1. Introduction
1. Disinformation via media content
is nothing new. What is novel today is that old forms of disinformation and
propaganda, including editorial decisions, are now combined with
human influencers and opinion makers, viral online sharing, and
automated content creation of disinformation.

The issue of disinformation, propaganda
and related phenomena is a challenge to Europeans. The Eurobarometer
of March 2018 reveals that almost 40% of Europeans come across fake
news every day or almost every day. Over 80% of the respondents
perceive fake news as a problem in their country and for democracy
in general. In the respondents’ view, journalists, national authorities,
and the press and broadcasting management should be the main actors
responsible for stopping the spread of fake news.

2. There are several interconnected broad trends that can be
said to contribute to the challenge. As societies, and individuals,
we have witnessed a shift in our relationship to knowledge, that
is, common ideas of objectivity and “truth” are no longer prevailing
as a preference in public debates. This is coupled with a cultural shift
that is marked with distrust in elites and institutions, whether
political, journalistic or scientific. More broadly, cases of deep
dissatisfaction in existing political actors, systems and structures
are continuously emerging. Economic conditions of the media and
communication landscapes are marked by fierce competition. Technology
has fostered fragmentation among media public and created information
habits based on algorithms, micro-segmenting and viral content sharing
among like-minded users and closed groups.

these developments together have resulted in the “information disorder”
of rampant disinformation and in an increasing trend of “information
and media capture” (where the freedom of the press is subtly limited
by political and commercial actors).

3. The Joint Declaration on Freedom of Expression and “Fake News”,
Disinformation and Propaganda of March 2017, by Special Rapporteurs
of several intergovernmental bodies,

on “Information Disorder: Toward an interdisciplinary framework
for research and policy making” commissioned by the Council of Europe and the
by the European Commission multi-stakeholder High Level Expert Group
(HLEG) on fake news and online disinformation all recognise the need for robust and diverse media
ecosystems and acknowledge the role of public service media in that
regard. The Joint Declaration notes that independent and resourced public
service media, with a clear public mandate for high-quality journalism
is essential for freedom of expression. The report commissioned
by the Council of Europe recommends that support for public service media
organisations and local news outlets, as well as support for quality
journalism initiatives at the local, regional and national levels,
needs to be a priority.

The report by the European Commission
posits that the general objectives of the European Union are to
increase the long-term resilience of European Union citizens, communities,
news organisations, member States and the European Union as a whole;
as well as to always respond to various challenges of disinformation
with up-to-date and appropriate measures. One dimension of this
is support for demonstrably independent public service media which
can help produce quality information, counter disinformation, and
increase media and information literacy.
4. The main objective of this report is to highlight some core
activities and novel “best practices” by public service media organisations:
How do they provide quality content and counter different forms
of disinformation by informing and educating audiences? First, the
report seeks to define disinformation and the institutional contexts
of public service (chapter 2). It then highlights a variety of examples
of the ways in which public service media can act as an antidote
to disinformation (chapter 3).
5. My analysis of these issues is essentially based on the expert
report by Ms Minna Aslama Horowitz,

I warmly thank for her excellent work. I also rely on various Council
of Europe standard-setting instruments,

I have taken into account contributions by other experts,

and by several members of the Committee
on Culture, Science, Education and Media, as well as my fact-finding
visit to the BBC, in London, on 25 October 2018.
2. Information disorder and public service
2.1. Definitions: from “fake news” to information
6. There is consensus

that “fake news” as a term should
not be used. The challenges of current media landscape are numerous
and this term does not adequately highlight that complexity. In
addition, the word “news” should have a connotation of fact. Finally,
the term “fake news” has been far too politicised to be useful in
analytical and policy work.
7. This report uses the terminology from the above-mentioned
Council of Europe report on information disorder. Information disorder
refers to the complex set of factors contributing to, and impact
of, false content. It is created from de-contextualised facts, leaps
of logic and repetitious falsehoods. Its impact comes from appearing
on many different sites and apparently from many different sources,
including traditional news organisations. This gives the audience
the illusion of a fluency which makes the incredible, credible.
According to the above-mentioned report, information disorder covers
three main categories: disinformation, which means information that
is false and deliberately created to harm a person, social group,
organisation or country; misinformation, which means information
that is false, but not created with the intention of causing harm;
and mal-information, which means information that is based on reality,
used to inflict harm on a person, organisation or country. One of
the primary effects of the information disorder is the erosion of
trust in the media. The public is often lost between accurate information
and disinformation, and this may seriously damage the notion of
truth and undermine trust in the democratic society as a whole.
2.2. Definitions and practices of public
service broadcasting and public service media: from normative principles
to multiple variations
8. In the European context, public
service broadcasting (PSB), and its digital multi-platform version,
public service media (PSM), are core institutions in many societies.
The normative characteristics assigned to PSB and PSM by core stakeholders
seem quite uniform: the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the global advocacy
organisation Public Media Alliance (PMA), as well as the Council
of Europe and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) refer to the following main features:
- public service broadcasting
and public service media refer to broadcasting and related services
made, financed and controlled by the public, for the public. They
are often established by law, are non-partisan, independent and
run for the benefit of society as a whole;
- they are neither commercial nor State-owned, but are free
from political interference and pressure from commercial forces;
- their output is designed to inform, educate and entertain
all audiences;
- they have universality in terms of content and access;
- they maintain accuracy and high standards of journalism,
as well as excellence in broadcasting;
- they enhance social, political and cultural citizenship
and promote diversity as well as social cohesion, and ultimately,
support an informed democracy (the Council of Europe has noted that
these principles apply whatever changes may have to be introduced
to meet the requirements of the 21st century);
- in addition, the EBU lists innovation as one of its core
PSM values, including creativity in terms of formats and technologies,
as well as connectivity with audiences.

9. In reality, PSB/PSM organisations in Europe vary significantly
in terms of institutional arrangements, reach and budgets.

PSB/PSM are national projects. A
recent nine-country study highlights this: in Switzerland, Germany
and the United Kingdom, PSM dominate the audiovisual market. On
the other hand, in Ukraine, Romania, Portugal and Italy, strong
competition has resulted in both public television and public radio comprising
less than 20% of their respective markets.

10. Institutional configurations in Europe range from the globally
present multi-channel, multi-platform, multi-project BBC – often
considered as the benchmark model for public service broadcasting
– to the multiple independent organisations, defined by political-religious
history, that make up the public broadcasting system in the Netherlands,
to the relatively newly established public broadcasters in the Balkans
that may still bear some characteristics of their predecessor, State

For instance, in Bulgaria, Croatia,
Romania and the Slovak Republic, the regulatory and governance structures
have not radically distanced public service operators from government
and political control.

The growing preference of taxpayer-generated
funding by governments has given them more budgetary influence that,
in many cases can, and has, lead to more State-controlled content
or weakened possibilities to counter challenges such as disinformation
and propaganda.

Some evidence seems to point to
the fact that PSM
de jure may
also be used to spread content bordering disinformation.

11. Another challenge is the relationship between public service
broadcasting and the multi-platform public service media. The Council
of Europe has endorsed a broad view of PSM in relation to both programming
and platforms. It has concluded that PSBs should be able to diversify
their services through, for instance, on-demand and internet-based
services, and has called for PSM to respond positively to audience
expectations of enhanced choice and control stemming from digital
developments. The European Union has similarly accepted a broad
view of PSM.

already during the early stages of digitisation, different European countries
responded in a variety of ways

a global review of State-administered and public service broadcasters
showcase a variety of developments all around the world.

Still today, due to commercial pressures
from media markets, even in established PSM countries such as Denmark,
Finland and Sweden, PSM are facing criticism from commercial competitors
for allegedly creating market distortion, especially in the digital
news marketplace.

To sum up, the European institutional
guidelines are broad and the European realisations of PSM are varied,
in terms of the reach, resources as well as political and commercial
pressure and the extent of digital content and services. In particular,
the challenges posed by political interests seem to be on the rise.
3. Examples of approaches by public service
media countering disinformation
12. The challenges of information
disorder have been widely noted and addressed by news organisations and
public broadcasters in particular. The aftermath of the United Kingdom’s
Brexit vote, the United States presidential election of 2016, and
the related questions of interferences and (mis)use of data have
kept newsrooms reporting about the phenomena, and of European cases
and policy responses. Besides news reports, PSM organisations have
countered disinformation also in other ways. According to the 2017
survey of 21 members of the European Broadcasting Union, all participants
considered tackling “fake news” a high or medium priority; over
half of them were planning activities, and half of them were taking
part in a global or local fact-checking initiative partnership or
were considering joining one. Over half of the organisations were
in favour of the EBU launching a fact-checking initiative of some

following gives examples of fact-checking projects but also other
activities countering disinformation, ranging from quality content
to reaching young audiences via a variety of ways and platforms.
3.1. Providing quality and innovative communication
3.1.1. Quality, engaging programming
13. The European Broadcasting Union
has addressed the digital challenge with the plan Vision 2020 that was
created in 2014.

It focuses on the changes that digital
technology is bringing to various fields of the audiovisual industry.
Based on this vision, and on further research on the challenges
of digitisation and journalism,

the EBU has defined “quality journalism”
as one of its strategic priorities. An initiative led by the EBU
Media Department has been launched in order to position PSM news
as the most trusted source, and to bring news in various formats
to all audiences.

14. Quality news is a common strategy for many PSM organisations.
However, a thorough and concrete understanding of “quality” is essential.
A recent multi-stakeholder conference on public service media in Slovenia,
organised by the national broadcaster, highlighted the special relevance
of PSM within smaller nations. PSM were seen as one of the few stable
media institutions that should fight manipulation and where citizens
should receive credible information. The newly established (2018)
Journalismin akatemia (Journalism Academy) of the Finnish public
broadcasting company Yle is specifically focused on quality journalism
and its potential in countering information disorder. One of its
current main activities is, together with different Yle units, to
go through a major strategic process of defining quality principles:
the characteristics of Yle journalism as well as quality criteria
specific to different units.
15. Also in younger public broadcasting contexts, editorial integrity
is the key: the political talk show “Nedeljom u 2” from the Croatian
radio-television, is highly popular as it manages to stay independent
from political pressures. Other forms of content can foster quality
and engagement. Radio-television of Serbia launched already in 2009
its experimental digital channel RTS Digital (now renamed as RTS
3) reporting on culture and the arts. While the channel was not
popular it was important for the internal development of RTS; it
provided an airspace for those missing topics. An experiment of
added value through audience engagement was featured in the Swiss
“Hallo SRF!” audience week in October 2017, during which 50 ordinary
citizens were invited to take part in programme production.

16. According to the BBC’s editorial guidelines, BBC News is committed
to achieving the highest standards of accuracy and impartiality
and to being rigorous in establishing the truth of the story. Fully
engaged in countering disinformation, the BBC is currently expanding
its projects globally, notably to chaotic and noisy markets like
India and Africa. The company’s ambition is to bring trust in the
news and current affairs delivered by a public service broadcaster
in countries where media have been compromised.
17. At the heart of all quality news operations is the constant
tension between, on the one hand, instinctive, fast thinking by
journalists, which leads to stories getting on air quickly, and,
on the other hand, slow, deliberative, analytical thinking, which
ensures the stories are verified, contextualised and impartial.
This is why journalists from the BBC speak now about the importance
of “slow news”, news with more depth – including data, investigations,
analysis, expertise – giving context and significance to news information.
They keep high editorial standards by constantly checking and double-checking
their sources, and they realise that, in an age when any mistake
is portrayed as evidence of an intention to mislead, professional
journalists must re-double their efforts to provide the public with
accurate and reliable information.
18. As for “quick news”, snapshots and user-generated content
in general, disseminated via social media, no doubt this way of
distributing information has revolutionised the manner in which
the public experience major news events. Companies like the BBC
make extensive use of such material insofar as the information can
be verified. But journalists there are aware that snapshots capture
just a part of the reality, while their ambition is to cover the
whole landscape, revealing causes as well as effects, helping audiences
discover not just what, but
also why and why it matters.
3.1.2. Online versioning, apps and other
technology-driven solutions
19. Versioning for online and mobile
presence is another key part of innovation. This is an evident solution, while
not without some challenges. A recent (2018) study of Yle (Finland),
France Télévisions and Radio France (France), ARD and ZDF (Germany),
RAI (Italy), Polskie Radio (Poland), and the BBC (United Kingdom) indicates
that PSM organisations observe some tensions between their strategic
priorities, remit and organisational imperatives and those of commercial
platform companies. But they also see social media as an important
opportunity for increasing their reach, especially among young people
and other hard-to-reach audiences.

20. A typical response to engagement is to include social and
mobile media services to news. For instance, in Germany, the main
news broadcast “Tagesschau” by ARD has its own app

which summarises the news in 100

The programme uses Instagram for
innovative and high quality video communication on news stories.

A video series called
“#kurzerklärt” (#explained briefly)
on the ARD Tagesschau website explains background information on
complex topics briefly and clearly.

Another example is the Croatian
app HRTi for all HRT’s productions. Also, RTK in Kosovo has developed
a popular web page (rtklive.com), with a modern design, and many
Albanians living outside Kosovo are following it as a primary source
of information.
21. Other technological solutions are used to enhance engagement
and quality. NXG – Next Generation Radio house by Swedish Radio
(SR) – is a smart remote control that transports audio in standard
networks by using only a smartphone or a tablet.

By using this powerful remote control
protocol, NXG allows a radio show to be broadcast from anywhere
with a sufficient network connection. The NXG remote production
solution won the EBU Technology & Innovation Award in 2017.
3.2. Fostering critical thinking about
and around information disorder
22. In the context of disinformation
and propaganda, many PSM are not just focusing on verifying the
truth and exposing false stories, but they are also showing how
stories can be manipulated and how statistics can be misused to
create false and misleading perspectives. There are a multitude
of examples of PSM organisations reporting, and educating the viewers,
about the dimensions of information disorder. For instance, the
Spanish RTVE featured the documentary “Guerra a la Mentira”

that depicted the use of technology
to combat war propaganda and to end the impunity of war criminals.
The documentary has an interactive version in the RTVE Lab.

At the Finnish Yle, a young reporter
created a crowd-sourced series on Russian online trolling activities
in Finland.

In Germany, Deutsche Welle provides
a special webpage on “fake news”, reporting on the issue extensively.

23. Specific fact-checking initiatives both verify information
and foster awareness. “Reality Check” is the BBC’s principal fact-checking
service, which runs on TV, radio, on the website and via social
media. This service tackles false news stories and challenges statements
from public figures and institutions which may be false or misleading,
and presents the verifiable facts instead, providing also the real
context, which often changes the whole meaning of a story. A team
of journalists is specifically devoted to explaining the facts behind
the news and debunking misleading headlines. The plans also include
establishing an expertise network drawing on staff across the BBC,
creating an “intelligence unit” within the World Service, and putting more
resources into data journalism.
24. The Danish Broadcasting Corporation provides weekly fact-checking
videos on politics.

The German public service broadcasting
units host numerous initiatives. BR has a team called “BR Verifikation”
and “#ZDFcheck17” is a cross-media fact-checking initiative against
fake news spread on social media.

“Faktenfinder” is a fact-checking
site hosted by ARD, providing specialised content informing about
various forms of disinformation, discussing how to handle them,
and offering tutorials on how to recognise them: the project aims
at countering decreasing trust in the media.

3.3. Developing targeted online communication
with young people
3.3.1. Understanding journalism
25. Media literacy and media education
for young people is a staple of many public service broadcasters. Some
broadcasters, such as Belgium’s RTBF, have a special policy on media
literacy. The objective of their official strategy, in place since
2014, is to help audiences access any kind of platform, use it and
be able to analyse and sort all kinds of information they get through
the press, radio, television, movies, internet and social media.
The strategy has given birth to “RTBF Inside” and “RTBF Lab”. RTBF
Inside offers the public different thematic tracks that highlight
the stages of the production of radio, TV and web content, and the
professions in the audiovisual sector.

RTBF Lab offers experimental activities
around the production of news, radio, TV and web.

26. In terms of understanding the current information disorder,
some PSM organisations have responded with toolkits. For instance,
“France TV Éducation” has a collection of videos on the phenomenon

and the Swiss SRF “My School” has
published an educational teaching module specifically on “fake news”.

Some focus on the nature of quality
journalism, fact-finding and trust, with a comprehensive approach
to media and information literacy.
27. The Yle “Uutisluokka” (News classroom) project in Finland
allows students to make their own news with Yle’s professional journalists.
The mentors, that is Yle’s journalists, help students to come up
with ideas for news stories, assist students with the production
of their own news, and teach the principles of good journalism. The
project also organises News Class video workshops in schools.

28. The BBC has offered a thousand schools mentoring in person,
online, or at group events by BBC journalists. All schools have
free access to online materials, including classroom activities,
video tutorials and an interactive game called “BBC iReporter”.

The game allows players to experience
being a BBC journalist in the heart of the newsroom. BBC iReporter
gives the player first-hand experience of working in a newsroom facing
the fast-paced pressures behind covering a breaking news story,
whilst maintaining impeccable accuracy, impact and speed, and navigating
the various pitfalls thrown up by potential disinformation elements. The
game helps students to explore and discuss the importance of checking
sources, which sources to trust or not, identify false stories by
developing their critical thinking and media literacy skills, and
understanding the benefits and pitfalls of using social media to
gather information.

3.3.2. Current affairs that matter to the
target audience via multi-platform presence
29. Online, and especially mobile
social, presence seems to be the key to reaching younger audiences
– a challenge for many PSM organisations.

instance, Yle Kioski, the Finnish public broadcaster’s content hub for
younger audiences, offers comprehensive social media content on
its website, on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, as well as streaming
via Yle’s platform Areena.
30. German public broadcasters are creating an especially wide
variety of content for young audiences. Deutschlandfunk Nova addressed
political news literacy and created an unconventional interview
series “Ich würde nie” (“I would never”) during the German elections
in 2017, that targeted young voters, addressing political topics
that are particularly relevant within this age group.

DASDING Radio station, operated
by SWR, focuses on local news and young audiences aiming to increase
participation by commenting or voting via Whatsapp on programme

Also, the digital Deutschlandfunk
Nova, directed at young audiences, expanded its editorial offerings
with a new late-night programme: “Ab 21” (21+). This programme seeks
to make more creative space for topics that interest young target
audiences, but with content that is created and presented with the
quality standards of Deutschlandradio.

“Funk” is a German digital video
content platform launched by ARD and ZDF in 2016. The project publishes
both entertaining and informative, critical videos on over 60 different
channels. The channels can be watched on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram
and Snapchat, but they are all available together on funk.net, the
home platform. One of the main purposes of Funk is to not only provide
content but also drive audience participation. Viewers are invited
to discuss content and develop ideas, to raise criticism or questions.

3.3.3. Attracting young audiences through
31. Radio-television of Vojvodina,
a northern Serbian province, has produced a satirical show “Državni posao”
(State job), which is very popular especially on social media, and
its YouTube channel has more subscribers than any single public
broadcaster in the region. In Finland, in 2016, the drama series
“#sekasin” (#messedup) – a collaboration between Yle’s channels
and civil society organisations working on mental health – became
a success, greatly due to the related service, a live chat with
mental health professionals that generated significant audience
32. The web series “Skam” (Shame, 2015-2017) by NRK of Norway
may be the most well-known and successful current programme by a
public service broadcaster for young audiences. It follows a group
of friends attending the Hartvig Nissen School in the capital city
of Oslo. Each season corresponds to one school semester of about
12 weeks and focuses on a different character in the group, focusing
on their particular struggles with peer pressure, sexual abuse,
mental illness, homosexuality or religion. Each (fictional) character has
a social media account that facilitates further conversation and
dialogue between the episodes. A major international following emerged,
including fan-run YouTube and Twitter accounts.

The series, “built for social”,
has been bought for an English-language remake on Facebook Watch.

3.3.4. Global reach: the BBC case
33. Given its human and budgetary
resources, as well as its excellent reputation and high professional standards,
the BBC sets out today its ambition to be a global leader in the
fight against disinformation and propaganda. The BBC is putting
a major focus on raising global awareness regarding the phenomenon
of information disorder and the need for close co-operation between
various news media in the field of fact-checking and media literacy.
34. As the extent of information disorder has started to emerge,
the BBC has expanded to more parts of the world its fact-checking
service “Reality Check” to include global news stories and audience
questions. This is particularly useful in the perspective of the
next major elections in India and Nigeria in 2019. Monitoring and analysing
statements from political figures and parties constitutes an indispensable
watchdog function during election campaigns. Beyond elections, verification
of news and delivering quality trustworthy information is crucial,
notably for the Indian context, where false rumours spread via encrypted
closed groups like WhatsApp lead to fears of child abduction, mob
killings, etc. BBC professionals are sharing investigative expertise
with partners across India and Africa, including training of local
journalists on verification techniques.
35. BBC Monitoring is another service which monitors media worldwide
and is dealing amongst other things with the investigation of disinformation
and propaganda globally; this includes reporting on various trends
and false news stories. Based in London, it has several overseas
bureaux. BBC Monitoring selects and translates information from
radio, television, press, news agencies and the internet from around
150 countries in more than 100 languages.
36. Also, the BBC is expanding its media literacy programmes well
beyond the United Kingdom, notably across six different regions
in India. It is building on the work that has already been done
by School Report “Real News” in the United Kingdom, developing materials
that can be rolled out globally – through workshops and online resources
that can be used as classroom material – to help young people understand
what disinformation is and how to distinguish it from reliable information.
3.4. Collaborations
37. Collaborations with other news
providers as well as with independent fact-checkers are a strategy
for several public service broadcasters. In Austria, the ORF is
joined in awareness-raising with partners through the Austrian Press
Agency (APA), of which it and most daily newspapers are shareholders.

Some public broadcasting companies,
such as Germany’s BR and Italy’s RAI use the browser extension “FactFox”,
a product that supports management of and replying to user comments.
BR uses the tool to identify false information.

Some RAI news programmes host regular
external fact-checking organisations to show investigations and
data on given ‘facts’.

38. In Norway,
Faktisk.no is
an independent fact-checking organisation, owned by the media companies VG,
Dagbladet and TV 2, and public broadcaster NRK.

Following this model, Swedish Television
(SVT) and Swedish Radio (SR), as well as the two largest daily newspapers
Dagens Nyheter and
Svenska Dagbladet, have started
a project to collaborate on fact-checking methods and news spreading
during the electoral movement. The project is expected to last until
December 2018. The stakeholders have already conducted a joint training
programme for journalists. The participants collaborate on the fact-checking
method that is based on the guidelines from the International Fact-Checking
Network (IFCN).
39. Perhaps the most well-known multi-stakeholder collaboration
is First Draft, hosted at Harvard University. The project has over
40 members including commercial and public service media around
the world (for example ADF, BBC, France Télévisions, ZDF, Deutsche
Welle, as well as Eurovision), not-for-profit journalism organisations
(such as Global Voices and ProPublica), and social media platforms
(Facebook, Twitter).

In addition to its collaborative
fact-checking efforts (most notably around the French elections,
with a project called Cross Check), and its contributions to analyses
of the complex phenomena around information disorder (including
the aforementioned report to the Council of Europe), its latest
contribution is a free online course for journalists and the general
public on identifying misinformation.

40. The EBU efforts in the realm of quality programming, innovation
and media literacy

are, by nature of the organisation,
collaborations. They range from its core activities such as the
Eurovision News Exchange,

to business innovation including
big data,

journalism training and toolkits,
workshops and other events, research, and specific policy advocacy
for support of quality media to counter disinformation.

Recent projects include innovative
collaborative fact-checking and a collaborative governance initiative.
In 2017, the EBU created a co-operative system of verification of
user-generated content that works in a networked way with various
members’ newsrooms but also with other quality news partners, thus
decentralising the fact-checking process.

A new collaborative initiative to
combat disinformation online is the Journalism Trust Initiative
(JTI), launched in April 2018 by the EBU, Reporters Without Borders
(RSF), Agence France Presse (AFP) and the Global Editors Network
(GEN). The JTI is designed to promote journalism by adherence to
an agreed set of trust and transparency standards to be developed
and implemented. This will happen by means of the so-called Workshop
Agreement of the European Centre of Standardisation (CEN), which
was opened in April 2018 for the participation of media outlets,
professional associations and unions, self-regulatory entities like
press councils and regulatory bodies, as well as digital platforms,
advertisers and consumer interest representatives.

In late April 2018, the EBU published
its own “Position Paper: ‘Fake News’ and the Information Disorder”,
advocating a holistic, multi-stakeholder approach to the phenomenon.

41. Finally, collaborations of a different type might also be
useful: social media platforms may wish to invest in media literacy
projects developed by some PSM. A concrete example of such collaboration
is the BBC research project regarding the problem of disinformation
in India. Taking into account the seriousness of the issue in this
country, especially in the period before the elections in 2019,
Google and Twitter have supported financially the BBC research project
aiming to understand the psychology of people who spread disinformation, then
synchronising it with network analysis and providing a comprehensive
understanding of the complete chain of disinformation circulation:
messages, actors and technology. This example shows that technology giants
are also interested in finding effective solutions to the information
disorder and can usefully co-operate with public service media and
possibly other actors.
4. Conclusion
42. While the multi-stakeholder
policy documents highlighted in this report recognise the key role
of public service media, they do not give specific recommendations
for PSM. The core actions of the European Union High Level Expert
Group are about enhancing transparency of online news, promoting
media and information literacy to counter disinformation; developing
tools for empowering users and journalists
; tackling disinformation
and fostering a positive engagement with fast-evolving information
technologies; safeguarding
the diversity
and sustainability of the European news media ecosystem,
and promoting
continued research on the
impact of disinformation in Europe to evaluate the measures taken.

This list could be continued by
calling for quality journalism. The provision of reliable news should
include developing slow, deliberative, analytical thinking which
ensures that stories are verified, contextualised and impartial.
43. Many PSM organisations are engaging in awareness raising and
media literacy. Some are actively using tools for fact-checking
and creating related collaborations. However, while PSM organisations
are a part of the diversity of the European media landscape, many
have faced funding challenges in their respective countries, and/or
are being used for political rather than public communication tools.
This is where strong support from the Council of Europe and the
European Union, as well as from civil society, are needed. And while
internal research and development is core to PSM, this is clearly
an area where the Council of Europe can initiate participatory,
multi-stakeholder projects to better understand the aspects of information
disorder for PSM and democratic communication, as well as to innovate
in content, form and technology, to aid the role of PSM as a cutting-edge
stakeholder in protecting communication and media systems in Europe.
44. There are three broad aspects of the current media environment
that do not solely pertain to information disorder, but are crucial
in capturing the opportunities and limits of PSM organisations combating disinformation.
45. First, there is an urgent need to know more about audience
and disinformation. Europeans tend to trust broadcasting more than
online media, especially in the countries where PSM organisations
are strong.

At the same time, generational and
other differences may be key in terms of news consumption and media
literacy. Also, the general trend of distrust in authority and expertise
must be analysed in much more detail.
46. Second, there is a need to fully understand, and re-conceptualise,
the role of national public broadcasters in the global media ecosystem.
Many see internet intermediaries as the core of the challenge.

At the same time, some posit that
social media, because of their participatory possibilities and importance
as distributors of publicly relevant information and forums for
public engagement, “makes it vital to subject them to public service
obligations to ensure public interest benefits for societies”.

Understanding policy and regulatory
challenges of global platforms is thus imperative for policy makers
and national media organisations. Yet, the “beyond national” approach
can also be seen in multi-stakeholder solutions, the First Draft
project being a prominent example.
47. Third, PSM organisations are facing national challenges, be
it in contexts where State media are being transformed into PSM
(for example in former eastern Europe); or where public interest
media (including PSM, community, and local media) face severe commercial
competition and/or need to be revitalised. Coupled with this is
a wider challenge: an emerging trend of threats to the independence
of PSM or to their regulatory bodies. Accordingly, there is a need
to fully understand current challenges to PSM, from economic-commercial
and political perspectives.
48. An essential action by the PSM is developing various initiatives
and programming fostering audiences’ critical thinking about and
around information disorder. PSM like the BBC, France Télévisions,
the Danish Broadcasting Corporation or the German ZDF and ARD, as
well as other outlets, develop specific fact-checking initiatives
both to verify information and foster audience awareness.
49. Media literacy and media education for young people are indispensable
elements of many PSM strategies. Their objective is to help audiences
access any kind of platform, use it and be able to analyse and sort
all kinds of information they get through the press, radio, television
and social media. Some PSM organisations have prepared special toolkits
to help the public better understand and find their way in the current
information disorder.
50. PSM have fully understood that, to reach young audiences,
they must be present online and on mobile applications like Instagram,
Snapchat, Twitter, Youtube, etc. One of the main purposes of such
online presence is not only to provide content but also to drive
audience interactive participation, as viewers are invited to discuss
content and develop ideas, to express criticism and pose questions.
51. In the current context of disinformation disorder, most PSM
have realised that multi-stakeholder collaborations with other news
providers, as well as with independent fact-checkers, are absolutely
crucial. Guidelines from entities like the International Fact-Checking
Network or First Draft are extremely useful for their strategies
to counter disinformation and propaganda.
52. Finally, when we think about the future of PSM in the context
of information disorder, we have to consider important issues such
as their scale, sustainability and relevance. We must realise that
a company like the BBC, which is today the largest PSM organisation
in the world, is only a small player compared to the new media giants
like Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix or Google. This should be
taken into account in the current and future dialogue with the technology
platforms regarding the need for the latter to take responsibility
for countering disinformation online. Moreover, social media platforms
may be usefully involved in collaborations with PSM and other stakeholders
by supporting research in the domain of information disorder or
concrete projects developed by PSM to counter disinformation and
spread media literacy, as shown in the example above regarding the
BBC research projects in India and Africa.