1. Introduction
1.1. Background
to the current situation
1. Alexander Lukashenko has been
President of Belarus since 1994. He has secured re-election four
times since then, against a backdrop of systematic repression of
the opposition and election campaigns and ballots deemed not free
by the international community, including the Council of Europe.
In January 1997, following a none too democratic referendum establishing
extravagant presidential powers, the Parliamentary Assembly
froze the special guest status granted to the Belarusian Parliament
in 1992.
2. During the parliamentary elections of November 2019, none
of the opposition parties or candidates won any seats. The two opposition
MPs who had been elected in 2016 were prevented from standing for
re-election. Already in the 2019 elections, the opposition pointed
to fraud on a massive scale. In June 2020, less than two months
before the date of the presidential election, the main opposition
candidates Viktar Babaryka and Sergei Tikhanovsky were arrested,
together with other members of the opposition, and excluded from
the election.
Amnesty International regards
them as prisoners of conscience
. Sergei
Tikhanovsky's wife, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, stood for election in
his stead. According to the
results, she supposedly received 10% of the vote, compared to
80% for Mr Lukashenko.
3. On the very evening of polling day, following the announcement
of the presidential election results based on exit polls, tens of
thousands of protesters massed on the streets. In Minsk the anti-riot
police used stun grenades, rubber bullets and even real bullets
against them, a fact admitted by the police themselves.

The opposition claimed victory for
Svetlana Tikhanovskaya in the election and demanded Mr Lukashenko's departure.
On 11 August, Ms Tsikhanouskaya took refuge in Lithuania.

Council” of opposition forces called for national dialogue for an orderly handover
of power, backing its demands with regular but peaceful mass demonstrations
particularly at weekends, in Minsk and other Belarusian towns and cities.
On 23 September 2020, a secret ceremony was held to swear in Alexander
Lukashenko for a new term in office. This inauguration by stealth
was followed by new mass protests and strikes targeting State enterprises.
4. The authorities became increasingly brutal in their response:
hundreds of peaceful demonstrators were arrested, often by men wearing
uniforms without insignia and taken away in vans without licence
plates. Some people disappeared, temporarily, while their families
had no idea where they were. During their detention, they were subjected
to ill-treatment, as evidenced by witness statements and frightening
photographs. Some of them died

Most of the detainees were released after a few days, while others
were prosecuted for crimes potentially punishable by long prison
sentences, in conditions that did not respect the rights of the
defence. In addition to arresting and ill-treating demonstrators
and sometimes even mere passers-by, the authorities systematically
persecuted the leaders of the movement. Not a single member of the
“Coordination Council” of opposition forces still lives in Belarus
in liberty. Some are in detention, while others have been forced
into exile

. The
repression has also targeted grassroots activists, bloggers and
other journalists and independent trade unionists. Since the beginning
of October 2020, even foreign journalists have been prevented from
doing their job.
5. In short, Mr Lukashenko's regime appears to be trying to hold
onto power by force, despite the obvious rejection of his rule by
a large part of the population and the fact that many members of
the elite, including diplomats and State media journalists, have
defected. The courage of the people of Belarus, particularly its women,
who are in the front line at all levels, is impressive.
1.2. Responses
of the international community
6. Within the Council of Europe,
the President of the Assembly, the Chairman of the Committee of
Ministers and the Secretary General have repeatedly called on the
Belarus authorities to put an end to the violence and engage in
inclusive dialogue with all the stakeholders. In a
statement adopted on 9 September 2020, our committee called on
the Council of Europe, “in co-operation with other international
bodies, [to] urgently set up an international investigative body
to collect information and secure evidence on human rights crimes
in Belarus”. Following further repression to brutally put down demonstrations
at the beginning of October, the President of the Assembly, the
Chairman of the Committee of Ministers and the Secretary General
of the Council of Europe condemned the exactions perpetrated by
the authorities in the strongest possible terms and called for dialogue
in a
statement of 13 October 2020.
7. Where the European Union is concerned, Charles Michel, President
of the European Council, announced as long ago as 19 August 2020
that the European Union did not intend to recognise the election result.
Subsequently, the Council of the European Union decreed sanctions
(including the freezing of assets and the refusal of visas) targeting
numerous representatives of the regime, including those suspected
of involvement in the falsification of the election results and
in police brutality. On
October 2020, the European Council agreed on a second list of sanctioned
individuals, including Mr Lukashenko himself. On 16 October 2020,
our committee chair, Boriss Cilevičs, confirmed during a hearing
at the European Parliament on combating impunity in Belarus that
our Committee stood ready to co-operate in that effort alongside
the competent international stakeholders

8. Regarding the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in
Europe (OSCE), 17 participating States, including the United States,
triggered the “Moscow Mechanism” on 17 September 2020 to set up
a mission of experts to examine credible reports of human rights
abuses and violations, including electoral fraud, in Belarus. The
OSCE rapporteur Wolfgang Benedek (Austria) has already contacted
me with a view to developing co-operation. In the meantime, he contributed
to the hearing alongside other experts at our committee meeting
on 8 December 2020.
1.3. The
aim of the present report
9. The signatories of the
motion for a resolution underlying my terms of reference considered that “the perpetrators
of the serious human rights violations in the context of the recent
presidential election and its aftermath must be held to account.
A clear signal must be sent to all members of the Belarusian security
forces that there will be no impunity for serious human rights violations.
Therefore, the Council of Europe, in co-operation with other international
organisations, should urgently set up an international investigative
body to collect information and secure evidence on human rights
crimes in Belarus. Both the Belarusian authorities and representatives
of civil society shall be invited to co-operate in this investigation.
Its results shall be published and made available to any national
or international law enforcement bodies that are willing and have
jurisdiction to prosecute massive human rights violations committed
in Belarus.”
10. The aim of this report is therefore clear: to shed light on
the human rights violations mentioned before and to send a clear
message to the perpetrators and organisers of the serious violations
of these rights reminding them that their actions violate the most
fundamental rights and freedoms and that they will be held to account
for their misdeeds. This is also a message addressed to the Belarusian
people in support of their struggle for democracy and the protection
of human rights. The necessary message that the international community
will not tolerate the impunity evidenced by the total lack of criminal
proceedings on the part of the Belarusian authorities against the
perpetrators of these exactions must result in the setting up of
an appropriate international mechanism capable of helping national
courts, wherever possible, to take up given cases or use other instruments
to combat impunity, such as the “Magnitsky laws” passed in numerous
countries and by the European Union in recent years.
2. Summary of information available in
relation to the allegations of human rights violations since the presidential
election of 9 August 2020
2.1. Overview
11. Since the announcement of the
disputed result of the presidential election of 9 August 2020, the
special forces of the Ministry of the Interior (OMON) have been
deployed to disperse the peaceful mass protests that were subsequently
held. The OMON troops used disproportionate and unjustified physical
force, special equipment and non-lethal weapons which are nevertheless
dangerous depending on how they are used (water cannons, batons,
stun and flash grenades, rubber bullets). Many people were injured
as a result. At least two protesters were killed by direct action
by the police and two others died following their detention.

It has been reported that Mr Lukashenko
even authorised the use, by his security forces, of weapons with
live bullets.

On 12 August 2020, the Ministry of
Health stated that just over 200 had been taken to hospital with
injuries in two days of protests, several of them requiring surgery.

12. During the month of August, over 7 500 people were arrested
for taking part in peaceful protests. Protesters were detained in
nearly all the country's cities. A number of detainees were kept
incommunicado for several days.

Belarusian human rights protection
organisations have logged and documented over 500 cases of torture
and other cruel or inhuman treatment, which points to the systematic
use of such tactics on a massive scale. In September 2020, over
3 500 people were arrested for participating in protests, of whom
over 2 700 were placed in detention.

13. Human rights defenders and activists assert that, from 9 to
14 August 2020, acts they describe as “crimes against human security”
were widespread throughout the country, with people being detained
and taken away because of their political beliefs,

and subsequently subjected to torture
and other prohibited ill-treatment. According to the Office of the
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, for several days from
9 August onwards, throughout the country, law enforcement officers
committed acts intended to inflict serious injuries on people (protesters,
members of the political opposition, innocent bystanders, passers-by, journalists,

Finally, it should be noted that
by the end of August, none of the 2 000 complaints

lodged with the Minsk prosecutor's office
and the Investigative Committee

resulted in prosecutions being brought for acts of torture committed
in provisional detention centres.

14. Some details of alleged acts of repression submitted by “target group”
(the main organisers of the opposition movement, lawyers, journalists,
human rights activists and finally the Belarusians taking part in protests)
are provided below.
2.2. Allegations
of human rights violations, by target group
2.2.1. Political
prisoners - persecution of the main organisers of the opposition
movement for political motives
15. Back in 18 June 2020, the potential
presidential candidate,
Viktar Babaryka,
and his son Eduard were arrested in Minsk and their houses were
searched for doubtful motives. Viktar Babaryka and his son are being prosecuted
under six articles of the Criminal Code (tax evasion; laundering
of proceeds of crime; embezzlement; fraud; active and passive corruption).

16. On 24 August 2020, two members of the “Coordination Council”,
set up to promote a peaceful handover of power,
Sergei Dilevsky and
Olga Kovalkova, were apprehended
for illegally organising a strike.

17. On the same day, the chairman of the strike committee of a
major State factory,
Alexander Lavrinovich, was
also picked up by the police while collecting signatures to support
a new work stoppage. The joint chairman of the strike committee
of another factory,
Anatoly Bokun,
was also apprehended.

18. The co-founder of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party
Pavel Sevyarynets was arrested
back in 7 June 2020. After that, at least three administrative detention
orders of 15 days were issued against him for taking part in pre-election
pickets and calls for participation in mass events. On 1 September,
he was indicted for taking part in mass riots (Article 293 of the
Criminal Code), in the form of “direct participation in actions accompanied
by violence against people, pogroms, arson, destruction of property
or armed resistance against representatives of the authorities”.

Mr Sevyarynets risks a prison sentence
of three to eight years.
19. On 31 August 2020,
Lilia Vlasova and
Vasily Polyakov, two other members
of the “Coordination Council” of the Belarusian opposition, were
arrested. Lilia Vlasova's flat was searched.

On 9 September, the lawyers
Maxim Znak and
Ilya Salei, members of the Bureau
of the “Coordination Council”, were arrested. Their flats were also
20. The authorities have also used the tactic of forced expatriation
of eminent opposition figures. This was used for the first time
in August 2020, against the main opposition candidate for the presidency,
Svetlana Tikhanovskaya. 
During the night of 5 to 6 September
Olga Kovalkova, member
of the Bureau of the “Coordination Council”, who was serving a sentence
of administrative detention at the Center for Isolation of Offenders
for organising unauthorised actions, was forced to leave Belarus.

She is currently in Warsaw. On 7
September 2020, in Minsk city centre, another member of the Bureau
of the “Coordination Council”,
Maria Kolesnikova,
was abducted.

She was forcibly taken to the Ukrainian
border to be expelled from the country. Ms Kolesnikova tore up her
passport at the border, which prevented the Belarusian special services
officers from deporting her.

On the same day, the “Coordination
Council” press officer
Anton Rodnenkov and another
representative of the “Coordination Council”,
Ivan Kravtsov, were arrested. They
were forcibly taken to the Ukrainian border to be expelled from
the country. They are currently in Ukraine.
21. Maria Kolesnikova, Maxim Znak and Ilya Salei are currently
in provisional detention and stand accused in criminal proceedings
lodged pursuant to Article 361 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code
(calling for actions aimed at damaging the national security of
the Republic of Belarus).
22. All of the opposition figures in Belarus are currently in
detention or in exile. On 10 October 2020, Mr Lukashenko went to
a prison in Minsk to meet with the opposition leaders imprisoned

It is reported that, at that meeting,
he had aired proposals to amend the Constitution. The leaders he
spoke to told him that prison was not an appropriate place for negotiations.
2.2.2. Persecution
of journalists
23. During the election campaign
period and after the elections, the media, journalists and bloggers
were put under increasing pressure. The vast majority of violations
of journalists' rights took place in the period following the elections.
In 2020, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) logged
over 400 cases of harassment of journalists because of their professional

including more than 186 instances
of journalists being detained in the period from 9 August to mid-September.

Something like one journalist in three
was subjected to violence during their detention. The BAJ recorded
cases of torture and ill-treatment of journalists after their arrest,
including foreign journalists, the damaging or confiscation of their
equipment, the wiping of footage, beatings and the use of rubber
bullets against them; 24 journalists were detained and sentenced
to administrative detention for durations of between 3 to 15 days
plus fines.

24. On 10 August 2020, an employee of TUT.BY,
Bystrik, was arrested and beaten. Due to police violence,
he suffers from fractures of the skull and of a rib and wide-spread
bruising. He received no medical assistance, even on the next day,
was not given any food for two days and was rarely allowed to go
to the toilet.

25. Other violations of freedom of expression connected to the
elections included:
- the blocking
of the internet throughout the country in the initial days following
the election and the routine limiting of it during mass protests;
- restrictions on access to events sites;
- a tacit ban on the printing and distribution of national
newspapers and magazines;
- refusal of applications for accreditation for foreign
- cancellation of permanent accreditation for foreign journalists;
- threats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the functioning
of accredited foreign media in response to possible European sanctions
against representatives of Belarus.
2.2.3. Harassment
and persecution of human rights activists
26. Already on polling day, seven
members of regional branches of the Viasna (“Spring”) Human Rights Centre
were arbitrarily detained because of their human rights work.

27. On 31 August 2020, a volunteer of Viasna,
Pavel Garbuz, who was suspected
of participating in the demonstrations from 9 to 11 August in Minsk,
was arrested and placed in a provisional detention centre.

During the 10 days he spent there,
he was pressurised by staff of the Chief Directorate for combating
organised crime and corruption (GUBOPiK) of the Ministry of the
Interior. He is identified as a suspect in a criminal case brought
under Article 293 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code.
28. On 17 September 2020, GUBOPiK staff arrested the co-ordinator
of the Viasna volunteer service,
Marfa Rabkova,
together with her husband, who was then released.

She is currently held in a remand
prison in Minsk. Ms Rabkova is accused of an offence under Article
293 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code (training or otherwise preparing
individuals to participate in riots or financing such activities).
As part of her work for Viasna, Ms Rabkova, together with volunteers,
observed peaceful gatherings, took an active part in the independent election
observation campaign entitled “Human rights activists for free elections”
and participated in the documenting of evidence of torture and other
harsh treatment inflicted on detainees. On 18 September, Amnesty
International recognised Marfa Rabkova as a prisoner of conscience
owing to her human rights protection work.

The Council of Viasna regards the
criminal proceedings against Marfa Rabkova as persecution and a
form of pressure on the Viasna Human Rights Centre as a whole.
2.2.4. Persecution
of lawyers
29. It is also alleged that the
lawyers who defend civic rights of militants and opponents of the
current government are targeted by politically motivated prosecutions
and other forms of harassment, notably by the removal of their licences
to practise.
30. Maksim Znak, the lawyer
of the presidential candidate Viktar Babaryka, and also the lawyer
of Maria Kolesnikova,
Ilya Salei (see
above), are believed to be currently in detention.
Kazak, another lawyer of Maria Kolesnikova, was detained
and then found guilty of breaching Article 23.4 of the Code of Administrative
Infringements, resulting in her being fined.

lawyers found it difficult to have access to their clients under
conditions of professional secrecy and to the proceedings concerning
2.2.5. Human
rights violations against people who were simply peacefully protesting
31. Numerous protests have been
organised against the falsification of election results and the
violent dispersal of protesters during the period following the
election. Demonstrations with tens of thousands of participants
were held on every Sunday in September and October 2020, and hundreds
of people were arrested and sentenced to heavy fines and administrative
detention. According to the public report drawn up by the main human
rights defence organisations, many of them were also subject to
acts of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment (see below),
including minors.

32. The various “marches” organised by civil society were as follows:
- the Unity March of 6 September
2020, in Minsk and in the regions;
- the Heroes' March of 13 September 2020 (774 arrests);
- the Justice March of 20 September 2020;
- the “People's Inauguration” of 27 September 2020, in parallel
with Mr Lukashenko's inauguration by stealth;
- protest actions by students resulting in 150 individuals
being apprehended; 55 of them ended up in remand centres;

- Women's Marches took place on 5, 12, 19 and 26 September
2020, with hundreds of arrests;
- the March for the release of political prisoners took
place on 4 October 2020 in several of the country's cities. 252
people were arrested;

- the Pride March of 11 October 2020 came under heavy pressure
from the security forces: water cannons, tear-gas, stun grenades
and rubber bullets were used against the protesters. Over 600 were arrested;

- the Pensioners' March of 12 October 2020 in Minsk mobilised
over a thousand people. The march ended in clashes with the security
forces which used flash-balls and pepper spray;

- the Disabled Persons' March of 15 October 2020 in Minsk
brought together a hundred or so protesters. At least two of them
were arrested, including Oleg Grablevsky, an employee of the Disabled
Persons' Rights Office;

- Tens of thousands were on the streets of Belarus again
on 18 October 2020, despite threats by police to fire on them with
live rounds, who apprehended over 200 demonstrators.

33. According to the Ministry of the Interior, at least 3 500
protesters were arrested in the month of September alone, of whom
some 2 700 were subjected to lengthy administrative detention in
remand prisons. Physical violence and special equipment, including
tear-gas and water cannons, were used against demonstrators, even
those in fragile health.
34. The victims of ill-treatment have testified that they were
severely beaten with batons during their arrest, in the prisoner
transport vehicle and upon their arrival at the police department
or at the temporary detention facility. People were kept kneeling
on the ground, standing against a wall or lying down in rows. The
new arrivals were forced to walk on those who were lying down. The
detainees spent 6 to 12 hours without being able to go to the toilet
and without food or water. Some were kept in prisoner transport
vehicles in a cramped position for over 6 hours. According to the
testimony of the injured, in the temporary detention facilities
people wearing t-shirts printed with the Pagonya former
national coat of arms were doused with water and hit with stun guns,
some people were forced to eat their white wristbands. The Zvyano
association, which interviewed victims of ill-treatment, alleges
that intramuscular injections of sulfozinum were used on foreign
nationals so as not to leave traces of beatings, as well as psychotropic
drugs. Many reported that they had been threatened with murder or
rape and forced to strip naked and lie on the floor. Several witnesses
said that officers were being trained in how to beat people up “as
per the instructions”, with one holding the detainee and the other telling
him how to turn the detainee for an optimum beating. Prisoners received
beatings without reason from time to time. In the first two days,
the detainees were given no food at all, after which they were given
an inadequate serving of bread and porridge once a day. 40 to 50
detainees were held in cells designed for 8 to 10.
35. Finally, among the alleged human rights violations in Belarus
since the last presidential election and affecting virtually the
entire adult population there are of course the manipulations of
the vote itself and of the vote-counting. But the question of whether
the result of this election must be rejected and a new election
held, and in what conditions, is not within the remit of our committee.
2.3. Human
rights violations confirmed by the hearing on 8 December 2020
36. At its meeting on 8 December
2020, the committee held a hearing with the participation of:
- Professor Wolfgang Benedek
(Austria), special rapporteur, OSCE Moscow Mechanism,
- Mr Valentin Stefanovich, Board Member, Viasna Human Rights
- Ms Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, Leader of Democratic Belarus,
- Mr Aleh Hulak, Chairman of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee,
37. The Belarusian authorities
were invited to appoint a representative to convey the official
viewpoint but did not avail themselves of the opportunity.
38. Professor Benedek explained
how the Moscow Mechanism worked. An OSCE report prepared in October
2020 had confirmed the allegations of electoral fraud as well as
numerous human rights violations (cases of arbitrary detention,
cases of torture, persecution of journalists, blocking of the internet
etc). The report contained recommendations for the Belarusian authorities,
calling on them to organise a new, genuine presidential election,
cease violations of protesters' human rights and reprisals against
striking workers, lawyers and journalists, release people arbitrarily
detained and ensure respect for the right to a fair trial as well as
freedom of access to the internet. The expert thought that the Venice
Commission could provide the Belarusian authorities with advice
on implementing democratic reforms and that an international investigation should
be carried out to clarify the circumstances of human rights violations
and end impunity for the perpetrators. He stressed the necessity
of international collaboration on the question of accountability
of the perpetrators of human rights violations.
39. Mr Stefanovich said
that the human rights situation was deteriorating, with more than
4 000 people arrested following the latest protests. Around 500
individuals had been placed in detention centres for political motives.
He stressed that the protests had been peaceful. His organisation
was documenting the victims of human rights violations and had only
a few international mechanisms at its disposal, including the UN
special rapporteur, not accepted by the authorities, and the Universal
Periodic Review, whose effectiveness depended on the goodwill of
the authorities. The authorities also rejected the Moscow Mechanism.
40. Ms Tsikhanouskaya thought
that the Council of Europe had reacted swiftly to the events in
her country. The situation had not improved since September 2020,
with over 1 500 cases of torture, some 160 political prisoners and
the deployment of tear-gas on a massive scale by the police. Ms
Tsikhanouskaya welcomed Professor Benedek's proposals, the OSCE
report and Viasna's documentation work. She stressed the need to set
up a mechanism based on the principle of universal jurisdiction
to try the perpetrators of human rights violations and said that
she was already working on this in conjunction with the Lithuanian
41. Mr Hulak also pointed
to the worsening situation in Belarus. There had been no criminal
investigations into human rights violations. Protesters had been
fined or placed in provisional detention. Public institutions had
lost their legitimacy owing to the violations of electoral law.
The Venice Commission was the only Council of Europe body with which
the Belarusian authorities were co-operating. Mr Hulak hoped that
the Council of Europe would devise standards making it possible
to set up a judicial mechanism for investigating human rights violations,
involving certain neighbouring countries (Poland, Lithuania and
Latvia). He reiterated that all rights were indivisible. As the
Belarusian economy was deteriorating, economic rights were being
jeopardised, since those who went on strike were punished and workers
were emigrating to other countries. His organisation had made its
views clear to parliamentarians after the presidential election.
The authorities had proposed constitutional reforms, but their proposals
were not based on dialogue with society.

2.4. The
campaign of repression continues in 2021
42. On 17 February 2021, two Belsat
TV journalists,
Kaciaryna Andrejeva
(Bachvalava) and
Darja Čuĺcova, were
sentenced to two years in prison for serious public order offences
– for live-broadcasting footage of an opposition demonstration and
its brutal repression by the law enforcement agencies.

43. On 16 February 2021, numerous activists, including human rights


independent election observers

were detained, their offices and homes
searched and their technical equipment confiscated. This campaign
of intimidation did not spare the well-reputed human rights protection association
Viasna, whose president, Aleh Bialiatski, is a winner of the Assembly's
Václav Havel prize, and whose vice-president, Valentin Stefanovich,
participated in the hearing before our committee on 8 December 2020.
44. On 15 February 2021, I received particularly important information
on the repression of youth organisations in Belarus. The chairperson
of the Council of Europe's Advisory Council on Youth (CCJ) informed me
of its activities aimed at supporting the National Youth Council
of Belarus (RADA – a coalition of 28 youth organisations) and the
repression faced by youth initiatives in Belarus. Our committee
chairperson, Boris Cilevičs, has also been involved in these efforts
by participating in an online debate with young activists in Belarus.
45. At the end of January 2021, RADA provided further information
on violations of the human rights of young Belarusian activists:
some of their team had to leave the country and are unable to return
to Belarus; one member close to the family of the secretary general
was arrested for a second time; nine students representing a RADA
member organisation, the Association of Belarusian Students, were
incarcerated in a KGB prison, and that same organisation and the
Student Initiative Group have gathered evidence of 399 students
being detained and 131 expelled in 2020.
46. RADA does its utmost to keep the international community informed
of the situation in the country, including by sending communications
to the United Nations special rapporteur on the human rights situation
in Belarus and other UN representatives, and they have also shared
this information with me.
47. It is ultimately from young people that change must come in
Belarus, it is their future that is at stake, it is their energy
and creativity that scares the regime. Young Belarusians deserve
our full support, including through grants for study abroad for
the students who have been expelled from faculties in their own
48. On 11 February 2021, the Viasna activist
Maria Rabkova, who has documented
numerous human rights violations including acts of torture and has
been in detention since 17 September 2020 (see paragraph 28 above)
was charged with new crimes, including links to terrorist activities.
She is facing up to 12 years in prison. It is noteworthy that these
accusations were made just a few hours after State television broadcast
a report linking Viasna and Ms Rabkova and alleged terrorist activities.
Other Viasna members are also being prosecuted under unclear provisions
of the Belarusian Criminal Code, including
Sudalenka, Maria Tarasenka,
Lasitsa, Maryna
Kastylianchanka and
49. On 3 February 2021,
Siarhei Drazdouski and
Aleh Hrableuski, respectively the
founder/director and the legal adviser of the Office for the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities, were arrested and placed in detention (in
the case of Mr Hrableuski) and placed under house arrest (Mr Drazdouski)
after a search of their NGO's headquarters. Their detention is on
the supposed grounds of their involvement in the organisation of
the disabled persons' marches on 15 and 22 October 2020. On 6 February
2021, local human rights organisations declared them political prisoners.

50. In December 2020, I was informed of the ordeal of another
Mikola Dziadok, arrested
on 12 November 2020 and repeatedly tortured in prison. The winner
of several international prizes, he has already spent time in prison
in Belarus and won the support of a number of members of the European
Parliament as a political prisoner.

2.5. The
Venice Commission's opinion: laws contrary to Belarus' international
51. It is the prosecutions described
above and those of other opponents of the regime based on articles
of the Belarusian Criminal Code that are unclear and seem to provide
for disproportionate penalties that have motivated the request for
an opinion that our committee addressed to the Venice Commission
on 8 December 2020, at my proposal. The request for an opinion concerns
the compatibility of certain articles of the Belarusian Criminal
Code with European principles of criminal law.

52. The Venice Commission first reiterates its recommendations
already expressed in a joint opinion with the OSCE Office for Democratic
Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of 2012 with regard to the
Belarusian “Law on Mass Events”,

which provides for administratively
burdensome and restrictive regulation of demonstrations, with disproportionate
penalties for non-compliance.

The Venice Commission
remains concerned about the over-regulation of the procedural aspects
of holding assemblies. “Domestic law creates a complicated procedure
of compliance with a rigid and difficult authorisation procedure,
while at the same time leaving administrative authorities with a
very wide margin of discretion for the application of the legislation
in force.
In concreto, this
may mean that spontaneous peaceful demonstrations or counter-demonstrations
de facto prohibited. As
regards the (application of) criminal law provisions, some of the
main concerns of the Venice Commission are the criminalisation of
non-violent demonstrators; the application of certain provisions due
to the use of vague notions; the (criminal) responsibility of organisers
of a demonstration on account of acts imputable to participants;
and the severity (and unclarity) of the sentences enshrined in the
Criminal Code.”

53. The notion of “public call for the violent overthrow of the
constitutional order” (Article 361.1 of the Criminal Code) lends
itself to an interpretation contrary to international standards
on freedom of expression and assembly. In particular, the Venice

concerned about the interpretation given by the Belarusian Constitutional
Court that the vote itself is a democratic institution that only
electoral judges can challenge. Under this logic, calls by the “Coordination
Council”, under the leadership of Ms Tsikhanouskaya, to demonstrate
peacefully against electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election
would be heavily penalised; indeed, such prosecutions against members
of the “Coordination Council” have already been launched.

54. Finally, it should be stressed that the conclusions of the
Venice Commission are based not only on the European Convention
on Human Rights (ETS No. 5) and the case law of the Strasbourg Court,
bearing in mind that Belarus is a candidate for membership of the
Council of Europe, but also on Article 21 of the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights, which entered into force in Belarus
in 1973, as well as on the above-mentioned joint opinion with the
OSCE/ODIHR as well as the “Joint Guidelines on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly”

, which were also jointly formulated
by the Venice Commission and ODIHR, and which, though not legally
binding, are applicable to Belarus on the basis of its political
commitments as an OSCE participating State.
2.6. New
reports detail cases of torture and confirm impunity for perpetrators
55. On 26 January 2021, the NGOs
Committee against Torture (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) and World Organisation
against Torture published a report providing details of cases of
torture and inhuman or degrading treatment committed by members
of the security forces and the ploys used by the authorities to
ensure complete impunity for the perpetrators of these exactions.

major reports have been published by Viasna

Human Rights Watch.

I believe that these
reports, based on
in situ research
and interviews with numerous witnesses and victims, are a further
argument for the urgent need for an international mechanism to combat
the impunity enjoyed by the perpetrators of such violations. While
it cannot be made public in the aforementioned reports for security
reasons, the evidence gathered by the NGOs certainly does exist
and could be made available to such an international mechanism with
the necessary precautions.
3. Releasing
political prisoners: a matter of the utmost urgency
56. In its Resolution 1900 (2012),
the Assembly reiterated the definition of a “political prisoner”
already applied by the Committee of Ministers when Armenia and Azerbaijan
acceded to the Council of Europe. The definition of political prisoner
is summed up in paragraph 3 of that Resolution:
“A person deprived of his or
her personal liberty is to be regarded as a ‘political prisoner’:
a. if the detention has been
imposed in violation of one of the fundamental guarantees set out
in the European Convention on Human Rights and its Protocols (ECHR),
in particular freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom
of expression and information, freedom of assembly and association;
b. if the detention has been imposed for purely political
reasons without connection to any offence;
c. if, for political motives, the length of the detention
or its conditions are clearly out of proportion to the offence the
person has been found guilty of or is suspected of;
d. if, for political motives, he or she is detained in a
discriminatory manner as compared to other persons; or,
e. if the detention is the result of proceedings which were
clearly unfair and this appears to be connected with political motives
of the authorities.” (SG/Inf(2001)34, paragraph 10).
57. Belarus is not a State Party
to the European Convention on Human Rights but that Convention is nevertheless
the appropriate reference framework for applying the definition
of political prisoner to the case of Belarus, as it essentially
contains the same rights as the International Covenant on civil
and political rights of the United Nations, which has been signed
and ratified by Belarus.
58. The different cases listed above of individuals deprived of
their liberty because of their activism easily qualify for this
59. Peaceful protesters placed in detention for merely exercising
their freedom of expression, association and assembly meet all the
criteria set out in paragraph 3.a of this definition. The violation
of freedom of expression, freedom of association and assembly is
expressly mentioned in it.
60. Likewise, journalists, human rights defenders and lawyers
prosecuted for poorly defined offences in the Criminal Code criminalising
conduct that is part of the normal exercise of fundamental rights
in a democracy fall within paragraph 3.a.
61. In cases where opponents of the regime are prosecuted for
ordinary law offences (in other words crimes whose definition has
no obvious “political” connotation, such as fraud, violent and/or
sexual crime etc.) but on the basis of trumped-up charges with no
credible proof, it is paragraph 3.b.which applies. This appears
to be the case of the presidential candidate
and of the peaceful protesters
accused of violent conduct.
62. Finally, in a great many cases, it is paragraph 3.e of
Resolution 1900 (2012) that comes into play, notably where the accused have
not been allowed access to a lawyer or have had new charges laid
against them as a pretext for extending provisional detention beyond
the legal time limits. We have already seen a number of such cases,
including that of the human rights activist of Viasna,
Maria Rabkova.
63. It goes without saying that anyone who has been deprived of
their liberty and meets the Assembly's definition of a political
prisoner must be released immediately. Given the serious consequences
of any deprivation of liberty for the prisoners themselves and their
families, that must be our top priority.
4. Our
second priority: combating impunity to deter further violations
64. All our sources have confirmed
that, to date, not one of the violent riot police has been prosecuted despite
the substantial body of proof gathered and published by the NGOs,
including the identities of those alleged to be responsible. In
the case of the protester who died in detention, Raman Bandarenka,
it is not the police officers and prison wardens who are being prosecuted
but the journalist,
Katsyarina Barysevich,
who investigated the case and Mr Bandarenka's doctor,
Artsyom Sarokin. Ms Barysevich
and Mr Sarokin have been charged with publishing personal data despite
Mr Bandarenka's mother giving them permission to go public with
information on her son's state of health and injuries.

65. Here too, international instruments cannot be deployed against
the recalcitrance of the national authorities: while Belarus has
been a contracting party, since Soviet times, to the United Nations
Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment (UNCAT), it has not signed the Optional
Protocol to that convention (OP-CAT), which allows individual complaints.
Belarus is not a Contracting Party to the European Convention for
the prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
(CETS No. 126) although, by invitation of the Council of Europe's
Committee of Ministers, Belarus could accede to that convention
even before joining the Council of Europe. Nor has Belarus signed
up to the Rome Statute establishing the International Criminal Court.
The Belarusian authorities are not co-operating either with the
competent special rapporteurs of the United Nations or with the
rapporteur of the OSCE's Moscow Mechanism, Wolfgang Benedek.
66. For some particularly serious crimes, including torture, the
criminal law enforcement authorities of States other than that of
the nationality of the suspect or the presumed victim or of the
territory where the crime was committed can take up a case on the
basis of “universal jurisdiction”, expressly provided for in Article
5 paragraph 2 of the UNCAT depending on national legislation. In
order to better assess the potential scope for this possibility
in practice, I sent a questionnaire to national parliaments via
the European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation
(ECPRD), asking whether national legislation allowed the possibility
of prosecuting the presumed perpetrators of acts of torture committed
in Belarus, by a Belarusian citizen against Belarusian citizens.
I received over thirty replies, many saying that it was not possible.
Some countries' legislation simply makes no provision for jurisdiction
for crimes committed abroad – unless the perpetrator or victim have
the nationality of the country concerned or national interests are
at stake. Others said that it was possible, but their authorities'
international jurisdiction was conditional on the presumed perpetrator being
on national territory, either temporarily (Albania, Germany,

Georgia, United Kingdom) or even
as a long-term resident (France, Spain). Other replies stated that
such prosecutions were theoretically possible in law but, for practical
reasons, were unlikely (Ireland). The only country which reported
that prosecutions of this kind were already in progress is Lithuania,
which I wish to congratulate.
67. Many countries have implemented Article 5.2 of the UNCAT by
creating the legal possibility of taking action, notably for cases
where they would be unable to extradite a suspect – as would be
the case for Belarusian citizens enjoying impunity in their own
country, which would therefore not request their extradition. In
those countries, the reasons for not taking action tend to be of
a practical nature: while the law allows prosecution of a presumed
torturer who is present on the national territory, if the competent
authorities are not aware that such an individual is present on
the territory, they will not be able to take action.
68. In my opinion this inability to act is not beyond repair.
It is here that an international mechanism, even a modest one, can
come to the rescue. A mechanism along the lines of the “coordination
platform” proposed within the European Parliament could gather and
assess the relevant information, with the involvement of civil society
and the competent international players, such as the Council of
Europe, the OSCE and the UN's special rapporteurs, and then make
it available to the national authorities that have introduced universal
jurisdiction for cases of torture where the presumed perpetrators
are present on the national territory. A list of individuals suspected
of involvement in acts of torture provided by the platform to all
interested States would make it possible to apprehend those individuals
when they crossed the border; and the information and evidence gathered
and assessed by the platform could help the national authorities
to conduct targeted investigations. In the meantime, the very existence
of such lists would send out a strong signal to perpetrators of
such despicable acts, past, present and future.
69. This strategy for combating impunity can only work in the
most serious cases of human rights violations which can be classified
as acts of torture or inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment
and therefore fall within the scope of Article 5.2 of the UNCAT.
70. But for other human rights violations such as arbitrary deprivation
of liberty or assault and battery not quite going as far as torture,
there is another instrument that could be used to call the presumed
perpetrators to account: the so-called “Magnitsky laws”

have been passed in many countries so that “targeted” or “intelligent” sanctions
(such as visa bans or the freezing of bank accounts and other assets)
can be imposed on the perpetrators of serious human rights violations
who enjoy impunity in their country of origin for reasons of politics
and or corruption.
71. The Assembly has itself recommended that Council of Europe
member States pass laws of this kind.

The United States and Canada have
already done so. In Europe, “Magnitsky laws” have been passed by
the three Baltic States, the United Kingdom and Ukraine. One major
step forward was the adoption of such legislation at the level of
the European Union in December 2020.

Here again, the future “coordination platform”
could prove useful, by providing the names of individuals who might
be included on the “Magnitsky lists” as well as reliable information
that could be used to back up accusations against the people in
5. Abolition
of the death penalty – a permanent priority
72. Belarus is the only State on
the continent of Europe that still carries out executions in its
territory. Although it entered into international commitments by
ratifying the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
on 12 November 1973, it is not a Party to its Second Optional Protocol
of 15 December 1989 on the abolition of the death penalty.

73. On several occasions, the Council of Europe, including the
Assembly, condemned the use of the death penalty in Belarus and
called for its abolition, starting with the introduction of a moratorium.
The Assembly’s general rapporteur on the abolition of the death
penalty, currently Mr Vladimir Vardanyan (Armenia, EPP/CD), follows
closely the situation this country.

74. In 2017 a Working Group was set up within the Belarusian National
Assembly to study the abolition of the death penalty and to raise
public awareness of the need to introduce a moratorium on executions,
but with no tangible results so far. According to recent reports,
a package of legislative amendments removing the death penalty from
the Criminal Code is being developed at the initiative of law enforcement

75. The abolition of the death penalty remains a priority also
in the current work of the Council of Europe on the situation in
Belarus following the presidential elections of 9 August 2020. If
the aforementioned legislative package reaches the Belarusian National
Assembly, the Assembly should welcome it and encourage the Belarusian
parliament to adopt it without delay.
6. Conclusions
76. As we have seen, there are
already credible and consistent reports that grave human rights
violations have occurred and continue to occur – violations of the
right to free elections of the entire Belarusian people; violations
of freedom of expression, information and association of all those
who have been prevented from peacefully protesting and keeping abreast
of the news in free media; violations of the right to freedom and safety
of all those who have been arbitrarily placed in more or less lengthy
custody; violations of the right to a fair trial of all those subjected
to the judicial system at the beck and call of the regime; and finally
the most serious violations involving torture and inhuman and degrading
treatment already documented by numerous statements and photos,
temporary “disappearances” of people abducted and imprisoned without
being able to contact their family and even violations of the right
to life.
77. For each and every one of these violations there are individual
perpetrators and others who ordered or at least tolerated these
exactions. Those fighting for their freedom have sometimes had to
resort to somewhat unorthodox methods to expose the perpetrators
of the worst exactions. Balaclavas were pulled off and identities
disclosed and video evidence was obtained by some courageous individuals.
It is clear that the competent authorities of Belarus are not willing
to exercise justice in their country and it is therefore for the international
community to ensure that human rights violations in Belarus do not
go unpunished. This is necessary out of principle, in the name of
universal justice, and it is necessary as a preventive measure to
send out a strong message to those who might perpetrate human rights
violations in the future: that they risk being prosecuted for their
misdeeds or at least deprived of the possibility of freely travelling
in Europe and benefiting from their ill-gotten gains.
78. Real possibilities do exist – notably the universal jurisdiction
of numerous national courts and the national and European “Magnitsky
laws”. They could be rendered considerably more potent through the addition
of an international mechanism, in the form of the “coordination
platform” devised in the European Parliament which gathers, analyses
and assesses the information passed on by Belarusian civil society,
with input from experts and international players, which must include
the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the
competent special rapporteurs of the United Nations.