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Amendment No. 3 | Doc. 13741 | 20 April 2015

Humanitarian consequences of the actions of the terrorist group known as “Islamic State”

Signatories: Ms Anette HÜBINGER, Germany, EPP/CD ; Mr Philipp MIßFELDER, Germany, EPP/CD ; Mr Volkmar VOGEL, Germany, EPP/CD ; Mr Johann WADEPHUL, Germany, EPP/CD ; Mr Tobias ZECH, Germany, EPP/CD

Origin - 2015 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, replace paragraph 7 with the following paragraph:

"It also welcomes that Germany has so far taken in 33 000 persons from Syria through humanitarian programmes, which is more than one third of those Syrian refugees who have found shelter outside of the crisis region ; the special programme by the German Bundesland Baden-Württemberg taking in up to 1 000 women and minors who are victims of sexual violence ; and the Swedish authorities' decision to grant permanent resident status to Syrian asylum seekers."