1. Introduction
1.1. Procedure
1. On 22 March 2011, the Parliamentary Assembly decided
to refer the motion for a resolution “National security and access
to information” to the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights,
for report.
its meeting on 6 June 2011, the committee appointed me as rapporteur.
2. At the hearing on media freedom in Europe, organised by the
Sub-Committee on Media in Sweden on 12 September 2011, Dr Agnès
Callamard, Executive Director of the non-governmental organisation
(NGO) Article 19, addressed the parliamentarians on the issue of
national security and access to information.
3. At its meeting on 6 September 2012, the committee considered
an introductory memorandum
presenting the issues at stake
and ongoing developments in this field.
4. Following an invitation by Open Society Justice Initiative
(OSJI) and the Centre for Advanced Security Theory (CAST) at the
University of Copenhagen, I attended an expert consultation on National
Security and Right to Information in Copenhagen from 20 to 22 September
2012. This meeting discussed law and practices of European countries
concerning the balancing of the public’s right to know with the
need for secrecy, on occasion, to protect legitimate national security
interests and to contribute to the drafting of the “Global Principles
on National Security and the Right to Information”
(hereinafter “the Global Principles”)
which were finalised on 12 June 2013. In Copenhagen, I presented
the Council of Europe’s
acquis in
this field, including the Assembly’s earlier resolutions based on
Mr Dick Marty’s reports on rendition and secret detention.
5. At its meeting on 11 December 2012, the committee held an
exchange of views with three experts:
- Ms Sandra Coliver, Senior Legal Officer, Freedom of Information
and Expression, at the Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI), co-ordinating
the project on “Global Principles on National Security and the Right
to Information”, New York, United States;
- Ms Susana Sanchez Ferro, Professor at the University of
Madrid, Spain;
- Lord Alexander Carlile of Berriew CBE QC, former Independent
Reviewer, London, United Kingdom.
Mr Matthew Pollard,
Senior Legal Adviser, Amnesty International (London), also contributed
to the discussion at the committee meeting.
1.2. Overview of the
main issues at stake
6. Especially since the “war on terrorism” was launched
in 2001, national security has frequently been invoked to limit
freedoms and to cover up misconduct of public officials. Minimal
access to secret information by parliament, the judiciary, but also
the public, creates an imbalance of power in favour of the executive.
This problem is rooted in the broader issue of lack of access to
information held by the State, which is heightened by a “systematic
and arbitrary invocation of the State secrecy privilege”.
7. Access to information is of fundamental importance in a democratic
society. It is instrumental for the enjoyment of other human rights;
it safeguards against abuses of power by enhancing transparency
and accountability of government and it enables effective public
participation of an informed society.
8. The protection of the security of a nation and of its citizens
is, of course, also an important public good. In order to protect
the nation and conduct military and intelligence operations effectively,
it is often necessary to keep some information from the general
public. The inherent tension between withholding and allowing access
to information is heightened by the lack of a clear legal framework
and international standards, or of their effective implementation.
Overly broad and vague national security exceptions from access
to information allow for the cover-up of illegitimate activities
and curtail victims’ access to justice.
9. Parliamentary and judicial oversight mechanisms are often
not well equipped to properly balance these conflicting interests.
This is either because they themselves do not have access to secret
or classified information or, as far as parliamentary bodies are
concerned, because parliamentary majorities supporting the government
in place are usually reflected in the oversight bodies. Most human
rights abuses in the context of the “war on terror” were in fact
brought to light through whistle-blowers and investigative work
by journalists and NGOs rather than through parliamentary or judicial
oversight mechanisms.
10. Whistle-blowers have thus gained importance in uncovering
information of interest to the public, especially on human rights
abuses committed under the guise of national security and State
secrets. Unfortunately, some such whistle-blowers are now in custody
facing charges of espionage.
For more details on this important
subject, reference should be made to the valuable work of our Assembly
colleague, Mr Pieter Omtzigt.
The above-mentioned
“Global Principles” also include some important guidelines on the
protection of whistle-blowers.
11. Lack of information on important issues of public interest
prevents effective scrutiny and fosters a culture of secrecy and
impunity which, in turn, threatens the democratic values upon which
our societies rest. We should therefore strive to create an enabling
environment for the executive branch to respect, protect and ensure
openness, thus avoiding the creation of a breeding ground for human
rights abuses under the cloak of national security.
2. International
human rights law governing access to information
12. An individual human right of access to information
has been recognised at international level in various resolutions,
although it is
typically regarded as an aspect of the right to freedom of expression.
The respective provisions
on freedom of expression under the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (hereinafter “UDHR”) and the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights (hereinafter “ICCPR”) both guarantee an individual
right to seek and receive information, which makes up the right
of access to information.
General Comment
No. 34 affirms that Article 19 of the ICCPR “embraces a right of
access to information held by public bodies”.
The European Convention on Human
Rights (ETS No. 5, “the Convention”) provides for the right to receive
information under the guarantee of freedom of expression,
it is difficult to derive from the Convention a general right of
access to information held by the State. The Organisation of American
States and the African Union have recently adopted model laws on
access to information to assist in the adoption of national legislation.
2.1. Developments at
national level
13. The past few decades have seen the rapid development
of freedom of information laws at national and regional level, providing
for a subjective right of access to State-held information and official
to Open Society Justice Initiative, as of early June 2013, a total
of 94 countries in the world have enacted some form of access to
information provision or law
and another 20 States are in the
process of drafting such laws.
Since the early 1990s, new or revised
national constitutions have also included a right to information.
At the time of the drafting
of this report, more than 5.2 billion people in 95 countries around
the world enjoyed the right of access to information at least in
Of the 47 Council of Europe member
States, only six, namely Andorra, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Monaco, San
Marino and Spain, do not yet have laws on access to information.
14. However, the quality of the national laws and their implementation
vary widely,
which calls for the clarification
of international standards, in particular as regards the exceptions
from the rule of access to information in the name of national security.
2.2. Developments at
the European level
2.2.1. The Council of
Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents
16. The most important achievement of the Convention is the recognition
of the principle that access to official documents is the rule,
and its refusal the exception.
The Convention
gives “everyone” the right of access to official documents, irrespective
of their motives or intentions. It also includes the first widely
agreed definition of the notion of “official documents”, which means
“all information recorded in any form, drawn up or received and
held by public authorities”
thus including also information that was not produced by the public authority
holding it, and whatever its form or format (written texts, audio
or video recording, photographs, emails, information stored in electronic
17. A weakness, from the point of view of this report, is the
long list of possible limitations to the right of access in Article
3, including the protection of national security, defence and international
relations, public safety, inspection, control and supervision by
public authorities, even commercial and other economic interests,
and the protection of the environment. I find it difficult to imagine
how the protection of the environment could benefit from keeping
information out of the public domain – the opposite would normally
be the case. These exceptions are not defined in the Convention.
But the sentence introducing the list of Article 3 requires that
limitations “shall be set down precisely in law, be necessary in
a democratic society and be proportionate to the aim”.
18. This Convention has been criticised by several civil society
by some European States and
by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe for its narrow
scope. Assembly
270 (2008) addressed to the Committee of Ministers,
by Mr Klaas de Vries on behalf of our committee, took the unusual
step of recommending that the Committee of Ministers ask the Steering
Committee on Human Rights (CDDH) to reopen negotiations in order
- broaden the definition
of “public authorities” to include a wider range of activities of
public authorities and hence widen the scope of information made
- include a time limit on the handling of requests;
- clarify and strengthen the review process in case of the
rejection of an information request.
19. The Committee of Ministers did not follow the Assembly’s recommendation
and the text was opened for signature as submitted to the Assembly.
Nevertheless, the convention’s very existence, even as a mere expression
of the lowest common denominator, constitutes real progress for
the right of access to information in international law. The declared
objective of the convention is to lay down common minimum standards, which
should be acceptable for as many States as possible, whilst all
are encouraged to progress further towards the level of openness
achieved by the most advanced States. It is noteworthy in this context
that several so-called “new democracies”, which had lived through
decades of closed, oppressive regimes, are now in the vanguard of
countries which have the most liberal laws on access to official
documents, whilst some “established democracies” are lagging behind.
20. In order for the Convention to enter into effect, ten ratifications
are required. So far, six countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary,
Lithuania, Montenegro, Norway and Sweden) have ratified and another
eight (Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Monaco, Slovakia and
Slovenia) have signed the convention but not yet ratified it. Four
years after the opening for signature, this is a disappointing turnout,
given that the text voluntarily refrained from being overly ambitious.
21. In my view, the Assembly should call on all member States
which have not yet done so to sign and ratify the Convention on
Access to Official Documents, in order to demonstrate their commitment
in principle to transparency and good governance. Once the instrument
enters into force, its follow-up body – the Group of Specialists
on Access to Official Documents
start to function and will be able to address outstanding issues
on a case-by-case basis. This important work will be launched by
the specialists appointed on proposal of those countries which have
shown the keenest interest in transparency, by their early ratification
of the instrument. The Group of Specialists can therefore be expected
to set a progressive course, including on issues on which the Assembly,
in its above-mentioned opinion, found the text of the convention
too restrictive. The convention also foresees a mechanism for making
proposals for amendments to the convention,
which will
allow for improvements in light of the practical experience of the
Group of Specialists.
22. On balance, therefore, I believe that the most realistic way
for the Assembly to contribute to any real progress on this subject
is to vigorously promote the ratification of the Council of Europe
convention, so that it can begin to function. As national parliamentarians,
we can put pressure on our governments as regards the signature
and ratification of this instrument and hold them to account for
the way they fill it with life. In my view, we should do this, rather
than calling on the Committee of Ministers to start negotiating
improvements to the convention before it has even entered into force.
2.2.2. Developments in
the European Union
23. At the level of the European Union, Article 42 of
the Charter of Fundamental Rights guarantees citizens “a right of
access to documents of the Union institutions, bodies, offices and
agencies, whatever their medium”.
A similar right had already been
recognised in Article 255 of the Treaty establishing the European Union
(TEU), which was implemented by Regulation (EC) No. 1049/2001.
Since 2008, the European Commission
and a group of member States have been trying to reduce the scope
of the Regulation,
whilst the European Parliament
and another group of member States,
supported by relevant NGOs, are resisting the proposed restrictions
and are even lobbying in favour of further extending access to information
to documents held by the European Union.
The Danish European Union Presidency
attempted to broker a compromise solution on a limited package of
The Cypriot European Union Presidency
pledged in July 2012 to take on the challenge of brokering a compromise
solution on a limited package of reforms,
but a solution has
still not been found at the end of the Irish Presidency in June
24. Access Info Europe made an interesting request in December
2008 for a document relating to the (still) ongoing reform of the
European Union's transparency rules. The Council of the European
Union provided Access Info Europe with the document containing member
State proposals for reform, but with the names of the countries
deleted, so it was impossible to know which country was putting
forward which proposal. Access Info Europe challenged the Council's
decision and on 22 March 2011 the (European Union) General Court ruled
in favour of transparency. The Council, joined by the Czech Republic,
France, Greece, Spain and the United Kingdom appealed this decision,
whilst the European Parliament joined Access Info Europe in calling for
a fully open legislative procedure. The Spanish Advocate General,
Cruz Villalón, recently noted in his Opinion to the Court of Justice
of the European Union, in Luxembourg, that the Council's legislative
procedure should be as transparent as similar procedures at the
national level, stating that “‘legislating’ is, by definition, a
law-making activity that in a democratic society can only occur
through the use of a procedure that is public in nature”.
As a member of a legislative body,
I must agree with him.
25. Another highly topical example for the need for greater transparency
of the European institutions has arisen recently. Two requests by
a Bloomberg News journalist for disclosure by the European Central
Bank (ECB) of two internal papers
refused by its President, Mr Mario Draghi. In short, these documents
relate to allegations that, in the early 2000s, Greece arranged
to disguise its debt levels through the use of cross-currency swaps
with the United States investment bank Goldman Sachs. Purportedly
this was to comply with criteria relating to public debt levels
on which Greece’s membership of the Eurozone depended.
When Bloomberg
sued the ECB for access to these documents, the ECB successfully
argued before the (European Union) General Court that these documents
should not be disclosed on the ground that “disclosure of those documents
would have undermined the protection of the public interest so far
as concerns the economic policy of the European Union and Greece”.
26. It would appear that the ECB feared that disclosure would
undermine public confidence in Greece’s ability to meet its debt
obligations and thus threaten confidence in the single currency.
Personally, I believe that public confidence
in the economic policies of the European Union, including the action
taken by the ECB, would benefit rather than suffer from greater
transparency. Vague assumptions about the impact on financial markets
of the release of these documents are not, in my view, a legitimate
bar to disclosure. I therefore sympathise with Bloomberg’s disappointment
with the ruling, which is clearly of concern to NGOs concerned with
press freedom.
The European
institutions’ legally binding commitment to access to information
in Article 42 of the Charter seems to be in danger of being overwhelmed
by a new “culture of secrecy” in Brussels and in Frankfurt. An appeal
brought by Bloomberg to the Court of Justice of the European Union
is still pending.
27. It should be noted that Mr Draghi, the current ECB president,
was a Vice-Chairman of Goldman Sachs when the above-mentioned swaps
were alleged to have been carried out. While Mr Draghi has denied
any involvement,
mere appearance of or potential for a conflict of interest should
weigh heavily on the side of disclosure of documents potentially
capable of settling the issue once and for all.
28. While the refusal to disclose these documents was not based
on the national security exemption, it is recalled that all other
public-interest grounds for restricting access should also meet
the standards of the Global Principles.
The case demonstrates the
need for reform of Regulation 1049/2001 in light of modern standards in
order to prevent a culture of secrecy developing at the European
29. In my own view, it is very important that the European institutions
set the best possible example for transparency and access to information.
Public trust in politicians generally suffers from excessive secrecy. This
is even more obvious in the case of European politics, which citizens
unavoidably perceive as being more distant, more complex and more
technocratic than their own local concerns.
2.3. Case law of the
European Court of Human Rights on access to information
30. For many years, the European Court of Human Rights
(“the Court”) had not interpreted Article 10 of the European Convention
on Human Rights (freedom of expression) as conferring an individual’s
general right of access to information held by the State.
More recently,
the Court has cautiously modified its approach, on a case-by-case
basis. In 2006, the Court examined a case where an environmental
NGO had been refused access to documents regarding a nuclear power
station. The Court held that the State’s refusal to provide the information
interfered with a right of the applicant to receive information
derived from Article 10.
This approach
was reconfirmed in two 2009 cases against Hungary. The Court found
that the refusal of information requests – in the first case by
the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union for documents relating to proceedings
before the Constitutional Court and in the second by a historian
for historical records held by the Hungarian State Security Service
– violated Article 10.
In the first case, the Court still
referred to its earlier, more restricted case law summed up in its
judgment in the
Leander case,
but then went on to hold:
“Nevertheless, the Court has recently
advanced towards a broader interpretation of the notion of “freedom
to receive information” (see Sdružení Jihočeské Matky c. la République
tchèque (dec.), no. 19101/03, 10 July 2006) and thereby towards
the recognition of a right of access to information.”
31. The Court confirmed this advance in a 2012 Grand Chamber judgment
against Sweden, where it found that a University administrator’s
refusal to give the applicants – independent researchers – access
to medical research data collected by the University “impinged on
the [requesters’] right … to receive information in the form of
access to the public documents concerned”.
32. It should further be noted that the Court has been the judicial
pioneer of the principle that once information has been made public,
restrictions on its further publication can no longer be justified,
even on grounds of national security: in 1991, the Court ruled that
the permanent injunction on a biography of a former member of the
United Kingdom’s security services could not be maintained as it
had already been published in the United States, reasoning that
prior dissemination meant that further publication could no longer
adduce an identifiable harm.
This principle has been consolidated
in the Internet age where information becomes public rapidly and
irreversibly. It is also reflected in the Global Principles.
33. In its Grand Chamber judgment in the case of
El-Masri v. the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, concerning
a German victim of the CIA’s renditions and secret detentions programme,
the Court made great strides
towards a recognition of a “right to the truth” of victims of human
rights violations.
to the Assembly’s report, the Court also strongly criticised the
secrecy in which the authorities shrouded the violations committed
against Mr El-Masri:
“The concept
of ‘State secrets’ has often been invoked to obstruct the search
for the truth (see paragraphs 46 and 103 above). State secret privilege
was also asserted by the US government in the applicant’s case before
the US courts (see paragraph 63 above). The Marty inquiry found,
moreover, that ‘the same approach led the authorities of ‘the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’ to hide the truth’ (see paragraph
46 above).”
34. In my view, the Court deserves praise and encouragement for
continuing along the path of a case-by-case development of a human
right to information. Such a right is an important precondition
for the effective enjoyment of many other rights which are expressly
recognised in the Convention, such as the right to life and freedom
from torture (Articles 2 and 3), liberty and security (Article 5),
respect for private life (Article 8), free speech (Article 10),
even to free elections (Article 3, First Protocol).
3. Limitations on
the right of access to information
35. As an aspect of the right of freedom of expression,
the right of access to information is not absolute under the European
Convention on Human Rights and may be subject to the limitations
set forth in Article 10.2. These limitations include the protection
of legitimate national security concerns, as it is stressed in the
title of this report. But any limitation must be provided by law,
pursue a legitimate purpose and be necessary in a democratic society.
As exceptions from the rule, limitations
should be interpreted restrictively.
36. Given that national security is one of the weightiest public
grounds for restricting information, when public authorities assert
other grounds for restricting access in the public interest – including
international relations, public order, public health and safety,
law enforcement and economic interests of the State –, they should
meet the same standards for imposing restrictions on access to information
as those applying to national security considerations.
37. In order to minimise ambiguity and disparities in the application
of exceptions to the rule of free access to information held by
public bodies, I see it as a core aspect of my mandate as rapporteur
to contribute to the formulation and dissemination of some guiding
principles in this respect. The project to formulate the afore-mentioned
Global Principles has proved most helpful. As the Assembly’s rapporteur,
I have taken an active part in the formulation of these Principles,
during the European consultation conference in Copenhagen in September
2012. I am pleased to note that my main points, and those of other
European stakeholders, have been taken into account also in the
formulation of the final wording of the Global Principles prepared
in Pretoria (Tshwane) in April 2013.
3.1. The starting point:
a presumption that all State-held information should be accessible
38. In view of the principles of democracy and rule of
law, the presumption should be that all State-held information is
public and accessible.
39. The Global Principles recall that in addition to the State
and other public authorities, business enterprises within the national
security sector, including private military and security companies,
have the responsibility to disclose information in respect of situations,
activities or conduct that may reasonably be expected to have an impact
on the enjoyment of human rights.
40. Authorities wishing to restrict access must provide a justification
in conformity with Article 10.2 of the European Convention on Human
Rights. The Global Principles confirm that in all cases the “burden
of proof” for demonstrating the legitimacy of any restriction on
access to information shall rest with the public authority seeking
to withhold information.
41. In addition to this general presumption, certain categories
of information carry an even stronger presumption in favour of disclosure.
These categories of information, which can be withheld on national security
grounds only in the most exceptional circumstances, include the
- violations of international
human rights and humanitarian law; as regards gross violations of
human rights or serious violations of international humanitarian
law and systematic or widespread violations of the rights to personal
liberty and security, such information may not be withheld on national
security grounds in any circumstances;
- safeguards for the right to liberty and security of person,
prevention of torture and inhuman and degrading treatment (prohibited
by Article 3 of the Convention) and the right to life (enshrined
in Article 2), in particular laws and regulations addressing the
grounds, procedures for detention and the treatment of detainees,
including interrogation methods;
- structures and powers of government, including laws and
regulations applicable to those authorities and their oversight
bodies and internal accountability mechanisms;
- decisions to use military force or acquire weapons of
mass destruction, including information on the general size and
scope of the intervention and the explanation of the reasons;
- information on surveillance: the legal framework on procedures
to be followed for authorisation, usage, sharing, storing and destroying
intercepted material;
- budgetary and financial information, including budget
information sufficient to enable the public to understand security
sector finances and procurement rules;
- accountability concerning constitutional and statutory
violations and other abuses of power;
- public health, public safety and the environment, including
(as spelt out in Global Principle 10.H):
“1. In the event of any imminent or actual threat to public
health, public safety, or the environment, all information that
could enable the public to understand or take measures to prevent
or mitigate harm arising from that threat, whether the threat is
due to natural causes or caused by human activities, including by
actions of the state or by actions of private companies;
2. Other information, updated regularly, on natural resource
exploitation, pollution and emission inventories, environmental
impacts of proposed or existing large public works or resource extractions,
and risk assessment and management plans for especially hazardous
42. Even information deemed to be legitimately secret should only
be withheld as long as it is “necessary in a democratic society”,
as it is formulated in Article 10.2. As information may lose its
value, but also its “dangerousness” in case of publication due to
the passage of time, appropriate consideration shall be given to the
time factor and unnecessary or/and excessively long periods of classification
must be avoided.
43. The notion of “public” or “State-held” information should
be broadly defined to include information held by all public bodies
in all branches of government, including the executive, legislative
or judiciary as well as oversight institutions, intelligence agencies,
the armed forces, police and other security agencies and any other bodies
performing public functions and using taxpayers’ money. Even if
the nature of a given agency’s work is more likely to fall within
the general zone of exceptions, it should not be completely excluded
from the obligation to disclose information from the outset.
44. Furthermore, “exceptions should apply only where there is
a risk of substantial harm to the protected interest and where that
harm is greater than the overall public interest in having access
to the information”.
This is rightly reflected
in various sets of soft law principles on access to information,
including the Global Principles.
45. Finally, the principle of disclosure of information concerning
human rights violations applies regardless of whether the violations
were committed by the State that holds the information or another
This means that
member States of the Council of Europe should disclose information
they hold about human rights violations committed by other countries,
for example in the fight against terrorism.
3.2. The public interest
46. The so-called “public interest override”
affirms a right of access to information
which is normally covered by a legitimate exception in cases in
which the public interest in the information in question outweighs the
authorities’ interest in keeping it secret. This “override” is an
important safeguard, because it is not feasible to formulate exceptions
in a sufficiently narrow way whilst covering any and all legitimately
secret information.
The definition of
“public interest” should be kept sufficiently open in order to allow
for flexible interpretation.
An overriding
public interest can typically be found where the information in
question would:
- make an important
contribution to an ongoing public debate;
- promote public participation in political debate;
- expose serious wrongdoings, in particular human rights
violations by public officials;
- improve accountability for the running of public affairs
in general and the use of public funds in particular;
- benefit public health or safety.
3.3. An independent
body to decide on freedom of information requests
47. The (unavoidably, despite our efforts) somewhat indeterminate
character of the notion of public interest gives public authorities
deciding on disclosure a wide margin of appreciation, in practice.
For this reason, as well as to avoid a general chilling effect on
disclosure, persons within public authorities who are responsible
for responding to requests for information “should not be sanctioned
for releasing information that they reasonably and in good faith
believed could be disclosed pursuant to law”.
48. Refusals of requests for access to information must be reasoned
and provide for the requester’s right to a low-cost, expeditious
review by an authority, which is institutionally, financially and
operationally independent of the executive and all security sector
The refusing
body should, in the event of non-disclosure, confirm or deny whether
it does hold the information requested and give written reasons
for denying disclosure.
information as to which official(s) authorised non-disclosure and
on the means of appealing should be provided.
49. The independent reviewing authority “should have the competence
and resources necessary to ensure an effective review, including
full access to all relevant information, even if classified”.
Its decisions
should in principle also be open to challenge before a judicial
3.4. National security
as an exception to access to information
3.4.1. Balancing the interests
at stake
50. The protection of national security is central to
the survival of every State and to the safety of the population
at large. It goes without saying that many aspects of the work of
the bodies responsible for the security of the State must remain
removed from the public domain in order for such work to be successful. Information
concerning working methods (tactics), identities of collaborators
and informers etc. must remain secret. It is difficult to argue
that there is a legitimate public interest to override such concrete
security considerations.
51. But in many countries, a “culture of secrecy” has developed
over time, shrouding in secrecy every aspect of the structures and
activities of security-related agencies. This has effectively turned
certain special services into a “State within a State”, which is
removed from any form of accountability. Such secrecy has been abused to
cover up serious human rights abuses, placing the rule of law in
52. The introduction of the Global Principles provides a good
summary of the interests at stake:
clear-eyed review of recent history suggests that legitimate national
security interests are, in practice, best protected when the public
is well informed about the State’s activities, including those undertaken to
protect national security.”
“Striking the right balance is made all the more challenging
by the fact that courts in many countries demonstrate the least
independence and greatest deference to the claims of government
when national security is invoked. This deference is reinforced
by provisions in the security laws of many countries that trigger
exceptions to the right to information as well as to ordinary rules
of evidence and rights of the accused upon a minimal showing or
even the mere assertion by the government of a national security risk.
A government's over-invocation of national security concerns can
seriously undermine the main institutional safeguards against government
abuse: independence of the courts, the rule of law, legislative
oversight, media freedom, and open government.”
53. As I see it, these “institutional safeguards” are indeed part
of “national security”, understood in terms of the security of our
democratic States as such.
3.4.2. The notion of national
54. In view of the above, a restriction based on a national
security interest should only be found legitimate in limited circumstances.
The 1995 Johannesburg Principles on National Security, Freedom of
Expression and Access to Information
very strict, considering that a threat to national security corresponds
to a threat to the country’s existence and it is “necessary to protect
the country’s political independence or territorial integrity from
the use, or threatened use, of force”.
55. The Global Principles have refrained from attempting to provide
a positive definition of “national security”. Such a definition,
if intended to be universal, would indeed be as difficult as trying
to define the notion of “terrorism”, which the United Nations has
been grappling with for decades.
56. Instead, Principle 2 includes a procedural recommendation,
namely that “national security” should be defined precisely in national
law, in a manner consistent with the needs of a democratic society.
In the same procedural vein,
Principle 3, borrowing from the language of the European Convention
on Human Rights and the case law of the Strasbourg Court, specifies:
“No restriction on the right to
information on national security grounds may be imposed unless the government
can demonstrate that: (1) the restriction (a) is prescribed by law
and (b) is necessary in a democratic society (c) to protect a legitimate
national security interest, and (2) the law provides for adequate
safeguards against abuse, including prompt full, accessible and
effective scrutiny of the validity of the restriction by an independent
oversight authority and full review by the courts.”
57. These criteria are spelt out clearly and, for me, convincingly:
Prescribed by law. The law must be accessible, unambiguous,
drawn narrowly and with precision so as to enable individuals to
understand what information may be withheld, what should be disclosed,
and what actions concerning the information are subject to sanction.
b. Necessary in a democratic society.
i. Disclosure of the information must pose a real and identifiable
risk of significant harm to a legitimate national security interest.
ii. The risk of harm from disclosure must outweigh the overall
public interest in disclosure.
iii. The restriction must comply with the principle of proportionality
and must be the least restrictive means available to protect against
the harm.
iv. The restriction must not impair the very essence of the
right to information.
c. Protection of a legitimate
national security interest. The narrow categories of
information that may be withheld on national security grounds should
be set forth clearly in law.”
58. As regards substance, the Global Principles begin with a “negative”
“A national security
interest is not legitimate if its genuine purpose or primary impact
is to protect an interest unrelated to national security, such as
protection of government or officials from embarrassment or exposure
of wrongdoing; concealment of information about human rights violations,
any other violation of law, or the functioning of public institutions;
strengthening or perpetuating a particular political interest, party
or ideology; or suppression of lawful protests.”
59. I am pleased to note that the Global Principles reflect the
Parliamentary Assembly’s position that information related to human
rights violations is not a legitimate State secret,
which I defended at
the Copenhagen consultation in September 2012.
60. The Global Principles give examples of when access to information
may be curtailed, but to which the general public interest override
and other protections of access may still apply:
- ongoing
defence plans, operations, and capabilities for the length of time
that the information is of operational utility (the Principles state
that this means a requirement for disclosure of information once the
information no longer reveals anything that could be used by enemies
to understand the State’s readiness, capacity or plans);
- information about the production, capabilities or use
of weapons systems and other military systems, including communications
- information about specific measures to safeguard the territory
of the State, critical infrastructure, or critical national institutions
(institutions essentielles)
against threats or use of force or sabotage, the effectiveness of
which depend on secrecy;
- information concerning national security matters pertaining
to, or derived from, the operations, sources and methods of intelligence
- information concerning national security matters that
was supplied by a foreign State or inter-governmental body with
an express expectation of confidentiality and other diplomatic communications insofar
as they concern national security matters.
61. Personally, I had suggested some modifications at the drafting
stage, proposing to include also information concerning the prevention
of terrorist acts and similar crimes and information pertaining
to the fight against terrorism within the category of information
to which access can be curtailed. This has now been taken care of
in an explanatory note to Principle 9, which points out that:
“To the extent that particular
information concerning terrorism, and counter-terrorism measures,
is covered by one of the above categories, the public’s right of
access to such information may be subject to restrictions on national
security grounds in accordance with this and other provisions of
the Principles.”
62. Regarding diplomatic communications, I had pleaded for limiting
the secrecy protection to those diplomatic communications which
directly concern national security matters. This is now reflected
in Global Principle 9. Many “confidential” embassy reports are in
fact little more than compilations of press clippings – I do not
see how their publication could cause any harm. Even the publication,
through “Wikileaks”, of numerous US embassy cables does not seem
to have caused any serious diplomatic repercussions or lasting damage
– on the contrary: many of the cables that the US Government seems
to be most embarrassed about actually show that US diplomats in
the field are nobody’s fool and report home in a refreshingly realistic
and candid way. One lesson learnt from this massive leak is in fact
that the publication even of relatively sensitive information is
nowhere near as damaging as had previously been assumed. I therefore
consider the extreme severity with which the US authorities are
treating Mr Bradley Manning, the young soldier who seems to be the
“source” of these leaks, as most inappropriate.
63. A final ground for departing from the access to information
may be a “state of emergency”, which has been proclaimed in accordance
with national and international law, and which threatens the existence
of a State.
This ground should be
used with the same circumspection as the recourse to the “state
of emergency” in general. Any derogation from the right to information
must be consistent with other obligations under international law.
The notes to Principle 8 rightly point out that certain aspects
of the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas are
closely related to the enjoyment of certain non-derogable rights
(such as the right to life or the prohibition of torture) and must
therefore be respected also in times of emergency.
3.5. Methods of classification
of information
64. While information may be classified following narrow
and legal criteria, States use different methods of classification,
including the systematic or automatic classification of all documents
following pre-established criteria and a case-by-case approach.
From a freedom of information perspective
the legal criteria for classification should be sufficiently clear
and narrowly framed and the method should provide for appropriate procedural
safeguards. For example, the law should specify which individuals
are authorised to classify information and that they should be traceable
or identifiable from the classified document to facilitate accountability.
65. When a document is classified, it should be marked as such;
there should be a record providing a justification referring to
the level and the duration of the classification and specifying
the harm that could result from disclosure.
should be a possibility for public personnel to internally challenge
classification if they feel it is improper or no longer justified.
classified status as such should not exempt information from being
considered for disclosure following a request.
66. There must be time limits placed on classification, which
accord with the principle that information should only be withheld
as long as it is “necessary in a democratic society”, as it is formulated
in Article 10.2 of the Convention. To guarantee the fulfilment of
this principle, periodic review of the classification of information should
take place at least every five years, with the absolute rule that
no information should be classified indefinitely. At the point of
classification, the relevant personnel should specify the date,
conditions or event upon which classification lapses to make the
review process efficient and effective.
67. The Council of Europe’s declassification policy, adopted by
the Committee of Ministers in 2001,
sets a positive example in this
respect: whilst a large number of documents are public from the
start, those classified as “restricted” automatically become public
after one year, and the small number of “confidential” or “secret” documents
after ten and thirty years respectively, unless a specific decision
is taken to make an exception from this rule. The Parliamentary
Assembly, and in particular the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human
Rights, has a fairly liberal policy too. Whilst most documents are
initially classified as “restricted”, draft reports enter the public
domain as soon as they are adopted at committee level, and the committee
freely “declassifies” other documents whenever the rapporteur so
68. The general public should have access to the procedures and
standards of the country’s classification system,
as well as to an index of classified
69. Under Article 7 of the European Convention on Human Rights
(no punishment without law), it would appear to be obvious that
any criminal sanctions for the violation of State secrets require
that the lists of items protected as State secrets referred to in
general provisions of criminal law penalising breaches of State
secrecy must themselves be available to the public, and that the
use of information which is already in the public domain cannot
be penalised as a breach of State secrecy. The report by our former
colleague Christos Pourgourides on “Fair trial issues in criminal
cases concerning espionage or divulging State secrets”
that this does not go without saying everywhere: in the Russian
Federation, several scientists were sentenced to long prison terms
for having “disclosed” information that was undisputedly already
in the public domain before the scientists in question used it in
the framework of their academic research and publication activities.
70. Similarly, the United States’ Government relied on the State
secrecy privilege in order to prevent civil claims brought by “renditions”
victims such as Khalid el-Masri to be heard in court. Whilst the
government argued that the trial would require discussing State
secrets related to the fight against terrorism, the Assembly’s rapporteur,
Dick Marty, pointed out in an
curiae brief he submitted to the United States Supreme
Court that all the information needed to sustain the Mr el-Masri’s
case was already in the public domain – specifically, in the Assembly’s
own reports on renditions and secret detentions,
covered Mr el-Masri’s case quite extensively.
71. The above cases in Russia and in the United States would have
violated the Global Principles. As regards the cases of the Russian
academics, the Principles hold that persons who do not have access
to classified information shall not be subject to prosecution for
the violation of State secrecy laws
and that any such laws or other
legal regulations must be public.
These provisions
are mainly intended to protect journalists, but they also cover,
for example, academic or NGO researchers. At the same time, as the
Principles make it clear, this is not intended to guarantee impunity
to journalists and other researchers who commit other criminal offences
in order to obtain the secret information which they do not have
access to. We do not need to go to the extreme example of a journalist
or researcher torturing or otherwise blackmailing a “source” into giving
him or her access to secret information: a break-in committed in
order to gain access to desired information remains punishable as
72. I agree with the drafters of the Principles that “[t]hird
party disclosures operate as an important corrective for pervasive
over-classification”. My position is also in line with that of the
Special Rapporteurs of the United Nations and the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights, who in their 2010 Joint Statement on
Wikileaks stated that:
authorities and their staff bear sole responsibility for protecting
the confidentiality of legitimately classified information under
their control. Other individuals, including journalists, media workers
and civil society representatives, who receive and disseminate classified
information because they believe it is in the public interest, should
not be subject to liability unless they committed fraud or another
crime to obtain the information.”
73. In the same vein, it is only logical that persons without
access to classified information cannot be compelled to reveal the
sources of such information.
3.6. Logistical duties
of public authorities in relation to access to information
74. While one of the most significant threats to the
right of access to public information is the veil of the illegitimate
national security exemption, public authorities have important ancillary
duties, which must be fulfilled in order to guarantee the practical
effectiveness of the right to information.
75. When requests for information are made, public authorities
must devote sufficient resources and time to locate missing information,
no matter the reason for its disappearance.
procedures carried out to locate the information should be subject
to judicial review, along with the reasons for the disappearance.
If information cannot be found, police or administrative authorities
should investigate the disappearance and publish the outcome.
76. It is recommended that time limits for responding to requests
for information are set down by law and are not more than 20 or
at most 30 working days.
The law can foresee different time
limits to account for differing complexity and volumes of information.
Where information is required urgently to “safeguard the life and
liberty of a person”, expedited time limits should apply.
77. It is not a bar to access to information that part of a requested
document is legitimately withheld or classified, if parts of it
can be disclosed. On such occasions, “public authorities have an
obligation to sever and disclose the non-exempt information”.
even legitimately withheld information should be identified with
as much specificity as possible.
possible, disclosed information should be made available in the format
78. All of these duties apply to information supplied to oversight
bodies, as well as to members of the public. If they are not fulfilled,
the practical effect is the same as where an illegitimate national
security exemption is applied. Unreasonable logistical excuses are
therefore just as unacceptable as unfounded refusals to release information
on grounds of national security.
3.7. Access to information
and privacy
79. Liberal access to information held by public bodies
of the kind advocated in this report may well clash with the right
to privacy of those directly concerned by the information. The right
to privacy is also protected by the European Convention on Human
Rights (Article 8). At the same time, access to information often complements
the right to privacy in making government more accountable, including
for breaches of the same right.
An individual’s
right to access information held by public authorities on him- or
herself in effect serves to protect his or her right to privacy:
it enables the individual to control the use of personal data and
to rectify any inaccurate information. Conflicts usually arise due
to a lack of understanding of what information is actually intended
to be accessed or needs to be protected, and whenever government
officials invoke a claim to privacy in order to shield their own
improper use of public authority or other wrongdoings.
the issue is definitely of key importance in determining the scope
of the right to information, I intend to deal with it only insofar
as it is relevant to the relationship between access to information
and national security. Different aspects of access to information
and the right to privacy have been the subject of other work of
the Parliamentary Assembly.
80. International human rights law does not give priority to one
of the two rights – access to information and protection of privacy
– over the other. They must be balanced against one another on a
case-by-case basis.
Firstly, clear and
compatible definitions of protected personal information must be
laid down in legislation and applied by relevant oversight mechanisms.
Secondly, balancing tests weighing the competing interests should take
into account both private and public interests. Finally, it must
be borne in mind that a government as a collegiate body cannot invoke
a right to privacy of its own accord. Only if personal information
pertaining to the personal life of a public official is involved
may the person concerned claim a right to privacy, which must then be
weighed against the interests of those accessing and using that
information. Where personal data relate to criminal wrongdoings
or other human rights abuses, the public interest in transparency
and accountability of public bodies may well override an official’s
right to privacy. This said, the presumption of innocence (Article 6.2
of the Convention) requires that information on allegations of criminal
wrongdoings must be treated with utmost care in order to ensure
that the suspect’s right to a fair trial is not violated by the
publication of incriminating information and its discussion outside
the courtroom.
81. Also, victims of human rights violations may well have a legitimate
privacy interest in avoiding the public disclosure of their names,
in order to prevent further harm. This point is explained very pertinently
in a note to Principle 10.A.6.
“The names and other personal data
of victims, their relatives and witnesses may be withheld from disclosure
to the general public to the extent necessary to prevent further
harm to them, if the person concerned expressly and voluntarily
requests withholding, or withholding is otherwise manifestly consistent
with the person’s own wishes or the particular needs of vulnerable
groups. Concerning victims of sexual violence their express consent
should be required. Child victims (under age 18) should not be identified
to the general public. This principle should be interpreted, however,
bearing in mind the reality that various governments have, at various
times, shielded human rights violations from public view by invoking
the right to privacy, including of the very individuals whose rights
are being or have been grossly violated, without regard to the true
wishes of the affected individuals.”
4. Oversight, review
and complaints mechanisms
82. Procedures to review denials of requests for access
to information and complaints mechanisms should ensure both that
non-confidential information is accessible and that legitimately
confidential information is protected.
83. Oversight bodies, both in the judicial and parliamentary spheres,
and independent review and complaints bodies are crucial for maintaining
a system of checks and balances in the security sector. Such bodies
should be based in law and cover all aspects of the security sector.
This includes compliance with the law, including human rights law,
the effectiveness and efficiency of intelligence operations, and
administrative and financial practices.
Further, where there is sufficient
evidence to suggest that a criminal offence has been committed,
an effective investigation and, as appropriate, criminal prosecution
should be provided for. National security considerations must not
lead to
de facto impunity
for State officials involved in security-related operations.
84. The difficulty, to date, has been the lack of information
provided to these bodies
and the lack of expertise
and understanding ascribed to them.
It is therefore essential that oversight
institutions have full and unhindered access to all information
necessary for the fulfilment of their mandate.
must receive full co-operation from the respective security agencies,
be able to conduct investigations and reviews at their own initiative
and be vested with the necessary powers and human and financial
resources to perform their duties effectively.
85. Another difficulty lies in the fact that oversight institutions
are national bodies whose competences are limited to overseeing
the actions of their own countries’ security sector. At the same
time, international co-operation between security bodies is becoming
increasingly prevalent, in response to the fact that security threats
are also transcending national boundaries. Frequently, intelligence
is shared on the express condition that the recipient service must
not disclose the information provided or its source. The results
of any such co-operation are therefore, in fact, not subject to
oversight. A solution should be sought in improved international co-operation
between national oversight bodies, to match the development of co-operation
at the operational level.
In theory, this
should not be a problem among institutions from countries subjected
to the same standards for transparency and the protection of human
rights. In practice, this still requires much progress in the organisational
cultures prevailing in the security sectors in many, if not all,
member States of the Council of Europe.
86. It is noteworthy that security sector oversight bodies are
public in nature and that, consequently, they are in principle themselves
included in the ambit of the right of access to information.
87. In order to achieve the best possible results in balancing
transparency and national security interests, it has been suggested,
in a previous report of the Assembly, to structure oversight bodies
in such a way that they are made up of professional judges, who
are assisted by experts on the functioning of security services.
This body should have unrestricted access to any and all information
held by the executive in order to be able to decide which information
should remain confidential and which should be published. The procedure
before this body should itself be confidential, but adversarial,
in order to allow balanced and fully informed decisions to be taken.
5. Protection of whistle-blowers
88. In order for the public as a whole to benefit from
whistle-blowing as a “tool to increase accountability and strengthen
the fight against corruption and mismanagement,” as the Assembly
formulated it in its
1916 (2010) on the protection of “whistle-blowers”, public personnel
should be protected from retaliation when they disclose information
showing wrongdoing, regardless of its level of classification and the
potential impact on national security.
Specifically, they should be protected
from civil or criminal liability, the loss of their job and/or physical
and emotional harm.
Furthermore, they should not be
required to produce documentary evidence for their claims to be
investigated or to avoid retaliation, nor should they bear the burden
of proof in relation to the veracity of the disclosure, provided
they acted in good faith.
89. The Global Principles provide a comprehensive list of categories
of information which whistle-blowers should be able to disclose
without suffering retaliation, including information on:
- criminal offences;
- human rights violations;
- international humanitarian law violations;
- corruption;
- dangers to public health and safety;
- dangers to the environment;
- abuse of public office;
- miscarriages of justice;
- mismanagement or waste of resources;
- retaliation for disclosure of any of the above-listed
categories of wrongdoing;
- deliberate concealment of any matter falling into one
of the above categories.
91. The current harsh criminal prosecution against the “Wikileaks”
source, Bradley Manning, seems to be a clear violation of the above-mentioned
principles. The publication of the video recording of the manhunt
by a US helicopter crew in Baghdad targeting civilians, including
journalists, whilst making cynical comments clearly concerns criminal
offences, human rights violations and violations of international
humanitarian law committed by the helicopter crew. Helping to make
this public in order to generate a public debate and contribute
to accountability for such actions should be commended, not punished.
Any criminal sanctions for these alleged leaks should be proportionate
with the actual harm done and should take into account the idealistic
motivation of Mr Manning, who was barely over twenty years old at
the time of the alleged deeds.
92. To maximise the benefits provided by whistle-blowers to the
general public, whistle-blower protection laws should establish
internal procedures and designate persons within public authorities
who are mandated to receive protected disclosures.
addition, if internal mechanisms either do not exist or are dysfunctional, whistle-blowers
should be able to make protected disclosures to independent oversight
bodies, which protect the identity of whistle-blowers to safeguard
them against even the most subtle forms of retaliation.
Public disclosures,
with all the potential risks attached to them, should take place
only as a last resort.
93. To ensure the universal protection of public personnel, such
employees should not be able to waive or contract out of whistle-blower
protection. Any such agreement or contract should be considered
ab initio.
should be able to report retaliation or the threat thereof to independent
oversight bodies which have the function of taking remedial or restorative
94. These requirements safeguard the protection of whistle-blowers
and the wider aims of preventing abuses of power and facilitating
accountability of governments, including the security sector. They
should be enshrined in guidelines applicable to all public authorities
for the purpose of increasing legal certainty and to reassure prospective
6. Conclusions
95. The increased scope of special operations undertaken
and relevant provisions enacted for reasons of national security,
especially since 9/11, have had a negative impact on access to information
laws aimed at improving transparency and accountability. The resulting
lack of information has, in turn, prevented parliaments, courts
and ordinary citizens from participating in a meaningful way in
relevant decisions and from holding public authorities to account
for their actions.
96. The Preamble of the Global Principles rightly stresses that:
“Access to information, by enabling
public scrutiny of State action, not only safeguards against abuse
by public officials but also permits the public to play a role in
determining the policies of the State and thereby forms a crucial
component of genuine national security, democratic participation,
and sound policy formulation. In order to protect the full exercise
of human rights, in certain circumstances it may be necessary to
keep information secret to protect legitimate national security
97. Adequate safeguards must therefore be put in place at different
levels of procedure in order to avert abuses. Clear guidelines are
necessary to ensure that grounds of national security are only invoked
in appropriate, adequately reviewed cases. The Global Principles,
in my view, provide a well thought-out, balanced set of guidelines
in this respect. They stress those issues of particular, legitimate
public interest which should not be classified as secret. Especially
information pertaining to serious human rights violations committed
by public officials should never be classified as secret. A possible
embarrassment for the government of the day is not a threat to national
security. Agencies dealing with national security issues should be
regularly monitored, including by dedicated, robustly mandated,
well-resourced parliamentary or judicial oversight bodies, and last
but not least, whistle-blowers should enjoy adequate protection.
98. The Parliamentary Assembly’s role in promoting the effective
protection of human rights in the Council of Europe’s member States
implies that it should actively participate in developing and promoting
common standards on the right of access to information whilst respecting
legitimate national security concerns, as I have done in this report,
in co-operation with the Global Principles project facilitated by
the Open Society Justice Initiative. We should now urge national
parliaments to establish effective oversight bodies to ensure that
those standards are fulfilled. We should also see to it that European
institutions (including the Council of Europe and the European Union)
set positive examples in this respect and grant the widest possible
access to the information held by them.
99. In the draft resolution, I have summed up the main considerations
that we should all be able to agree upon. I am also proposing a
draft recommendation to the Committee of Ministers, for the purpose
of enlisting our member States’ governments in our efforts to breathe
life into the Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official