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Amendment No. 14 | Doc. 13078 | 23 January 2013

The state of media freedom in Europe

Signatories: Ms Pelin GÜNDEŞ BAKIR, Turkey, EDG ; Mr Şaban DİŞLİ, Turkey, EPP/CD ; Ms Tülin ERKAL KARA, Turkey, EPP/CD ; Ms Nursuna MEMECAN, Turkey, ALDE ; Mr Fazil MUSTAFA, Azerbaijan, ALDE ; Mr Volodymyr PYLYPENKO, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Mr Rovshan RZAYEV, Azerbaijan, EPP/CD ; Mr Ahmet Kutalmiş TÜRKEŞ, Turkey, EDG

Origin - 2013 - First part-session

In the draft resolution, paragraph 16, delete the word "Turkey".

Explanatory note

The election observation report concerning Turkey did not find a biased media environment. What the rapporteur claims in this paragraph is not factually correct. On the contrary, the election observation report that the Rapporteur is referring to says "The ad-hoc committee concluded that the 12 June 2011 parliamentary elections in Turkey were well-managed, democratic and they demonstrated pluralism".