1. Introduction
1. Despite ongoing improvements in treatment, the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) remains one of the most dangerous communicable
diseases in Europe, associated with a considerable reduction in
life expectancy and quality of life and high costs of treatment.
Migrants are often accused of “spreading AIDS”. But what are the
facts? To what extent does migration impact on the overall HIV burden
in Europe? What should member States and institutions do to gain
a fuller understanding of the reality of the phenomenon and to deal with
it more effectively? What mechanisms can be introduced to encourage
counselling and voluntary testing among migrants – in particular
among women, who are disproportionately affected by the virus –
and to provide those who are HIV positive with non-discriminatory
access to health care?
2. The aim of this report is to try to answer these questions
and to assess whether the responses by Council of Europe member
States and other countries are adequate and sufficiently co-ordinated.
In this report, the term “migrants” refers to all migrant groups,
including refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants, unless
stated otherwise.
3. This report was prepared with the assistance of Doctors of
the World international network. I thank them for their valuable
analysis. During the preparation of this report, I also carried
out two fact-finding missions to Portugal and to Ukraine to look
into the situation in the field. I would like to thank the parliamentary
delegations and the authorities of these countries for their help
and information provided during my visits.
2. General
information on HIV/AIDS and migration in Europe
4. Generally speaking, information on migrants’ health
is lacking in most European countries. This limits the possibilities
for monitoring and comparing inequalities in health, accessibility
to health care, and evaluating which measures are most effective
in improving migrant health.
Due to a lack of data and
hard evidence on HIV prevalence among migrants in Europe, information
presented here should be treated with caution. Cross-country comparisons
are further complicated due to the fact that there is no common
definition of the term “migrant” in
data collection. Nevertheless, evidence suggests that migrants from
countries with a high HIV/AIDS prevalence, particularly in sub-Saharan
Africa, are disproportionately affected by HIV.
5. Because of the lack of precise data, a questionnaire was sent
through the network of the European Centre for Parliamentary Research
and Documentation (ECPRD) to all parliaments of the Council of Europe member
States to get more detailed information on migrants and refugees
and the fight against HIV/AIDS. Thirty member States of the Council
of Europe answered the questionnaire and their answers served to illustrate
with real facts and figures the main tendencies of the situation
of HIV/AIDS-affected migrants in Europe.
2.1. Vulnerability
factors specific to migrants
6. Migrants face numerous barriers in accessing HIV
prevention and treatment services, which can be in law, policy or
practice. For instance, in practice, language barriers can prevent
migrants from accessing general information on HIV, and make communication
with health professionals difficult. Furthermore, migrants’ focus
on employment often causes them to delay investing time or money
in health care, particularly preventive health care.
7. A European review showed that African migrants’ high perceptions
of risk and fear of death and disease constitute a barrier for HIV
testing, especially for those unable to access HIV treatment, either
in their country of origin or in Europe.
many countries of origin, HIV equals death because of the lack of
available treatment and the common belief that HIV means the loss
of procreative capacities. In many African contexts, not having children
leads to social exclusion and marginalisation, as the societal role
of men and even more so of women is often linked to their reproductive
8. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
has identified migrant women, migrant men who have sex with men,
and heterosexual migrants who engage in high-risk behaviour (sex
work, drug use, but also multiple partners) as well as prisoners,
as those migrant groups most vulnerable to HIV infection.
the last decade, there has been a feminisation of HIV infection
in migrants. Women are more vulnerable to HIV both biologically
and socially. Among the social reasons are reproductive pressures, exposure
to sexual violence, pressure to have unsafe sex and not having access
to gender-sensitive HIV prevention services. Concerning migrant
men who have sex with men, this group is largely “invisible” because of
the associated stigma.
9. As is the case for some other vulnerable groups, many migrants
lack general knowledge about HIV and other sexually transmitted
infections (STIs). They are insufficiently aware of the transmission
modes and prevention strategies. Many do not know how to access
the existing preventive and curative health-care services in their
country of residence. Particularly among undocumented migrants there
is little knowledge about available HIV services. An international
survey by Doctors of the World (2008) showed that only 35.4% of
all undocumented patients that were questioned knew about the possibility
of a free HIV test. Moreover, 50.1% stated not knowing whether screening
was free or not and 12.9% (erroneously) stated that one had to pay
for a test.
10. When a person tests positive for HIV, more detailed clinical
exams can give some indication of the time that has passed between
the time of infection and diagnosis. Delayed diagnoses are shown
to have a direct impact on AIDS-related deaths. The majority of
infections in migrants are diagnosed for the first time in Europe. In
2012, among migrants who attended Doctors of the World health-care
centres in France, 67% were unaware of their serologic status.
2.2. Epidemiological
data on HIV and migration
11. Due to a lack of available data and methodological
difficulties, determining the exact extent to which migration impacts
the overall burden of HIV/AIDS in Europe is not entirely clear.
Thirty member States answered the questionnaire elaborated for this
report. Only 7 out of the 30 answered that they provided data on
the estimated number of regular and irregular migrants living with
HIV in their countries. However, it is clear that many countries
present strong evidence that migrants from countries with generalised
HIV epidemics, particularly from sub-Saharan Africa, are disproportionately
affected by HIV as compared to the native population of the host
countries. At the same time, when comparing migrants to the native
population of their countries of origin (with high HIV/AIDS prevalence)
the proportion of HIV/AIDS infection among migrants is usually lower,
which can be explained by the “healthy immigrant effect” (see paragraph
73). In 2011, for eastern European countries and for some central
European countries, this proportion of migrants among the HIV- infected
population is below 10% of total infections. For most Northern countries,
it is over 40%. For most countries in western Europe, the proportion
of migrants among those infected by HIV is between 20% and 40%.
12. The question whether migrants mostly contract HIV in their
country of origin or after migration is a question that could fuel
xenophobic discourse. On the other hand, the answer is important
to determine what public health policies are likely to be most effective
in fighting HIV/AIDS.
13. However, the current state of epidemiological research across
Europe does not allow for a certain answer to this question. A recent
review by the ECDC (2013)
showed great differences between
destination countries in the proportion of post-migration infections:
from 2% among Sub-Saharan Africans in Switzerland to 62% among black
Caribbean men who have sex with men in the United Kingdom. According
to the Swiss Aids Federation, about 62% of HIV-positive migrants
from high-prevalence countries diagnosed in Switzerland declared
they contracted HIV in their country of origin. Only approximately
11% of HIV-positive migrants said that they had become infected
in Switzerland.
14. Migrant workers living alone, away from their spouses or permanent
sexual partners, may be open to greater risks of HIV exposure. This
would be due to the fact that they may seek other partners of a
casual nature, increasing their own risk of exposure to HIV and
that of their sexual partners.
15. In conclusion, migrants are more affected by HIV/AIDS than
the general population, especially in northern and western Europe,
both due to the epidemiological patterns in the countries of origin
and to their increased vulnerability in European destination countries.
3. Obstacles to HIV/AIDS
prevention and treatment among migrants in Europe
16. Prevention and treatment services are not always
adapted and accessible to migrants. Together with restrictive migration
policies, migrants’ vulnerabilities and barriers to services form
a complex interplay that poses a threat to public health.
3.1. Restrictive national
migration and health-care policies
17. As pointed out by many international expert actors
such as UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS),
World Health Organization (WHO) Europe or the ECDC, restrictive
legislation on access to health care for undocumented migrants hinders
effective HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. Furthermore, migration
enforcement policies targeting undocumented migrants raise their
fear of deportation or denunciation, thereby creating considerable
additional barriers to health care. This can lead to more infections and
later diagnoses posing a direct threat to public health. Furthermore,
excluding migrants from antiretroviral treatment equates to a near
certain death sentence. Other member States allow access to health
care in theory, but have implemented complex administrative or financial
barriers that lead to similar reverse consequences for undocumented
18. I regret to say that countries such as Germany, Greece, Sweden
and my own country, Switzerland, offer the worst legislative conditions
as regards access to health care for undocumented migrants. Although
in each of these countries one can find health professionals who
disregard these laws for humanitarian and ethical reasons, who cover
the costly and long-term antiretroviral treatment without any State
19. In Switzerland, undocumented
migrants have – just as nationals – the obligation to take out expensive private
health insurance to be able to access basic health care (over €250
per month). Non-payment of premiums on time leads to a judicial
complaint. Insurance requires proof of identity and residence. There
is also a risk of immigration services being alerted when a migrant
takes out health insurance. Generally, the health insurance policy
in Switzerland with its complex system of monthly premiums, a franchise
(an amount of money that an insured person elects to pay before
claiming on his health policy) and a retention (a maximal amount an
insured person must pay towards the cost of his health care) constitute
a formidable barrier to access and, in practice, these barriers
most often render treatment inaccessible.
20. In Sweden, undocumented
migrants were explicitly excluded from health care (including emergency care)
unless they paid the total cost. I welcome the fact that in July
2013, a new law was passed allowing adult undocumented migrants
to have the same kind of access to health care as asylum seekers.
Children of undocumented migrants will have the same rights as Swedish
children. But asylum seekers only have access to “care that cannot
be postponed” (meaning ante and post natal care, family planning,
abortion, urgent dental care). For Swedish health professionals,
it is not clear yet to what degree HIV prevention and treatment services
will become available to undocumented migrants.
21. In the Russian Federation,
undocumented migrants have no access to health care as it is based
on the social insurance system.
22. In Greece, undocumented
migrants have no access at all to health care except to emergency
care and only until the condition is stabilised. Although HIV is
considered an emergency, it is unclear what “stabilisation” means
in this context. Whether or not an undocumented migrant has continuous
access to antiretroviral therapy depends on the individual decision
of the health professional. Refugees and asylum seekers have access
to treatment, but applying for asylum in Greece is very difficult.
Furthermore, the Greek health system is under enormous strain due
to the economic and financial crisis. Greek health professionals
and civil society organisations report that, in practice, migrants
no longer have any access to public health-care services.
23. In Germany, screening
for HIV and hepatitis is usually available for all and is anonymous
(de jure and de facto), most
communal health departments have screening clinics. However, for
any medical treatment other than emergency treatment, including
HIV treatment, undocumented migrants have to apply for a Krankenschein (illness certificate)
in order to be eligible for public subsidies from the social welfare
office. The obligation of the welfare offices to report undocumented
migrants to immigration police, however, effectively prevents access
to health care.
24. Some European countries have specific HIV testing arrangements
for foreigners entering the country. These arrangements are not
mandatory, but systematically proposed in the following circumstances:
voluntary HIV testing proposed during the medical examination of
foreigners applying for a residence permit (Luxembourg), voluntary
HIV testing proposed to asylum seekers and refugees depending on
the country of origin (Finland). These kinds of arrangements have
to be dealt with cautiously as they could create barriers to accessing
legal status depending on the way they are implemented.
3.2. Social and administrative
25. For migrants, difficult access to housing or the
labour market are further obstacles to coping with an HIV diagnosis,
the associated stigma and completing the medical treatment. Some
HIV-positive migrants also have to deal with psychological trauma
or other mental health problems (for example refugees who were infected with
HIV through rape). Asylum seekers in reception centres often have
difficulties safely storing and/or taking antiretroviral medication
without others noticing (stigma). Migrants living with HIV/AIDS
often lack social support and psychosocial interventions that take
into account the social and cultural specificities of migrant communities
are rare. Finally, very few European studies exist on the living
conditions of migrants with HIV/AIDS.
26. An overview of national responses to HIV/AIDS in Europe confirms
that language is an important barrier to HIV prevention and access
to health care for migrants. Relatively few adapted
campaigns exist that encourage migrants to attend screening services
or sex education programmes (for example material in other languages,
visual material accessible to people unable to read or write, intercultural
mediators that are part of the community or other community-based
programs). Furthermore, HIV/AIDS is still considered a taboo topic by
some health-care professionals, which is exacerbated by the fact
that social determinants of health and barriers to health care are
not part of any professional training.
3.3. Financial constraints
27. When legal restrictions do not apply, the main barrier
is often financial in nature. In some European countries HIV health-care
services are not free for migrants, even with a residence permit.
Switzerland provides free access to treatment for HIV and sexually
transmitted infections only when it is considered “urgent”, otherwise,
testing has to be paid for or will need to be covered by a health
insurance scheme.
28. As already outlined, different barriers deter migrants from
getting tested. Consequently, they remain unaware of their serological
status and do not get treatment in due time. This leads to a higher
prevalence of HIV in the population, which leads to more expensive
health-care costs both for patients and for national health-care
4. Human rights concerns
for migrants with HIV/AIDS
29. Human rights are inextricably linked with the spread
and impact of HIV. The main human rights concerns as regards the
protection issues related to migrants were pointed out by the Office
of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in
its Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS 2008-2012 and other related documents.
4.1. Discrimination
and legal measures to tackle discrimination
30. Migrants often experience discrimination and stigmatisation.
health care is often less available to migrants than to the native
population. As rightly stated by the former Council of Europe Commissioner
for Human Rights: “Denial of essential treatment can breach the
right to life as provided for in the ECHR; in the extreme context
of terminal illness, e.g. AIDS, deportation to a country where treatment
is not available, could breach the right to be protected from inhuman
and degrading treatment. Similarly, where access to antenatal care
is normally free, but made dependant on payment in the case of irregular
migrants, issues of discrimination in the enjoyment of the right
to life, to protection from inhuman treatment, and to family life arise.”
31. People living with HIV often also experience discrimination
and stigmatisation when it comes to housing, the labour market or
access and quality of health care. As such, HIV-positive migrants
are often the victim of double discrimination. As outlined above,
some vulnerable migrant groups can even experience multiple exclusion:
not having a residence permit, being a woman, a sex worker, men
that have sex with men, etc.
32. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
“Where an open and supportive environment
exists for those infected with HIV; where they are protected from
discrimination, treated with dignity, and provided with access to
treatment, care and support; and where AIDS is de-stigmatized; individuals
are more likely to seek testing in order to know their status. In
turn, those people who are HIV positive may deal with their status
more effectively, by seeking and receiving treatment and psychosocial support,
and by taking measures to prevent transmission to others, thus reducing
the impact of HIV on themselves and on others in society.”
4.2. Laws and regulations
regarding entry and stay in Europe
33. Beyond constituting an intentional human rights violation
(including jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights),
there is a consensus among international experts that HIV-related
travel restrictions are neither efficient nor effective. On the
contrary, they are harmful to the public health of the host country,
by compelling migrants to avoid HIV screening for fear of expulsion
and by lulling the local population into a false sense of security
suggesting that HIV/AIDS is a “foreign problem”.
34. Although 41 member States of the Council of Europe have no
restrictions on entry, stay and residence based on HIV status, a
few still do.
Some member States still impose
mandatory HIV testing for foreign nationals when applying for long-term
residence permits.
35. In Andorra, foreigners
living with HIV applying for long-term stays will not be granted
a visa.
36. In Cyprus, foreigners
applying for a residence permit in order to work or to study must
undergo a medical examination by the Health Ministry in order to
exclude an infection with HIV. The authorities will not grant a residence
permit if the test result is positive. Tests for refugees and asylum
are the same, but if their results are positive they are entitled
to free treatment and counselling.
37. In Bavaria, in Germany,
foreigners intending to stay for more than 180 days can be requested
to undergo an HIV test. Asylum seekers are systematically tested
for HIV, but they are only informed of the test when the result
is positive.
38. In the Republic of Moldova,
HIV testing is mandatory for residence permits beyond three months. People
with AIDS will not receive a residence permit and can be deported.
39. In the
Russian Federation,
a negative HIV-test result is required for long-term stays (more
than three months), for students and for foreign employees. Moreover,
according to the Federal Law on prevention of spreading in the Russian
Federation of the disease caused by HIV-infection, foreigners registered
as having the HIV infection should be deported from the Russian
40. In the Slovak Republic,
foreigners applying for a residence permit are required to present
a certificate stating that they are not suffering from a communicable
disease. A residence permit will not be granted to persons with
4.3. Access to information
and education on HIV treatment and prevention
41. As already mentioned, it is important to develop
effective, migrant-specific approaches to HIV prevention. To develop
successful HIV prevention programmes targeting migrants, community
involvement will be essential.
4.4. Access to voluntary
and anonymous testing and health care
42. Despite a high rate of HIV testing in Europe, a large
number of HIV-positive patients start their treatment with delays
and many of them are unaware of their HIV infection at the time
of diagnosis. According to the ECDC,
“there is strong evidence that an early
diagnosis of an HIV infection and subsequent treatment can result
in a markedly improved prognosis for the individual who can expect
low morbidity, a good quality of life, and a near normal life expectancy”.
43. International experts agree that testing should always be
voluntary. Testing is not only an epidemiological tool to monitor
the spread of HIV, it is also a prevention tool in itself, which
allows a health-care professional to discuss risk behaviours during
a pre-test and post-test counselling session. Obtaining a reduction
in harmful behaviour necessitates a relationship of trust which
cannot be established when a test is mandatory. Furthermore, mandatory
tests in “high-risk groups” (migrants but also drug users, sex workers,
men having sex with men) are stigmatising, making those that are
targeted turn away from testing and giving a false sense of security
to the rest of the population. In reality, everyone should be aware
of HIV risks and transmission.
4.5. Access to asylum
44. Asylum seekers are considered particularly vulnerable
to HIV for three main reasons: they may have experienced situations
of risk in areas of high HIV prevalence; their migration may have
been triggered by such experiences as detention, beatings, torture,
rape, sexual assault and harassment; and the experience of becoming
an asylum seeker or refugee may involve poor living conditions,
malnutrition, lack of protection and depression, which may leave
them vulnerable to sexual exploitation.
4.6. Protecting seriously
ill migrants from expulsion
45. Although people living with HIV can achieve a high
quality of life, they require specialist medical care (including
regular blood tests requiring advanced laboratory technology) and,
in most cases, antiretroviral treatment for the rest of their lives.
Furthermore, it is common for patients to require supplementary
medication during the course of their treatment (for example to
treat additional pathologies to which HIV patients are particularly
vulnerable). Stopping medication or even taking medication on an
irregular basis almost always leads to a serious aggravation of
their medical condition implicating a risk of immediate death or
a strong diminution of life expectancy, as well as the development
of HIV drug resistances.
46. In some countries, refugees and asylum seekers may be at risk
of expulsion or
refoulement despite
their HIV status. For example, in my country, Switzerland, the HIV-positive
status in itself is not regarded as sufficient grounds for expulsion
to be deemed unreasonable. In addition to being confirmed as HIV-positive, the
person who has been denied asylum must already be receiving antiretroviral
HIV therapy in Switzerland. They must also provide that it is not
possible for them to receive therapy in their country of origin.
Very often, it is impossible to provide such evidence, as the health
ministries of the countries of origin present the situation as more
positive than it actually is.
47. Some undocumented migrants who are seriously ill or who have
children that are seriously ill refuse to go to hospital for treatment,
as they are afraid of being sent back to their countries because
of their status. Expelling an HIV-positive person to a country where
he or she cannot access effective care can indeed be compared to
a death sentence, out of sight, decided by administrative bodies!
48. The protection standards for seriously ill migrants are far
from coherent and vary significantly throughout member States, despite
the fact that they are all Parties to the European Convention on
Human Rights (ETS No. 5, “the Convention”) and that expulsion of
HIV-positive migrants can amount to inhumane or degrading treatment,
thus raising an issue under Article 3 of the Convention. In some
member States, legislation exists to protect from detention and
expulsion seriously ill foreigners who do not have access to health
care in their country of origin. Yet in practice, civil society
organisations across Europe
have found
that treatment and care are often esteemed “accessible” based only
on partial evidence. But the fact that some antiretroviral treatment is
only available at a very high price and limited to a particular
part of a country of origin does not mean HIV care is available
to all.
49. I am convinced that migrants with HIV status should be guaranteed
legal protection against expulsion by international and national
legislation. In this context, accessibility to health care in the
country of origin should be evaluated based on geographical and
financial availability of treatment for the individual concerned in
that particular State. Special attention should be given to the
accessibility of continuous treatment and of specialised follow-up
care (for example sufficient qualitative and quantitative availability
of physicians and care structures that specialise in HIV as well
as necessary blood tests and other equipment). The absence or presence
of treatment also needs to be evaluated in light of the specific
state of health of the individual applicant (progression of the
illness, complications).
4.7. Protection from
arbitrary detention
50. The detention of a person due to their HIV status
is arbitrary and unlawful even for people who are unlawfully present
in the country. International institutions, including UNAIDS, WHO
and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
Rights, have all opposed forcible HIV testing and the isolation of
people with HIV as incompatible with human rights standards.
51. To my knowledge, Greece is the only European country to have
put in place such detention specifically aimed at HIV-positive persons.
Health Regulation No. GY/39A “Amendments That Concern the Restriction
of the Transmission of Infectious Diseases”, states that mandatory
health examinations will be required, as well as isolation and compulsory
treatment, for diseases of public health importance. This regulation
specifies certain groups as a priority for testing, including undocumented
migrants coming from countries where such diseases are endemic.
4.8. Protection of vulnerable
52. Vulnerable groups among migrants require specific
attention regarding access to prevention, HIV testing and HIV services.
Women are more at risk of HIV infection because they more frequently
face sexual violence and exploitation. Gender inequalities also
concern HIV-positive women who may be more susceptible to violence
by their partners or families. Protection of children affected by
HIV (directly or through a family member) might also be reinforced
to ensure access to education and health care and to prevent violence.
Sex workers – especially in countries where their activity is criminalised
or where local policies hinder their access to law enforcement –
need particular protection because of their high risk of being victims
of sexual violence, their high risk of being pressured to have unsafe
sex and subsequent HIV infection or other STIs. Migrant men who
have sex with men and migrant drug users are often invisible due
to the high stigma associated with these high risk behaviours. Prisoners
often do not have access to HIV prevention and treatment services
– prisoners with a migrant background are extremely vulnerable.
5. European response
to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment among the migrant population
5.1. HIV testing: positive
and negative practices
53. In general, information about HIV and HIV testing
is provided to migrants on their arrival in the country (Germany,
Italy, Lithuania, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and
Switzerland). Information on HIV testing is also given during medical
visits for migrants and asylum seekers (Norway, Serbia, Sweden and Switzerland).
In this regard, a Swiss preventive information campaign promoting
voluntary HIV testing for migrants could be a good model for other
countries. In Switzerland, the border medical services organisation provides
audiovisual tools in 28 languages to support the provision of information
and advice to asylum seekers. These tools cover the health-care
system in Switzerland, tuberculosis, and the option of various vaccinations.
Asylum seekers view a 12-minute video about HIV, AIDS and safe behaviour.
This video is available in16 languages.
54. In Ukraine, according to the Law on combating the spread of
diseases caused by HIV and the legal and social protection of people
living with HIV, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers are entitled
to free HIV/AIDS testing. During the first six months of 2013, 1 818
foreign citizens took HIV tests, among which 18 tests were positive.
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), such as the International
HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine, provide voluntary testing for migrants
and have undertaken an assessment of behaviour of migrants, monitoring
HIV prevalence among Ukrainian migrant workers.
55. Even if most countries identify migrant and ethnic minority
populations as being more at risk to HIV infection, not all countries
explicitly recommend voluntary HIV testing for these populations.
56. In Iceland and Poland, HIV testing is offered to all migrants
prior to entry as part of a general health screening. In Denmark,
it is recommended that HIV testing be offered to migrants on first
contact with health services whatever the reason for recourse. In
France, official recommendations are annual testing for people originating
from sub-Saharan countries or the Caribbean.
57. In some countries, testing is mandatory for a special category
of migrants (Cyprus, Russia and the Slovak Republic.) In Cyprus,
for example, testing is mandatory for migrants coming from countries
where there is a high prevalence of HIV. In Russia, testing is mandatory
for migrant workers, who have to provide a medical certificate stating
they do not have HIV in order to get a temporary or permanent residence
permit. In the Slovak Republic, third-country nationals are obliged
to undergo a medical examination.
58. There is no mandatory testing in Switzerland. Compulsory testing
and/or testing without the person's consent conflicts with Switzerland's
prevention strategy in this area.
59. It is worth noting that women have more frequent access to
HIV testing because of pre-natal examinations. HIV testing is systematically
proposed to pregnant women (migrant or not) in order to avoid mother-to-child
transmission. This results in more frequent HIV testing in women.
In certain circumstances migrant women are not aware that they have
been tested for HIV because of a lack of information from doctors or
language barriers. This situation is not acceptable, as testing
should not be carried out without women’s consent.
5.2. Best practices
of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment of migrants in European countries
60. As regards access to health care for regular migrants,
several European countries offer free HIV treatment, as well as
free STI treatment. In Latvia, free HIV testing and HIV treatment
are only offered to European Union citizens.
61. Moreover, several countries provide HIV testing for undocumented
migrants. According to the replies to our questionnaire, in some
countries HIV testing and HIV treatment are free (Belgium, Croatia,
France, Italy, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Spain and Russia), even
if they often have to face the administrative barriers cited above.
The main problem is that irregular migrants have no access to health-care
insurance. In fact, in some countries testing and treatment for
HIV depend on the access to health care more generally (Finland,
Latvia, Netherlands, Romania and Switzerland).
62. Portugal has a very well developed legislation as regards
non-discrimination of migrants and their access to health care.
The parliament pays special attention to the problem of HIV; a Permanent
Working Group for Problems of HIV/AIDS has been established in the
Portuguese Parliament to tackle this problem. Antiretroviral drugs
are considered so important that they are immediately available
to everyone, including to undocumented migrants.
63. In 2012, after evaluating the costs over eight years of restricting
treatment, the British Government decided to make HIV treatment
free to anyone diagnosed with the HIV virus in England, regardless
of their eligibility for National Health Service care.
64. In Ukraine, a State Programme on Prevention of HIV infection,
treatment, care and support of HIV/AIDS patients for 2009-2013 was
elaborated. Migrants are included as one of the vulnerable groups
in the main tasks of this programme. As a result of its implementation,
92% of people living with HIV/AIDS receive State support in treatment
and medical care. Nevertheless, more resources should be provided
by the government on preventive measures and social support to vulnerable
65. Civil society organisations play an important role in mobilising
resources for treatment of people with HIV/AIDS across Europe. Many
initiatives are taken, some small some large, but all contribute
in their own way. In this respect, I would like to welcome, as an
example, the initiative of the Ukrainian migrant organisation in Italy
“Women for Peace, Culture and Development”, which collected €2 200
for the treatment of children with HIV during a charity concert
in Rome.
66. In summary, policies concerning the prevention and treatment
of HIV in migrants are very different depending on the countries.
Although many countries have set up interventions and good practice
specifically addressing the needs of migrants, more could be done
to guarantee universal access to prevention and treatment.
5.3. HIV/AIDS prevention
and treatment programmes by international organisations in Europe
67. Several international organisations joined their
efforts in the humanitarian response to the danger of the proliferation
of HIV/AIDS in Europe. UNAIDS, WHO, the UNHCR, the International
Organization for Migration (IOM), the International Labour Organization
(ILO) and UNESCO have elaborated strategic plans and different co-operation
programmes for migrants and their access to HIV protection, prevention,
treatment, care and support.
68. The UNHCR, for example, developed a Strategic Plan for HIV
and AIDS 2008-2012,
outlined the overall objectives and main strategies to address HIV
and AIDS within the UNHCR’s mandate to protect refugees, internally
displaced persons (IDPs) and other persons of concern. In co-operation
with UNAIDS, this organisation also developed activities encouraging
countries to remove travel restrictions based on HIV status.
The organisation also
supports the capacity of national counterparts to ensure the integration
of HIV into preparedness plans in disaster-prone areas. It is done
through training and awareness-raising campaigns on the principles
of HIV programming in emergency settings, in co-operation with national
AIDS commissions, government disaster-management units and NGOs.
69. WHO has adopted the European Action Plan for HIV/AIDS 2012-2015,
where one of the objectives is “to reduce the number of new HIV
infections acquired through sexual transmission by 50%, including
among men who have sex with men, in the context of sex work and
among migrants”.
70. The European Commission also implemented an Action plan to
combat HIV/AIDS for the period 2009-2013, in which it defined eastern
European countries that are subject of the European Neighbourhood
Policy as priority areas, and migrants from countries with a high
rate of HIV-infected people as one of the three most affected groups.
In the framework of this plan, a series of five reports was produced
covering the epidemiology of HIV and AIDS; access to HIV prevention,
treatment and care and HIV testing and counselling for migrants; issues
related to infectious diseases, including HIV and migrants; and
improving data comparability and definitions of migrants used within
71. Concerning EU/EEA countries, the EU European Centre for Disease
Prevention and Control recently issued the “Monitoring implementation
of the Dublin Declaration on Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and
Central Asia: 2012 progress report” which calls for improved availability
of data on HIV prevalence among migrant communities, sufficient
HIV programmes and services for migrant communities particularly
affected by HIV, and additional steps to address the obstacles and
difficulties that prevent migrants (in particular undocumented migrants)
from accessing HIV services.
5.4. International development
72. There has been a huge increase in access to Anti-Retroviral
Therapy (ART) in low- and middle-income countries, especially in
Sub-Saharan African countries, since around the year 2000: ART coverage
rates rose from 0% to 50% according to UNAIDS. ART are increasingly
accessible and affordable in those countries. However, it also means
that around 50% of people who are in need of treatment still cannot
access ART, leading to 1.6 million deaths due to AIDS in 2012!
73. This huge progress has been made possible thanks to funds
from high-income countries – including most of the Council of Europe
member States. HIV/AIDS international funding mechanisms have to
be considered as an efficient tool to promote universal access to
HIV/AIDS treatment in low-income countries. Due to the burden of
the epidemic in some of those countries – especially, in Sub-Saharan
African countries – fighting HIV/AIDS is also an efficient way to
alleviate economic and social inequalities which is a main pull
factor for migration.
74. In this regard, it has to be said that the average yearly
cost of ART treatment in developing countries is estimated at around
US$100 per person. Even if there are partial or total patient fees,
this yearly cost is less than the cost of a flight ticket to Europe.
75. Member States should increase funding for HIV/AIDS services
in low- and middle-income countries in order to ensure effective
universal access to treatment for those infected with HIV in those
6. Tackling fears
and prejudices of society towards HIV/AIDS and migrants
6.1. The myth of health
76. Some policy makers and health professionals intuitively
believe that restrictive health policies might help enforce restrictive
migration policies, even though all sociological evidence suggests
the opposite. This belief is strongly linked to the idea of “medical
tourism” (travelling across international borders to obtain highly specialised
or less costly planned health care). Fearing that greater access
to health care would represent a pull factor for migration, the
issue of HIV/AIDS is sometimes used in this discussion.
77. Several studies show that the number of “medical refugees”
– people that leave their country of origin because health care
is not available – is very small.
Only 1.6% of respondents to a 2012
Doctors of the World survey in seven European Union countries cited
health as one of their reasons for migration.
Furthermore, as
we know, one of the main barriers to health care for migrants in
host countries is the lack of knowledge about the health and insurance
system. One can then assume that migrants coming from developing
countries do not take into account the degree of available health
care in a particular region; the migration decision-making process
is complex, guided by the local informal economy (for example job
availability) and the presence of members of the same community
(social capital and processes of chain migration), amongst other considerations.
For many migrants their final destination is unknown when they start
their journey.
78. In other words, when looking at these data, access to health
care clearly does not present a pull factor. Restrictions on accessing
care do not impact on a migrant’s decision on where to settle. Furthermore,
the levels of HIV amongst migrants to Europe are in general significantly
below HIV levels in their countries of origin. This can be explained
by what migration specialists call the “healthy migrant effect”
– a process of self-selection where only the healthiest in a society
79. In conclusion, one can say that there is no evidence to support
claims of HIV “health tourism”. Furthermore, providing free access
to health services for migrants and refugees does not appear to
lead to this phenomenon of “health tourism”.
6.2. Consequences of
the global financial crisis
80. Europe is facing one of the deepest financial crises
of its history. The burden of public debt and budget constraints
are felt most strongly in southern European countries. This situation
leads to scarcer resources in general and cutbacks in national budgets,
including for health-care systems. We face the risk that some great achievements
in the global fight against HIV/AIDS in Europe over the past ten
years could be reversed by short-term cost-saving policies.
7. Conclusions
81. Although precise epidemiological data on migrants’
health is generally lacking throughout Europe, evidence in many
countries suggests that migrants are disproportionately affected
by HIV. This is either due to the high HIV prevalence in their country
of origin or the lack of accessible prevention, testing and treatment
for HIV in their host countries. Member States of the Council of
Europe can directly improve the high infection rate in migrant communities
in Europe through specific legislative, political and social measures.
82. First of all, European countries should improve the availability
of quantitative and qualitative data on HIV among migrant communities
through partnerships with international institutions such as WHO
Europe, the ECDC and UNAIDS. More information is needed on particularly
vulnerable migrant groups including women and children, (male and
female) sex workers, men having sex with men, drug users, prisoners
and finally migrants with a precarious or irregular residence status
(asylum seekers, undocumented migrants and refugees).
83. Secondly, it is important to ensure that HIV prevention and
treatment services are sufficiently provided for migrants and are
affordable, especially for particularly vulnerable migrant groups.
Special mention needs to be made of undocumented migrants living
with HIV/AIDS who do not have effective access to health care in their
country of origin and/or in their country of residence. They should
have free access to treatment in Europe and be guaranteed the legal
protection against expulsion and detention, which constitute serious
human rights violations. European countries should revise their
legislation with the aim to alleviate all legal and administrative provisions
which hamper effective HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment among migrants
(including asylum seekers and undocumented migrants). Steps should
also be taken to address linguistic, social and financial obstacles
to services. Voluntary and anonymous HIV testing, counselling, affordable
treatment, as well as sex-education and awareness-raising programmes
should be universally accessible.
84. Furthermore, member States should ban all remaining entry
and residence restrictions as well as detention practices specifically
related to HIV: they are considered inefficient, ineffective and
even dangerous to public health by international experts and they
constitute a serious human rights violation.
85. Specific measures can be undertaken to protect migrants living
with HIV/AIDS from discrimination and stigma. Member States can
introduce measures to guarantee effective access to the labour market,
to housing, education and health care for migrants living with HIV
(and their families).
86. Member States should consider the necessity to have a national
plan (strategic framework) to fight HIV/AIDS with a specific section
on migrants and the vulnerable migrant groups cited above, with
input from migrants living with HIV/AIDS and civil society organisations.
87. Finally, European countries can contribute to improving substandard
antiretroviral treatment coverage in developing countries through
international funding programmes as a long-term strategy.