell'Utri, Mrs Lydie Err, Mr Jan Ertsborn, Mr Václav Exner, Mr Valeriy Fedorov, Mr György Frunda, Mr Jean-Charles Gardetto,
Mr Jószef Gedei, Mr Stef Goris, Mr Valery Grebennikov,
Mrs Gultakin Hajiyeva, Mrs Karin Hakl, Mr Nick Harvey, Mr Michel Hunault, Mr Rafael Huseynov, Mrs Fatme Ilyaz, Mr Kastriot
Islami, Mr Sergei Ivanov, Mr Tomáš Jirsa, Mr Antti Kaikkonen (alternate:
Mr Kimmo Sasi), Mr Uyriy
Karmazin, Mr Karol Karski, Mr Hans Kaufmann (alternate: Mr Andreas Gross), Mr Nikolay Kovalev, Mr
Jean-Pierre Kucheida, Mrs Darja Lavtižar-Bebler, Mr Andrzej Lepper,
Mrs Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, Mr Tony Lloyd, Mr Humfrey
Malins, Mr Andrea Manzella, Mr Alberto Martins, Mr Tito Masi, Mr
Andrew McIntosh, Mr Murat Mercan, Mr Philippe Monfils, Mr Philippe
Nachbar, Mr Tomislav Nikolić, Ms Ann Ormonde, Mr Rino Piscitello,
Mrs Maria Postoico, Mr Christos Pourgourides,
Mr Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Mr Martin Raguž, Mr François Rochebloine,
Mr Armen Rustamyan, Mr Michael Spindelegger, Mrs Rodica Mihaela
Stănoiu, Mr Christoph Strasser, Mr Petro Symonenko, Mr Vojtech Tkáč, Mr Øyvind Vaksdal, Mr Egidijus Vareikis, Mr Miltiadis Varvitsiotis
(alternate: Mrs Elsa Papadimitriou),
Mrs Renate Wohlwend, Mr Krysztof Zaremba, Mr Vladimir Zhirinovsky,
Mr Zoran Žižić, Mr Miomir Žužul
N.B.: The names of the members who took part in the meeting
are printed in bold
Secretariat of the Committee:
Mr Drzemczewski, Mr Schirmer, Ms Heurtin, Mr Simpson