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Amendment No. 23 | Doc. 13160 | 22 April 2013

Post-monitoring dialogue with Turkey

Signatories: Mr Ertuğrul KÜRKÇÜ, Turkey, UEL ; Mr Andrej HUNKO, Germany, UEL ; Mr Tiny KOX, Netherlands, UEL ; Mr Stefan SCHENNACH, Austria, SOC ; Mr Nikolaj VILLUMSEN, Denmark, UEL ; Ms Katrin WERNER, Germany, UEL

Origin - 2013 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, replace paragraph 4 with the following paragraph:

"The Assembly notes that Turkey has been a candidate for accession to the European Union since 1999. It welcomes the redynamisation of the discussions and believes that the opening of the chapters 23 and 24 concerning human rights and justice as a first step would help consolidate the reform process and underpin the action of the Council of Europe."