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Amendment No. 5 | Doc. 14260 | 26 April 2017

The protection of the rights of parents and children belonging to religious minorities

Signatories: Mr Georgii LOGVYNSKYI, Ukraine, EPP/CD ; Lord Donald ANDERSON, United Kingdom, SOC ; Ms Eka BESELIA, Georgia, SOC ; Mr Rónán MULLEN, Ireland, EPP/CD ; Mr Dimitri TSKITISHVILI, Georgia, SOC ; Mr Egidijus VAREIKIS, Lithuania, EPP/CD

Origin - 2017 - Second part-session

In the draft resolution, after paragraph 5.4, insert the following paragraph:

"The Assembly also calls on the Venice Commission to prepare and publish guidelines on how Member States should protect and implement the rights of parents and children belonging to religious minorities."

Explanatory note

Due to the somewhat equivocal interpretation of certain rights, this additional paragraph is to provide advice to governments that will assist them in the application of these specific human rights.