1. Introduction:
origin, aim and scope of the report
1. On 21 June 2016, the Committee
on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development tabled a motion for
a resolution on “Climate change and implementation of the Paris
Agreement” (
Doc. 14093). This motion points out that “climate change is the
most important threat to mankind of our century” with the “future
of the next generation and the sustainable development of our planet”
being at risk. The motion deplores that developing countries are
the most severely affected, whereas they are much less responsible
for the greenhouse gas emissions than developed countries. The motion
therefore hails the historic Paris Agreement of 2015 and urges the
Parliamentary Assembly to promote its implementation at all levels
of governance, in particular through action aimed at identifying
best practices of member States in addressing the challenge of climate
2. As the mover of this initiative and in the light of my earlier
work on the issue of climate change, I was appointed by the committee
on 10 October 2016 to serve as rapporteur. On the same occasion,
the committee designated me to represent it at the United Nations
Climate Change Conference (COP22) held from 7 to 18 November 2016
in Marrakech (Morocco), which gave me the opportunity to present
our Assembly’s position at the parliamentary meeting held by the
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Moroccan Parliament during this
conference. Moreover, I took advantage of this visit to hold a few
high-level meetings with the Moroccan authorities with a view to
gathering information for my report. Further fact-finding included
the parliamentary meeting and various events held on 12 and 13 November
2017 during the COP23 in Bonn (Germany).
3. Building on the discussions in the committee, the present
text centres on the need for close and pragmatic partnerships between
developed and developing countries for launching projects and the
exchange of good practice to tackle climatic challenges more effectively.
This report therefore takes stock of the international community’s
action against climate change in the light of the Paris Agreement
and demonstrates that investing in more environmentally friendly
development and global sustainable policies makes good economic
sense, as well as being a responsible policy choice for the future.
It reviews the latest proposals for mainstreaming climate concerns
into strategic priorities and considers challenges for translating
the commitments of the Paris Agreement into real life. The prospects
as of late got cloudier after President Trump of the United States
announced the withdrawal of the United States from this Agreement.
2. The Paris Agreement – a springboard
for global action on climate
4. Our planet’s climate clock
keeps ticking. Climate change is a man-made disaster that can still
be reversed if it serves as a wake-up call for “cleaner” and “greener”
development. The impact of climate change can already be observed
on ecosystems, with effects set to continue for many decades to
come; immediate action is necessary on a global scale. The human
race can sail together out of the storm, or drown together if we
fail. The Kyoto Protocol of 1997 was a first move by 40 countries
in the right direction. With the Paris Agreement signed in December
2015, we now have 195 signatories committed to action (174 countries
had ratified this treaty by February 2018;
even with the United States pulling out, over 70% of global emissions
are covered). While the Kyoto process pursued a “top-down” approach,
the logic has shifted to “bottom-up” with the Paris Agreement.
5. Equipped with the principle of common but differential responsibility
and the promise of US$100 billion in the Green Climate Fund to secure
adaptation policies, we need more de
facto solidarity between developed and developing countries
to share know-how. To make the Paris Agreement a living instrument,
we need strong partnerships between public authorities and the private
sector at all levels, so that the use of resources does not exceed
the limits of our planet’s capacity and preserves it from overheating.
Greenhouse gas emissions must be cut to stop temperatures from rising
more than 2°C by 2050. Ideally, we should aim for a 1.8°C limit
underpinned by global and national targets on emissions.
6. The Council of Europe, together with the European Union, has
championed European efforts on global climate action. Its Parliamentary
Assembly has followed the negotiators of the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) from Kyoto to Paris with a series of
reports and declarations on climate, water and food security, the
new Sustainable Development Goals, energy diversification and non-conventional
fossil fuels, nanotechnology implications for public health and
the environment
– to mention just a
few salient issues examined with climate imperatives in mind.
7. As committed parliamentarians on behalf of the Council of
Europe, we are duty-bound to advocate for sustainable development,
which is the only way forward to prevent human rights violations
(notably regarding the rights to life, water, food and shelter)
due to climatic disasters. The cost of extreme climatic events is
ever increasing, as is the cost of inaction: across Europe, this
represented €400 billion between 1980 and 2013 according to the
European Environment Agency; the climate bill passed from €7.6 billion
a year in the 1980s to €13.7 billion a year in the 2000s.
the present circumstances, Europe is uniquely positioned to take
the global leadership on climate, in particular if it forges a green
alliance with major players such as China.
3. Lessons
from the COP22 (Marrakesh (Morocco), 7-18 November 2016): co-operation
and efficient policies to face climate change
8. Our climate is warming at an
alarming and unprecedented rate: we have a duty to respond. The
highest political commitment to combat climate change is urgently
needed, as was recognised in the Marrakech Action Proclamation endorsed
in November 2016, one year after the conclusion of the Paris Agreement.
The measures proposed by the Paris
Agreement, which came into force on 4 November 2016, must be effectively enforced.
Details concerning implementation still need to be decided and this
process should be completed by the end of 2018 according to what
was agreed to at the COP22. Legislators are a central element of
this implementation. A five-year roadmap to assess national policies
to see whether they support the agreed national targets, should
be approved in every signatory country. This will allow for monitoring
progress in the implementation of commitments undertaken in line
with the Paris Agreement.
9. To this end, co-operation between developed and developing
countries must also be strengthened. The COP22 showed that there
were some disagreements concerning what action to take. Developing
countries were more focused on adaptability and resilience, whereas
developed countries were keener to target emissions. This lack of
consensus tends to penalise the most vulnerable populations which
already bear the brunt of climate change. According to the French
economist Thomas Piketty, the trend of greater inequalities will
be exacerbated by climate mitigation and adaptation efforts. Paris
policy proposals on sustainability therefore have to be integrated
nationally bearing in mind the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities
and the need for enhanced solidarity with the most vulnerable countries.
10. Sustainable agriculture and adaptation to climate change were
the major topics of the COP22. Several initiatives regarding food
security were discussed as this, due to climate warming, is going
to be a crucial challenge for populations living in drought-prone
regions. Developing countries need to attract foreign investment
so that they can adapt to the effects of climate change on their
agriculture and still play a full part in reducing global greenhouse
gas emissions.
11. Sustainable agriculture implies a more parsimonious and more
rational use of resources. The best energy or resources are the
ones that are not consumed. A study by the University of Hull
the multiple benefits of new technologies for a more efficient use
of water and energy in agriculture. According to the Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 70% of fresh water
consumption in the world is attributable to agriculture. Besides,
by 2030, world agriculture may have to produce up to 50% more food
depending on the region and this represents a huge challenge. In
dry regions, the water shortage is already worrying, including for
households. The transition to sustainable agriculture by the use
of modernised water supply systems and more efficient irrigation
could allow savings of up to 40% in comparison with traditional
water use patterns. This would also help reduce carbon emissions
and relieve pressure on the critical aquifers in dry regions. Green
finance should enable developing countries to green their economies
and build resilience.
Besides immense economic opportunities
for sustainable development, this transition would boost the creation
of skilled jobs and anti-poverty action.
12. When discussing “decarbonisation” policies, we should keep
in mind the fact that carbon emissions are just a fraction of the
overall greenhouse gas emissions. For example, methane has a global
warming potential 86 times that of CO2 on
a 20-year frame. Animal agriculture is responsible for about 18%
of greenhouse gas emissions, consisting predominantly of methane.
This often ignored aspect has to be properly taken into account
for the transition to environmentally friendly, green development.
In total, man-made greenhouse gases include seven types of emissions
(CO2, CH4, N2O,
among which CO2 has the lowest global warming
potential but is also that which has contributed the most to heating
up the planet since 1750.
4. Marrakech
Partnership for Global Climate Action, through investment and greater
involvement of all stakeholders
13. The collective movement started
with the Paris Agreement will be crucial to ensuring a sustainable
future for all and the irreversibility of the dynamics, according
to the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC. Under the Paris Agreement,
in addition to States, regional authorities and private businesses
are willing to make commitments and take initiatives favouring climate-friendly,
sustainable development. It is in this spirit that the Marrakech
Partnership for Global Climate Action (“Marrakech Partnership”)
was launched during the COP22. Designed to provide a strong foundation
for the UNFCCC process, it is intended to catalyse and support climate action
by parties and non-party stakeholders alike in the period from 2017
to 2020, giving effect to the existing arrangements agreed by parties
at the COP21 in Paris. The Marrakech Partnership seeks to involve
multiple actors in pro-climate action: it supports voluntary collaboration
including civil society, the private sector, financial institutions,
cities and other subnational authorities, local communities and
the population at large.
14. It is crucial that governments work in partnership with major
financial actors, development banks and private institutions to
mobilise finance on the scale required for transition to a low-carbon,
climate-resilient global economy. Without financial power supporting
sustainable development objectives, the goals of the Paris Agreement
cannot be reached in a timely manner. In this context, public-private
investment partnerships should be particularly encouraged. The renewable
energy field is a good example of a sector where private-public
partnerships can wield substantial benefits to both sides – and
the climate cause. As many European countries have already started
their transition to cleaner energy, private companies could position
themselves as industrial facilitators of energy transition across
the continent and its neighbourhood.
15. Private-public partnerships will not work optimally without
synergies with universities, research centres and civil society.
Data and know-how transmission on a European scale should boost
the search for new sustainable solutions. Civic action by citizens
should also be given more attention: the States must establish a global
framework to reach the Paris goals, while citizens in Europe and
all over the world have to play their part as conscious, well-informed
and supportive actors of this gigantic effort. Non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) and local authorities enable sustainability
action at regional or urban level. Agenda 21, a comprehensive United
Nations action plan launched at the Earth Summit in 1992, remains
a useful tool not only for multilateral organisations and governments
around the world, but also for NGOs and local authorities. The Marrakech
Partnership for Global Climate Action set up a structured and coherent
platform to step up this global and urgently needed action.
16. The level of civic and regional partnership between developed
and developing nations/regions follows the Kyoto Agreement as the
global framework and the Paris Agreement with national commitments
to national targets. Such co-operation is a significant step in
reducing carbon emissions at regional level. One major example of
partnership is Hull University (United Kingdom), which has plans
for the implementation of regional development via agreements between
the Humber (United Kingdom), Morocco and Ghana regions. The University
of Hull has thus established a new Energy and Environmental Institute
to develop this innovative regional partnership approach between
a Moroccan region and Ghana under the Estuarial Agreement.
5. Estuarial
and urban models: benefits of sustainable development and low carbon
economy for climate
17. If the 19th century was all
about the inception of industry to boost production and the 20th
century economy was built around consumption, now, the 21st century
economy must focus on sustainability. More environmentally friendly
development does not necessarily conflict with economic development;
it can actually support it and wield substantial benefits to society
in the medium to long term. Indeed, according to the Global Footprint
Network, 48 countries managed to keep their gross domestic product
(GDP) growth and cut their ecological footprint between 2000 and
2013, whereas the global footprint has been in an ever growing deficit since
1971. This sustainable growth relies primarily on a low carbon economy,
renewable energies, rational use of resources (combined with waste
recycling) and close-range circuits. Various economic models may
be relevant depending on the geographical and economic situation.
Estuarial and urban models are presented here to illustrate the
huge potential of green development for both the local population
and the climate.
5.1. The
Humber estuary model
18. In terms of climate-friendly
development, the Humber estuary is an eloquent example. The Humber
is a north-eastern region of the United Kingdom with a population
of nearly one million and an economy worth £14 billion a year. A
study conducted in 2009
shown that a 30% drop in the Humber’s carbon emissions between 1990
and 2022 is achievable through cost-effective or cost-neutral investment.
This modernisation leading to a low carbon economy has a considerable
potential to reduce energy use and carbon footprints while creating
jobs in new economic sectors. According to this study, “decarbonisation”
on a regional scale is possible, with the technological and behavioural
options being readily available. Moreover, worldwide, the size of
the low carbon and environmental goods and services sectors is estimated
to be worth £3.2 trillion a year and is growing steadily, which
illustrates the attractiveness of the sector for private investors.
19. The key to this low carbon development on a regional scale
is renewable energy production that is technologically feasible
and economically attractive. The main advantages here are: a gradual
emancipation from the dependence on fossil fuels; a significant
reduction in pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions; and, last
but not least, new future-oriented jobs. In the case of the Humber,
wind energy has been chosen with inshore and offshore turbines installed:
the region counts three of the world’s biggest wind farms and its industries
are working on the development of high-performance turbines. Solar
energy, too, remains an option to be pursued further in the sunny
areas thanks to considerable technology improvements in recent years (although
more progress is needed in recycling used equipment).
20. This particular model is also an example of the Moroccan civic
partnership with the Humber estuary, which produces 20% of British
electric power in one of the largest European areas of carbon production.
This challenge has led the Humber estuary to a civic partnership
development contributing to the United Kingdom’s statutory requirement
under the Paris Agreement to reduce Britain’s carbon emissions by
80% by 2050. Civic partnership agreements are developed with regions
in Ghana and Morocco. Importantly, this estuarial model has been
endorsed by the former Secretary-General of the United Nations,
Kofi Annan, who piloted the international community’s action on
Millennium Development Goals in the partnerships field.
21. Estuaries have long played a central part in the economic
lifeblood of all major coastal and maritime countries. They are
hubs of development themselves, with ports, cities and industries,
but also a key connecting link as transport corridors within and
between countries. They are also vital for wildlife and link the seas
with the river catchments. Therefore, the main aim of estuarial
development is to allow economic growth and benefits for society
while at the same time protecting wildlife. Estuaries may be both
sources of carbon emissions (from transport, urban areas and industry)
and also sinks for carbon storage. The loss of natural wetlands
reduces their capacity for this, and because of this they need special
protection. The estuarine uses need, first and foremost, to be sustainable,
in order to withstand stressors from development. We thus require management
models based on what we may call an integrated approach to “carbon,
corridors and connectivity”.
5.2. The
urban model(s) and challenges
22. As urban citizens are increasingly
dominating the planet’s population, shaping a green urban development
model to cope with climate change and pollution is becoming vital.
To achieve a successful environmental transition, cities have to
be managed in a resilient manner: enhancing adaptive capacity can drastically
decrease the vulnerability of cities to climate-related risks and
reduce their environmental footprint. Adaptive capacity relies on
know-how, modern technologies and infrastructure, as well as economic
resources and effective institutions. Some ambitious cities such
as Oslo and Seoul are already pursuing a zero-emissions campaign,
with the former aiming to achieve this goal less than a decade from
23. Urban adaptation to climate change in Europe is a task that
concerns all levels of government. While municipalities and local
authorities focus on the implementation of place-based adaptation
measures, national and European authorities have a supporting role
to play.
Where nation-States
are slow or inefficient in tackling environmental imperatives, cities
must assert their responsibility and right to usher in a more sustainable
Enterprising municipalities can
put on track truly innovative projects, such as for facilitating the
expansion of electric-powered car fleets, investment in green infrastructure
and modernisation of urban housing. Horizontal co-ordination between
different sectors should amplify the impact of the measures taken.
24. Urban models, just like estuarial models, being set up in
developed countries could also be tried as pilot models in developing
countries. Assisted by technological progress, economic development
should become less voracious in terms of resources used, in particular
through enhanced energy efficiency and close-range circuits. The
latter will be crucial for anchoring sustainability because the
transport of goods and resources (including energy) is costly both
economically and environmentally. Circular economy is a part of
the equation too, and should gradually prevail over “business as
usual” in order to reduce waste and compensate for the depletion
of non-renewable resources. This transition to greater sustainability
needs to build on reduced energy consumption and a strategic orientation
towards greater use of renewables. With the European and world population
growing, energy and resources must, more than ever, be used with
effectiveness and reason.
25. China’s urban sprawl has long been likened to an environmental
nightmare with massive pollution: in two decades, from 1991 to 2012,
the urban population doubled to reach 53%, whilst air pollution
limits were respected in only 8 out of 74 major cities in 2014 and
serious health problems exploded among the population. However,
the wind may now be turning as the country’s central authorities
are actively experimenting with a holistic eco-city concept, such
as in Guyang, which I had the opportunity to visit recently. No
less than 280 cities have an ambition to pursue urban transformation
based on green transport and buildings, large vegetation areas,
smart waste management and recycling, water preservation and massive
use of renewable energy sources (for business and residential needs).
If this green urban concept lives up to expectations, it might become
a global reference for green urban excellence.
26. Moreover, with the Paris Agreement goals in mind, the “green
silk-road” sub-regional strategy of China is weaving a new large-scale
eco-investment track for European and Chinese enterprises across
urban and rural areas of south-east Asia. All in all, China’s 7 000-mile
“Belt and Road” initiative involves 60 countries connecting the
Asian Pacific region with the European economies. This initiative
focuses on promoting policies, co-ordination, connectivity of infrastructure
and facilities for unimpeded trading and financial integration,
with ecological considerations involving extensive consultation
and shared benefits. The corridors of growth are also developing
in Europe with the European Union’s concept of “motorways of the
sea” and the land corridor stretching from Ireland through the United
Kingdom into continental Europe.
6. European
nations standing together for the global climate cause
27. Sustainable development is
a long-term and large-scale strategy for the future we want: the
new Sustainable Development Goals agreed by the international community
in 2015 are crystal clear in urging action to combat climate change
as part of the broad vision for mankind for the next few decades.
Climate change is deep-rooted in the industrial expansion of developed
countries which have neglected the environment for far too long.
Europe’s southern and south-eastern regions are particularly vulnerable
and need prompt action.
solutions implemented now will take time to show results, which
is why the sustainable development goals need solid and continuous
political backing. European nations have to face the global climate
challenge together, whether they belong to the European Union or
28. Brexit is causing unhelpful confusion. However “the UK is
leaving the EU, not Europe”. The British climate policy is so enmeshed
in EU environmental law that negotiating future changes in the trading relationship
would inevitably pose a question of either complying with or seeking
to adopt measures equivalent to EU environmental standards in general
and climate goals more specifically. The decision to leave the European
Union might put at stake the stability of United Kingdom policies
and its commitment to the European and global climate cause. Brexit
could have some serious environmental consequences not only in the
United Kingdom but also more broadly in Europe.
In many
areas, such as species conservation or air and water quality, European
and British futures are bound together.
29. “It will be vital for the UK and the EU to continue to co-operate
in order to protect the shared European environment” according to
the British House of Lords. Environment was not the main topic during
the Brexit referendum campaign and 80% of the British people support
at least the same level of environmental protection – if not higher
– than that sought under EU law. The British Government will therefore
have no respite and will need to map out environmental and climate
priorities rapidly. Beyond the domestic environmental legislation there
is a deep necessity for mutual co-operation between the United Kingdom
and continental Europe.
30. Mainstreaming sustainable development and resilience to climate
change in national policies through European law is a considerable
challenge. Further to the EU policy benchmarks on climate,
the Council of Europe instruments, notably
the European Convention on Human Rights (ETS No. 5, “the Convention”)
and the European Social Charter (revised) (ETS No. 163, “the Charter”),
together with the case law of the European Court of Human Rights,
are all relevant for the climate cause.
Court has ruled that the right to life (Article 2 of the Convention)
covers environmental hazards to human security and that in some
cases Article 8 which protects the right to private life may be
applied. Moreover, the Charter’s Article 11 provides for the protection
of a healthy environment through the right to protection of health.
Even if these tools were not initially designed for environmental
protection, they can be invoked in the protection of individual
rights that may be affected by the environment and, by extension,
climatic disasters.
31. Pro-climate alliances between States, local communities and
cities would usefully complement action at European level. The aim
is to improve policy coherence to face climate change across different
policy areas and governance levels. This is particularly true in
respect of pollution problems which spill over national borders and
have an impact on climate and public health. European regulations
on air quality, such as those established by EU legislation, have
clear advantages over stand-alone national efforts to rein in pollution.
wider the co-operation, the more tangible the results which can
be achieved.
7. Worldwide
litigation on climate change
32. It is a widely accepted practice
for citizens to sue a State when it has failed to do something it
should have done. Various States have been taken to court because
they failed to ensure a proper protection of the environment, or
because public policies were deemed not efficient enough. Now, States
can be held responsible for climate change. Although the very first
case of climate litigation dates from 1994, the first milestone
case in Europe on climate change itself is from 2015 when some 900
Dutch citizens sued their State and won (Urgenda climate case).
Indeed, the Court ordered the government to lower greenhouse gas emissions
by 25% by 2020 as opposed to 17% at best on current track (however
the verdict is now undergoing the appeal procedure).
33. In the same year in Germany, environmental associations sued
the State for not bringing down air pollution to within legal limits.
The United Kingdom was also sued by its citizens in 2015-2016, when
the Supreme Court ruled that the State did not respect the Air Quality
Directive (of the European Union) due to failure to take immediate
measures to reduce N2O (nitrous oxide) emissions
in line with EU standards. In both the German and British case,
the population’s grievances to a large extent concerned gases that
are not only pollutants but also greenhouse gases that contribute
to global warming.
34. Portuguese children are preparing to sue Council of Europe
member States after devastating fires took a deadly toll in Portugal
in the summer of 2017. They believe that the member States – collectively
responsible for about 15% of global emissions – are to blame for
those fires because they did not act strongly enough to stop climate
change which led to massive fires. The claimants, represented by
environmental lawyers and the British NGO Global Legal Action Network,
are very determined to act as representatives of the current and future
35. In France, an association “Notre
affaire à tous” [“It concerns us all”] pleads for more
climate justice and has criticised the French authorities for the
lack of ambition in policies against climate change despite a major energy-climate
package officially launched in the summer of 2017. For this association,
currently foreseen measures and public investment are too weak to
achieve substantial reductions in emissions in the near term. In
the margins of the “One Planet Summit” (organised just after the
COP23 meeting in Bonn), the association has raised the pressure
on the government and might proceed to legal action in 2018.
36. Overall, environmental prosecutions are increasing worldwide:
close to 900 legal actions have been launched since 1994, with about
a quarter of court cases relating to climate change.
litigation can change a lot of things, and should not be underestimated
by the States concerned, notably the United States where the lion’s
share of court cases have been launched (over 600). Fourteen of
the 25 countries studied in terms of climate litigation are Council
of Europe member States, representing 80 out of 250 lawsuits reviewed, and
another 42 cases concern the European Union. So far, about 40% of
cases were brought by corporations challenging governmental decisions
that protect the climate and have an impact on businesses. Thus,
on one side there are companies that sue the government because
it is too eco-friendly, and on another side there are NGOs, associations
and citizens (about 33% of cases) that sue their government because
it is not eco-friendly enough. Importantly, however, two thirds
of cases related to climate litigation have had a favourable outcome for
the planet, because the courts chose to strengthen, or at least
to preserve, existing climate regulation.
8. The
crucial years ahead for squeezing emissions – concluding remarks
37. According to calculations by
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the coming three
years will be crucial for reining in greenhouse gases. The fact
that the last four years (2014-2017) were the hottest on record
for our planet, but with carbon emissions remaining globally stable,
gives hope that the emissions’ curve could be bent downwards by
2020. This goal is both monumental and achievable in the opinion
of Christiana Figueres, the former chief of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change who steered States Parties towards
the signature of the Paris Agreement, because this “challenge coincides
with an unprecedented openness to self-challenge on the part of
subnational governments inside the US, governments at all levels
outside the US, and of the private sector in general”.
38. The impact of the much-criticised US withdrawal from the Paris
Agreement, as announced by the Trump administration, could be contained
thanks to pro-climate action by the US federal States, global and
local business leaders, as well as massive multi-level efforts all
over the world. The outcome of the G20 meeting in Hamburg (7-8 July
2017) shows the strong political will of the leading nations to
deploy efforts on climate deep and wide with an emphasis on renewable
energy sources and sustainable development. The European Union, China,
India, the Russian Federation, Australia and many more big global
players have pledged to continue the fight against climate change
“with or without the US”. At the COP23 in Bonn (6-17 November 2017),
an alternative “We are still in” delegation of high-level non-federal
US actors, launched the “America’s Pledge” report; it shows how
the coalition of cities, States and businesses representing over
half of the US economy intends to step up climate action towards
honouring the national commitment under the Paris Agreement
39. In a worst-case scenario, the American decision could add
0.3°C to global temperatures towards the end of this century according
to the United Nations World Meteorological Organisation; in the
better and more likely scenarios, the global reaction could lead
to scaled-up pro-climate measures worldwide. This positive thinking stems
overwhelmingly from enterprises and local authorities voluntarily
making clean investment choices for the future. For instance, already
in 2015 clean energy sources (such as wind and solar ones) constituted
more than half of the new electric power capacity installed that
year around the world (as stated by the International Energy Agency),
and many countries – with the exception of the United States under
the Trump administration – are phasing out coal. The tide has turned
in favour of green and responsible corporate strategies in response to
public expectations.
40. In this context, the rationale for parliamentary involvement
is also becoming stronger: elected representatives connect their
electorate with policy-making bodies, in particular through the
oversight of government in implementing domestic and international
commitments, allocating budgetary resources in a balanced manner
and ensuring the continuity of long-term investment destined to
guarantee prosperity for current and future generations. It is regrettable
that national delegations to global climate change meetings (COPs)
rarely include parliamentarians; this state of affairs could change
if European countries systematically associated parliamentarians
and thus led by example. This is one of the recommendations that
the present report should make.
41. Parliamentarians should moreover plead for the timely and
full replenishment of the global Green Fund (set up under the UNFCCC)
with the US$100 billion promised years ago to developing countries.
This fund is necessary to assist the more vulnerable and poorer
countries in combining development and sustainability without “reinventing
the wheel” or making the mistakes that developed countries made
in the past. Each country is facing specific but sizeable challenges
in terms of climate commitments and sustainable development in the
framework of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development
Goals. It is time to make the “polluter(s) pay”-principle work in
real life, and parliamentarians could propose adapted solutions
in their national context through, for instance, carbon taxes, abolition
of subsidies to fossil energy sources and redesigned waste management
42. The time for completing the implementation modalities of the
Paris Agreement by the end of 2018 is rapidly running out. Legislators
will have the duty to check if a five-year roadmap for assessing
national climate policies is on track and in line with the agreed
national targets. They will also have to push for the ratification of
the Paris Agreement in some countries (three ratifications by the
Council of Europe member States are still outstanding) and monitor
progress in the implementation of commitments undertaken. At the
European level, broader support to the European Emissions Trading
System is necessary: for instance, the non-EU countries could join
the scheme as Switzerland did.
43. Moreover, specific efforts will be needed to adapt each country’s
energy mix so as to increase the share of renewable energy sources
and reduce the share of fossil fuels. As the earlier reports of
this Assembly have pointed out, putting a solid ceiling on global
emissions requires keeping 80% of existing fossil fuel resources underground,
or converting them to non-energy uses (as raw materials) in the
chemical industry, construction and other sectors.
We should also reiterate the warning concerning
non-conventional hydrocarbon production which is incompatible with
sustainable development and climate goals.
In a bold move, some countries,
such as France and the United Kingdom, are already committing to
phase out petrol and diesel cars as a matter of priority by 2040,
while some big cities plan to enact bans much earlier.
44. Many European cities are taking forward-looking initiatives
on sustainable development and should be encouraged to persevere:
what is good for lowering pollution (in terms of mobility, resource
use and waste management) is also good for the global climate cause.
Circular economy schemes can be tested at local level and then be
mainstreamed at national level. Similarly, the estuarial development
model could be promoted more actively through the existing development
aid schemes.
45. In conclusion, climate change as a global problem requires
a global solution with local inputs: “Think global, act local.”
The health of our planet is the key to our own prosperity. A reliable
path to this continued prosperity is sustainable development which
needs to be mainstreamed at all levels of governance, first and foremost
through local communities and cities. The Paris Agreement embodies
a global solution for the climate and represents a beacon for action
at national (from local to subnational) and international levels.
We as parliamentarians have a moral duty to deliver on this overwhelming
challenge – to anchor a more sustainable future for us all now.