Motion for a recommendation | Doc. 13968 | 28 January 2016
Towards a fourth Council of Europe Summit
The Parliamentary Assembly reaffirms its Declaration, adopted on 27 November 2015 in Sofia by its Standing Committee.
The Assembly is fully convinced that the political challenges Europe is facing today, both within and around its borders, require common responses on the basis of shared principles and values, which are the foundations of European Unity and co-operation.
The Assembly stresses once again the role played by the Council of Europe in defending and promoting human rights, democracy, rule of law and democratic security.
The Assembly therefore calls upon the Committee of Ministers to hold a fourth Council of Europe Summit of Heads of State and Government to confirm and strengthen at the highest political level the commitments of member States to the common European values and principles upheld by the Organisation, and to give a common response to the contemporary challenges and problems.
The Assembly expresses its readiness to be involved in the discussion of the Agenda of the Summit during its preparation and to provide viewpoints on the format of a Forum for dialogue, where members of national parliaments from the European Union member States could discuss the future of Europe and reach a consent on possible ways for solving problems together with those who are not members of the European Union.