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Opinion 285 (2013) Final version
Draft Protocol No. 16 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
1. Draft Protocol No. 16 to the Convention
for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ETS
No. 5, “the Convention”), as submitted to the Parliamentary Assembly
in April 2013,
for the possibility for the highest courts of the High Contracting
Parties to obtain, from the European Court of Human Rights (“the
Court”), opinions on questions of principle relating to the interpretation
or application of rights and freedoms defined in the Convention
and its protocols.

2. This additional protocol to the Convention, which must be
ratified by 10 High Contracting Parties to the Convention before
it enters into force, is likely to:
2.1. strengthen the link between the Court and States’ highest
courts by creating a platform for judicial dialogue, thereby facilitating
the application of the Court’s case law by national courts;
2.2. help shift, from ex post to ex ante, the resolution of a number
of questions of interpretation of the Convention’s provisions in
the domestic forum, saving – in the long run – the valuable resources
of the Court; the speedier resolution of similar cases on the domestic
plane will also reinforce the principle of subsidiarity.
3. The Assembly is therefore of the view that this draft protocol,
as presently worded, should be adopted by the Committee of Ministers
and opened for signature and ratification.