1. Introduction
1. The motion for a resolution
underlying this report was prompted by the “Global Laundromat” money-laundering
scheme, exposed by investigative journalists working for the Organised
Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and used to transfer
at least US$21 billion between 2010 and 2014 from shell companies
in the Russian Federation to banks in 96 countries around the world.

motion also mentions what has since become known as the “Azerbaijani
Laundromat”, also exposed by the OCCRP (and others), which describe
it as a “a complex money-laundering operation and slush fund that
handled $2.9 billion over a two-year period through four shell companies
registered in the UK”.

2. Corruption, organised crime and money laundering are serious
and growing threats to the rule of law and obstacles to democratic
and economic development, as noted in the motion. The scale, duration
and reach of the “Global” and “Azerbaijani” money-laundering schemes
suggest possible weaknesses in national, regional and/or international
mechanisms for combating money laundering by organised criminal
groups and other actors. The motion therefore calls on the Parliamentary
Assembly to inquire into these issues with a view to making possible
recommendations for enhancing national mechanisms and international
co-operation to combat money laundering.
3. In the course of preparation of this report, I went to London
(United Kingdom), where I met officials of the National Crime Agency
and representatives of Transparency International UK. In addition,
the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights has held two hearings
with experts. The first, during the committee meeting on 26 June
2018, involved the participation of Mr Paul Radu, Executive Director
of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP),
and Ms Maira Martini, Knowledge and Policy Coordinator, Transparency
International. The second, during the committee meeting on 13 December
2018, involved Mr Daniel Thelesklaf, Chairperson of the Committee
of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and
the Financing of Terrorism of the Council of Europe (MONEYVAL),
Ms Khadija Ismayilova, Regional editor, OCCRP, Mr Howard Wilkinson,
formerly Head of the Markets trading unit in the Baltics, Danske
Bank Estonia (the Danske Bank whistle-blower), and Mr Steve Kohn,
partner, Kohn, Kohn and Colapinto (Mr Wilkinson’s attorney). I would
like to thank all of the aforementioned for their invaluable contributions
to the preparation of this report.
2. The “Global Laundromat”
2.1. Functioning
of the “Global Laundromat”
4. The Global Laundromat scheme
operated as follows. Shell companies secretly owned by Russian money
launderers were formed overseas, existing only on paper and with
no real-world business activity. One such company then “lent” a
sum of money to another, which signed a contract promising to repay
that sum – although no actual money was transferred. The debt was
guaranteed by a Russian company in a deal involving a Moldovan citizen.
The debtor company then defaulted on the loan, leading the creditor
company to demand repayment from the guarantor Russian company.
Thanks to the involvement of the Moldovan citizen, the repayment
could be enforced in a Moldovan court, where a corrupted judge ordered
the Russian company to honour the guarantee and repay the debt to
the creditor company. The Moldovan court appointed a judicial executor
– also party to the scheme – to arrange the transfer, which was
made by the Russian guarantor company from a Russian bank to an
account at Moldincoinbank, laundered as a court-ordered debt repayment.
5. US$8 billion was withdrawn directly from the Moldincoinbank
accounts and a further US$13 billion was transferred to the Trasta
Komercbanka in Latvia and from there, around the world.

and Latvian law- enforcement officers believe the true total may
be as high as US$80 billion.

These transactions began in 2010, although most took place in 2013
and 2014. During this period, 21 shell companies made 26 746 payments,
involving 732 foreign banks, including many with headquarters in
Council of Europe member States such as Ukraine, Denmark, the United
Kingdom, Cyprus, Switzerland, Estonia, Sweden, Lithuania, the Netherlands,
Germany, Hungary and Turkey.

6. According to reports, 19 Russian banks and more than 90 Russian
companies were involved in the scheme. One of the banks was the
Russian Land Bank (RZB), which from 2011 onwards was owned by six Cyprus-based
companies. The largest share was held by Boaden Ltd, owned by Alexander
Grigoriev from St Petersburg, who became head of the RZB executive
board. A new management team was put in place, including Igor Putin,
cousin of the Russian president.

In March
2014, the Russian Central Bank revoked RZB’s licence for violation
of anti-money-laundering regulations in relation to transactions
worth around US$500 million; Moldovan investigators claim that RZB
actually transferred around US$5 billion to Moldincoinbank. In March
2013, Grigoriev acquired another Russian bank, Zapadny, which was
also involved in transferring money to Moldincoinbank. Ilya Lomakin-Rumyantsev,
head of the Experts Directorate of the Russian Presidential Administration
until 2011,

was head of Zapadny’s board. Zapadny also
had its licence revoked, in April 2014.
7. Between December 2013 and May 2014, over US$21 million was
deposited in Moldincoinbank accounts held by Grigoriev. This money
had been transferred from a Moldovan company and a South African
one, of which the former was registered at the same address as the
headquarters of a company connected to Veaceslav Platon. This former
Moldovan MP Veaceslav Platon officially controlled 4.5% of Moldincoinbank
and is suspected to have also been behind other nominal shareholders.
These two companies had in turn received the money from two British
companies, one of which was called Westburn Properties Ltd. When
the OCCRP contacted Grigoriev prior to October 2014, he denied holding
any Moldincoinbank accounts and said that it was up to the Russian
authorities to prove any wrongdoing in relation to his banks’ transfers
of money out of Russia. He was arrested in Moscow in October 2015
on charges relating to another bank, Doninvest, which had also had
its banking licence revoked. Reports have described him as “Head
of one of the largest organised crime group [sic] in Russia”.

Another RZB shareholder,
Beslan Bulguchev, received US$1.4 million on his Moldincoinbank
account from the same South African company.
8. The money was often transferred to extremely wealthy Russian
businessmen, close to the very centre of power. Alexey Krapivin,
for example, reportedly received US$277 million on Swiss bank accounts
via the Laundromat.

Krapivin was the son of an adviser to the
head of Russian Railways, who had been a close associate of President
Putin since the 1990s. The Krapivins’ own business empire, involving
numerous shell companies whose true ownership was concealed,

was based on contracts with Russian
Railways worth hundreds of millions of dollars, many of which were
reportedly performed fraudulently. Other Russian users of the Laundromat
also held contracts with the Russian State: Georgy Gens, for example,
who owned a company registered in the British Virgin Islands that
received US$27 million via the Laundromat, also owns the Lanit group,
an information technology company that between 2010 and 2016 earned
US$890 million from State contracts. Sergey Girdin, the beneficial
owner of another company registered in the British Virgin Islands
that received almost US$96 million via the Laundromat, also owns
an IT company that has contracts worth US$246 million with State-owned
Sberbank. Ruslan Rostovtsev, former Vice-Mayor of Sochi and a Russian coal
tycoon rumoured to be involved in smuggling from the separatist
Donetsk region of Ukraine,

reportedly transferred
more than US$400 million out of Russia.

9. A number of the Russian companies had shareholders or directors
who were citizens of the Republic of Moldova or Ukraine. Investigations
by the OCCRP indicate that these individuals, often people of modest means,
were acting as fronts. For example, Ruslan Siloci, a small businessman
from Căuşeni who lived with his parents, was listed as majority
shareholder in a company that supposedly owed US$500 million to Westburn
Properties. Siloci effectively admitted to OCCRP journalists that
he was used as a proxy. Căuşeni is the hometown of Veaceslav Platon,
whose father is head of the local Moldincoinbank branch.
10. The first transaction under the Global Laundromat scheme took
place on 22 October 2010, when a British company, Valemont Properties
Ltd, brought a court case in Chisinau against the guarantors of
a loan it had made to another British company. The guarantors were
a Moldovan man and two Russian companies. The judge certified the
debt and ordered the Moldovan man and the Russian companies to forfeit
the guarantee; the Russian companies then transferred billions of
roubles from two Russian banks, EB Transinvestbank OOO and KB Inkredbank,
to a Moldincoinbank account controlled by a Moldovan judicial executor.
This money was then converted into pounds and transferred to Valemont.
As previously noted, other Russian Laundromat transfers followed
this same pattern. In May 2014, the Moldovan Superior Council of
Magistrates stated that many of the judicial rulings in debt recovery
cases of this sort had been issued illegally, based on documents that
had not been properly authenticated or notarised. Valemont Properties
continued to play a central role in the Global Laundromat: for example,
on the same day that it received a US$5.9 million transfer via Moldincoinbank,
Valemont paid a German company US$250 000 for two Bentley cars;
one was sent to Veaceslav Platon’s then wife, the other to an employee
of one of his companies.
2.2. The
situation in specific countries involved in the Global Laundromat
11. The Republic of Moldova has
made some progress in investigating the Global Laundromat. In autumn 2016,
14 current and former judges and two bailiffs were arrested; international
arrest warrants were issued with respect to another judge and a
bailiff and a further judge was under investigation prior to his
death. The 14 judges and two prosecutors were formally accused of
complicity in money laundering and deliberately issuing decisions
contrary to the law on 8 February 2017.

On 10
March 2017, the Anti-Corruption Prosecution Office filed charges
against four current or former senior officials of the Moldovan
National Bank: former Vice- Governor Emma Tăbârță, Director of the
Banking Supervision Department Matei Dohotaru, Director of Regulation
and Authorization Department Vladimir Țurcan, and the deputy head
of the latter department. The four were charged with offences concerning
supervisory failures in relation to Moldincoinbank that allowed suspect
transactions of over US$22 billion to occur.

Veaceslav Platon
was arrested in July 2016 in Kyiv, Ukraine and extradited to the
Republic of Moldova on charges of involvement in orchestrating the
Russian Laundromat. In April 2017, Platon was sentenced to 18 years’
imprisonment for unrelated money laundering and embezzlement offences
(known in the Republic of Moldova as the “theft of the century”).

Shor, who in March 2015 was arrested for his role in the “theft
of the century”, is said to have received around US$22 million via
the Global Laundromat.

Others apparently implicated seem not to have been investigated: for
example, US$130 000 passed through the Laundromat to pay for the
London accommodation of the daughter of Ion Muruianu, former president
of the Moldovan Supreme Court and since 2012 a judge of the Chisinau
Court of Appeals. Muruianu has stated that this was pursuant to
an agreement with an unnamed “shareholder of several banks”, a description
that would fit Platon.
12. More recent developments in the Republic of Moldova have,
however, been less encouraging. Moldinconbank is still in business
and was recently bought by two Bulgarian businessmen: Ognian Donev,
who was charged with money laundering in 2012 and tax evasion in

Radosvet Radev, a media owner and former collaborator with the Communist-era
Committee for State Security.

A “fiscal amnesty” introduced in
July 2018 allows Moldovans to register assets without proof of how
they were acquired by paying a 3% tax. Opposition leader Andrei
Nastase – whose victory in the June 2018 Chisinau mayoral election
was annulled by the Moldovan courts – has described the measure
as “legalisation of fraudulently acquired money”.

In November, the European Commission –
in response to rule of law concerns including the “fiscal amnesty”,
the 2018 Chisinau mayoral elections and the US$1 billion “theft
of the century” – cut its annual financial assistance to the Republic
of Moldova by €20 million and suspended its €100 million macrofinancial
assistance programme.

This can be set alongside the Republic
of Moldova’s new “golden passport” scheme, which has been criticised
as having the potential to facilitate money laundering, and which
would give new Moldovan citizens visa-free access to the Schengen
area and other Council of Europe member States, including Russia and

13. The 2016 report of the Group of States against Corruption
(GRECO) on the Republic of Moldova noted that “[c]orruption represents
one of the major issues in the Republic of Moldova. Effective implementation
of the legislative and policy framework for the fight against corruption
remains problematic and the major institutions in charge of fighting
corruption suffer from weak capacities and lack of independence”.
As regards the judiciary, the report notes that “the Superior Council
of the Magistracy faces criticism as regards its composition and
operation … Awareness of ethics and integrity rules among judges
needs to be heightened and rules on gifts and other advantages properly
enforced. The legal and operational framework for disciplinary liability
of judges needs to be reviewed, in order to reinforce their accountability”.

The Republic of Moldova ranked
117th out of 180 States in Transparency International’s Corruption
Perceptions Index 2018, a climb of five places since 2017, scoring
33/100 (0 being the most corrupt), two points better, but still
below the eastern European and central Asian average. The latest
MONEYVAL report on the Republic of Moldova, from 2012, mentioned
a series of deficiencies, including in relation to prosecution of
money-laundering offences, the regime for confiscating laundered
property, identification of beneficial owners and understanding
the ownership and control structures of customers that are legal
persons, reporting of suspicious transactions and the use of shell
or “ghost” companies to commit money laundering through fictitious
banking transactions.

14. As previously noted, at least two of the Russian banks involved
in the Global Laundromat, RZB and Zapadny, had their licences revoked
in 2014, shortly before the OCCRP went public with the results of
its investigations. Beyond such administrative sanctions against
corporate entities, however, little information is available on
any investigation into the Global Laundromat by the Russian authorities.
Grigoriev was arrested in October 2015 on organised crime and bank
fraud charges but has yet to be tried.

In July 2018, it was reported
that Boris Fomin, a former director of Promsperbank – whose shareholders
included Igor Putin and Grigoriev and which was closed by the Russian
Central Bank in 2015 – had given evidence about a network of corrupt
Russian bankers, known as “Miaso” (“meat”), that had organised the
Global Laundromat.

Mr Fomin’s
evidence is said to implicate Ivan Myazin, known as “shadow banker
number 1”, who was himself detained by the FSB in relation to embezzlement
from Promsperbank,

and who had “extensive
contacts in law enforcement agencies, as well as with the Central
Bank of the Russian Federation and the Federal Financial Markets
Service”; Myazin reportedly used money from Promsperbank to bribe
Russian Central Bank officials.

From the information available,
however, it is unclear whether the Russian authorities are actively investigating
the Global Laundromat itself, or other criminal activity by individuals
who happen also to have been involved in the Laundromat. As for
Igor Putin, he seems to have remained untouched.

15. The other two countries that played a particularly prominent
role in the Global Laundromat are Latvia and the United Kingdom,
including British Overseas Territories such as the British Virgin
Islands. Latvia has been described as vulnerable to laundering of
money from Russia for several reasons: its relative stability compared
to many of its eastern neighbours; its low taxes and Russian-speaking
financial professionals; and its access to the broader western market,
circumventing stricter regulation in other countries. It is said
that most of Latvia’s 16 banks cater almost exclusively to foreign
clients, whose deposits, mainly held in immediately transferable
form, amounted to 43% of the Latvian banking system;

the chair
of the parliamentary Committee on Defence, Home Affairs and Corruption
Prevention has described Latvia as the “Switzerland of the Baltic States.

Latvia’s own financial supervisory authority
has advised that the risk to a bank of being engaged in transactions
involving money laundering is higher for those holding non-residents’

February 2018, the Latvian Prime Minister promised to reduce the
amount of foreign deposits in the country’s banks, following the
US Treasury’s accusations of “institutionalised money laundering”
against the ABLV bank, Latvia’s third-largest lender,

of having indirect links to the North Korean weapons programme.
Latvia was last assessed by MONEYVAL in 2012, when it was found
to be only partially compliant with the recommendations of the Financial
Action Task Force (FATF) on customer due diligence, suspicious transaction
reporting and special attention for higher risk countries, amongst
other issues.

next MONEYVAL report on Latvia is expected soon. Trasta Komercbanka’s
activities were curtailed by the Latvian financial services authority
(FSA) in January 2016 and its licence revoked by the European Central
Bank in March the same year (its licence to operate in Cyprus was
also revoked by that country’s central bank; four of the eight banks
receiving the most money via the Global Laundromat operated in Cyprus).
A national audit of the Latvian banking system following the Global
Laundromat reports led to just €640 000 in fines against three banks.

In 2017,
Latvia launched just 85 money-laundering investigations, despite
its banks having made 17 900 suspicious transaction reports.

16. A 2015 British Government report recognised that “[t]he same
factors that make the UK an attractive place for legitimate financial
activity also make it an attractive place through which to launder
the proceeds of crime”. An equivalent report in 2017 stated that
“the key money laundering risk in relation to Russia is that the proceeds
of crime and corruption may be channelled through the UK economy,
through both regulated and unregulated sectors”.

Transparency has observed that “[l]awful UK ‘corporations of convenience’, legally
constructed to conceal beneficial ownership, aided in layering and
legitimising criminal enterprise to launder illicit funds”.

The 21 shell companies involved included
the two mentioned above, Westburn Properties Ltd and Valemont Properties
Ltd; 19 of them were British, and most of them have since been dissolved.

113 “Scottish
limited partnerships” (SLPs), described as “the UK’s own home-grown
secrecy vehicle”, were also involved in transferring money.

British-based banks were also involved
in laundering some US$740 million of the Laundromat money.

In March 2017,
the minister responsible for banking and financial services regulation
announced to parliament that the Financial Conduct Authority and
the National Crime Agency (NCA) would investigate the Global Laundromat

These investigations appear to
be still ongoing. By contrast, it has been reported that senior
management at the NCA instructed the head of its international corruption
unit to halt an inquiry into Russian money laundering linked to
the Magnitsky case; the NCA has denied that there was any political
influence behind this decision.

17. Effective international co-operation between national investigative
and regulatory agencies will be essential if the full extent of
the Global Laundromat is to be clarified and those responsible for
criminal conduct are to be punished. Officers from the British National
Crime Agency co-operated with Moldovan police in November 2014 in
attempting to identify the routes taken by laundered money and the
role that British companies may have played. By contrast, the Moldovan
authorities have complained about a lack of co-operation and even
obstruction on the part of the Russian authorities: a statement
issued in March 2017 claimed that “abuse, harassing Moldovan officials
at the entry into the Russian Federation and putting them on international
monitoring, took speed and size once the [Global Laundromat] investigation
progressed”. The Moldovan authorities reportedly believe the harassment
to have been ordered by the interior ministry and the FSB, whose
officials “used part of the money from the money laundering to further
Russian State interests”.

3. The
“Azerbaijani Laundromat”
3.1. Functioning
of the “Azerbaijani Laundromat”
18. The “Azerbaijani Laundromat”,
which came to light following a leak of banking records, had many similarities
to the Global Laundromat. The similarities lie in the involvement
of persons close to the centre of political power, and the fact
that the money was transferred through shell companies. These included
four core companies registered in the United Kingdom with secret
beneficial ownership: Hilux Services and Polux Management, Scottish
limited partnerships (see above) based in Scotland, and Metastar
Invest LLP and LCM Alliance LLP, based in England, as well as numerous
entities based in off-shore jurisdictions. At least 33 of the companies
involved in the Global Laundromat also played a part in the Azerbaijani

Latvian Trasta
Komercbanka, which played a central role in the Global Laundromat,
was also involved in the Azerbaijani Laundromat.

The key foreign bank involved in the Azerbaijani
Laundromat, Danske Bank Estonia, was also located in a Baltic State;
this bank had also received almost US$1.2 billion from Trasta Komercbanka
through the Global Laundromat.

Once again, there were connections to
the Magnitsky case: Metastar Invest was controlled by two companies
based in Belize that also controlled a UK-registered company, Armut
Services, said to have helped in transferring the US$230 million
involved in the Magnitsky case out of Russia;

and Magnitsky
money passed through Danske Bank Estonia. Unlike the Global Laundromat,
however, the Azerbaijani Laundromat did not depend on judicial corruption
or fictitious debt repayments as cover for the transfers, which
amounted to US$2.9 billion through over 16 000 transactions.
19. $1.4 billion came from an account at the State-owned International
Bank of Azerbaijan (IBA) in the name of Baktelekom MMC. Baktelekom
was founded by Rasim Asadov, the son of a former interior minister
and business partner of members of the family of President Aliyev’s
wife. IBA is also suspected of having knowingly made billions of
dollars’ worth of bad loans to overseas shell companies, including
some involved in the Azerbaijani Laundromat. IBA filed for bankruptcy
protection in the United Kingdom and United States in early 2017.
The two next biggest contributors were offshore companies “with
direct connections to the Azerbaijani regime and ties to a major
corruption case involving [former PACE member Luca Volontè]”: Faberlex
LP (based in Scotland), which transferred over US$169 million; and
Jetfield Networks Ltd (based in New Zealand), which transferred
US$105 million. The Russian State weapons export company Rosoboronexport,
a supplier of military equipment to the Azerbaijani Government,
transferred over US$29 million to Metastar Invest,

20. As with the Global Laundromat, local people of modest means
were sometimes used to conceal the true ownership and control of
shell companies. Faberlex, Hilux and Polux were “owned” by a driver
employed by a Baku bank who lived surrounded by small poultry farms
on the outskirts of Baku. The identity of other people involved
is perhaps more revealing: bank documents for LCM Alliance name
as a signatory Zamina Zamanova, an assistant director of Kapital
Bank, which is owned by President Aliyev’s family. Although the
four core shell companies were registered in the United Kingdom,
the addresses for their Danske Bank accounts were all in Baku.
21. The laundered money reached a wide range of beneficiaries,
including family members of several high officials. These included
Yaqub Eyyubov, Azerbaijan’s first deputy prime minister (appointed
directly by the President) since 2003, with important roles in the
energy industry and international relations, to whom Russian President
Putin presented the Order of Friendship in 2016. Over US$9 million
was transferred from Rosoboronexport, with whom Eyyubov had negotiated
an arms contract, to Hungarian bank accounts held by a company based
in the British Virgin Islands, Velasco International Inc, that had
been created by Mossack Fonseca and was owned by one of Eyyubov’s
sons. Over US$1.2 million was received by Czech-based AME Holdings
S.R.O., which was controlled by a company registered in the British
Virgin Islands, Nettle Stone Investments Ltd; Nettle Stone was owned
by the sons of the deputy chief of the Azerbaijani anti-corruption authority,
Ali Nagiyev, who have extensive business interests in the Czech
Republic. Metastar Invest made monthly payments totalling over US$1.3
million to the daughters of Fizuli Alakbarov, Minister for Labour
and Social Protection. Azer Gasimov, President Aliyev’s press secretary,
received four payments totalling US$130 400, purportedly for an
“educational field trip”.
22. The use of off-shore shell companies by persons close to political
power in Azerbaijan was also documented in reporting of the “Panama
Papers” affair in 2016.

President Aliyev’s son and two daughters, along
with the son of the tax minister, Fazil Mammadov, were the beneficial
owners of 80% of a Panama-based foundation, managed by their mother
(and now Vice-President), Mehriban Aliyeva, and Mammadov, that controlled
a Panama-based company whose titular directors were provided by
the Panamanian law firm, Mossack Fonseca. This company in turn owned
shares in a UK-based company that owned 51% of AtaHolding, one of
Azerbaijan’s biggest conglomerates, worth US$490 million in 2014,
with interests in the country’s banking, telecommunications, construction,
mining, oil and gas sectors. This structure would have allowed the
concealed transfer of profits from AtaHolding to the children of
President Aliyev and of Mammadov. President Aliyev’s daughters also
partly controlled three Panamanian companies that owned 56% of a consortium
that obtained a 30-year mining lease in Azerbaijan.
“How Family that Runs
Azerbaijan Built an Empire of Hidden Wealth”, International Consortium
of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), 4 April 2016. The ICIJ adds
the caveat that “[w]hile there is no doubt that these secret companies existed
…, it is unclear whether or not the proposed structure to benefit
President Aliyev’s teenage daughters and six-year-old son … was
ever adopted”. Other examples can be found in the articles “Offshore
companies provide link between corporate mogul and Azerbaijan’s
president”, ICIJ, 3 April 2013, and “Offshores Close to President
Paid Nothing for State Share of Telecom”, OCCRP, 27 May 2015.](/nw/images/icon_footnoteCall.png)
3.2. The
situation in specific countries involved in the Azerbaijani Laundromat
23. The US$2.9 billion passed through
the accounts of the four main shell companies at Danske Bank Estonia.
Following revelations of Danske Bank’s involvement in laundering
over a billion dollars of Global Laundromat money, its CEO had stated
that the bank only discovered the situation after the transfers
had ended; its chief legal officer gave a similar response to the
Azerbaijani Laundromat reports. A Danish money-laundering expert
has said that “Danske Bank [broke] almost all AML [anti-money laundering]
rules possible in this case”; the president of the American Anti-Corruption
Institute stated that it should not have been possible for Danske
Bank to miss the size and patterns of transactions. The case of
Danske Bank and its Estonian branch is of such significance that
I will address it separately in section 4 of this report.
24. As noted above, the United Kingdom was also heavily implicated
in the Azerbaijani Laundromat, with four UK-registered shell companies
playing a central role. In total, more than 20 Scottish limited
partnerships were involved in transferring funds; one of them, Westburn
Enterprises, was also involved in the Global Laundromat.

the United Kingdom was so significantly implicated in both schemes,
I will examine it separately in section 6 below.
25. In Transparency International’s 2018 Corruption Perceptions
Index, Azerbaijan scored 25/100, 6 points less than in 2017 and
10 points below the eastern European and central Asian average,
coming 152nd out of 180 countries assessed, a fall of 30 places.
The 2014 MONEYVAL report on Azerbaijan noted, in its key findings,
a series of shortcomings.

These include undue limitations on the
scope of criminal offences; criminal liability for money laundering
not extending to legal persons; ineffective criminalisation of money
laundering, with few convictions and no cases of stand-alone and
autonomous money laundering; no submissions of suspicious transaction
reports by designated non-financial businesses and professions and
only one by a non-banking financial institution; sanctions for infringement
of the anti-money laundering regime that are not effective, proportionate
or dissuasive, and which have rarely been applied in practice and
never been applied to senior management; and no requirement for
information on beneficial ownership to be collected or made available
by State authorities. In June 2012, the Azerbaijani Parliament voted
to restrict public access to information about the registration,
ownership structure and shareholders of Azerbaijani corporations,
and gave President Aliyev and his wife lifetime immunity from criminal

26. The Assembly has already provisionally considered this situation.
Resolution 2185 (2017) “Azerbaijan’s chairmanship of the Council of Europe:
what follow-up on respect for human rights?”, the Assembly “[noted]
with great concern reports linking the Azerbaijani Government to
a large-scale money-laundering scheme in place between 2012 and
2014, used,
inter alia, to
influence the work of members of the Assembly as regards the human
rights situation in Azerbaijan. The Assembly urges the Azerbaijani
authorities to start an independent and impartial inquiry into these
allegations without delay and, furthermore, to co-operate fully
with the competent international authorities and bodies on this
issue”. Regrettably, the Azerbaijani authorities seem to have made
no effort nor shown the slightest political will to give any effect
to the Assembly’s request. I will now look at the issue in more
3.3. The
Azerbaijani Laundromat and corruptive activities in the Parliamentary
27. The Azerbaijani Laundromat
was also used to corrupt certain members of the Parliamentary Assembly, as
described in the report of the Independent Investigative Body on
the allegations of corruption within the Parliamentary Assembly
(IBAC). According to sources cited in the IBAC report, Luca Volontè,
a member of the Italian delegation to the Assembly (from 2008-2013)
and erstwhile chair of the Assembly’s EPP/CD political group, received
more than €2 million from various Azerbaijani sources, including
two members of the Azerbaijani delegation to the Assembly.

of this money was transferred through companies involved in the
Azerbaijani Laundromat, including Metastar and Jetfield, via various
banks, including in Latvia and Estonia, to Mr Volontè’s foundation,
“Novae Terrae”, and LGV, a company he set up during this period
in his wife’s name. Two of the transfers to LGV raised suspicions
in the recipient bank, ultimately leading to the ongoing Italian
criminal investigation of Mr Volontè for bribery and money laundering.
In email exchanges during this period with Elkhan Suleymanov, member
of the Azerbaijani delegation, Mr Volontè expressed a clear expectation
of reward following the Assembly’s notorious rejection, in which
Mr Volontè is believed to have been heavily involved, of the “Strässer
report” on political prisoners in Azerbaijan; Mr Suleymanov replied affirmatively.
In an earlier message, Mr Volontè had told Muslum Mammadov, another
member of the Azerbaijani delegation, that his wish was Mr Volontè’s
28. Another recipient of large sums of money via the Azerbaijani
Laundromat was Eduard Lintner (member of the German delegation,
1999-2010; erstwhile Chairperson of the Committee on Legal Affairs
and Human Rights and the Monitoring Committee). In 2009, Mr Lintner
set up the Society for Promoting German-Azerbaijani Relations (GEFDAB).
In 2013, GEFDAB organised an observation mission that issued a very positive
assessment of the Azerbaijani presidential elections, despite the
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) having
found numerous serious flaws. Between 2012 and 2014, Mr Lintner reportedly
received a total of €819 500 from Azerbaijan via the Azerbaijani
Laundromat companies Polux, Metastar and Hilux; documents received
by the IBAC from the Italian prosecutors of Mr Volontè showed receipts
of €799 500 on Mr Lintner’s personal accounts from Hilux, Jetfield
and Metastar. One can also mention Mr Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti (member
of the Slovenian delegation, 2009-2012), President of the Slovenian National
Party, who received €25 000 in July 2012 from one of the British
companies involved in the Azerbaijani Laundromat. Mr Jelinčič Plemeniti
had acted as an observer in three Azerbaijani elections, in 2005,
2010 and 2013, on which he had given a positive assessment.
29. Mr Lintner also transferred Azerbaijani money to other Assembly
members involved in activities relating to Azerbaijan. Karin Strenz
(member of the German delegation, 2010-2018), for example, received
money from Line-M, a company set up by Mr Lintner reportedly for
the sole purpose of transferring Azerbaijani money for lobbying
in Germany, in return for “consultancy services”. Ms Strenz participated
in monitoring of Azerbaijani elections in 2010 organised by Mr Lintner.
The IBAC report also contains details of her suspicious behaviour during
the Assembly’s observation of the 2015 Azerbaijani parliamentary
elections. Two members of the Belgian delegation to the Assembly,
Alain Destexhe (2014-2017; erstwhile Chairperson of the Committee
on Legal Affairs and Human Rights and its rapporteur on Azerbaijan)
and Stef Goris (Assembly member from 1999-2007), founded the European
Academy of Election Observation (EAEO), which received financing
from one of Mr Lintner’s Azerbaijani-funded organisations. The IBAC
report notes that the EAEO gave positive assessments of the Azerbaijani
elections that it observed, contrary to the general international
criticism. The EAEO’s mission to the 2016 Azerbaijani constitutional
referendum, for example, included members of the Parliamentary Assembly
of the Council of Europe (amongst whom Thierry Mariani of the French
delegation (2012-2017)), erstwhile Chairperson of the Assembly’s
Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons), despite
the fact that there was also an official Assembly observation mission.

30. On 18 January 2019, the German Parliament
ruled that Ms Strenz had broken parliamentary rules on declaring
external income by failing to disclose money and gifts received
from Azerbaijani lobbyists. She faces a fine of up to €60 000. “Let’s
hope politicians in … Belgium, and other parliaments hit by the
scandal will quickly follow the
lead”, said Human Rights Watch in a
statement welcoming this development. To the best of my knowledge,
however, no other Assembly member has yet been subject to any form
of sanction by their domestic authorities.
31. Although the Ecolo party called on the Belgian Senate to determine
that Mr Destexhe had breached the code of ethics,

leaders of the Senate, having reportedly discussed Mr Destexhe’s
case behind closed doors, decided to take no further action.

This decision seems to have
been based on the fact that in 2017, the Belgian prosecutor had
opened criminal proceedings against Mr Destexhe in relation to the
financing of the EAEO, these proceedings purportedly raising issues
in relation to the separation of powers. I find this argument unconvincing.
I am not aware of any subsequent progress in the criminal proceedings,
but should they prove inconclusive, the Belgian Senate will no longer
have any excuse for failing to act.
32. The Italian prosecutors in the case of Mr Volontè have deepened
their investigations into Azerbaijani money laundering, looking
closely at the roles of Danske Bank Estonia and four UK-based companies.
Letters rogatory have been sent to the Danish, Estonian, Latvian
and United Kingdom authorities requesting further information. The
Italian media speculates that these investigations may widen to
include Malta, since Hilux is understood to have held an account
at Pilatus Bank, many of whose other account holders were Azerbaijani “politically-exposed
persons” (PEPs, i.e. individuals whose profile suggests a particular
need for AML checks). It can be recalled that Pilatus Bank was at
the centre of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s investigative reporting prior to
her assassination in November 2017.

33. In October 2018, Transparency International, noting the Assembly’s
call on national authorities to follow up the IBAC report,

which “presented
sufficient evidence for 18 European countries to launch their own investigations
into corruptive activities”, “tried to determine which implicated
countries pursued legal action. In 12 European countries, there
has been no official follow-up by law enforcement, while investigations
are pending in four. In one country, Italy, there is an ongoing
criminal procedure in court on charges of bribery. Two of the countries
– Azerbaijan and Hungary – refused to open investigations”.

This is extremely disappointing, especially
given the Assembly’s separate, direct request to Azerbaijan in
Resolution 2185 (see above). I hope that the Assembly will continue
to push for follow-up at national level.
4. Danske
Bank Estonia
34. Although far from being the
only bank or financial institution involved in the Laundromats,
the case of Danske Bank Estonia deserves special attention as an
illustration of acute and protracted failure in AML regulation.
Danske Bank, founded in 1871, is Denmark’s largest bank. In 2006,
it bought the Finnish Sampo Bank, including its Estonian operations,
which became Danske Bank Estonia. A large part of Sampo Bank’s customer
base consisted of non-residents, especially from Russia and other
former-Soviet countries, notably Ukraine and Azerbaijan. Concerns
emerged as early as 2007, when the Estonian FSA issued a critical inspection
report and the Russian Central Bank wrote to warn the Danish Financial
Supervisory Authority (DFSA) that Sampo Bank clients “permanently
participate in financial transactions of doubtful origin”. Yet in 2008,
Danske Bank decided not to migrate its Baltic banking activities
onto the group’s information technology platform; this meant that
the group’s general AML procedures and monitoring were not applied
in the Estonian branch; and that the group’s headquarters had less
insight into its activities, a problem worsened by the fact that
many documents within the branch were written in Estonian or Russian.
In 2010, Danske Bank even considered increasing its non-resident
business in Estonia, with the executive board being “comfortable
[with] substantial Russian deposits”. Mr Wilkinson has described
the Estonian branch as “an unprofitable bank serving resident customers
concealing a massively profitable non-resident business”: in 2011,
the branch contributed 11% of Danske Bank’s profits, despite holding
only 0.5% of the group’s assets; between 2012-2014, over 90% of
the branch’s profits came from non-residents. In violation of AML
regulations, Danske Bank’s head office was without a crucial AML
official from January to November 2013. That same year, a correspondent
bank, JPMorgan, was so concerned by the money laundering risks that
it stopped clearing dollar transactions for Danske Bank Estonia.
When, during the same period, the new Danske Bank executive responsible
for Estonia suggested that the branch’s non-resident business needed
to be “reviewed and potentially reduced”, the group’s head of international
banking, Thomas Borgen, responded by referring to “the need for
a middle ground”. Later that year, a whistle-blower – later revealed
to be Mr Wilkinson, who took part in our committee hearing – filed
an internal report entitled “Whistleblowing disclosure – knowingly
dealing with criminals in Estonia Branch”. The report was circulated
to various management and supervisory structures and was followed
in early 2014 by further reports of “similar irregularities”. Amongst
other things, the whistle-blower informed Danske Bank management
that the Estonian branch had only belatedly discovered that its
clients included a British limited liability partnership (LLP) linked
to the Putin family and the Russian FSB. During this period, awareness
of inadequate AML procedures at the branch was growing within the
group, with an internal audit finding that “we cannot identify actual
sources of funds or beneficial owners”. This led to suggestions
from within Danske Bank to withdraw from the “offshore business”.
In 2015, further concerns were raised by the Estonian FSA and correspondent
banks, after which Danske Bank began closing non-resident accounts
held at the Estonian branch, a process it completed in early 2016.
Mr Borgen, at the time the group’s chief executive, was against
this, considering it “unwise to speed up an exit strategy as this
might significantly impact any sales price”.
35. In September 2018, a specially commissioned report found that
between 2007-2015, €200 billion had passed through the non-resident
portfolio of Danske Bank Estonia, which included around 10 000 customers. Of
6 200 customers who were examined, the vast majority were deemed
suspicious, and it is expected that a large part of their transactions,
in some cases all of them, were suspicious. Forty-two employees
and agents of the branch are considered to have been involved in
some suspicious activity; Danske Bank has reported eight former
employees to the Estonian police.

Lars Mørch, head of Baltic
operations, resigned in April 2018; Mr Borgen, chief executive,
resigned in September 2018; and in November, Danske Bank’s chairman
was ousted by its main shareholder and the chairman of its audit
committee resigned. The Danish FSA has twice ordered Danske Bank
to increase its capital requirements as a result of substantial
increases in the bank’s compliance and reputations risk: by DKK
5 billion following the FSA’s May 2018 report; and by a further
DKK 10 billion in October 2018, due to non-fulfilment of a key order
made in the May report. In its
report, published on 1 February 2019, Danske announced that
it would spend DKK 2 billion to improve its anti-money laundering
controls. Danske Bank and its personnel have clearly paid a price
for the scandal at its Estonian branch: whether that price is high
enough, however, is another matter; certainly, it comes too late
to prevent the serious harm that has already been done.
36. The fact that money laundering through Danske Bank Estonia
continued despite several national supervisory bodies having raised
concerns illustrates a weakness in the overall AML system. As noted
above, in 2007, the Estonian FSA issued a critical report and the
Russian Central Bank expressed concerns to the Danish FSA. A second
Estonian FSA report in 2009 was less critical, but a mid-2014 on-site
inspection revealed large scale, long-lasting systemic AML violations
and led the FSA to order the bank to remedy identified breaches
and bring its activities into compliance with basic AML regulations.
Between 2015 and 2018, the Danish FSA conducted three further AML
inspections – but by then, the damage had been done.
37. An August 2017, the FATF Mutual Evaluation Report found that
Denmark had only a “moderate level of understanding of its money
laundering risks”. There were particular problems in the national
risk assessment; no national AML strategy or policy; no co-ordination
of the objectives and activities of individual competent authorities;
ineffective functioning of the financial intelligence unit due to
lack of human resources and operational autonomy; inadequate understanding
of risk and weak implementation of AML measures in almost all of
the financial sector; and application of lenient criminal sentences
in practice, which limited the dissuasiveness of the more severe
sentences available in theory. Denmark was only partially compliant
with 19 of the FATF’s 40 recommendations. These are just some of
the main findings: a more detailed reading of the report is even
more alarming.
38. On 28 November 2018, the Danish Public Prosecutor for Serious
Economic and International Crime preliminarily charged the bank
with four violations of the Danish Anti-Money Laundering Act. Several
other countries have also opened criminal proceedings in relation
to Danske Bank. In October 2018, the bank announced that it was
“in dialogue with the US authorities” and had received requests
for information from the US Department of Justice in connection
with a criminal investigation into the Estonian branch. In January
2019, Danske Bank received a letter from the investigating judge
of the French Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris, summoning the
bank to an interview to discuss the ongoing investigation and stating
that the judge envisaged placing Danske Bank under formal investigation.
Also in January, a pension fund has brought civil proceedings against
Danske Bank before a New York court, accusing it of artificially
inflating its share price by hiding and failing to stop money laundering
at its Estonian branch.
5. Common
weaknesses in national AML supervisory regimes
39. Looking at national AML supervisory
regimes more generally, Transparency International underlines the inadequacy
of national legal frameworks and poor enforcement. In its survey
of 23 G20 countries and guest countries, Transparency International
found 11 of them to have weak or average legal frameworks for identifying
beneficial ownership of companies and trusts. Fifteen countries
relied on information on beneficial ownership collected by financial
institutions and other obliged professionals (lawyers, accountants,
etc.), despite experience (in cases such as Mossack Fonseca and
Danske Bank) having revealed negligence and complicity. Transparency
International has therefore long called for public central beneficial
ownership registers, and welcomes the recent European Union Fifth
Directive on the prevention of the use of the financial system for
the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing (Directive
(EU) 2018/843, “Anti-Money Laundering Directive”) and the requirement
for British Overseas Territories to establish public beneficial ownership
registers as setting a new standard – whilst emphasising that other
countries must follow suit to avoid that money launderers simply
turn to other jurisdictions. Another problem highlighted by Transparency International
is reliance on a risk-based approach to AML enforcement. Whilst
this is essential to efficient allocation of resources, the risk-assessment
exercise must be undertaken properly.
40. Transparency International’s recommendations for addressing
these and other problems include a strategic approach by AML supervisory
bodies. Supervisory bodies should make better use of technology
to cross-check information, look for patterns and guide on-site
inspections, allowing more effective use of detailed information
at transaction level, including on concentration of bank ownership,
the share of non-residents amongst the client base, the share of
foreign currency deposits – all of which should be shared by supervised entities
with supervisory bodies. Supervised entities should improve the
quality – and quantity – of their suspicious transaction reports
and maintain a clear audit trail of their client risk assessments.
They should also promptly share any evidence of wrongdoing with
law-enforcement authorities. Supervised entities, including their
top and senior managers, should be subject to proportionate and
dissuasive sanctions for failing to comply with AML requirements.
41. The Danske Bank case has also revealed uncertainty about the
division of responsibilities between national financial supervisory
authorities in respect of multinational banks. On 29 January 2019,
the Danish FSA issued a statement that “[a]s the host country supervisory
authority, the Estonian supervisory authority (EFSA) has had and
still has responsibility for the anti-money laundering supervision
of the Estonian branch. This follows from EU legislation, and this
division of responsibilities was also followed in practice … The
Danish FSA co-ordinated the overall supervision of Danske Bank,
including the AML area”.

The next day, the Estonian FSA
replied, stating that: “We welcome the clear indication now given
by our Danish colleagues that [the Estonian FSA] should firmly take
the lead in supervising the Danske Bank in Estonia, clarity that
we have been waiting for from DSFA for some years … The Danish Financial
Supervisory Authority was and is responsible for supervising the
governance of Danske Bank, including its branches. [The Estonian
FSA] stands ready to take over supervision of Danske Bank as whole.”

that day, the Danish FSA responded, stating that “this division
of responsibilities was also described in the joint statement issued
by the Danish FSA and the [Estonian FSA] on May 28, 2018 … The described
division of responsibilities has also been followed in practice
… The [Estonian FSA] had the power to stop the offenses when [it]
became aware of them through inspections in 2014”. Whilst I do not
know everything that lies behind these exchanges and cannot tell
which account is most accurate, it is of great concern that this
uncertainty even exists. If there is a need for clarification, it
should be addressed as a matter of the utmost urgency.
42. Ms Ismayilova reminded the committee of the importance of
strong, independent mechanisms outside the immediate AML context.
Underlining the significance of corruption throughout the money-laundering
chain – something that Mr Thelesklaf also mentioned – Ms Ismayilova
called for stronger anti-corruption mechanisms, notably in Russia
and Azerbaijan, including not only State authorities but also independent
media and civil society bodies. Corruption could also be prevented
by requiring persons such as State officials, presidential candidates
and members of parliament to make property and income declarations
publicly accessible.
43. Another weakness relates to whistle-blower opportunities and
protection. Mr Wilkinson stated that he had not been able to identify
any whistle-blower procedures within Danske Bank, nor was he, or
other members of his team, made aware of any internal procedures
for reporting money laundering suspicions. Mr Wilkinson’s lawyer,
Mr Kohn argues that European whistle-blower protection should emulate
that in the United States, where it is considered obstruction of
justice for an employer to threaten legal action against an employee
who reveals criminal misconduct. In this connection, I would recall
the Assembly’s previous work on whistle-blowers, notably its
Resolution 1729 (2010) on the protection of “whistle-blowers”, and the ongoing
work of our committee’s rapporteur, Mr Sylvain Waserman. I would
encourage Mr Waserman to take account of Mr Wilkinson’s experience
and Mr Kohn’s recommendation in the preparation of his report.
44. It can be noted that many of the above recommendations are
reflected in the position expressed by the Danish FSA in January
2019, which called for better and more effective defence lines in
the banks; an obligation to provide information and criminal liability
as well as better protection of whistle-blowers; fiercer consequences
when a bank’s top and senior management fails to recognise its responsibility;
and a top class European AML supervision (see Section 7 below).

6. The
situation in the United Kingdom and its Overseas Territories
45. The United Kingdom played a
prominent role in both Laundromats, largely through the use of shell companies
either in its Overseas Territories or, in the form of various types
of limited partnerships, within the United Kingdom itself. The National
Crime Agency estimates that “many hundreds of billions of pounds”
are laundered through United Kingdom banks each year.

International found that 766 UK-registered companies created by
trust and corporate service providers had been directly involved
in 52 corruption and money laundering cases worth £80 billion.

Witness has calculated that from 2008-2018, more than seven times
more money flowed from Russia to the Overseas Territories than to
the United Kingdom: £68 billion in total, with £34 billion invested
in 2018 – the British Virgin Islands alone are the second most popular
destination for Russian money, after Cyprus. As well as being involved
in the Global and Azerbaijani Laundromats, companies based in Overseas
Territories were implicated in money laundering involving Russian
organised criminals, including weapons, drugs and human traffickers,
and a businessman linked to Syria’s chemical and biological weapons

46. When I went to London, the Joint Financial Analysis Centre
(JFAC) presented their analysis of “general Laundromat features”:
trade-based money laundering is common; United Kingdom shell companies
feature heavily, usually limited liability partnerships (see above);
shell companies are almost always procured from Trust and Company
Service Providers (TCSPs); large volumes of funds are transferred
across multiple shell companies; predicate offences are often unclear;
networks are used by a variety of criminals, with unknown links
between them; and the schemes are spread across multiple jurisdictions.
47. These characteristics help to understand the United Kingdom’s
vulnerabilities. The JFAC was admirably frank about these, describing
them as follows, with the first three relating more to the regulatory
authorities’ responsibilities and the remainder to the responsibilities
of regulated entities:
- United
Kingdom law allows LLPs to be owned by corporate entities based
anywhere in the world;
- the United Kingdom’s “persons of significant control”
(PSC) register, intended to identify ultimate beneficial owners,
“is ineffective” – in particular, companies may legally report having
no PSC if no single entity holds more than 25% of the company’s
shares, which is simple to arrange further “up the chain”;
- Companies House (which incorporates and dissolves companies
and maintains a public register of company information) has very
limited resources to investigate or prosecute fraudulently registered companies
– indeed, it sees itself purely as a register and not a compliance
or enforcement body;
- most banks’ “know your customer” AML processes do not
sufficiently question why a British company uses a foreign bank
account, or test the answer they receive;
- TCSPs provide corporate structures on an industrial scale,
selling ready-made, “off the shelf” companies;
- TCSPs often rely on AML checks carried out in other European
jurisdictions and undertake limited or no further checks of their
48. Other commentators have identified further problems. One is
a lack of resources: the National Crime Agency’s budget will fall
by £10 million in 2018-2019, and it has far fewer skilled investigators
than, say, the United States or Italy; those it has are less well
paid, and often lured away to the private sector. AML activity is
fragmented, often involving not only the National Crime Agency but
also the Serious Fraud Office, the City of London Police, Her Majesty’s
Revenue and Customs, and others. A new National Economic Crime Centre within
the Agency is intended to deal with big cases and co-ordinate other
agencies’ work but will have a 2018-2019 budget of only £4-5 million
and rely on staff and resources from existing agencies.

49. In 2016, following the 2013 G8 summit in Scotland and the
2016 Anti-Corruption Summit in London, the United Kingdom introduced
a register of “Persons with Significant Control” (PSC), one of the
first public registers of the beneficial owners of companies.

The effectiveness
of the register has been criticised, however, including as a means
for regulating Scottish limited partnerships – a study showed that
only 30% had made statements naming a PSC.

50. In December 2018, the United Kingdom Government announced
a series of proposals concerning the regulation of limited partnerships,
including Scottish limited partnerships. In future, only professionals registered
with an AML supervisory body will be able to create limited partnerships.
Applications to create limited partnerships from overseas could
be limited to European Economic Area jurisdictions. Limited partnerships
will have to confirm certain key information annually, including
on persons of significant control. In addition, Companies House
will have the power to strike off limited partnerships that are
no longer active, simplifying regulatory and investigative activity.

The government
has also committed to reviewing the role of Companies House in protecting
against the abuse of UK-registered companies.
51. These measures, which will require legislation in order to
take effect, may have the potential to respond to some of the vulnerabilities
described by the JFAC (see above). Their impact will, however, be
limited, insofar as they do not cover companies or limited liability
partnerships. An analysis by the Royal United Services Institute
notes that companies and limited liability partnerships “present
no lesser money-laundering risks … It appears, however, that the
proposed reforms are focused narrowly on addressing the apparent
misuse of Scottish [limited partnerships]”. The Institute’s analysis
recognises that “changing registration requirements for companies
and limited liability partnerships presents greater challenges than
changing them for limited partnerships, yet by foregoing an opportunity
to examine the matter, the government exposes itself to charges of
looking for a solution where it is easiest to find, rather than
where it is most needed. In short, while the newly unveiled reforms
cheer those who wish the United Kingdom to succeed in its fight
against money laundering, they would do well to ask the government
for more in the coming years”. In the light of their role in the Laundromats,
I would agree that beneficial ownership of United Kingdom limited
liability partnerships must also be made fully transparent.
52. Another recent development is the introduction of “Unexplained
Wealth Orders” under the Criminal Finances Act 2017, which require
a person who is suspected of involvement in serious crime to explain
their ownership of particular property, where it is suspected that
the person’s known lawful income would be insufficient to acquire
that property; information thus obtained may be used in further
proceedings, including freezing and seizure of assets.

The first Unexplained Wealth
Orders were obtained in October 2018 against £22 million worth of
properties held by Zamira Hajiyeva, wife of the former chairperson
of the International Bank of Azerbaijan, who was imprisoned in 2016
for embezzlement and other offences; they were subsequently relied
upon to seize £400 000 worth of jewellery.

53. The UK Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018, section
51, introduced a requirement for the authorities of British Overseas
Territories to introduce a publicly accessible register of the beneficial
ownership of companies within their jurisdictions.
Act does not apply to the crown dependencies of Jersey, Guernsey
and the Isle of Man, which have also been implicated in money-laundering
activities, although the NGO Tax Justice Network has suggested that,
“recognising the importance for their business models of maintaining
full access to EU markets, [the Crown Dependencies] are likely to align
with the [2018 Act] standard”.](/nw/images/icon_footnoteCall.png)
The authorities
of the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands and Gibraltar
are reported to have reacted angrily, claiming the Act undermines
long-established autonomy and threatens their important financial
sectors. Their main concern is that not only would a public register
cause companies and investors to quit their financial sectors for
jurisdictions with “tougher privacy laws”, but that their existing
beneficial ownership registers, accessible to United Kingdom law-enforcement agencies
(but not public), were already sufficient.

Global Witness, on the other hand,
described the development as “a huge win in the fight against the
corruption, tax dodging and money laundering. The United Kingdom’s
tax havens have featured in countless corruption and money laundering
cases – ending their corporate secrecy will throw a huge spanner
in the works of corrupt dictators, tax evaders and organised criminals”.

I tend
to share the view of Global Witness and welcome the 2018 Act.
54. The 2018 Act transposes the standards of the EU 5th Anti-Money
Laundering Directive (see below) into national law and will remain
part of United Kingdom national legislation even after Brexit. Leaving
the European Union does, however, inevitably introduce uncertainty
about future AML regulation in the United Kingdom, which will remain
an important international centre for financial, legal and corporate
services. The non-governmental organisation Tax Justice Network
believes that “[a]t least in this area the United Kingdom will not pursue
a post-Brexit race to the bottom on financial secrecy. This decision
[to implement the EU 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive] will help
establish the fifth directive and its position on public registers
as the international standard”. Others have been less sanguine.
One commentator has noted that “[t]he most effective response to
[globalised criminality] has been co-operative action, commonly
organised at the European level.
Brexit moves the United Kingdom in the opposite direction,
isolating it from neighbouring States and, as such, weakening its
defences against illicit transactions. This weakness will attract
criminals, and the United Kingdom risks becoming the preferred locale
for such criminal activity … With money laundering being internationally
organised, the EIS [Europol Information System] has proven to be
a useful tool for investigators. However, the United Kingdom may
not continue to enjoy its benefits post-Brexit. It is incredibly
likely that the withdrawal process will lead to the United Kingdom
leaving Europol, and even if the government were to sign a new bilateral
security agreement with the European Union, indications from Brussels
suggest that the United Kingdom will no longer be able to access
the EIS on an unrestricted basis. This loss of shared intelligence
will greatly hinder the ability to combat illicit flows, as British
officials will be unable to ‘follow the money trail’ once it has
left their locality”.

are alarming prospects.
7. The
situation in the European Union
55. The 5th Anti-Money Laundering
Directive – which was adopted in April 2018, entered into force
on 9 July 2018 and must be transposed into national legislation
by 10 January 2020 – is part of the European Union’s response to
the evolving context, including recent terrorist attacks and the
Panama Papers revelations. The new directive has five main aims:
- to increase transparency by
establishing publicly accessible beneficial ownership registers
for companies and trusts, with information to be verified by the
national authorities, in order to prevent money laundering and terrorist
financing via opaque structures. National beneficial ownership registers will
be interconnected to facilitate information exchange;
- to broaden the criteria for assessing high-risk third
counties and ensure a common high level of safeguards for financial
flows from such countries;
- to improve the work of Financial Intelligence Units with
better access to information through centralised bank account registers
and enhanced mutual co-operation;
- to improve the co-operation and exchange of information
between anti-money laundering and financial supervisors and the
European Central Bank;
- to tackle terrorist financing risks linked to anonymous
use of virtual currencies and of pre-paid cards.

56. The 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive has, however, been
criticised for certain flaws. Its fundamental reliance on decentralised
national authorities to deal with an international problem is said
to have been proved ineffective already, notably in relation to
the money-laundering scandals in Latvia and Estonia, and there is
no EU body to co-ordinate efforts to plug gaps in effective regulation.

effectiveness will also depend on national implementation. In this
respect, it should be noted that many EU member States have still
not fully transposed the 2015 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive
into national law, which should have been done by 26 June 2017.
The European Commission has launched infringement proceedings in
relation to the 4th Directive against a large number of EU member
States since July 2017, including Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania and
the Slovak Republic. Greece, Ireland and Romania were referred to
the Court of Justice of the European Union on 19 July 2018, and
Luxembourg on 8 November 2018. The most recent measures were taken
on 24 January 2019, in relation to Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, France,
Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and the Slovak Republic.
57. Some of the concerns over a lack of strong EU central oversight
may be alleviated by a proposed new regulation on banking supervision,
which would reinforce the role of the European Banking Authority
(EBA). Under this proposal, the EBA would be able to:
- collect information from competent
national authorities on identified weaknesses in their AML efforts;
- enhance supervision by developing common standards and
co-ordinating national supervisory authorities;
- perform risk assessments on competent national authorities
to evaluate their strategies and resources for responding to emerging
AML risks;
- facilitate international co-operation with non-EU countries;
- should national authorities fail to act, address decisions
directly to individual banks.

58. These developments should also be seen in the context of the
European Union’s wider approach to money laundering. In December
2018, the Council of the European Union adopted an Anti-Money Laundering Action
Plan, with eight objectives covering a range of short-term actions
and involving numerous European and national actors. The timelines
for achievement of these objectives range from immediately to January
8. The
international monitoring regime
59. International monitoring of
national AML systems on a peer-to-peer basis is led by the Financial
Action Task Force (FATF). The FATF’s 40 Recommendations of 2012
set the international standards. There are nine “FATF-style regional
bodies’ that supervise implementation of FATF standards for States
that are not members of the OECD. The Council of Europe’s MONEYVAL
is one such body. MONEYVAL neither conducts investigations nor addresses
individual cases, but rather looks at systemic issues.
60. MONEYVAL is currently working on its fifth round of evaluations,
whose main component will be to assess effectiveness: the best laws
in the world make no difference if they are not applied in practice.
For the FATF, which is taking the same approach, none of the 50
countries assessed since 2014 scores “highly effective” on law enforcement;
85% of them had either moderate of low effectiveness. MONEYVAL has
so far completed around one third of fifth round evaluations, which
have revealed certain recurring issues:
- third party and standalone money laundering convictions
are still rare, with money laundering seen as an adjunct to a predicate
offence. As a result, the range of money laundering convictions
only partially reflects actual risks;
- trust and corporate service providers in international
financial centres are rarely prosecuted, despite evidence that they
wittingly abet criminals to establish complex and opaque corporate
structures that are subsequently used to conceal proceeds of crime;
- little progress has been made in identifying and tracing
the proceeds of crime during the early stages of investigations,
often as a result of a lack of expertise in conducting parallel
financial investigations;
- confiscation of cash transported across borders is often
implemented ineffectively.
61. MONEYVAL’s analysis of the “Laundromats” confirms their exploitation
of a variety of weaknesses and vulnerabilities: in some countries,
a weak judicial system was exploited; in others, failures of the
supervisory authorities were involved. This reflects the common
obstacles found in countries assessed by MONEYVAL: corruption, especially
of the judiciary or supervisory authorities; legal provisions that
facilitate the creation of structures, such as shell companies,
often used for money laundering; and a lack of will to provide international co-operation.
9. Recovery,
transfer and disposition of laundered assets
62. A second motion relating to
the Azerbaijani Laundromat has been referred to the Committee on
Legal Affairs and Human Rights.

Although the Assembly
did not propose that this motion be taken into account in the preparation
of the present report, it would make no sense not to do so. Of particular
relevance in the present context is the idea that “the profit that
Danske Bank has made by being an instrument in the Laundromat, must be
channelled to the Azerbaijani civil society with an aim to address
corruption, promote human rights and democracy in Azerbaijan”.

63. Numerous technical and practical questions arise, however,
from the idea set out in the new motion. For instance, can one isolate
and quantify the “profit that Danske Bank has made by being an instrument
in the Laundromat”? What would be the legal basis for seizing that
profit? What about the laundered assets themselves; should they
be left untouched? Why only Danske Bank, when numerous other actors
were involved in the Azerbaijani Laundromat? How does one identify
suitable civil society organisations in Azerbaijan, which is notorious
for the number of its “government-organised non-governmental organisations” (GONGOs),
and ensure that only the former receive recovered funds? Why should
the profits be used (only) for fighting corruption and promoting
human rights and democracy? Can the proposal be reconciled with
the Danish Government’s desire to quantify and confiscate the profits
Danske Bank made from illicit dealings in Estonia,

and with Danske Bank’s own commitment
to “make the gross income from such transactions available to the
benefit of society, for instance through supporting efforts to combat
financial crime”?

64. In fact, the international community has been developing mechanisms
intended to achieve similar aims for many years. The 2003 United
Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), in particular, includes
a Chapter V on asset recovery, with Article 51 establishing that
“the return of assets pursuant to this chapter is a fundamental
principle of this Convention”, and Article 57 establishing special
provisions for the return and disposal of assets. In 2007, the Stolen
Asset Recovery Initiative (StAR), a partnership between the World
Bank and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which
serves as secretariat to the Conference of the States Parties to
the UNCAC, was launched to support international efforts to end
safe havens for corrupt funds. StAR works with developing countries
and financial centres to prevent the laundering of the proceeds of
corruption and to facilitate more systematic and timely return of
stolen assets. Any new mechanism would have to be consistent with
existing international law and practice or have a compelling reason
for not being so.
65. In December 2017, the United Kingdom and the United States,
with the support of StAR, co-hosted a Global Forum on Asset Recovery
(GFAR). The GFAR adopted “Principles for Disposition and Transfer
of Confiscated Stolen Assets in Corruption Cases”, of which the
following are particularly relevant:
return of stolen assets is fundamentally based on there being a
strong partnership between transferring and receiving countries”;
“countries should work together to establish arrangements
for transfer that are mutually agreed”;
“where possible, and without prejudice to identified victims,
stolen assets recovered from corrupt officials should benefit the
people of the nations harmed by the underlying corrupt conduct”;
“where possible, in the end use of confiscated proceeds,
consideration should also be given to encouraging actions which
fulfil UNCAC principles of combating corruption, repairing the damage
done by corruption, and achieving development goals”;
“disposition of confiscated proceeds of crime should be
considered in a case-specific manner”;
“case-specific agreements or arrangements [under UNCAC
Article 57(5)] should … be concluded to help ensure the transparent
and effective use, administration and monitoring of returned proceeds.
The transferring mechanism(s) should, where possible, use existing
political and institutional frameworks and be in line with the country
development strategy in order to ensure coherence, avoid duplication
and optimize efficiency”;
“all steps should be taken to ensure that the disposition
of confiscated proceeds of crime do not benefit persons involved
in the commission of the offence(s)”;
“to the extent appropriate and permitted by law, individuals
and groups outside the public sector, such as civil society, non-governmental
organizations and community-based organizations, should be encouraged
to participate in the asset return process, including by helping
to identify how harm can be remedied, contributing to decisions
on return and disposition, and fostering transparency and accountability
in the transfer, disposition and administration of recovered assets”.
66. One example of an asset recovery and disposition programme
that could be compared to the proposal in the new motion was administered
by the BOTA Foundation, founded in 2008 by the governments of Kazakhstan,
United States and Switzerland, and five citizens of Kazakhstan.
The Foundation operated with international partners IREX (an international
development and education NGO) and Save the Children, selected by
the World Bank, for five years until the end of 2014. The BOTA Foundation
was the largest child and youth welfare foundation in Kazakhstan
at the time, using US$115 million in recovered assets to improve the
lives of over 208 000 poor children and young people. Oxford Policy
Management (OPM) state that “overall the qualitative evaluation
has confirmed that the BOTA programs have been implemented across
all three activities with high levels of effectiveness for those
that receive the benefit, and, BOTA has been having a positive impact
on recipients across all three activities”. The Foundation’s experience
and lessons have been said to “provide a model for future asset
restitution cases worldwide”.
67. In my view, it is premature to suggest the proposal in the
new motion as a response to the Azerbaijani Laundromat, as several
essential questions must first be answered and general principles
established. At the same time, the underlying idea is certainly
interesting, also from a general perspective. The foundations have already
been laid in Assembly
2218 (2018) on fighting crime by facilitating the confiscation of
illegal assets, which noted that confiscation “generates resources
to compensate victims and rebuild communities damaged by criminal
activities” and called on States to define “clear rules for the
sharing of successfully confiscated assets among the countries involved”.
I therefore encourage the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
to take up the matter in a separate report.
10. Conclusions
and recommendations
68. The Global Laundromat and the
Azerbaijani Laundromat are, of course, not the only instances of
money laundering in recent years. They are, however, of particular
interest and importance. An obvious element is their scale, especially
that of the Global Laundromat. Another point of interest is the
similarities between them and the striking overlaps in terms of
some of the actors that are involved or associated with them – which
may or may not be a coincidence. But perhaps the most significant
consideration is the extent to which their inner workings have been
made public, thanks to leaks of otherwise confidential information
and the scrupulous investigative work of journalists.
69. I refer to the attached draft resolution and recommendation
for my conclusions on the problems, at various levels, that allowed
the Laundromats to operate and my recommendations on action to be
taken by specific member States, by all member States, by the European
Union and by the Committee of Ministers.