1. Introduction
“The United Nations and
business need each other. We need your innovation, your initiative,
your technological prowess. But business also needs the United Nations.
In a very real sense, the work of the United Nations can be viewed
as seeking to create the ideal enabling environment within which
business can thrive.”
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 
“We are supposed to be prepared
for a pandemic of some kind of influenza because the flu watchers, the
people who make a living out of studying the virus and who need
to attract continued grant funding to keep studying it, must persuade
the funding agencies of the urgency of fighting a coming plague.”
Professor Philip Alcabes in Dread 
1. The Parliamentary Assembly pays particular attention
to governance issues in the public health sector in Council of Europe
member states. Recent activities of relevance have been
Recommendation 1725 (2005) on
“Europe and bird flu – Preventive measures in the health field”,
Recommendation 1787 (2007) on
“The precautionary principle and responsible risk management” and
Recommendation 1908 (2010) on
“Lobbying in a democratic society (European Code of conduct on lobbying)”.
2. In December 2009, a motion was tabled under the title “Faked
pandemics – A threat for health” by Dr Wolfgang Wodarg (Germany,
SOC), outgoing member of the Parliamentary Assembly and medical
expert specialising in epidemiology. The Social, Health and Family
Affairs Committee was mandated by the Assembly to prepare a report
and appointed Paul Flynn (United Kingdom, SOC) as its rapporteur.
At this time, the H1N1 pandemic had already been treated as a major
public health issue for more than half a year by most Council of
Europe member states after having been officially declared by the
World Health Organization (WHO).
3. The rapporteur is greatly concerned by the handling of the
H1N1 influenza pandemic, the decisions taken by the WHO and competent
authorities at European level and the advice given to the 47 member
states of the Council of Europe. He is particularly alarmed by some
of the excessive responses given to what turned out to be an influenza
of moderate severity, and also the lack of transparency of relevant
decision-making processes and the possible undue influence of pharmaceutical
groups on central decisions. Furthermore he is concerned by the
way in which some of the sensitive issues were communicated by public
authorities and subsequently picked up by the European media, reinforcing
fears amongst the population which sometimes made objective analysis
difficult. The aim of this report is to make the ongoing debate
on the pandemic more objective at a European level and to identify
shortcomings and lessons learned from the H1N1 crisis, not least in
the hope of rebuilding public confidence in health decisions which
have been taken by WHO and by European and national authorities.
4. The rapporteur welcomes WHO’s readiness to enter into an open
dialogue with national parliamentarians represented at the Council
of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. He recognises the outstanding
achievements made in public health in recent decades and the essential
contribution of WHO to these. However, it is regrettable that the
WHO has not been willing to share some essential information with the
Assembly regarding, in particular, membership of and possible conflicts
of interest of experts on a key advisory body within WHO.
5. When it comes to examining the handling of the H1N1 influenza
and drawing relevant conclusions, the rapporteur assigns utmost
importance to the close co-operation between all stakeholders involved.
These include, in addition to the Council of Europe and its Parliamentary
Assembly, WHO and competent bodies of the European Union, as well
as national governments, the pharmaceutical industry, academia and
civil society. A broad and open dialogue was held at two public
hearings held on 26 January and 29 March 2010 and through a visit
by the rapporteur and the chair of the Social, Health and Family
Affairs Committee to WHO’s headquarters in Geneva on 15 April 2010.

The committee held an exchange
of views with Dr Fiona Godlee (Editor-in-Chief of the
British Medical Journal – BMJ) on
4 June 2010 in Paris before the adoption of the report.
2. Global response to the H1N1 pandemic
– Basic facts and perception
Declaration of a pandemic
6. WHO describes the H1N1 virus as an influenza virus
that had never been identified as a cause of infections in people
before the current pandemic. Genetic analyses of this virus have
shown that it originated from animal influenza viruses (which explains
its common denomination as “swine flu”) and is unrelated to the human
seasonal H1N1 viruses that have been in general circulation since
1977. There seems to be evidence that antibodies to the seasonal
H1N1 virus do not protect against the pandemic H1N1 virus. However,
other studies have shown that a significant percentage of the population
aged 65 and older do have some immunity against the pandemic virus.
This suggests that some persons may have had some cross protection
from exposure to viruses that have circulated in the more distant
past. Unlike typical seasonal flu patterns in the northern hemisphere,
the new virus caused high levels of summer infections. Subsequently,
infections reached even higher levels of activity during cooler
7. During the initial phases of the H1N1 influenza, infections
were reported in nine countries on 29 April 2009, then cases were
confirmed in 74 countries and territories on 11 June, and just a
few weeks later, on 1 July, there were confirmed infections in 120
countries and territories around the world. It was this global spread which
led WHO to declare increasing phases of pandemic emergency and inform
the world that a pandemic was definitely under way.

On 11 June 2009, the
pandemic was thus officially declared by designating the situation
as pandemic influenza Phase 6.

This declaration
at a very early stage of the event and shortly after the detection
of first infections in Mexico in April 2009 was, according to some
experts, only possible because the description of pandemic alert
phases was modified by WHO in May 2009, and notably the criteria
relating to the severity of the disease removed as a precondition
for passing on to the highest alert level.

Numbers of infections and deaths
8. As of May 2010, most countries in the world had confirmed
infections of the virus. As of 25 April 2010, more than 214 countries
and overseas territories or communities worldwide had reported laboratory
confirmed cases of pandemic influenza H1N1, including over 17 919
deaths. WHO continues to actively monitor the progress of the pandemic
through frequent consultations with WHO Regional Offices and member

Firm conclusions on the outbreak
of the pandemic were to be reached after April 2010, the month when
a normal influenza season usually ends; however, these have not
as yet been published by WHO. Reliable estimates of the number of
deaths and the mortality rate during the current pandemic will only
be possible, according to WHO, one or two years after the pandemic
has ended.

At the time of preparation of
this report, rates of influenza in Europe had gone down and the
pandemic virus was only being detected sporadically. The Global
Influenza Surveillance Network (GISN) continues monitoring the global
circulation of influenza viruses, including pandemic, seasonal and
other influenza viruses infecting, or with the potential to infect,

9. Beyond mere numbers of infections, the new virus apparently
led to patterns of death and illness not normally seen in seasonal
influenza infections. Most of the deaths caused by the pandemic
influenza seemed to have occurred among younger people, including
those who were otherwise healthy. Pregnant women, younger children
and people of any age with certain chronic lung or other medical
conditions appeared to be at higher risk of more complicated or
severe illness. According to recent information from the European
Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), while symptoms
of the disease were mild in most people, only a significant minority
of people suffered severe disease and died as a result.

Vaccination strategies
10. The declaration of a new pandemic caused by the H1N1
virus and the designation of pandemic Phase 6 initiated an immediate
international agenda setting process and the implementation of vaccination
strategies at national level. National regulatory authorities generally
licensed or approved vaccines developed by various vaccine manufacturers
according to relevant national procedures, sometimes following accelerated procedures
in order to make relevant vaccines available more rapidly. WHO was
involved from the very start in the vaccination process by mobilising
global resources and co-ordinating the distribution of donated pandemic
influenza vaccine to eligible countries in order to help them protect
people from developing the H1N1 infection.

11. National reactions to the declaration differed widely. Some
of the vaccination campaigns run at national level were extensive,
others were minimal. Several European countries had already prepared
the ground for a pandemic and had prepared so-called “sleeping contracts”
with pharmaceutical groups which were to take effect on the declaration
of a pandemic by WHO.

Some countries
followed recommendations by pharmaceutical groups that the vaccination
should be given twice in order to ensure full protection against
the virus and had therefore purchased corresponding quantities of
vaccines. Some of the far-reaching approaches followed were justified
by “pessimistic” predictions of numbers of infections and deaths
to be expected as a result of the pandemic.
Differing perceptions
12. From the very beginning of the disease in April 2009,
it was clear that a newly combined flu virus was on its way, just
as many flu virus variations had, in the past, been seen on an almost
annual basis. However, from this common perception, the H1N1 influenza
was looked at from different perspectives by member states’ governments
as well as within the medical community. Already in summer 2009,
some independent medical experts raised warnings regarding the overestimation
of the current influenza pandemic. They raised concerns about excessive
vaccination activities, risks of side-effects of certain vaccines,
the ineffectiveness of some of the medication, as well as possible
undue influence by biased advisers.

was precisely these warnings which drew the Parliamentary Assembly’s
attention to the issue and prompted it to take up the topic and
ask for the preparation of the current report.
3. Handling the H1N1 pandemic – Transparency and
accountability of public health action?
13. All arguments presented by critics in recent debates
seem to have one common focal point: the disparity between the relatively
mild unfolding of the influenza as it appeared in the autumn of
2009 and the far-reaching action taken at European and national
level in some countries. The criticisms raised by various international experts
with regard to the way in which the H1N1 pandemic was handled are
focused on some of the specific measures taken by the various stakeholders
concerned notably WHO, the pharmaceutical groups, national governments
and European Union bodies. The rapporteur’s analysis therefore focuses
on their respective action with a particular emphasis on decision-making
processes in and around WHO. It was the declaration of a pandemic
by WHO on 11 June 2009 and its subsequent recommendations which
triggered the international agenda setting process and subsequent
action for the implementation of vaccination strategies; the role
of WHO therefore merits special attention.
14. The rapporteur would like to point out that this analysis
of the H1N1 pandemic was an extremely complex issue given that the
actions taken by all stakeholders were closely intertwined. The
research process of the Assembly itself seemed to have had an influence
on some of the subsequent reactions of responsible organisations
triggering review processes. In this respect the rapporteur welcomes
the general readiness of organisations concerned to enter into an
open dialogue with the Assembly. Not all questions have, however, been
answered and some of the most sensitive issues still need to be
dealt with.
3.1. The role of the World Health Organization (WHO)
15. According to its constitution,

objective of WHO shall be the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible
level of health. It co-ordinates and directs international health
work, provides technical assistance and aid in emergencies. It develops
an informed public opinion on health matters and seeks to eradicate
epidemic, endemic and other diseases. WHO is therefore the international
authority on public health recommendations for the 193 member states
of the organisation. In the light of its overwhelming success regarding
the eradication of major human diseases (such as smallpox) and the
control of others, WHO rightly benefits from its member states’
highest respect and active support and collaboration through specially
designed governance structures.
Governance system of WHO and bodies concerned by pandemic
16. The World Health Assembly is the supreme decision-making
body of WHO. It generally meets in Geneva and is attended by delegations
from all member states. Its main function is to determine the policies
of the organisation. The Health Assembly appoints the director-general,
supervises the financial policies of the organisation and reviews
and approves the proposed programme budget. It similarly considers
reports of the Executive Board, which it instructs in regard to
matters upon which further action, study, investigation or report may
be required. The WHO Executive Board is composed of 34 members technically
qualified in the field of health and members are elected for three-year
terms. Member states of WHO are further represented in six regional
committees meeting yearly.
17. One of the main WHO bodies concerned in situations related
to pandemic diseases is the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts
(SAGE), serving as the principal
advisory group for the development of policy related to vaccines
and immunisation at a strategic rather than a technical level. SAGE
comprises 15 members who are appointed for an initial term of three
years (to be renewed only once), who serve in their personal capacity
and who represent a broad range of disciplines proportionally represented
in both geography and gender. SAGE’s terms of reference as well
as its list of members are made available through the WHO website. Before
being appointed, all members have to sign a declaration of interest
with the purpose of excluding conflicts of interest between any
of their professional activities and their advisory function within
18. Under the provisions of the International Health Regulations
(IHR) of 2005, the WHO Director-General may also appoint an Emergency
Committee for special advice on matters related to acute public
health events and emergencies of international concern. In response
to cases of swine influenza A(H1N1), reported in Mexico and the
United States of America, the director-general convened a first
Emergency Committee meeting on 25 April 2009 to assess the situation
and advise her on appropriate responses. The membership of this committee
is not public. It is on the basis of advice from this committee
that WHO declared the H1N1 pandemic on 11 June 2009.
Proportionality and appropriateness of the response
19. When looking at the still very moderate expression
of the pandemic almost one year after its outbreak (May 2010), the
interpretation of scientific and empirical evidence can be seriously
questioned. For some experts, it seemed obvious from a relatively
early stage that the new sub-type of influenza virus was doing less harm
to persons infected than other forms of the virus in previous years.
As one epidemiologist stated: “the importance of influenza is completely
overestimated. It has to do with research funds, power, influence
and scientific reputations”.

those, however, in favour of far-reaching measures, these considered
them justified by the “precautionary principle”. It would appear
that numerous scientists had expected the outbreak of a new worldwide
pandemic for a long time and were therefore extremely sensitive
to the possible dramatic consequences of any new viruses. Moreover,
the possible mutation of the swine flu virus was considered as its
greatest danger as this could have made both existing flu medication
and vaccines ineffective, and could have increased the severity
of the disease, as well.
20. According to some critical experts, it was precisely this
lack of watertight evidence about the influenza phenomenon which
led to the fears of the pandemic being exaggerated and the subsequent
disproportionate response. Apparently, even for health experts and
medical professionals, it was difficult to clearly distinguish between
influenza and influenza-like illness, which caused an overall impression
that the pandemic was worse than it in fact was. In this respect,
Dr Tom Jefferson of the Cochrane Collaboration,

a Parliamentary Assembly hearing held in Paris on 29 March 2010,
stated that “few (if any) national and international surveillance
systems make the distinction between influenza and influenza-like
illness, either because they do not believe the question is important,
because the ‘system’ is not geared up for it or for other still
unclear reasons”. He further noted that only 7% to 15% of people
with flu symptoms truly have influenza. In other words, vaccination
programmes are directed against what surveillance systems worldwide
call “influenza”, but in reality are influenza-like illness or flu.
In advancing this data, he expressed the concern of certain critical experts
as to whether the response to the H1N1 situation was appropriate.
Furthermore, many countries have had difficulties in clearly distinguishing
between patients dying with swine flu (that is, showing symptoms
of swine flu whilst having died of other pathologies) and patients
dying of swine flu (that is, swine flu being the main lethal cause),
which might have “falsified” some of the statistics on which later
public health decisions were founded. Very recently, Dr Klaus Stoehr,
who was until 2007 in charge of WHO's pandemic preparedness, reinforced
doubts about the appropriateness of the response given to H1N1 influenza
by saying: "The pandemic planning I was involved with was always
based on a severe public health event. … Moving to Phase 6 meant
that we wanted governments … to kick in their plans whether they
thought it was urgent or not". He then further expressed his belief that
moving to Phase 6 that early was, in hindsight, not needed, and
that WHO, over the course of summer 2009, had failed to read the
signs about swine flu coming from the southern hemisphere.

21. The Assembly fully supports the responsible use of “precautionary
approaches” in public policies, as stated in its
Recommendation 1787 (2007) on
the precautionary principle and responsible risk management. In
a direct exchange with WHO representatives, the rapporteur nevertheless
raised the question as to why WHO maintained the highest alert levels,
even when empirical evidence had already shown that the pandemic turned
out to be much milder than initially expected. In reply, Dr Keiji
Fukuda, Special Adviser on Pandemic Influenza to the Director-General,
stated on behalf of WHO that, during a public health emergency,
health officials must sometimes make urgent, often far-reaching
decisions in an atmosphere of considerable scientific uncertainty.
He was convinced that it was preferable to see a moderate pandemic
with ample supplies of vaccine rather than a severe pandemic with
inadequate supplies of vaccine and considered the action followed in
relation to the H1N1 virus as being justified.

In his statement
made in January 2010, he further added that it was too early to
say whether the pandemic was over and that another significant wave
could still be expected across Europe in the winter or spring.
22. It is clear to the rapporteur that the proportionality of
the response to the H1N1 influenza needs to be evaluated and that
WHO and member states need to consider this in the context of the
review processes that have been set up or are being set up in the
light of the debate on the pandemic. Furthermore, all public health authorities
concerned should critically review their way of dealing with the
precautionary principle, including the communication about its use,
given that the question of what society should do in the face of
uncertainty is necessarily a question of public policy and not only
a question of science. In future situations posing a serious risk
to public health, decision makers should bear in mind that the precautionary
principle can contribute to a general feeling of anxiety and unease
in the population and can fuel the media in what becomes a cycle
of fear mongering.
23. In a situation where uncertainty is coupled with risks for
human health and lives, there is also a danger that public opinion
can be manipulated in favour of particular commercial interests.
In addition, it should be recognised that there is a danger that
policy makers are forced to make choices not dictated by the search
for the optimal solution, but rather a solution that would protect
them from accusations (the so-called umbrella phenomenon).

In the view
of the rapporteur, it is therefore of utmost importance that vital
decisions regarding public health threats, notably when placed in
a context of uncertainty, are taken in a fully transparent way. Furthermore,
complete information needs to be provided to the public in a manner
which allows even those with little scientific knowledge to follow
the arguments in a dispassionate manner. In this respect, the rapporteur recognises
that assessing and communicating the impact of a virus is difficult
and that only in retrospect can one say what is a severe or mild
to moderate level of pandemic. However, in order to avoid what has
been called the “concern bias”, in which anxiety drives reactions
to a greater extent than the disease itself, some commentators have
recently called for a more calibrated approach to emerging infections
and the need to reassess both the risk assessment and risk management

Changing the definition of a pandemic
24. A number of members of the scientific community became
concerned when WHO rapidly moved towards pandemic level 6 at a time
when the influenza presented relatively mild symptoms. This combined
with the change in the definition of pandemic levels just before
the declaration of the H1N1 pandemic heightened concerns. As Dr
Wolfgang Wodarg, German epidemiologist and former member of the
Assembly, highlighted at the public hearing on 26 January 2010,
the declaration of the current pandemic was only made possible by changing
the definition of a pandemic and by lowering the threshold for its
25. WHO continues to assert that the basic definition of a pandemic
was never changed. Only the description of pandemic alert levels
was revised when the document “Pandemic influenza preparedness and response:
A WHO guidance document” (new title) was updated in May 2009. Notwithstanding
these assertions, there is clear evidence that changes were made
and that, most importantly, the former criteria of “impact and severity”
of an epidemic in terms of the number of infections and deaths was
no longer considered relevant in the updated document.

In other words, the pandemic could
be declared without the need to show that it was likely to be severe
in terms of its impact on the population (for example, regarding
severity of illness and death). The definition before 4 May 2009
was worded as follows: “An influenza pandemic occurs when a new
influenza virus appears against which the human population has no
immunity, resulting in epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers
of deaths and illness. With the increase in global transport, as
well as urbanization and overcrowded conditions, epidemics due to
the new influenza virus are likely to quickly take hold around the world”,
whilst the same definition became the following on WHO’s website
after this date: “A disease epidemic occurs when there are more
cases of that disease than normal. A pandemic is a worldwide epidemic
of a disease. An influenza pandemic may occur when a new influenza
virus appears against which the human population has no immunity
…. Pandemics can be either mild or severe in the illness and death
they cause, and the severity of a pandemic can change over the course
of that pandemic”.
26. Shortly afterwards, WHO spokeswoman Nathalie Boudou justified
the change by saying that the “old” definition was in “error” and
had been removed from the WHO website. She stated that the correct
definition was that a "pandemic indicated outbreaks in at least
two of the regions into which WHO divides the world, but has nothing
to do with the severity of the illnesses or the number of deaths”.

These subsequent definitions and comments
presented at a time when the pandemic was imminent were confusing
for both public health professionals involved and attentive observers
amongst the European public at large.
27. The rapporteur strongly recommends that further in-depth work
be done by all stakeholders concerned with a view to agreeing on
a common definition and description of what an influenza pandemic
is. This should become the central element of clear international
guidelines for national pandemic preparedness planning. He considers
that, even if WHO did not intend to modify the pandemic definition
in a way that would allow for an accelerated announcement of such
an event in June 2009, the changes of relevant disease descriptions
and indicators at a time when a major influenza infection was already
approaching was highly inappropriate and carried out in a way which
could be considered as being non-transparent. It also contributed
to the doubts raised concerning undue influence on decision makers,
because all critical observers of the situation wondered if this
untimely change was absolutely necessary and question who benefited
most from it.
Public-private partnership under scrutiny
28. Public-private partnerships were introduced into
the governance system of WHO following a call in 1993 by the World
Health Assembly to mobilise and encourage the support of all partners
in health development, including NGOs and institutions in the private
sector. This substantial change in its working methods had the positive
intention of “mobilising privately funded resources and expertise
for the benefit of public health, whilst giving the commercial sector
the opportunity to attract new investors and establish new markets
through an improved corporate image”. However, WHO successively
developed institutional safeguards to counterbalance potential risks
of public-private partnerships, and published its guidelines on
working with the private sector to achieve health outcomes in 2000.
When it introduced mechanisms intended to safeguard its integrity,
WHO found itself directly at the centre of a debate on the appropriateness
of public-private co-operation. At the time, the precautions taken
were welcomed by some critics but many saw them as inadequate both
in substance and process.

29. The rapporteur believes that, despite greater awareness of
the risks of public-private partnership today and the development
of routine safeguards against conflicts of interests within WHO
governance bodies, continued attention should be given to this issue.
In a world characterised by a high level of access to information
technologies where lobbying activities and relevant networks of
interest groups are increasingly internationalised and professionalised,
the problem of possible conflicts of interest of health experts
is more topical than ever. It is precisely in this context that
the Assembly adopted its
1908 (2010) on lobbying in a democratic society, in which
it stated that unregulated or secret lobbying may be a danger and can
undermine democratic principles and good governance. With regard
to the public health sector, the rapporteur is notably concerned
by the systematic recruitment of so-called “key opinion leaders”
by specific “image and communication agencies” in the pharmaceutical

30. For the rapporteur, the possibility that representatives of
the pharmaceutical industry may have directly influenced public
decisions and recommendations made with regard to the H1N1 influenza
remains one of the central issues of the ongoing debate, which has
been further nurtured by the revelations of the
British Medical Journal (BMJ) on
4 June 2010.

the factors leading to the suspicion of undue influence were the early
measures taken on contractual arrangements for vaccine delivery
between member states and pharmaceutical companies, as well as the
enormous profits that companies were able to make as a result of the
pandemic. The main suspicion, however, arises with regard to the
issue of whether members of WHO advisory bodies have professional
links to pharmaceutical groups, bringing into question the neutrality
of their advice. Unfortunately, due to WHO’s refusal to release
the names and declarations of interest of persons concerned, any
current research on the matter depends entirely on the results of
investigative journalism.

31. Neither of the WHO advisory bodies, SAGE nor the Emergency
Committee, have any executive or regulatory functions. Their members
are appointed by the Director-General of WHO according to the so-called IHR
Expert Roster and in compliance with the WHO Advisory Panel Regulations.
The organisation admits that, when reaching out to a broad group
of experts and interest groups, there is always a potential risk
of conflicts of interest in the advice given, but that possible
conflicts of interest are countered by a number of routine safeguards.
According to WHO, transparency is ensured by declarations of interest
in which external experts present all their professional and financial
interests, including funding received from pharmaceutical companies,
consultancies or other forms of involvement in relevant commercial
32. According to senior WHO officers, biased recommendations are
prevented by only allowing those experts who have no perceived or
real conflicts of interest to make recommendations. Finally, the
relative weight of those who declare a conflict of interest is also
an element to be taken into account in WHO’s view: if a conflict
of interest appears regarding a person who could otherwise give
valuable input, the person concerned is only allowed to participate
in the general exchange of views and communication. Although this
approach reveals a certain degree of awareness of this sensitive
issue, the rapporteur is not convinced that it represents a sufficient
safeguard against possible conflicts of interests, and thus undue
influence and bias.
33. The main focus of criticism is the Emergency Committee directly
advising the director-general on the H1N1 pandemic. This committee
has met a total of eight times since the outbreak of the pandemic
(meetings held between April 2009 and May 2010). After reviewing
available data on the current situation, committee members identified
a number of gaps in knowledge about the clinical features, epidemiology
and virology of reported cases and the appropriate responses. The
committee advised that answers to several specific questions were
needed to facilitate its work, but generally agreed that the current
situation constituted a public health emergency of international
34. Although critical voices from various countries and the Assembly

have on several occasions called
for the list of experts and their respective declarations of interest
to be published, WHO has failed to provide this information. The
organisation continues to hold back on releasing further information
on the interests of experts, justifying this position by the need
to protect experts’ privacy and to prevent them from coming under
extreme pressure from certain private companies or interest groups.
The rapporteur is very concerned by this attitude and remains convinced
that it is entirely justified to require full transparency with regard
to the profiles of experts whose recommendations have far-reaching
consequences for the public health sector and the health and well-being
of Europeans.
35. The rapporteur would like to highlight that some degree of
understanding of the doubts concerning the neutrality of advice
could be found even within WHO itself. The organisation recently
acknowledged that: “Adjusting public perceptions to suit a far less
lethal virus has been problematic. Given the discrepancy between
what was expected and what has happened, a search for ulterior motives
on the part of WHO and its scientific advisors is understandable
though without justification.”

the same time, WHO stated more than once that it considered existing
mechanisms to be satisfactory, but declared its intention to respond
to allegations of undeclared conflicts of interest, which it claimed
to take very seriously. As early as January 2010, WHO announced
its intention to launch a review of the way in which the ongoing
pandemic was handled, including an evaluation of its own performance,
with the participation of external experts and with a view to reviewing
existing International Health Regulations (IHR).
36. As announced in January 2010,

an internal review process was
launched by WHO through the Review Committee on the Functioning
of the International Health Regulations (2005) in relation to Pandemic
(H1N1) 2009. It met for the first time from 12 to 14 April 2010
in Geneva. According to its first report, the committee pursued
a threefold objective: (1) to assess the IHR in relation to the
current pandemic, (2) to review the scope, appropriateness, effectiveness
and responsiveness of global action as well as the role of the WHO
Secretariat, and (3) to identify and review the major lessons learnt
from the global response to the current pandemic.
37. The rapporteur commends this critical and self-critical approach
taken by WHO regarding the H1N1 pandemic and the current loss of
confidence amongst Europeans, both members of the public and decision makers.
The rapporteur requests that the critical issues raised in the present
report should be taken up comprehensively during the review process
which is under way. He strongly advises WHO and other institutions
concerned to explicitly open up their policy guidance process to
experts with diverse or contrary views in order to avoid what could
be referred to as “group think”. In this respect, the rapporteur
very much welcomes the fact that the WHO Review Committee, which
has just taken up its work, is chaired by Professor Harvey V. Fineberg,
President of the Institute of Medicine of Washington D.C. (USA),
who stated in 1978: “In a swine flu case when evidence is thin …
it is not only the assumptions but appraisal of their scientific
quality that top decision makers need. Panels tend toward ‘group
think’ and over-selling, tendencies nurtured by long-standing interchanges
and intimacy, as in the influenza fraternity. Other competent scientists,
who do not share their group identity or vested interests, should
be able to appraise the scientific logic applied to available evidence”.

the rapporteur is very concerned that it appears that some of the
members of the Review Committee are also members of the Emergency
Committee whose actions they are meant to review (in particular
the chair of the latter).

Communication and dialogue on sensitive health issues
38. In addition to the substantial advice given by WHO
and other major stakeholders, and to the way in which it was prepared,
a critical view is also justified regarding the – sometimes ambiguous
– way in which issues related to the H1N1 pandemic were communicated
to national governments and the European public at large. In this
respect, the rapporteur wishes to highlight the regular overstatement
of the pandemic’s expected outcome in terms of infections and deaths
which nourished increasing uncertainty and fears amongst Europeans.
A review is also necessary of the media’s role in fuelling fear
and how WHO and how national authorities should handle communications
in the future, in particular when applying the precautionary principle.
39. WHO itself continues to assert that it has consistently evaluated
the impact of the current influenza pandemic as moderate, reminding
the medical community, public and media that the overwhelming majority
of patients experience mild influenza-like illness and recover fully
within a week, even without any form of medical treatment.

Most people, however, expected more dramatic
consequences, not least because in spring 2009, the approaching
swine flu was repeatedly compared to previous infectious diseases,
notably the avian flu and SARS in more recent years, but also the
Spanish flu of 1918. For some experts, such as Professor Keil, epidemiologist
and Director of WHO Collaborating Centre on Epidemiology of the
University of Münster (Germany), who was heard at the public hearing
of 26 January 2010, the comparison with the Spanish flu of 1918
was generally inappropriate given that empirical figures were far
from comparable. The Spanish flu took place in the historical context
of the First World War where infections were easily transmitted
by soldiers, many of whom were undernourished and without medication
considered as basic today, such as penicillin. In reacting to this,
WHO stated that reference to former health events should be taken
as a positive sign: the organisation for example pointed to the
success in limiting the spread of SARS as a major public health

40. In recent debates, WHO furthermore declared itself aware that
preparing and communicating information on complex public health
matters had become a major challenge in the globalised context of
the 21st century, in view of the fact that information is more decentralised
and expectations of the population are much higher. There are now
not only traditional news services but also blog sites, e-mail and
a number of other sources of information which have to be taken
into account. The rapporteur considers that much more will need to
be done in the future to improve dialogue and communication on sensitive
public health matters at international, European and national levels.
As Gerd Gigerenzer, Director of the Centre for Adaptive Behaviour and
Cognition at the Max Planck Institute in Germany said: “The problem
is not so much that communicating uncertainty is difficult, but
that uncertainty was not communicated.”

3.2. The role of the pharmaceutical industry
41. A number of vaccine manufacturers are involved with
the production of H1N1 vaccines at international level.

European level the vaccines – Focetria of Novartis, Pandemrix of
GlaxoSmithKline, Celvapan of Baxter International as well as Panenza
of Sanofi-Pasteur – were used during the H1N1 pandemic. These companies
are organised in the European Vaccine Manufacturers Group (EVM)
belonging to the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries
and Associations (EFPIA).
42. Through EVM, the pharmaceutical industry was represented in
the public hearing on 26 January 2010. According to EVM, the need
for action generated by the declaration of the pandemic in summer
2009 demanded an unprecedented level of collaboration involving
WHO, national governments, health authorities, regulatory agencies,
scientists, health care professionals and private sector companies,
in order to deliver the appropriate countermeasures.

43. The role of the pharmaceutical industry is closely linked
to the issue of prevailing procedures for drug evaluation and authorisation
and the degree of transparency characterising them. According to
the information given to the rapporteur, all vaccines used during
the pandemic were authorised according to the formal procedure followed
by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) although not all of them
were clinically tested on vulnerable persons such as children.

In its official statements, the agency
asserted that, despite the short delays within which vaccines were
authorised, they had been sufficiently tested, along with the adjuvants used.

or not there was sufficient testing remains highly controversial
within the medical community. There is, however, evidence that at
least one vaccine without adjuvants made by Sanofi-Pasteur (Panenza) was
treated differently and was able to receive national authorisation
in some countries, such as France, without passing through some
of the rigid European procedures.

Without wishing to take a definitive
stance on this highly specific question here, the rapporteur considers
it entirely justified to ask whether scientific evidence was sufficient
to remove any remaining doubts about the relevant products.
44. The most crucial question in this respect concerns the possible
risks taken with regard to the health of those persons taking the
vaccines and anti-flu medication, and notably the most vulnerable
groups (such as children, pregnant women or chronically ill persons).
Some critical experts had already pointed out that side effects
or effectiveness of vaccines and antiviral medication (such as Tamiflu
or Relenza) had not been sufficiently tested before their commercialisation.
This notably concerned some of the vaccines which were developed
by using specific patented adjuvants or breeding layers for the
virus antigen to come. The fact that only patented products received
authorisation was the reason why the vaccines could be monopolised
by a few companies and sold at much higher prices than seasonal
vaccines, which are traditionally produced in chicken eggs and could
have been provided much faster by many laboratories all over the
world using non-patented procedures.

A few months after the declaration
of the pandemic, even the European Medicines Agency pointed out
that “only limited data on the safety and immunogenicity of influenza
A(H1N1)v vaccines will be available when member states start to
use the vaccines. In addition, due to the possible mutation of the virus,
the effectiveness of the vaccines will need to be followed.”

45. Critical experts also wondered about the general need of developing
a special vaccine aimed at H1N1 influenza. Given that new flu virus
variations are detected almost every year, the virus could possibly
have been treated by flu vaccines in stock, instead of having to
produce a special product in a very short time, thus speeding up
some of the authorisation procedures as described above. Finally,
and closely linked to the above health aspects, the rapporteur considers
it important to raise the question of whether national governments were
well advised by health authorities before purchasing great quantities
of vaccines authorised in fast-track procedures. This particularly
concerns the initial advice that double doses were necessary. For
the rapporteur it is clear that the way of dealing with vaccines
through accelerated evaluation and authorisation procedures reinforced
the exposure of national governments to the possible pressure of
pharmaceutical groups and the suspicion of undue influence on public
health decisions.
46. Another factor which nurtured suspicions about undue influence
was that the pharmaceutical companies had a strong vested interest
in the declaration of a pandemic and subsequent vaccination campaigns.
This interest arose partly from early contractual arrangements regarding
any new influenza pandemic (some were concluded between member states
and pharmaceutical groups in the period 2006-2007 just after the
avian flu scare). Various European countries signed so-called “sleeping
contracts” with large pharmaceutical groups which were supposed
to take effect on the declaration of a pandemic by WHO.

Whilst this anticipation of a major
public health event by governments and pharmaceutical groups could
be generally welcomed, the rapporteur would like to point out that
there is evidence of doubtful commercial practices followed by some industrial
groups. The rapporteur refers in particular to pressure exerted
on national governments to activate “sleeping contracts” after very
short delays of reflection (using the argument of “first come –
first served”) and the attempt to transfer the main responsibility
for side effects of vaccines to the governments themselves (see the
experience of Poland described later). Following these suspicions,
and in light of the major impacts on public health budgets all over
Europe, the rapporteur welcomes the willingness of pharmaceutical
groups to step back from contractual arrangements made with national
governments and allow them to opt out of some of the orders not
yet delivered.
47. The strong commercial interests in the pandemic and vaccination
campaigns were further illustrated by the high levels of profit
that pharmaceutical companies were able to make. According to estimations
by the international investment bank JP Morgan, the sales of H1N1
vaccines in 2009 were expected to result in overall profits of US$7-10
billion to pharmaceutical laboratories producing vaccines. According
to figures presented by Sanofi-Aventis at the beginning of 2010,
the group registered net profits of €7.8 billion (+11%) due to a
“record year” of anti-flu vaccines sales.

As such,
and from the point of view of the market economy, justified commercial
interests cannot be generally criticised. The rapporteur would,
however, like to raise the question as to whether it was justified
to sell H1N1 vaccines to national governments at prices seemingly
up to two to three times higher than those for the usual seasonal
influenza by primarily using patented adjuvants, and thus making
exaggeratedly high profits from a declared public health emergency?
48. Concluding on the current role of the pharmaceutical industry,
the rapporteur considers that – whilst public authorities need to
further strengthen safeguards with regard to excluding any conflicts
of interest, and while there was a general willingness of pharmaceutical
groups to participate in a dialogue – additional efforts are needed
from industrial players to prove that they are not exerting undue
influence on public health decisions and drawing unreasonably high
returns from emergency situations. In the same way that confidence needs
to be rebuilt in public health action, it is necessary to consolidate
trust in science and medicine by all possible means, including the
involvement of a broad range of scientific expertise. The case of
the H1N1 pandemic also raises challenging questions about the system
by which drugs are evaluated, regulated and promoted. When vast
quantities of public money and large amounts of public trust are
placed in drugs, the full data must be accessible for scrutiny by
the scientific community.

3.3. The role of member states and their health authorities
49. Member states have to address a complex set of issues
related to the H1N1 pandemic which can be summarised in two central
questions: firstly, were they well advised regarding pandemic preparedness strategies
and, secondly, did they act in a responsible manner with a view
to their citizens’ health and well-being? For this report a number
of national reactions were examined. The rapporteur does not intend
to judge, on behalf of all Council of Europe member states, if the
matter was dealt with appropriately or not. It will be up to each
member state to address the questions highlighted in the current
report and draw its own conclusions.
50. Just as different members of the medical community are divided
in their positions, Council of Europe member states showed different
reactions to the H1N1 pandemic, ranging from very reserved attitudes
and low-profile vaccination campaigns (Poland), to highly proactive
approaches to pandemic preparedness (United Kingdom and France).
However, lingering concerns and the lack of scientific evidence
about the effectiveness and possible side effects of vaccines led
to a clear decrease in the demand for the new vaccine amongst the population
of many countries. Thus, in December 2009, many countries such as
Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy and Ireland reported
that only about 10% of the population had been vaccinated. It was
this low level of demand which finally led to the perception of
public budgets having been wasted on the H1N1 pandemic, given that
great quantities of vaccines ordered by many governments were never
51. In order to better understand some of the decisions taken
at national level and their motivations, the rapporteur took a closer
look at the way in which the pandemic was handled in the United
Kingdom, France and Poland. These countries showed some of the most
extreme reactions to the announcement of the pandemic in June 2009.
The British Department of Health initially announced that approximately
65 000 deaths were to be expected. At the beginning of 2010, this
estimate was downgraded to only 1 000 fatalities. By January 2010,
fewer than 5 000 persons had been registered as having caught the
disease and 360 deaths had been noted. In March 2010, the rapporteur
had the occasion to meet with Gillian Merron, then Minister of State
for Public Health, in order to discuss the handling of the H1N1
influenza at national level, and was informed that an independent
internal investigation by the Cabinet Office was under way, the
results of which would be reported after June 2010.
52. The figures available for France illustrate very well the
extent to which the H1N1 pandemic was overstated and the consequences
for the public health budget: 312 people died of influenza (up to
April 2010), whilst 1 334 cases of serious infection were registered
since the beginning of the pandemic according to the National Institute
for the monitoring of health issues (“Institut national de veille
sanitaire”). In the light of the actual development of the H1N1
pandemic, the French Government managed to cancel orders for 50
million doses of vaccine, out of a total of 94 million initially
ordered. Vaccines were sold on to some other countries, however
France was left with millions of unnecessary doses as only 5.7 million
people were vaccinated by March 2010. The final French public health
bill for vaccines amounted to €365 million and a stock of 25 million doses
of vaccine whose shelf life will expire at the end of 2010.

The rapporteur considers that
with hindsight it can be concluded that France is not in an enviable
position. France, however, is not alone in this situation.
53. In the light of this evidence, some of the critical issues
raised in this report have now been addressed at the national level
in France. Critical observers of the pandemic in France have openly
questioned the neutrality of “independent experts” present in some
of the official national bodies, such as the committee for fighting
the influenza (“Comité de lutte contre la grippe”).

The National Assembly and the
Senate have taken a proactive approach by organising a public hearing
on the possible action by researchers and public authorities with regard
to the H1N1 influenza through the parliamentary office for the evaluation
of scientific and technological choices.

The French
Senate launched an inquiry committee into the role of pharmaceutical
companies in the handling of the H1N1 influenza by the French Government,
which started its investigations in February 2010 with a view to
presenting a report in August 2010. The National Assembly has launched
a parallel procedure through its “Investigation committee on the
way in which the vaccination campaign against Influenza A (H1N1) was
planned, explained and handled”. The committee is due to present
its report on 13 July 2010.
54. Certain member states did not rush into taking action following
the announcement of the pandemic. Poland, for example, is one of
the few countries in Europe not to have purchased large quantities
of vaccines due to safety fears and distrust of the pharmaceutical
companies producing them. At the public hearing organised by the
Assembly in Paris on 29 March 2010, the Polish Health Minister,
Ms Ewa Kopacz, described the Polish approach to managing the pandemic.
She explained that it was undertaken in close collaboration with
the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) and
national centres. It included a thorough analysis taking care to
combat panic and general social unease by the public at large. The
Polish Flu Pandemic Committee defined a high-risk group of 2 million
persons and set aside resources to buy appropriate numbers of vaccines.
However, the minister considered that the conditions proposed by
the pharmaceutical companies for the purchase of vaccines were unacceptable.
Vaccines were to be purchased only by the government (not marketed
to private individuals), and the government was asked to take full
responsibility for all undesirable side effects (the threat of which
seemed real according to the EudraVigilance system). Furthermore,
the vaccines were offered at up to two to three times the price
of vaccines used against seasonal influenza. As the Polish minister
herself emphasised during the public hearing in March 2010, she
took the responsibility – as a politician and medical doctor – not
to accept these conditions and avoid becoming hostage to private
interest groups or being obliged to take major decisions resulting
from alarmist announcements.
55. Following some of the widely debated criticisms of the handling
of the H1N1 crisis, many member states have de-intensified their
vaccination campaigns and managed to divest themselves of the vaccines
already purchased but not used, either by opting out of arrangements
with pharmaceutical companies or by re-selling part of their stocks
of vaccines to third parties in order to limit the impact on public
health budgets under strain during the economic crisis. The rapporteur
recognises that the damage to public health budgets has been slightly
limited in this way. He is nevertheless concerned by the distortion
of public health priorities during the course of the last year and
the enormous sums of money which could have been used for many other,
often more urgent, health issues. He is convinced that the Assembly
should strongly encourage Council of Europe member states in the
future to take a more critical stand when it comes to future pandemic
warnings. Moreover, they should themselves review the way in which
the H1N1 pandemic was handled at national level by following the
examples of countries that have already started to review their
handling of the pandemic (such as France).
56. The Assembly should encourage member states to closely follow
relevant review processes recently launched within WHO and European
institutions involved in public health matters, in order to ensure
that their voices may have more impact in future pandemic situations
than seems to have been the case in the current H1N1 pandemic. There
is strong evidence that some governments, including China, Great
Britain, Japan and a dozen other countries, at some stage of the
H1N1 pandemic, urged WHO not to use the proposed new definition
of a “pandemic” and “be very cautious about declaring the arrival
of a swine flu pandemic, fearing that a premature announcement could
cause worldwide panic and confusion.” In reply to their doubts,
WHO said “it would certainly look at [this issue] very closely”
just before declaring the pandemic on 11 June 2009.

3.4. The role of European Union bodies
57. The specific role of European Union bodies involved
in health issues has not been researched in detail for the purpose
of the current report as the rapporteur wished to focus on the “triangle
of action” represented by WHO, national governments and the pharmaceutical
industry. Their role in the H1N1 pandemic may therefore be mentioned
as an element of background information allowing for a comprehensive
understanding of the current situation and review processes just
58. The central European body in charge of the Europe-wide authorisation
of new medical products, including vaccines, is the European Medicines
Agency (EMEA). Monitoring the progress of the H1N1 pandemic at European
level has been and continues to be ensured through the European
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC). It has provided
daily updates on the situation up to the beginning of 2010. Notwithstanding that
ECDC considered that the pandemic was far from over and that considerable
uncertainties remained, their Public Health Event Strategy Team
(PST) decided to downgrade their crisis management activities in
January 2010, thus ending the publication of the daily updates.
After this date, the ECDC has nevertheless continued its work relating
to the H1N1 pandemic under a reinforced general influenza programme.

mission of the ECDC, established in 2005 and seated in Stockholm/Sweden,
is to identify, assess and communicate current and emerging threats
to human health posed by infectious diseases in partnership with
national health protection bodies across Europe and by associating
health experts throughout Europe. As with WHO, the ECDC relies on
internal advisory bodies. The names and declarations of interest
of experts on these bodies have still not been released either.
59. The European Commission is currently evaluating the management
of the H1N1 influenza by its own institutions as well as by European
Union member states in the run-up to a planned Belgian presidency
and European Commission conference at the beginning of July 2010.
Furthermore, the European Commission announced, on 9 March 2010,
the launch of new research projects on influenza. Four collaborative
research projects have been shortlisted for funding. They involve
52 research institutes and small and medium enterprises from 18
European countries and three international partners (Israel, China
and the United States).
60. Finally, an initiative to launch a comprehensive investigation
process on the handling of the H1N1 pandemic by European institutions
was undertaken within the European Parliament by Michele Rivasi,
member of the Group of Greens/European Free Alliance. The European
Parliament decided on 20 May 2010 not to set up an investigation
committee, leaving further follow-up open at this stage. The rapporteur
has collaborated closely with Ms Rivasi who participated in the
second hearing of the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee
on 29 March 2010. The rapporteur hopes that this fruitful collaboration
between the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly can
be pursued in the future on other public health issues of European
61. Although certain critical issues will have to be reviewed
at European level (such as possible conflicts of interest of health
experts and the transparency and outcomes of certain fast-track
authorisation procedures for vaccines), the rapporteur generally
welcomes the realistic approach taken on the pandemic by European institutions
involved in public health matters who downgraded their alert systems
at the beginning of 2010, as well as the critical review processes
recently launched. He hopes that the European Commission will furthermore
follow and contribute to the activities and debates on good governance
in the public health sector of the Council of Europe level, including
at the level of the Assembly.
4. Conclusions – Recommendations
62. In concluding the present report, the rapporteur
remains greatly concerned with the way in which the 2009/2010 H1N1
influenza pandemic was handled and in particular with the lack of
transparency of some of the decisions taken. He considers that the
debates and discussions held in the past months, including those
in the framework of the Assembly, have already helped public health
authorities analyse some of the issues being faced and given them
encouragement to carry out their own review processes.
63. For the rapporteur, the main concerns regarding the current
H1N1 influenza include the proportionality of the response given
to the public health threat of H1N1, the transparency of relevant
decision-making processes, including the possibility of undue influence
by the pharmaceutical industry and the way in which the pandemic,
and the use of the precautionary principle, were communicated to
member states’ governments and to the European public at large,
also by the media.
64. The rapporteur considers that some of the outcomes of the
pandemic, as illustrated in this report, have been dramatic: distortion
of priorities of public health services all over Europe, waste of
huge sums of public money, provocation of unjustified fear amongst
Europeans, creation of health risks through vaccines and medications
which might not have been sufficiently tested before being authorised
in fast-track procedures are all examples of these outcomes. From
the rapporteur’s perspective, these results need to be critically
examined by public health authorities at all levels with a view
to rebuilding public confidence in their decisions. Public health
authorities need to be better prepared for the next infectious disease
of pandemic scope, which might be of greater severity.
65. Serious doubts unfortunately remain concerning the transparency
of decision-making processes relating to the H1N1 pandemic. After
having analysed relevant processes, the rapporteur is alarmed by
the inappropriate timing and method of changing essential definitions
related to pandemics as well as the possible influence of pharmaceutical
groups on some of the central decisions taken. The rapporteur continues
to be very concerned by the lack of transparency regarding the identity
of experts whose recommendations have had a major impact on public
health budgets and people’s health. He considers that the right
of 800 million Europeans in Council of Europe member states to be
fully informed should prevail over the right of a relatively small number
of experts to privacy.
66. Suspicion of undue influence and pressure put on national
authorities by the pharmaceutical industry has been reinforced by
other factors, such as the character of contractual arrangements
concluded between governments and pharmaceutical groups. Reports
from several European countries indicate that there was pressure
exerted on national governments to speed up the conclusion of major
contracts, that dubious practices were followed concerning prices
of vaccines, which were not available under normal market conditions,
and that there were attempts to transfer liability for vaccines
and medication, which might not have been tested sufficiently, to
national governments. The rapporteur considers that these incidences
were most alarming. He encourages greater co-operation between national
governments in order for them to be able to take coherent and strong
stands when negotiating with large pharmaceutical groups in the
67. Finally, the rapporteur is very concerned about the way in
which the information on the pandemic was communicated by WHO and
national authorities to the public, the role of the media in this
and the fears that this generated amongst the public. The rapporteur
recommends that a thorough review should be undertaken to ensure
that coherent and sensitive communication strategies are prepared
and followed in the future by all public health authorities whenever
the next major situation arises which poses a serious threat to
public health.
68. With regard to previous public health scares (avian flu, SARS,
etc.), the rapporteur is convinced that there is a real danger of
now having cried “wolf” so often that the public will not take appropriate
notice any more when the next infectious disease occurs. Many people
might then decide not to get vaccinated and put their own health
and lives, and indirectly those of others, at risk. Therefore, certain
immediate efforts are required with a view to rebuilding public
confidence in decisions and recommendations made by WHO and other
public authorities concerned.
69. Conclusions from the handling of the H1N1 pandemic should,
however, be drawn at different levels. With regard to immediate
action to be taken, the Assembly should request that WHO and European
institutions concerned share some essential information, notably
by publishing the names and declarations of interest of experts
present on relevant advisory bodies who have had a direct influence
on public health recommendations taken.
70. In order to provide substantial input to ongoing review processes,
the Assembly should address all major stakeholders concerned, including
WHO, European Union bodies dealing with health matters, and also national
governments or parliaments. The Assembly should invite them to review
their governance structures in the public health sector, agree on
common definitions related to public health (such as pandemics),
to revise existing guidelines for working with the private sector
or prepare such guidelines where they do not exist and, finally,
to entirely revise their communication strategies relating to sensitive
public health issues. The Assembly should further ask for maximum
transparency in all work undertaken.
71. Member states should be explicitly invited to follow-up on
the conclusions of internal review processes undertaken within international
and European institutions in order to make sure that they take into
account all relevant recommendations including those of the Assembly.
They should furthermore be invited to start relevant review processes
at national level where they have not done so, and national parliaments
should be involved in these processes.
72. The Assembly should also call upon the pharmaceutical industry
to be aware of their corporate social responsibility with regard
to major public health matters and to act in the most transparent
manner possible. Beyond their openness to participate in the public
debates during recent months and directly respond to questions and
criticism raised, international industrial groups should be ready
to critically revise their own rules and functioning regarding co-operation
with the public sector and their role in public health emergencies.
Just as the World Health Assembly did in 1993 by calling for the
introduction of public-private partnerships into WHO mechanisms,
the rapporteur fully recognises the fact that the highly specialised
knowledge in industrial companies makes them an indispensable partner
for public health authorities. This should, however, not empower
them to put public health authorities under pressure and commercialise
their products with a view to making excessive profits in emergency
73. There are many organisations and institutions at international,
European and national level which have been concerned by pandemic
preparedness planning and the implementation of subsequent vaccination strategies
during the H1N1 pandemic. At the level of the Council of Europe,
good governance in the public health sector is addressed at a general
level through intergovernmental co-operation activities related
to the development of an ethical European health policy. In this
respect, the rapporteur welcomes the recent adoption of Recommendation
CM/Rec(2010)6 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on
good governance in health systems which could become a valuable
contribution to the creation of truly transparent public health systems
in Europe.
74. The specific contribution of the Assembly in the current situation
has been and will be to provide a European platform where issues
relating to democratic accountability and transparency of public
decision-making processes in the health sector have been and will
continue to be debated. In addition to its contribution regarding
the topical issue of the H1N1 pandemic, the Assembly should organise
more regular debates on good governance in the health sector with
major international and European stakeholders, notably WHO and European
institutions responsible for health matters.