1. Introduction
1.1. Monitoring
1. Armenia joined the Council
of Europe on 25 January 2001 and, since its accession, has been
subject to a Parliamentary Assembly monitoring procedure resulting
in the adoption of 11 resolutions. The most recent report on Armenia’s
obligations and commitments was presented to the Assembly in 2007

and five resolutions on the functioning
of democratic institutions in Armenia were adopted from 2008 to

They concerned the events of 1 March
2008 in which 10 people lost their lives during a spontaneous demonstration
against the election of Mr Serzh Sargsyan as President of the Republic
of Armenia.
2. These five resolutions were a testament to the Assembly’s
activism. The Assembly, which had been a regular advocate for the
adoption of amnesty laws for those imprisoned after the events of
1 March, achieved this objective. It also stressed the need to shed
light on these events and on the search for those responsible for
the deaths. Furthermore, it identified the underlying causes of
this tragedy and indicated the priority reforms to be carried out
(genuinely democratic elections, the emergence of a robust democratic
and pluralist political environment that has the full trust of the
Armenian public, the establishment of an open and pluralist media environment
and reform of the police and the judiciary with a view to guaranteeing
their independence).
3. Although the 2011 report (
Doc. 12710) outlined plans for a full monitoring report to be submitted
to the Assembly in 2013 (paragraph 6 of the report), that has not
been possible until now. From 2011 to 2019, however, the various
co-rapporteurs for Armenia continued the monitoring procedure by
carrying out annual country visits and systematically reporting
back to the Committee members during meetings, but also through information
notes, producing eight during that period.

These were all made public and can
be found on the Assembly’s website.
1.2. Rationale
for a report on the functioning of democratic institutions
4. Since 2018, Armenia has faced,
in a short period of time, a series of events which have each exerted, could
have exerted or may exert influence on the functioning of its institutions.
First, a broad-based peaceful movement led to a change in Armenia’s
political leadership. This was confirmed by a snap parliamentary election,
the organisation and conduct of which were commended by international
observers, including our Assembly. Armenia then became involved
in a military conflict, which it lost, and its parliament and government buildings
were subsequently stormed by demonstrators. It went through a serious
political crisis, with the government’s legitimacy being questioned,
including by some parts of the armed forces which publicly called for
its resignation. After an electoral reform was adopted in co-operation
with the Council of Europe, it finally held early parliamentary
elections which were intended to serve as a way out of the political
crisis following the country’s military defeat.
5. With those elections having taken place and a new government
having won the confidence of parliament, it seemed to be a particularly
good time to take stock of the situation through a report. In so
doing, we wanted to assess what lasting achievements have emerged
from the democratic reform process that Armenia has embarked on,
despite its recent difficulties, what remains to be done and what
may raise questions. In this respect, we thought it appropriate
to focus on the political developments since 2018 and the issues
directly related to the functioning of democratic institutions without
providing a comprehensive overview of the situation in each of the
three pillars that are usually subject to a monitoring procedure,
namely democracy, the rule of law and human rights. These themes
overlap with the priority reforms identified by the Assembly in
2011: electoral reform, ensuring institutional power is correctly
balanced and enabling democratic culture to take root in the political
sphere, judicial reform and the media situation. A more comprehensive
report may be submitted to the Assembly in the near future to deal
with all the issues usually addressed in a monitoring report, in
particular in the field of human rights, which we have mainly explored
through the situation of the media.
1.3. Preparation
of the report
6. Appointed co-rapporteurs on
11 December 2019

and 10 September 2020

, we, like all our colleagues, were
subject to the public health measures introduced in connection with
the Covid-19 pandemic. Although they made it hard to arrange a country
visit to Armenia in 2020 and the first half of 2021, they did not
prevent us from closely following the various developments in Armenia
and taking action whenever we saw fit. We were in close contact
with the Chairperson of the Armenian delegation, Mr Ruben Rubinyan,
who is also a member of the Monitoring Committee, and Mr Edmon Marukyan,
also formerly on this committee, for example to seek clarification
on the draft amendments to the Law on the Human Rights Defender
(Ombudsman), the attacks on parliament and certain government buildings
in November 2020 and incidents that occurred in parliament. We also
conducted several remote interviews (listed in the 2020 annual report
on the progress of the monitoring procedure) and continued this
practice in 2021.

In addition, we have maintained
regular contact with the Permanent Representation of Armenia to
the Council of Europe. This monitoring work did of course feed into this
report, as did the dozen official statements issued by co-rapporteurs
past and present since 2019.
7. As with any Assembly report, we made extensive use of the
activities and reports of other Council of Europe entities performing
a monitoring function under their terms of reference. We also relied
on relevant documentation from other international organisations
and, in some cases, from Armenian organisations.
8. Lastly, we drew on the high-level political dialogue which
took place during our country visit to Yerevan from 3 to 5 November
2021. Our meetings during this visit included those with various
representatives of civil society organisations, ambassadors, representatives
of the different parliamentary groups in the National Assembly,
members of the National Assembly's standing committee on legal affairs,
members of the National Assembly's standing committee on the protection
of human rights, the President of the National Assembly, the President
of the Constitutional Court, the acting Chairperson of the Supreme
Judicial Council, the Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman), the President
of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, the Minister of
Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Justice and the Prime Minister.
We also visited the municipality of Yeraskh, on the border with
the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan, and met with the mayor. We
would like to thank the Armenian authorities for the warm welcome
we received, as well as the secretariat of the Armenian parliamentary
delegation to the Assembly and the former Permanent Representative
of Armenia to the Council of Europe, Ambassador Paruyr Hovhannisyan,
for organising and greatly facilitating this visit.
2. Political situation and recent developments
9. Reviewing the developments
which have taken place since 2018 will provide a better understanding
of the whys and wherefores of the current context. Four different
chronological periods can be identified.
2.1. The
political crisis triggered by Serzh Sargsyan’s appointment as Prime
Minister (April-December 2018) 
10. Adopted by referendum in December
2015, one of the effects of the amendments to the Armenian Constitution
was to turn Armenia’s presidential regime into a parliamentary system.
These changes were due to come into force at the end of President
Serzh Sargsyan’s term of office on 9 April 2018. Several opposition parties
and civil society organisations had claimed at the time that the
amendments were mainly designed to enable President Serzh Sargsyan
to remain in power beyond his two-term limit. Mr Serzh Sargsyan
had been elected President in 2008 and again in 2013, after having
served as Prime Minister in 2007. These allegations had then been
denied and President Sargsyan had given public assurances on several
occasions, including to our predecessors, that he had no intention
of running for Prime Minister.
11. On 14 April 2018, however, Serzh Sargsyan’s Republican Party
nominated him for Prime Minister, and on 17 April, the parliamentary
majority elected in 2017 (consisting of the Republican Party and
the Armenian Revolutionary Federation) appointed him in that role
after a vote. The move sparked a wave of protests and spontaneous
demonstrations in the country, apparently prompted on the one hand
by Mr Sargsyan reneging on his promise, and on the other, by what
this signified for some Armenians: propping up a system that was perceived
as overtly corrupt and that had little electoral legitimacy as elections
were regularly marred by vote buying and voter intimidation. The
demonstrators were therefore protesting against what they saw as
a sign that reforms would be postponed indefinitely, leading to
further political stagnation.
12. The second largest opposition group in the National Assembly,
the Yelk (Way Out) Alliance, swiftly capitalised on the protest
movement. Mr Nikol Pashinyan, leader of the Civil Contract party
that was the dominant force in the Yelk Alliance and one-time critic
of Mr Sargsyan’s appointment as Prime Minister, soon became the
spearhead of the social protest movement, with large numbers joining
what developed into a campaign of civil disobedience. After some
unsuccessful attempts at negotiation which were followed by Mr Pashinyan
being briefly detained, Mr Serzh Sargsyan resigned on 23 April 2018.
Two days later, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation withdrew from
the governing coalition and announced that it would back Nikol Pashinyan,
as did the leading parliamentary opposition political group, the
Tsarukyan Alliance.
13. When Mr Pashinyan’s bid for the post of Prime Minister was
initially rejected, not least because the Republican Party retained
an absolute majority of seats in parliament, this triggered further
mobilisation and a call for a general strike. On 8 May 2018, Mr Pashinyan
was finally elected unopposed by the Republican Party and took over
the leadership of a minority government with a programme approved
by the National Assembly in June.
14. Holding early elections under a new legislative framework
proved to be a major hurdle for the new government as the parliamentary
majority was opposed to such changes. In October 2018, an electoral
reform bill aimed at bringing in proportional representation to
replace the existing mixed electoral system failed to gain the required
three-fifths majority of parliamentarians’ votes. Prime Minister
Pashinyan then resigned, triggering, with the tacit agreement of
the majority of parliamentarians who refrained from electing his
successor, a snap election which was held on 9 December 2018.
15. The democratic conduct of the elections was welcomed by international
observers, who noted that they had been held with due regard for
fundamental freedoms and enjoyed broad public trust.
16. The elections gave a landslide victory to Prime Minister Pashinyan’s
My Step Alliance, which won 70% of the vote, in what was to be a
major shake-up of the political landscape. The two other parties
that made it into parliament and formed the government’s opposition
were Prosperous Armenia (8% of the vote) and Bright Armenia (6%).
No other political party managed to pass the 5% electoral threshold
required for parliamentary seats – not even the Republican Party
(4.8%) or the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (3.9%).
17. The elections legitimised a peaceful change of government
which took place in strict compliance with constitutional provisions.
Known as the Velvet Revolution, this change is a milestone in Armenia’s
turbulent political history, particularly in the light of the violent
events of 1 March 2008, and should be celebrated.
2.2. The
government formed after the December 2018 elections (December 2018-November
18. The government was officially
formed when the new parliament adopted its programme on 14 February 2019
after three days of debate. The government programme was primarily
geared towards reviving Armenia’s stagnant economy by bringing about
an “economic revolution”. This initiative was aimed both at shaping Armenia’s
future economic model and reducing poverty levels. Other policies
explicitly mentioned in the programme included: resuming peace talks
on Nagorno-Karabakh (in the presence of its representatives), strengthening
co-operation with Russia, furthering relations with the European
Union and fighting corruption.
19. During their country visit in March 2019, our predecessors
met Prime Minister Pashinyan in Yerevan to discuss his government’s
top four priorities. The independence of the judiciary was first
on the list, followed by a general need to strengthen Armenia’s
institutions, mostly by reforming the electoral system. Fighting corruption
was the third priority. Lastly, the Prime Minister said it was crucial
that the government system be made more “citizen friendly”. The
rapporteurs also noted that public expectations of the new authorities
were running particularly high.
20. In the period from February 2019 to November 2020, the authorities
seized the opportunity to continue some vital work that was already
under way, including reforming, in co-operation with the Council
of Europe, the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure
along much more progressive lines.

It also paved the way for future
actions: a comprehensive strategy for judicial reform was adopted
in October 2019 alongside one for tackling corruption; a human rights
strategy was adopted in December of the same year and, in February
2020, the Ministry of Justice presented its strategy for police
reform, including setting up a Ministry of the Interior, as had
long been recommended by our Assembly. At the same time, the government
managed to push several reforms through parliament, including that
of the Judicial Code, the amendments to which entered into force
in May 2020, and electoral reforms targeting political parties and,
in particular, political funding, adopted in June 2020.
21. During their country visit in March 2019, the previous co-rapporteurs
noted the general consensus among those they spoke with – ranging
from representatives in civil society and the judiciary to the Human Rights
Defender’s (Ombudsman’s) office – that the will to respect, protect
and promote human rights was present at the highest levels of the
State and that this was reflected in the widespread consultation
of civil society when preparing draft laws. That positive trend
continued, with the European Commission for Democracy through Law
(Venice Commission) referring, in the two opinions it issued on
the reform of the Judicial Code and that of the Law on Political
Parties, to the broad and inclusive public consultations, which were
also recognised as such by the NGOs it met in Yerevan. Regarding
the reform of the Judicial Code, it even noted that this dialogue
had spurred the government to abandon its most radical proposals
for reform and develop more “tailor-made solutions”.

22. In general, co-operation between the Council of Europe and
the Armenian authorities increased as many reforms were launched
and remained at a high level, whether in terms of the support offered
by the Council of Europe’s office in Yerevan, the quality of the
political dialogue or the requests for ad hoc assistance from the Armenian
institutions, with the Venice Commission receiving five such requests
for opinion over the period concerned.
23. In May 2020, Armenia became the 47th country to ratify the
Convention on Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation
and Sexual Abuse (CETS No. 201, Lanzarote Convention), in a move
which should be commended.
24. While the new authorities pushed ahead with their reforms,
Armenian political life was marred by some unwelcome developments
between December 2018 and September 2020.
25. The first of these, described in Part 5 of this report, concerns
difficulties in the government’s dealings with the judiciary and
the Constitutional Court. On 19 May 2019, Prime Minister Pashinyan
called on Armenians to block entrances and exits to courts across
the country on the grounds that the judiciary was untrustworthy and
remained close to the corrupt former regime. The call followed the
release from pre-trial detention of former President Robert Kocharyan
who had been charged over his role in the events of 1 March 2008,
in which 10 people died.
26. From 2019, the tension between the government and certain
judges of the Constitutional Court, particularly its President,
reached a crescendo, with the Prime Minister accusing the latter
of allowing political considerations to influence what should be
an impartial role and the President condemning the government for putting
pressure on the judges to resign. This unprecedented level of confrontation
led the co-rapporteurs and the President of the Venice Commission
to call for restraint in statements issued separately in 2019 and 2020.

The conflict finally ended
in September 2020 when three Constitutional Court judges were replaced. We
will take a closer look at these events in section 5.2 of this report.
27. The second trend noted during this period was the deterioration
of the political climate after the euphoria of the Velvet Revolution.
The new government, backed by a solid parliamentary majority, seemed
persuaded that its drive for reform was being held back or even
challenged by those it thought remained loyal to the old regime.
It was also facing a fairly constant stream of criticism from several
media outlets, some of which had ties with the former regime. This
may partly explain why some members of the majority showed less
tolerance for criticism from independent institutions, including
the Ombudsman. For example, the Ombudsman was accused of protecting
the rights of Armenians, but not those of majority politicians and
senior civil servants who were also the target of verbal attacks
and smear campaigns. When he presented his annual report in 2021,
the tension in parliament was more palpable than a year earlier.
28. This deterioration in the political climate was clearly apparent
on 8 May 2020 when the leader of the National Assembly’s Bright
Armenia party and political group, Mr Edmon Marukyan, was physically
assaulted by a member of the majority after speaking from the rostrum,
prompting the Speaker of the Assembly to suspend the proceedings
and intervene as parliamentarians’ tempers flared. Although Mr Marukyan
was a member of the opposition at the time of these events, he had
been Mr Pashinyan’s ally in 2017, chairing the Yelk political group
in the National Assembly, which included both Mr Pashinyan’s Civil
Contract Party and Mr Marukyan’s Bright Armenia Party and a third
alliance member, the Republic Party. This was a telling event because,
while fervent, or even heated, reactions and vigorous verbal sparring
have long been part of Armenian political life, politicians had
not truly come to blows in parliament since the Velvet Revolution.
29. Tensions also rose after the parliamentary immunity of Mr Gagik
Tsarukyan, leader of Prosperous Armenia, the first opposition group,
was lifted in June 2020 and he was remanded in custody in September. Mr Tsarukyan,
one of Armenia’s wealthiest businessmen, was prosecuted for a number
of financial crimes and vote buying during the 2017 parliamentary
elections – nearly 17 000 votes according to the Prosecutor General –
a practice that election observation missions had frequently condemned.
The entire parliamentary opposition joined by some parties with
no National Assembly seats, including the Republican Party and former
National Security Service (NSS) chief Artur Vanetsyan’s Homeland
Party, condemned the lifting of immunity as politically motivated,
while the NSS and the Prosecutor General presented the evidence
found during the raid on Tsarukyan’s home. Some analysts have argued
that prosecuting Mr Tsarukyan should be seen as a strategic “determination
to show an end to the previous culture of impunity that prevailed
under the old government for many wealthy businessmen that entered

Mr Tsarukyan was released on bail
in October under martial law declared at the start of the Nagorno-Karabakh
30. Already hard hit by the Covid-19 pandemic in the winter of
2020, Armenia was engaged in a military conflict with Azerbaijan
– which had Turkey’s support – from 27 September to 9 November 2020.
The tripartite agreement signed on 9-10 November 2020 by Prime Minister
Pashinyan, President Putin and President Aliyev ended 44 days of
military operations, resulting in approximately 30% of the territory
of the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (Artsakh in Armenian)
effectively coming under Azerbaijani control. In addition, the seven
districts of Azerbaijan that had been partially or fully occupied
by Armenian forces since 1994 were either recaptured by the Azerbaijani
authorities or returned to them – see section 3 for a more detailed
account of the conflict. The prevailing atmosphere on the Armenian
political scene during the hostilities was one of unity.
2.3. From
the political crisis triggered by the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
to the snap election in June 2021 (November 2020-June 2021)
31. This united front abruptly
collapsed on 9 November 2020 when Prime Minister Pashinyan announced that
he had signed a Trilateral Statement. During the night, a group
protesting against the ceasefire agreement broke into the National
Assembly in what the observers whom we spoke to described as a well-orchestrated operation.
The Speaker of the National Assembly was so badly beaten that he
had to be admitted to hospital and government buildings where the
Prime Minister might be found were stormed. The gravity of the situation and
concerns that a violent overthrow of country’s institutions might
be under way led us to issue a press release in which we stated
that whatever the Armenian people’s feelings about the latest developments
in Nagorno-Karabakh, these should not be allowed to turn into violence
against one another or against the symbols of the democratic institutions
of the Republic of Armenia. We stressed that Armenians were entitled to
expect accountability from their political leadership, but that
this should be done within the framework of a democratic State that
upholds the rule of law.

32. The institutions were not overthrown, but the defeat at the
hands of the Azerbaijani armed forces left quite a rift in Armenian
society between those who held the Prime Minister personally responsible
and wanted him to step down and those who did not. From November
2020 onwards, protestors held regular demonstrations in Yerevan
and other cities. The two opposition parties represented in the
National Assembly, Prosperous Armenia and Bright Armenia, called
for Prime Minister Pashinyan and Armenian President Armen Sarkissian
to resign and for an interim government to be formed with a view
to holding a snap election. Catholicos Karekin II, head of the Armenian
Apostolic Church, also called for the Prime Minister to step down. Extra-parliamentary
factions (the Republican and Homeland parties) played an active
role in organising the demonstrations and were particularly scathing
in their criticism of Prime Minister Pashinyan, with some members
even branding him a “traitor”. The Prime Minister, for his part,
argued that signing the Trilateral Statement had been the only viable
option given the balance of power on the battlefield, blaming the
former regime for leaving the Armenian armed forces outclassed by
Azerbaijan’s superior military technology and stressing that the
unstable situation left the achievements of the Velvet Revolution
under threat.
33. In December 2020, Prime Minister Pashinyan entered into discussions
with the opposition, but these did not yield any concrete results.
Refusing to resign, he presented a roadmap for government action
up to June 2021, promising that early elections could be held if
the situation stabilised.
34. In February 2021, after a high-ranking military officer was
fired, the General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces issued two
successive statements calling for the Prime Minister to stand down.
These were seen by the parliamentary majority as an attempted coup
d’état and by some opposition parties, including Bright Armenia, as
a public political statement in breach of the constitutional requirement
for the armed forces to remain neutral. As co-rapporteurs, we responded
by publishing a press release

stating that
the military’s call for the resignation of a democratically-elected
government was unacceptable. The Chief of the General Staff Onik Gasparyan
was subsequently removed from office, a decision which he challenged
in the administrative court, and Prime Minister Pashinyan organised
some rather sizeable rallies in support of the government.
35. The Prime Minister then announced that he was willing to resign
in April so that early elections could be held on 20 June, in accordance
with the procedure laid down in the Constitution. He stayed on as
acting Prime Minister until that date in a step that drew criticism
from the opposition. At the same time, the majority took up several
proposals of the working group set up in 2020 to reform the electoral
framework ahead of the poll. Two packages of amendments to the electoral
code were adopted, one on 1 April, the provisions of which were applied
to the snap election on 20 June, and the other on 7 May, with provisions
that will apply to the next elections. For the first set of amendments,
the Speaker of the National Assembly requested the joint opinion
of the Venice Commission and the Office for Democratic Institutions
and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Co-operation
in Europe (OSCE/ODIHR), under the urgent procedure. This opinion,
issued on 21 April and endorsed on 2-3 July, was very positive,
with both the Venice Commission and the ODIHR welcoming the package
of amendments as it addressed the majority of the recommendations
set out in their previous opinions. While the Venice Commission
and the ODIHR noted that these changes to electoral rules were being
made only a short time before the elections were to be held, they
considered that the main measure in the package of amendments –
abolishing the regional open lists to turn the existing electoral
system into a mixed system with full proportional representation
– simplified the electoral system and seemed to be broadly supported
by most of the political forces and civil society; these changes
had also been discussed and prepared for a long time as part of
an inclusive and transparent political process.

The President of Armenia refused
to sign the amendments because he considered that they had been
adopted too close to the elections and without the support of the
two opposition parties represented in the National Assembly – Prosperous Armenia
and Bright Armenia did not take part in the vote. The President
did not, however, challenge the amendments before the Constitutional
Court, so the Speaker of the National Assembly was able to sign
them instead.
36. The various political parties were not deterred from conducting
their campaigns by the very late nature of this electoral reform,
which, while simplifying the existing system, left it unclear until
very close to the election which type of voting system would ultimately
apply. The Central Election Commission (CEC) registered the candidate
lists of 22 political parties and four alliances. After one political
party withdrew before 10 June, 25 lists with 2 498 candidates, including
925 women (37%), remained in the race. The three former presidents of
Armenia, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan,
were heavily involved in the election campaign which officially
lasted just 12 days – as compared with the usual 35-45 days. It
is striking that most political stakeholders considered the elections
to be particularly open and worth entering in view of the issues at
stake. With the exception of the December 2018 elections, this makes
a welcome change from previous ballots. It should also be noted
that these elections were truly open: Mr Robert Kocharyan was not
only able to take an active part in the campaign by leading the
Armenia Alliance (Hayastan), but was even able to run for parliament
after the criminal charges brought against him for his involvement
in the events of 1 March 2008 were dismissed on appeal by a Yerevan
Court on 1 April 2021. Similarly, Mr Artur Vanetsyan, who had been briefly
detained in November 2020 on suspicion of, inter alia, participating
in an attempt on Prime Minister Pashinyan’s life, was able to lead
his Homeland Party, form the I Have Honour Alliance with the Republican Party
and stand for parliament.
37. The International Election Observation Mission, in which our
Assembly participated, found that “Armenia’s early parliamentary
elections were competitive and well-managed within a short time
frame. However, they were characterised by intense polarisation
and marred by increasingly inflammatory language from key contestants,
as well as by the sidelining of women throughout the campaign”.

38. The election results gave a large majority to the incumbent
Prime Minister’s party: almost 54% of the votes cast went to his
Civil Contract party (71 seats). The Armenia Alliance, supported
by Robert Kocharyan and mainly composed of the Armenian Revolutionary
Federation (Dashnak), came second with 21% of the vote (29 seats),
followed by the I Have Honour Alliance which won 7 seats (5%). No
other political grouping managed to reach the threshold for representation
in the National Assembly. The turnout was just under 50% of registered
39. The Armenia Alliance, I Have Honour and two other groups that
failed to reach the threshold for representation in the National
Assembly filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court challenging
the official election results and the distribution of seats. On
17 July, the Court rejected all the petitioners’ legal arguments and
evidence and ruled that the results announced by the CEC be upheld.
2.4. The
newly elected government takes office (June 2021 onwards)
40. The Armenia and I Have Honour
Alliances did not boycott parliament, however, taking their seats
when it reconvened. On 2 August, Nikol Pashinyan was sworn in as
Prime Minister by the National Assembly elected on 20 June. The
Assembly then proceeded to elect its Speaker and three Deputy Speakers,
one of whom belongs to the Armenia Alliance’s Dashnak party in the
opposition. It also voted to set up 12 standing parliamentary committees,
dividing the chairs among them, with three reserved for the opposition.

On 11 August, a physical altercation
broke out between members of the majority and the opposition, leading
the Speaker of the Assembly to suspend the proceedings and call
in the building’s security staff to restore order.
41. Prime Minister Pashinyan formed a government of 12 ministers,
keeping the tight format he had favoured after the December 2019
elections. On 24 August 2021, he came to parliament to present his
government and its programme, which was adopted on 26 August. The
programme is divided into six sections: Security and Foreign Policy,
Economy, Infrastructure Development, Human Capital Development,
Law and Justice and Institutional Development. It will be observed
that the government’s priorities differ from those that the Prime Minister
discussed with our predecessors in March 2019, with the need for
security in a tense regional context now coming first. At the same
time, the Prime Minister revived the idea of broad consultations
on the possibility of revising the Constitution in the light of
what he perceived as institutional shortcomings arising from the political
crisis of 9 November 2020.
3. The
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and its impact on Armenian politics
42. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
having had a major impact on Armenia, we felt it was vital to keep
the members of our committee and the Assembly informed of recent
developments while also analysing the consequences for Armenian
political life. The Monitoring Committee and its co-rapporteurs
in respect of both Armenia and Azerbaijan commented on numerous
occasions during and after the hostilities. Details can be found
in the
Work overview. The Monitoring Committee also regularly discussed the
situation between Armenia and Azerbaijan and supported holding a
current affairs debate on “Armenian prisoners of war, other captives
and displaced persons” on 20 April 2021, during the April part-session.
Our colleague Paul Gavan (Ireland, UEL) also presented a comprehensive
report on the humanitarian consequences of this conflict

to the Assembly that makes a worthwhile
reading companion to the resolution and recommendation it then adopted.

43. As the course of the confrontation has already been charted
by the Chairperson of our Committee, Mr Michael Aastrup Jensen,
in his report on the progress of the monitoring procedure (January-December 2020),

we shall
simply recapitulate what was said and bring this up to date by describing
the events which have taken place since January 2021.
3.1. The
end of the military conflict and the aftermath of 9-10 November
44. The military conflict between
Armenia and Azerbaijan, sometimes referred to as the Second Nagorno-Karabakh
war in reference to the 1991-1994 war, began on 27 September 2020
along the line of contact that had separated Azerbaijani and Armenian
positions in Nagorno-Karabakh and the seven adjacent Azerbaijani districts
since the 1994 ceasefire. It ended on 9 November 2020 when Prime
Minister Pashinyan and Presidents Aliyev and Putin signed a so-called
Trilateral Statement, brokered by Russia, bringing in a ceasefire.
More than 6 000 military personnel died in the 44-day conflict:
3 773 on the Armenian side

and 2 881
on the Azerbaijani side.

number of civilian casualties was estimated at 163 on the Armenian
side and 548 on the Azerbaijani side.

number of persons displaced by the conflict was estimated at nearly 140 000,
including 90 000 to 100 000 Armenians, accounting for 70% of the
population of the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, and
40 000 Azerbaijanis. In addition to these figures, the number of
Armenians who left the districts recaptured by/returned to Azerbaijan
under the Trilateral Statement is hard to estimate – the newspaper
Eurasianet put the number of Armenians
living in those territories at between 34 000 and 40 000. The Russian
authorities declared in December 2020 that 40 000 displaced persons
had returned to Nagorno-Karabakh under their protection.

For reference, the
Azerbaijani authorities estimated that at the end of the first Nagorno-Karabakh
war in 1994, there were 600 000 internally displaced persons in
Azerbaijan from Nagorno-Karabakh or neighbouring districts.

The Gavan report states
that around 65 % of them might wish to return to the seven recaptured
or retroceded districts, as well as to the part of Nagorno-Karabakh
taken by the Azerbaijani authorities.

45. The Jensen report noted several violations of humanitarian
law during the conflict (failure to distinguish between civilian
and military targets or to respect the principle of proportionality,
use of cluster munitions that do not discriminate between civilians
and combatants, executions of prisoners and the use of Syrian mercenaries
by Azerbaijan, with Turkey’s assistance, to support its military
operations in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone) and recalled that
the Turkish authorities had repeatedly stated that they would support Azerbaijan
“in the field” and “at the table of negotiations”.

46. It should be noted that both Armenia and Azerbaijan lodged
inter-state applications with the European Court of Human Rights
during and after the conflict, one of which was also against Turkey.
By a decision of 29 September 2020, the Court applied Rule 39 of
the Rules of Court, calling on both Azerbaijan and Armenia to refrain
from taking any measures, in particular military actions, which
might entail breaches of the rights of the civilian population guaranteed
by the European Convention on Human Rights (ETS No. 5), including
putting their life and health at risk. It also asked them to comply
with their engagements under the Convention, notably in respect
of Article 2 (right to life) and Article 3 (prohibition of torture
and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment)

(). On 6 October, it extended these
measures to all States directly or indirectly involved in the conflict,
including Turkey.
47. In addition to introducing a ceasefire along Armenian and
Azerbaijani positions as occupied on 10 November in paragraph 1,
the Trilateral Statement provided for the deployment of Russian
military peacekeeping forces initially for a five-year period; set
up a peacekeeping centre to monitor the ceasefire; agreed on a timetable
for returning the three districts still under Armenian control,
excluding the Lachin Corridor,

to Azerbaijan; and foresaw
the opening of transport links between the western regions of the Republic
of Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic under the supervision
of the border police of the Russian Federation’s Federal Security
Service. The Trilateral Statement also provided for the return of internally
displaced persons and refugees to Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding
districts under the control of the Office of the UN High Commissioner
for Refugees and the exchange of prisoners of war, hostages and other
detained persons and bodies.
48. From November 2020 to May 2021, the implementation of the
Trilateral Statement got under way; 2 000 Russian Federation peacekeepers
were deployed. The Agdam, Kalbajar and Lachin districts, still held
by Armenian forces, were handed back to Azerbaijan from November
to December, the search for and return of the bodies of fallen soldiers
began and prisoner exchanges took place from December under the
supervision of the International Committee of the Red Cross. On
11 January 2021, Prime Minister Pashinyan and Presidents Putin and
Aliyev signed a second Trilateral Statement brokered by the Russian
Federation. It sought to implement paragraph 9 of the agreement
of 9-10 November 2020 on unblocking all the region’s economic and
transport links. To this end, it provided for setting up a tripartite
working group led by the deputy prime ministers of the Republic
of Armenia, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan
that would be responsible for drawing up a list of the main areas
of work arising from the implementation of paragraph 9 of the ceasefire
agreement of 9 November 2020, setting rail and road links as priorities.
The working group was also asked to prepare a list and timetable
of activities to restore or build new transport infrastructure necessary for
initiating, implementing and providing for the safety of international
traffic through Azerbaijan and Armenia and ensuring the safety of
transportations carried out by the Azerbaijan and Armenia through
their territories. The working group was to be supported by several
expert subgroups which it then proceeded to set up after its activities
got under way.
49. Tensions began to rise, however, from 12 May 2021 when Azerbaijani
troops advanced up to 3.5 kilometres into Armenian territory in
two locations, one in the Syunik and the other in the Gegharkunik region.
The Azerbaijani government pointed to the lack of a clear border
demarcation line in this area and the fact that, according to some
Soviet-era maps, the places in question were located in Azerbaijani
territory. At the time of writing this report, Azerbaijani troops
had not withdrawn from these locations. Despite Russian mediation
and the Russian Federation’s call for an acceleration of border
demarcation operations, the border areas between Armenia and Azerbaijan
are now subject to incursions, capture of military personnel

and sporadic
exchanges of fire, some of which have been fatal for soldiers on
both sides. The tripartite working group did, however, meet again
on 17 August and held the first part of its 8th meeting on 20 October
2021. Besides these renewed tensions, we have identified five areas
of concern.
50. The first is the issue of returning prisoners and other captives.
At the time of writing, this aspect unfortunately remained unresolved,
with Azerbaijan still holding more than 150 Armenians even though
the European Court of Human Rights, in an unprecedented decision
of 9 March 2021, had notified the Committee of Ministers of the
provisional measures it had ordered Azerbaijan to take with respect
to 188 Armenians that it had allegedly captured, “having regard
to the Azerbaijani Government’s failure to respect the time-limits
set by the Court for the submission of information on the individuals
concerned and the rather general and limited information provided
by them”. The Court did not, however, order interim measures against
Armenia, despite a request from Azerbaijan to do so, as Armenia
had repatriated 12 of the 16 citizens it had allegedly held captive
and claimed that it was not detaining the other four. The issue
of captives is complicated by two factors. Firstly, the Azerbaijani
authorities consider that Armenian fighters captured after the signing
of the 9-10 November Trilateral Statement are not covered by the
provisions of its paragraph 8 stipulating that all detained persons
would be exchanged. In addition, they brought criminal proceedings
against some Armenian prisoners, notably for having “illegally entered
Azerbaijani territory”.

of these convicts were subsequently handed over to the Armenian
authorities, like the 15 prisoners released and sent back in June 2021
in exchange for Armenia providing maps of land mines laid in districts
retaken by Azerbaijani, leading some analysts to suggest that the
trials brought by Baku could be motivated by considerations other
than the pursuit of justice.

On 3 July 2021, a
further 15 prisoners were released by Azerbaijan and a further five
on 19 October who had been previously convicted.

On 31 August 2021,
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov for the first time called on the
Azerbaijani authorities to release all Armenian prisoners without
any conditions.

51. The second area of concern is the preservation of Armenian
cultural heritage in the areas regained by or returned to Azerbaijan.
This heritage includes dozens of religious buildings, some dating
back to the 5th century. In November 2020, UNESCO reiterated countries’
obligation to protect cultural heritage in terms of the
Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event
of Armed Conflict to which both Armenia and Azerbaijan are parties. It
had proposed to carry out an independent field mission of experts
to draw up a preliminary inventory of significant cultural properties
as a first step towards the effective safeguarding of the region’s
heritage in and around Nagorno-Karabakh. In December of the same
year, it noted that the Azerbaijani authorities had been approached
several times to allow such a mission to be sent, but to no avail.

The Azerbaijani
Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded with a press release stating
that UNESCO had remained silent on the destruction of Azerbaijani
cultural heritage by the Armenian occupying forces over the past
30 years and that the Ministry of Culture had sent the first results
of an assessment of the extent of this destruction to UNESCO and
hoped that the organisation would take this into account.

Whatever the merits
of Azerbaijan’s argument,

there are real fears that Armenian
cultural heritage will bear the brunt of a war on memory designed
to rewrite history. The precedent set in Nakhchivan, where, according
to credible sources,

Armenian cultural
heritage was destroyed, raises legitimate fears of this happening
52. The third area of concern relates to the increasing number
of speeches or acts that do not lay the groundwork for appeasement
or normalisation of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. In
this respect, we can but regret the claims that the highest Azerbaijani
authorities, namely the Minister of Culture and President Aliyev,

have repeatedly
expressed publicly, denying the “Armenian” origins of the majority
of religious buildings constructed before the 19th century and arguing
that they are part of “Caucasian-Albanian” heritage in line with
a theory that gained traction during the Soviet era. This thesis
seeks to deny an Armenian presence in Azerbaijani territory prior
to the 19th century – even though there is ample evidence of it
– and suggests that classifying cultural heritage is more an affair
of politics than history.

In the same vein, President Aliyev’s
ambiguous statements are hardly designed to create a climate conducive
to peace. This is particularly true of the remarks he made on 14 July

referring to the province of West
Zangazur, namely the Armenian province of Syunik, as the “ancestral
land” to which Azerbaijanis must return without anyone being able
to stop them and to which they “will return”, once “all communications
are opened” [namely in line with the 9-10 November Trilateral Statement,
as well as returning to their “native land”, the Goycha district,
Iravan, which is the former Persian name for Yerevan, the modern-day
capital of Armenia. The Jensen report noted that manipulation of
information and hate speech were widespread during the conflict.

If Armenia and Azerbaijan
are to emerge from 30 years of mistrust, we believe it is imperative
that these phenomena be stopped and that the political classes in
these countries set an example and reverse the trend of the past 30 years.
53. The fourth area of concern relates to the sometimes interrelated
issues of refugees and demining former occupied Azerbaijani areas.
Although President Aliyev announced the launch of a major investment
plan for the recaptured or liberated territories, displaced Azerbaijanis
will only be able to return to the seven districts and the gained
part of the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic if a large-scale
demining operation is carried out because these mines regularly
claim victims.

On the Armenian side, receiving and
managing refugees who have left the recaptured or retroceded territories
and do not wish to return will be a challenge for the authorities.
The Gavan report discusses in detail the need for co-operation in
mine clearance operations and the plight of displaced persons and
refugees, with paragraphs 65-103 of the report being of particular interest
54. The final area of concern relates to the currently differing
visions of Armenia and Azerbaijan for a full-scale resolution of
the conflict. Beyond the issue of border demarcation discussed above,
security guarantees for the corridor between the self-proclaimed
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and Armenia on the one hand and a transport

Nakhchivan and the rest of Azerbaijan on the other, as well as the
issue of the enclaves which the Azerbaijanis and, to a lesser extent,
the Armenians are demanding be returned,

the stumbling block is,
for the time being, the status of the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic. At present, the Azerbaijani position is that the conflict
with Armenia has now ended, that a peace agreement with Armenia is
necessary and that the bottom line is to focus on the economic development
of the South Caucasus region. No mention has been made of any special
status that might be granted to the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous
Oblast, as it was called in the Soviet era.

On the contrary, the Armenian authorities
are insisting that the question of status be fully addressed in
the whole of the former oblast, including the part under Azerbaijani
control. They consider it a condition for a peace agreement. If
a full-scale resolution is not reached, the danger is that the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict, which was frozen for 30 years before flaring up again
for 44 days, will freeze over once more.
55. In view of these concerns, we believe that the essence of
the Monitoring Committee’s
statement of 22 April 2021 on the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict
remains valid. The Committee noted that the clear intention of paragraph 8
of the Trilateral Statement was the exchange of all detained persons
without distinction as to the status assigned to them by either
party and called on Azerbaijan to ensure that all Armenian detainees
were released without delay into the care of the Armenian authorities.
In the committee’s view, establishing an independent international
mission responsible for investigating the conflict and allegations
of human rights and humanitarian law violations during the recent
hostilities was essential to create an environment that was conducive
to reconciliation and the establishment of genuine peace. It affirmed
the importance of the cultural heritage to all parties to the conflict
and called for the urgent establishment of the mechanisms necessary
for its protection and renovation. Lastly, the committee called
on both parties to constructively engage with the relevant international
institutions, in particular the OSCE Minsk group, with a view to
fully implementing the Trilateral Statement, and to start the peace
56. The spirit and content of the Monitoring Committee's statement
of 22 April 2021 were further reinforced by the recent publication
of a memorandum by the Commissioner for Human Rights on the humanitarian
and human rights consequences of the conflict.

The memorandum
makes eight recommendations for urgent human rights protection.
For each of these recommendations, the Commissioner's views are
fully in line with those of our Committee, our views as co-rapporteurs,
and those expressed in the Gavan report.
57. Our visit to the municipality of Yeraskh, on the border with
the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan, and our discussions with
the municipal authorities, reminded us, if there was any need, that
in the absence of a comprehensive peace agreement, insecurity persists
on the border. The military are the first to pay the price, but
the civilian population also suffers the consequences.

In this case, the
description we were given of the situation in Yeraskh is edifying:
on both sides of the border, the armed forces of the two countries
have set up their positions overlooking two villages, one Armenian,
the other Azerbaijani. While incidents were non-existent in this
locality before the September 2020 conflict, they have reportedly
become sporadic since the summer of 2021, according to what we were
told. Civilians do not appear to be deliberately targeted, but have
to live with the constant risk that they may become so, and with
the risk of stray bullets or shells in the event of exchanges of
fire between Armenian and Azerbaijani military positions, which
has already occurred.
3.2. The
conflict’s impact on Armenian politics
58. From the interviews we conducted
and the information at our disposal, we draw three conclusions.
59. The first is that the conflict has, of course, brought the
security of Armenia and Armenians to the forefront of political
debate. The issue of security dominated the snap election campaign
in June 2021 in the context of the country’s military defeat and,
from 12 May, the Azerbaijani armed forces’ incursion into Armenian
territory on the ground that there was no clear border demarcation.
The return of the seven previously occupied districts to Azerbaijan
also heightened concerns about insecurity in the Syunik and Gegharkunik
provinces. These used to be sheltered by the buffer zone created
by the seven districts, but have now reverted to being on the border with
Azerbaijan and have been the focus of most of the incidents that
have occurred since then. It is not surprising therefore that Syunik
province was the scene of some turmoil, notably in April 2021 when
local elected officials clashed with Prime Minister Pashinyan during
a visit,

or that it took on
a remarkable symbolic importance during the electoral campaign –
with Prime Minister Pashinyan threatening to “cut off” the hand
of those seeking to pit Syunik province against the rest of Armenia.

This pursuit of security
is obviously to be appreciated in the light of the prominent place
occupied by the Armenian genocide of 1915-1916 in the Armenian psyche
and identity. Armenian political leaders were keen to draw a parallel
between this genocide and the armed conflict of September to November
with Turkey-backed Azerbaijan.

Not only has
“security” become the priority of the government formed after the
June 2020 elections, but Prime Minister Pashinyan has also announced
a major reform of the armed forces, the purchase of modern weapons
from Russia, closer ties with the Collective Security Treaty Organisation
(CSTO), of which Armenia is a member, and the deployment of Russian
border guards on parts of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, especially
in the northern province of Tavush. There is a general political
consensus that Russia is the first and only guarantor of the security
that Armenia needs and that the country should strengthen its ties
with the Federation.
60. The second tangible effect of the conflict has been the intense
polarisation of the political scene over the issue of responsibility
for the defeat since the Trilateral Statement of 9-10 November 2020
was signed. The Armenia and I Have Honour Alliances held the Prime
Minister solely responsible and denied he had the right to sign
the Trilateral Statement, with former President Kocharyan even describing
him as a “traitor”.

The Prime
Minister, for his part, blamed members of past governments. This
is still an extremely sensitive issue: on 26 August 2021, a member
of the ruling party blamed the former defence ministers for the
defeat and called them “traitors”, leading to blows being exchanged
in the National Assembly and bringing proceedings to a temporary
61. The fear of a deterioration of Armenia’s relations with certain
international organisations like the European Union and the North
Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) came up in the interviews we
held. It is rooted in Armenian politicians’ disappointment with
what they perceived as the inaction or feeble responses of these
organisations and some of their members when NATO member Turkey
supported Azerbaijan “in the field” and “at the table of negotiations”
and was accused of having assisted the Azerbaijani authorities in
using mercenaries from Syria during the conflict.

This disappointment
was also expressed by members of the Armenian delegation. From the
talks we held and the information received, we are convinced that,
while this fear of a deterioration in Armenia’s relations with certain
international organisations may be the subject of political debate
in Armenia, it is currently unfounded insofar as the Council of
Europe is concerned, and even more so as regards the commitments
and obligations undertaken by Armenia when it joined our Organisation.
4. Electoral
62. This is a long-standing recommendation
of the Assembly and the various international election observation
missions. After the parliamentary elections of 2 April 2017, both
the OSCE/ODIHR and the ad hoc committee of the Bureau of the Assembly
noted that the election campaign had been tainted by credible and repeated
allegations of vote buying, voter intimidation, particularly of
public servants in schools and hospitals and employees of private
companies, who were encouraged to vote for certain parties, and
by abuse of administrative functions.

Ms Liliane Maury Pasquier,
head of the Assembly’s election observation delegation, summed up
the international organisations' findings by pointing to “long-standing
doubts about the reliability and integrity of electoral processes
in the country” and stating that “the use of new voting technologies
[set up for the elections] cannot alone restore confidence in elections
– crucial in a genuine democracy – just the same as better legislation
is only effective if applied in good faith”.

63. The organisation and conduct of the early elections in December
2018 saw a promising departure from previous practices, however,
and this was welcomed by the international observers. The general
absence of electoral malfeasance, including of vote buying and pressure
on voters, allowed for genuine competition. Mr Aleksander Pociej,
head of the Assembly’s election observation delegation, summed up
this new electoral dynamic as follows: “PACE has observed every
election in Armenia since 1995... [and notes that] the recurring electoral
irregularities which tainted many elections in the past were absent”.

This finding by the
international observers seems to have been confirmed by Armenian
voters. The most recent Caucasus Barometer survey, published in
2020, showed a remarkable improvement in the voters' feelings about
the parliamentary elections of December 2018 compared with the 2017
vote. 63% of respondents considered that the 2018 elections had been
conducted “completely fairly” and only 3% “not at all fairly”, compared
to 10% and 41% respectively after the 2017 elections.

64. The question therefore was firstly whether the electoral framework
would be reformed in line with the international observers' recommendations
and secondly whether this momentum would continue in practice.
4.1. A
markedly improved electoral framework
65. In October 2018 Nikol Pashinyan's
minority government tried to pass an electoral reform, whose main aim
was to put an end to the mixed electoral system introduced by the
constitutional amendments of 2015. This system, which was considered
very complex by the international observers, provided that at least
101 MPs would be elected through a two-tier proportional system
from a closed national list and 13 open constituency lists (the
so-called regional constituency system). The ballot paper included
both the national list and the relevant constituency list, and voters
could indicate their preference for a constituency candidate. This
system had been criticised by the opposition and Nikol Pashinyan
because they claimed that in practice it allowed for the establishment
of electoral fiefdoms, facilitating fraudulent manoeuvres and making
the vote less proportional. In October 2018, however, the Republican
Party majority rejected the proposed reform.
66. Following the elections of December 2018, Prime Minister Pashinyan
reiterated the need to reform the electoral framework, since, as
noted above, reform was seen as a means of strengthening institutions
by restoring citizens’ trust. The electoral framework, which is
governed by the Constitution, the 2016 Electoral Code as amended,
the Law on the Financing of Political Parties and other texts, including,
where penalties for offences are concerned, the Criminal Code, was
continually amended until May 2021. The mandate of the Constitutional
Revision Commission set up by the government in February 2020 also
included the drafting of proposals in the electoral field. The reform
was carried out in two stages, most of which involved the Council of
Europe and the OSCE/ODIHR.
67. Parliament began by introducing radical changes to the legislation
on political parties in order to make their funding more transparent.
Donations to political parties by legal entities were banned and
the annual permitted amount of donations from natural persons was
substantially lowered, from 10 000 to 250 times the minimum wage.
In addition, the rules on entitlement to public funding were updated:
the number of votes that a party was required to have received in
the last parliamentary elections to be entitled to such funding
was lowered from 3 to 2%; a tiered mechanism was introduced whereby
the amount of public funding allocated was equivalent to one minimum
wage per vote for parties receiving 2 to 5% of the votes. It was
then reduced as the number of votes increased – a mechanism which,
as the Venice Commission pointed out, particularly helped small
parties and hence political pluralism;

and lastly, the allocation of public funds
was made subject to the preparation of a quarterly report – a previous
recommendation of the OSCE/ODIHR, which saw this as a crucial measure
to safeguard the integrity of the system of political finance and
to enhance transparency and accountability.

This reform also transferred supervision
of parties' financial activities from the Oversight and Audit Service
(OAS) of the CEC to the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption,
in partial compliance with a former recommendation of the OSCE/ODIHR,
and relaxed the rules on the establishment and registration of political
parties and their internal management. The OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice
Commission welcomed many of these measures, which if properly implemented,
could help to further political pluralism. The latest amendments
forming part of the reform of the rules on political parties were
adopted in December 2019.
68. As stated above, the second stage of electoral reform occurred
in April and May 2021, in the run-up to the early elections of June
2021. While the main change was a simplification of the voting system,
with the abandonment of regional constituencies in favour of full
proportional representation, namely with a single constituency,
the amendments of 2021 represented a major reform. In their joint
opinion on the package of amendments of 1 April, the Venice Commission
and the OSCE/ODIHR stated that the package was to be “broadly welcomed
as it [addressed] the majority of recommendations raised in previous
… opinions, as well as in ODIHR Election Observation Missions’ final

The following measures
are relevant to the nine issues raised by the Venice Commission.

the premium awarded to a coalition receiving more than 50% of the
vote was lowered by 2 points, meaning that such a coalition is now
allocated 52% of the seats instead of 54%, as was previously the
case. In so doing, the parliamentary majority complied with the provisions
of the Constitution which call for a “stable majority in Parliament”,
while at the same time reducing the impact of this requirement.
In a welcome move, the April amendments reduced the threshold for
political parties to participate in the distribution of seats from
5% to 4%, although the threshold to be represented in the National
Assembly was raised slightly for electoral alliances. The amendments
also defined exhaustively what administrative resources are and
prohibited their use during the organisation and conduct of election campaigns.
69. The OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice Commission welcomed the inclusive
and transparent nature of both the amendments to the legislation
on political parties and those of 1 April, and the fact that these
changes had been discussed and prepared for a long time in advance.
4.2. Possible
additional adjustments
70. In their opinion, both the
OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice Commission pointed to a concern about
the funding of election campaigns, which the Armenian authorities
had only partly addressed. A long-standing recommendation calls
for the law to provide a legal definition of campaign expenditure
so that all campaign costs are included. The Armenian authorities
only partly followed this recommendation as the amendments of 1
April merely gave a non-exhaustive list of expenditure which should
only come out of campaign funds. Yet, in its preliminary conclusions
on the early elections of 20 June 2021, the OSCE/ODIHR noted that
the new legal definition of campaign expenditure did not cover organisational
costs, and this enabled candidates to use these expenses as a means
of circumventing spending limits. Some parties also used charitable
organisations and personal publicity to bypass limits.

These loopholes seem to have
been dealt with by the Armenian authorities as the amendments of
1 April introduced new penalties for infringements of campaign funding
rules, particularly for donations and charity events, which will
apply from 2022 onwards.

It would however
be in the Armenian authorities' interest to follow the OSCE/ODIHR's
initial recommendation about providing a precise legal definition
of campaign expenditure.
71. The OSCE/ODIHR also pointed out in its preliminary conclusions
that the ban on bi-nationals standing for election under the Constitution
stemming from the amendments of 2015 was incompatible with European standards,
and regretted that recent amendments to the Criminal Code criminalised
concealment of dual nationality, including in order to stand for
elections, making it punishable by up to 5 years' imprisonment.
As the OSCE/ODIHR points out, the Venice Commission is of the opinion
that this amendment is in breach of Article 3 (right to free elections)
of the additional protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights,
as interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights in its
Tănase v. Moldova judgment of 2010.

72. In their urgent joint opinion on the draft amendments of 1
April, the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR recommended clarifying
a provision penalising the publication during election campaigns
of “false information or slander via information and communication
technologies, anonymous source, about a political party (alliance
of political parties) or a candidate running in elections, for the
purpose of damaging the reputation thereof”. Their main concerns
were the notion of “slander”, which they considered to be subjective, and
the risk that this provision, which amounts to a restriction on
the freedom of expression guaranteed by Article 10 of the Convention,
may interfere with legitimate aims such as those pursued by investigative

73. Lastly, in their joint opinion, the Venice Commission and
the OSCE/ODIHR pointed out, in relation to electoral disputes, that
while the standing in complaints and appeals procedures was wide,
and had been extended to NGOs, voters were still not entitled to
challenge voting results in their constituency. They concluded from
this that the right to an effective remedy was not guaranteed.

74. As co-rapporteurs, we believe that the local aspect of electoral
reform should not be forgotten, given the importance of the municipal
level in local political issues and its role in fostering political
awareness. We noted the reforms carried out by the authorities,
particularly in May 2020, when a proportional system replaced the first-past-the-post
system in municipalities with more than 4 000 inhabitants, and the
further reforms in April 2021, when the bonus received by a party
if it won at least 40% of the vote was abolished. Municipal elections are
still not held simultaneously on a single date, however. In 2016
and 2017, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities stated
in its information reports on the local by-elections in Armenia
and the elections to the Council of Elders of the City of Yerevan
that the scattered nature of local by-elections was impractical, decreased
the attention paid to each election, was confusing for voters and,
in general, eroded public interest in elections at the grassroots
level. It suggested that local elections should be held on the same
day and at least six months before or after parliamentary elections
so as to alert public opinion to important grassroots issues.

We can only urge
the Armenian authorities to adopt this recommendation.
4.3. The
limits of electoral reform
75. Overall, the reform of the
electoral framework has been real and far-reaching, although improvements are
still possible. It is to be hoped, therefore, that the reform will
help to restore voter trust in the electoral process. The recent
parliamentary elections, although held in a very specific context,
do nevertheless suggest that some electoral practices remain, despite
the legislative changes.
76. For instance, although measures to improve equal gender representation
were strengthened for the most recent elections, the effect of these
enhancements is barely noticeable. The quota of women candidates to
be included on each list was increased from 25 to 30%. The move
away from the mixed system to a fully proportional one was also
expected to increase the number of women on lists. Lastly, parties
were required to ensure that there was one woman candidate for every
three candidates on the list so that they were not tempted to place
women in positions where they were unlikely to be elected, at the
bottom of the list. Unfortunately though, the observers' findings
were not entirely positive as they noted that women had been sidelined throughout
the campaign, although the election result had led to an improvement
in their representation. The new National Assembly has 36 women
MPs, accounting for 33% of all parliamentarians, compared to 24%
in 2018 and 17% in 2017. The current 33% is slightly higher than
the quota for lists and is part of a positive trend, which has been
constant since 2017, and is to be welcomed. However, as pointed
out by Ms Kari Henriksen, Head of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
delegation, with reference to the sidelining of women during the election
campaign, “it is important that women are not just equally represented,
but are also given the opportunity to engage actively in public
and political life”.
77. Another shortcoming, which relates more to practice than to
the legal framework itself, is that, in the last elections, there
were allegations of intimidation of public and private sector employees,
and of vote buying.

As to vote buying, investigations were
opened in 14 cases according to the report by the ad hoc committee
of the Bureau of the Assembly, a figure very close to that of the
2018 elections, which were considered to be free from the bad practices
frequently observed in Armenia. Voter intimidation is more of a
concern, as it appeared to have been eliminated in previous elections.
Let us hope that the trend that began in 2018 will continue and that
increased penalties will gradually bring an end to these practices
which may be limited and on the decline but taint elections nonetheless.
78. During our visit to the country, we were informed that the
majority in the National Assembly of Armenia is planning to initiate
a reform of the electoral framework as early as 2022, in order, inter alia, to take into account
the recommendations of international organisations, and to present
this reform sufficiently in advance of the next parliamentary elections
scheduled for 2026. We will follow with interest the launching of
this process.
5. Governance
and relations between institutions
79. After their visit to Yerevan
in March 2019, our predecessors stated that both the majority and
the opposition at the time had agreed that Armenia needed not only
reforms but a new political culture. During their meeting with Prime
Minister Pashinyan, he had presented the strengthening of institutions
as a response to the “emotional democracy” often practised in Armenia.
In addition, most of the politicians they spoke to, including members
of the then majority, recognised that there was a lack of checks
and balances in the institutional system and a need to set them
up. Lastly, the highest authorities of the State emphasised that
the culture of the “verticality of power” inherited from the tsarist
and communist periods still permeated the political and administrative
life of the country.

80. According to the annual rankings established by the NGO Freedom
House, the trend since the December 2018 elections has been a fairly
marked improvement in the area of political rights and civil liberties and
more measured progress in the area of democracy. For example, in
2018 Freedom House gave Armenia a score of 45 out of 100 for political
rights and civil liberties. By 2021 this score had risen to 55.
As a result, Armenia is regarded as a “partly free” country.

As regards democracy, Freedom House
awarded Armenia 26 out of 100 in 2018 and 33 out of 100 in 2021.
On the basis of this aggregate score, Freedom House considers Armenia
to be a “semi-consolidated authoritarian regime”.
81. As noted above, the democratic regime that emerged from the
December 2018 elections had to contend with the Coronavirus pandemic,
the armed conflict with Turkey-backed Azerbaijan, the ensuing political
crisis, and the economic crisis – in 2020, gross domestic product
fell by more than 7%, prompting the authorities to make budget cuts
in public services. Unlike what happened in some member states faced
with similar circumstances, Armenia's institutions were not overthrown.
The political crisis brought on by the military defeat even culminated
in the majority obtaining a fresh mandate through the ballot box
in the June 2021 elections. This, in itself, deserves to be highlighted
and welcomed.
82. Democratic institutions do nevertheless require co-operation
between the various branches of power, an obligation for the majority
to be accountable, and the possibility for the latter to govern
without being impeded by institutions that do not enjoy democratic
legitimacy and with due respect for the checks and balances put
in place. Given these requirements and the current context, our
conclusions vary from one area to another.
5.1. The
institutional balances currently being set up
5.1.1. The
National Assembly
83. As to the legislature, the
rules of procedure of the National Assembly grant a number of rights
to the opposition. We noted that one of the Vice-Speakers of the
National Assembly was a member of the opposition and had been entitled
to sit as chairperson of three of its Standing Committees. During
the previous parliament, before the political climate deteriorated
in May 2020, the majority had set up several working groups to prepare major
reforms, in which the opposition was represented. At the time it
was possible for the opposition to play a constructive role, as
for example when the legislation on political parties and their
funding was amended: many proposals by the second opposition party,
Bright Armenia, were taken up and the parliamentary group voted with
the majority on the various texts. The question is whether the majority
that emerged from the 2021 elections and the new opposition will
be able to play their roles in a constructive and non-confrontational
way given that the election campaign was marred by inflammatory
statements. At present, it has to be said that although Armenia
Alliance and the I Have Honour Alliance have not boycotted parliamentary
activities, four relatively major violent incidents occurred in
the Assembly Chamber in the space of fifteen days in August.

We hope that these
are not indicative of the type of relationship that will be cultivated
between the majority and the opposition.
84. In this respect, our visit to Armenia gave us reason for hope,
although it also confirmed a less positive state of affairs. First
of all, the level of tension that prevailed in the parliament during
the summer of 2021 has decreased. It seems that, at the initiative
of the President of the National Assembly, the different political
groups have agreed to use more respectful language and are sticking
to it as best they can. Furthermore, the mechanisms for the opposition
to exert real influence are respected. For example, the current
chairperson of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (CPC),
an independent institution with broad powers, was nominated by the
opposition. The majority did not reject her, even though the CPC
occupies a central place in the fight against corruption, which
has been one of the priorities of Nikol Pashinyan's Government.
85. On the other hand, an observation made by experts we met and
shared by our parliamentary colleagues, from both the majority and
the opposition, caught our attention: politically speaking, Armenia's
problem does not or no longer lie in its electoral system, but in
its party system. In other words, political affiliation is only imperfectly
based on shared ideological convictions, a tendency that is favoured
by the regulation of electoral alliances, which only aim at increasing
the number of seats in the elections, the question of political
programme being relegated to the background. One of the consequences
would be that the confrontation on the political scene would not
always allow the emergence of competing political options, corresponding
to clearly divergent choices. Our feeling is that this ideological
weakness of the parties must be taken into account. In our discussions
with our parliamentary colleagues, a significant part of the debates
focused on the alleged attempts of the majority to silence the opposition,
whether it is a question of its failure to respect the freedom of
the media or a form of persecution that it would exercise against
members of the opposition, some of whom are subject to measures
restricting their freedom, despite their parliamentary immunity.
We have of course discussed these accusations with the majority
and the authorities. They told us that the opposition holds almost
90% of the media landscape, a proportion also cited by some experts
we met and which confirms the diagnosis that an independent international

seems to indicate.
This proportion would make any attempt to silence the opposition
futile. With regard to the measures restricting freedom, they indicated
that the prosecutions had taken place before the elections and that
those of the opposition parliamentarians currently deprived of their
liberty had been so, not as a result of the intervention of the
authorities, but after the Central Electoral Commission, an independent
body, had sovereignly considered that the persons concerned could
not be granted the status of member of parliament, thus indirectly
depriving them of the possibility of invoking parliamentary immunity.
They recalled that in 2020, the majority had voted to lift the immunity
of the chairman of the first opposition group, Mr Gagik Tsarukian,
in the context of proceedings relating to various financial crimes
and vote-buying, in strict compliance with parliamentary and criminal
procedures. Finally, the parliamentary majority pointed out that
in the case of an opposition member of the Armenian delegation to
our Assembly who had been banned by court order from leaving Armenia,
a letter had been sent by the presidency to the judge concerned
requesting that the MP be allowed to travel to Strasbourg during
the October 2021 part-session.

from this criticism, when we sought to know what alternatives the
opposition parties envisaged to the government's action, particularly
in the field of justice or the media, the replies obtained were
very few and not very elaborate. Furthermore, our parliamentary
colleagues, from both the majority and the opposition, told us that,
given the current context and the weight of the past, it was unlikely
that the political debate would become more constructive and less
confrontational in the short term. Although we are aware of this
reality, we nevertheless call for the working methods deployed during
the previous parliament, which enabled reforms to be carried out
across party lines, to be adopted again in the National Assembly
and for attention to be given to developing a strong parliamentary
culture. The development of a strong parliamentary culture requires
an opposition that is prepared to play a constructive role and to
propose alternative policies.
86. At the same time, we took the opportunity of this mission
to remind our parliamentary colleagues and, in particular, the President
of the National Assembly, of the importance of taking into account
the recommendations of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)
on the prevention of corruption by MPs. GRECO considers in particular
that its recommendations ii and iv on the adoption of a code of
ethics for MPs and on the strengthening of mechanism for monitoring
compliance by members of parliament with standards of ethics and
conduct within the National Assembly have only been partially implemented.

An informal working group had been
set up in 2020 by the former majority, which had sent a draft code
of ethics for parliamentarians to the opposition political groups
at the time. We call for the resumption of its work as soon as possible.
5.1.2. The
87. With regard to the executive,
the experts our predecessors met said that the Armenian political
system was more of a “prime ministerial” one than a parliamentary
one, with a high concentration of powers and limited parliamentary
control of government action. In this respect, we noted that the
new government formed following the June 2021 elections still did
not have a Minister of the Interior, which is, as stated above,
one of the Assembly's long-standing recommendations. Both the police
and the National Security Service (NSS) are under the direct authority
of the Prime Minister. The creation of a Ministry of the Interior,
which did exist until December 2002, would increase government accountability,
as the Minister concerned would have to answer to the National Assembly
for the actions of his or her government, whereas at present this
is theoretically the Prime Minister's responsibility. The reinstatement
of a Ministry of the Interior was proposed in February 2020 by the
Minister of Justice in his strategy for the reform of the police
forces. The war with Azerbaijan and the ensuing political crisis
do not seem to have affected the government’s determination on this
point, although there was reason to fear a degree of reluctance
on the part of the Prime Minister to make way for somebody else
in the security sphere. In April 2021, the government approved a
draft text bringing together various services, including the police,
under the authority of a “Minister of Internal Affairs”. Under the
new law, the Prime Minister would appoint the heads of the services
making up this new ministry on a proposal from the Minister of Internal
Affairs. By contrast, the director in charge of the police forces
would be appointed by the President of Armenia. As it now stands,
this plan is to be welcomed and we call on the new government to implement
it as soon as possible.
88. In the same vein, civil society representatives we met argued
that the various investigative bodies, particularly in the criminal
field, should no longer be placed under the authority of the prime
minister, but should become independent. While the justification
put forward relates to the legitimacy that such independence would give
to the investigations carried out by these bodies, such a proposal
would also contribute to redistributing certain powers, currently
held by the prime minister. It is therefore worth considering in
the longer term.
89. On another matter of accountability, we talked to experts
about the Prime Minister's direct relationship with voters through
social media and his frequent live statements on Facebook. We welcome
the increased transparency that this practice has brought about,
as noted by the NGO Freedom House

. We are also
aware that it has played an important role in preserving institutions
at crucial times. Following the call by the General Staff of the
Armed Forces in February 2021 for the resignation of the Prime Minister,
which was interpreted by the Armenian authorities as an attempted
coup d'état, Prime Minister Pashinyan organised large-scale demonstrations
of support for the government making direct use of social media,
thus highlighting the support for democratically elected institutions.
This shows that this direct rapport with the people cultivated by
the Prime Minister has real advantages. It also reinforces the personalisation
of power and raises the question of the room it leaves for elected
members of the National Assembly. In this connection, the Pashinyan
Government has been criticised for concealing information about
the number of people killed in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as
well as for the decision to sign the Trilateral Statement without
prior consultation. Nevertheless, after the signing of the Trilateral
Statement, the Prime Minister addressed the National Assembly on
16 November 2020 during a public debate.
5.1.3. Checks
and balances and independent institutions
90. On 18 August 2021, Prime Minister
Pashinyan spoke of the launch of a broad consultation on the possibility
of revising the Constitution. In February 2020, his previous government
had established an ad hoc committee for the revision of the Constitution,
which had been relatively broad in scope and gone beyond institutional
aspects. The work of this committee was interrupted by the conflict
with Azerbaijan before any conclusions had been drawn. The August
2021 statement talks of a potential reform of the institutional
system. Nikol Pashinyan said in particular that the events following
the defeat had revealed problems affecting “constitutional structures”
and referred to the attempted coup, when the situation regarding
the Chief of Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces was only resolved
after a month. Without going into detail, he said that the question
was whether the “system of government” should be reformed or changed.

We will follow
the debates he has called for closely, making sure that checks and
balances have been strengthened.
91. With regard to checks and balances, two institutions are worth
mentioning: the President of Armenia and the Human Rights Defender
(Ombudsman), as both have fully played their part in this respect.
92. The country’s President, Armen Sarkissian, was elected for
a seven-year term in 2018 by a parliament then dominated by the
Republican Party majority. The constitutional amendments of 2015
turned the Presidency into a largely ceremonial function, but one
with a number of prerogatives. Under the Constitution, the President
must be impartial and his/her decisions must be guided exclusively
by the interests of the State and the country. Our predecessors
saluted his role during the Velvet Revolution, stating that he had
duly performed his constitutional function of bringing the nation
together, independent of the parties, and had played a decisive
role during the events as a mediator between the protesters and
the ruling majority. They noted that there was broad consensus on
both sides that his contribution to the peaceful and constitutional
settlement of the April 2018 crisis should be welcomed.

Subsequently, the President continued
to take a public stance on sensitive issues, in which he seemed
to want to calm the situation down, while quite clearly setting
himself apart from the government's positions. This was the case
during the particularly polarised debates on the ratification of
the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against
Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (CETS No. 201, the Lanzarote
Convention), which was fiercely criticised by some of the parliamentary and
extra-parliamentary opposition. In their view, the Convention represented
foreign interference in “Armenian values” (the education of children)
and the fact that the protection of victims should be guaranteed
without discrimination on the basis of “sexual orientation” was
strongly condemned. Once the ratification had been voted through,
President Sarkissian downplayed the importance of ratification and
highlighted the importance of future measures to implement the Convention.
He also said that it was up to Armenians to decide how they would
treat the Convention – as a declaration (of principles) or a binding

93. He has also made full use of his powers to sign laws and decrees
and to refer them to the Constitutional Court. As guardian of the
Constitution, he has the right, when a law adopted by parliament
or some types of administrative texts are submitted for his signature,
to sign them, to refer the text to the Constitutional Court for a
review of constitutionality, or to refuse to sign them unless they
are referred to the Court, leaving it to the Speaker of the National
Assembly to do so. President Sarkissian has had no hesitation in
making use of all three options. For example, in April 2021, he
asked for a ruling by the Constitutional Court on a legislative package
on higher education and science, which included provisions to alter
the make-up and method of selection of university councils, enabling
the government to appoint most of the members and hence the vice-chancellor
of the universities concerned. The Constitutional Court declared
the contested provisions unconstitutional in August. The President
did the same thing in March 2021 when the draft decree to dismiss the
Chief of Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces who had called for the
Prime Minister's resignation was submitted to him and he referred
to the Court for a ruling on the constitutionality of the Law on
Military Service of 2017, on the basis of which the decree had been

also refused to sign the draft law appointing new judges to the
Constitutional Court in July 2020 and the legislative package of
April 2021 amending the voting system for the elections of June
2021, but on these occasions he did not refer the legislation to
the Constitutional Court but left it to the Speaker of the National
Assembly to do so.
94. Lastly, he played an active role in the aftermath of the war
against Azerbaijan by calling on the Prime Minister to resign and
hold early elections, conducting consultations with political parties
and travelling to Moscow.
95. Clearly, President Sarkissian takes a broad view of his powers
and is not afraid to use them, even if it means opposing the will
of the government and its majority and being criticised by the opposition,
as was the case with his decisions on the Constitutional Court or
the change in the voting system. It was therefore with some surprise
that we learned that a group of 53 lawyers had initiated criminal
proceedings in March 2021 on the grounds that he had not given up
his British nationality early enough before being elected President
in 2018, as required by the Constitution, and as such was not eligible
for the Presidency of the Republic of Armenia.

96. The Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman), who is elected by parliament
for a six-year term, is another countervailing power that enjoys
significant legitimacy. As an ombudsman and a national human rights institution,
he has been granted international “A” status by the European Network
of National Human Rights Institutions, which is the highest level
of accreditation, certifying that he performs his duties in full
accordance with the Paris Principles. Furthermore, the current Ombudsman,
Mr Arman Tatoyan, says that according to recent opinion polls, 63%
of Armenians trust his institution and that the Ombudsman is the
most popular institution in Armenia after the armed forces.

The Ombudsman has
a fairly broad mandate covering violations of rights and freedoms
by public authorities (State and local authorities) and public service
providers. He is also tasked with implementing a number of convention
provisions in Armenia and in this connection, he is responsible
for the National Torture Prevention Mechanism (Optional Protocol
of 18 December 2002 to the 1984 United Nations Convention against
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment).
As part of his duties, he has regularly taken a stand on important
issues: for example, he criticised a bill increasing the fines for
publicly insulting a public official; he criticised the legislative
package on higher education and science; and during the June 2021
election campaign, he condemned the virulent nature of comments
made at several rallies and called on all candidates, including
the Prime Minister, to refrain from using such language. It is because
we believe that he is playing his full role as a defender of rights
and freedoms and a countervailing power that we were disturbed by
a plan to remove a legislative provision protecting him from a drastic
reduction in his resources in April 2021. We duly noted that the
reason for this plan was the very poor state of Armenian public
finances, but considered that the removal of the litigious provision
reduced the guarantees of the Ombudsman’s budgetary independence.
Thanks to the constructive nature of our dialogue with the Armenian
delegation, the budgetary safeguard in question was able to be preserved
97. Our visit reinforced the idea that, in addition to fulfilling
his function, the Human Rights Defender was perfectly capable of
ensuring that he was respected. He did not hesitate to submit an
opinion to the Venice Commission on the legislation adopted in January
2020 concerning his staff, which he perceived as potentially affecting
his independence. The Venice Commission largely agreed with him
and invited the Armenian authorities to revise the legislative framework
of the Human Rights Defender in order to clarify and guarantee his
full independence in staff policies.

98. Finally, we had the opportunity to meet the members of the
Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (CPC), an independent
institution whose composition and mandate are the result of a reform
that took place in November 2019 and was completed in 2020 and 2021.
Its competences are quite broad. It is responsible for a good number
of procedures to guarantee the integrity of senior officials, including
magistrates and certain public officials, including elected representatives.
For example, it is responsible for checking financial declarations
of judges (declaration of assets, income and interests), implementing
the code of conduct for all civil servants, checking the integrity
of judges who are to be appointed, etc. In addition, when the legislation
on political parties was reformed, it was given responsibility for
checking the financing of election campaigns during legislative
elections, as well as the declarations of expenditure made by political
parties. In its 2021 interim compliance report, GRECO considers
that in the area of asset declaration, “on the whole the measures taken
so far go in the right direction but the system remains relatively
new and more time will be needed for it to produce credible results.

” In general, this is also our feeling.
In particular, we noted that the Armenian authorities had taken
into account the risk of politicisation implied by the former system
of appointment of the five members of the CPC by the National Assembly,
had reformed it in a way that was in line with GRECO's expectations
and that this reform had produced its effects for the fifth member,
appointed in September 2021, according to the new procedure.

the other hand, both GRECO, as regards the system of interests and assets
disclosure, and the Venice Commission, as regards the financial
control of political parties, have indicated that the resources
of the CPC do not appear to have been increased in view of the additional
workload that these competences represent.

We can only encourage the Armenian
authorities to also follow the recommendations of GRECO and the
Venice Commission in this respect. Similarly, further strengthening
of the guarantees of independence could be envisaged, for example
by constitutionalising the status of the CPC. The forthcoming revision
of the Constitution would provide the opportunity for this.
5.2. Difficult relations with and reform
of the judiciary and the Constitutional Court
5.2.1. The judiciary
99. In its 2020 Nations in Transit
report, Freedom House said that public trust in the justice system
in Armenia remained low. In its 2021 report, it noted that the courts
were among the least trusted institutions whereas public trust in
several other institutions had improved. The 2019 Caucasus Barometer
for Armenia showed that 22% of respondents fully or rather trusted
the judicial system whereas 48% fully or rather distrusted it.

In another study cited by Freedom
House, out of the respondents who did not consider the Armenian
judicial system to be independent, 51% said that this was because
it was not protected from outside influence, 41% because it was
corrupt, and 35% because it depended on the former regime.

issue of trust in the judiciary is a long-standing concern of the
Assembly. In its fourth evaluation round on corruption prevention
in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors, the
GRECO concluded in its
second compliance
report of 12 December 2019 on Armenia that four of its five
recommendations on judges remained only partly implemented, that
is, with no significant improvement since the previous report. This
was reiterated in its
compliance report of 22 September 2021.
100. It was in this context that on 19 May 2019, Prime Minister
Pashinyan called on citizens to block the entrances and exits of
courts across the country on the grounds that the judiciary was
not trustworthy and was one of the remnants of the corrupt old regime,
as mentioned in section 2.2 above. This call followed the release on
bail from pre-trial detention of the former President, Robert Kocharyan,
who had been charged over his role in the events of 1 March 2008,
during which 10 people had died. This release, ordered by a court
of first instance in Yerevan, occurred after former Armenian political
leaders and former leaders of the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh
had offered guarantees for Robert Kocharyan and paid his bail. The
Prime Minister's call sparked protests, particularly from the Supreme
Judicial Council (SJC), the autonomous body of the judiciary, and
the Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman), and our predecessors published
a press release reiterating the need for independence of the judiciary
while recognising Armenians’ low level of trust in their judicial

The day after,
on 20 May, Prime Minister Pashinyan said that there should be a
vetting procedure for all judges, which should take account of matters
including decisions which constituted gross violations of human
rights and were recognised as such by the European Court of Human
Rights. This procedure was to form part of a wider package of reforms
of the judiciary and the Constitutional Court, including an amendment
to the Judicial Code, various pieces of legislation and a revision
of the Constitution. The Council of Europe played an active part
in this reform, after a high-level delegation visited Yerevan on
30 and 31 May 2019. In their joint opinion of 14 October 2019, prepared
at the request of the Armenian authorities, the Venice Commission
and the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law of the
Council of Europe broadly welcomed this reform package. They stated
that “in the process of preparation of the Package the Government of
Armenia acted in a responsible and thoughtful manner and demonstrated
openness to dialogue with all interlocutors, within and outside
the country. The large majority of proposals contained in the Package
are in line with European standards and contribute to combatting
corruption without, at the same time, encroaching on the independence
of the judiciary”.

In place of
the vetting procedure, provision was made to tighten up the procedure
for verifying judges' financial declarations, along with their disciplinary
responsibility and their periodical assessments. While the situation
seemed to have calmed down after the resignation of the Chairperson
of the SJC, Mr Gagik Haruntyunyan, on 24 May 2019, conflict re-erupted
after the hearing, by the National Assembly in March 2021, of the
new Chairperson, Mr Ruben Vardazaryan during which he was criticised
by the majority for interfering in the functioning of the courts.
At issue was a public statement he made on 15 November 2020, five
days after the end of the conflict with Azerbaijan and the attack
on the National Assembly and government buildings. In this statement,
he called on Armenian judges to prove that they were “honest professionals”
and not “judges whimpering (or whining) under walls”. This was a
direct reference to an expression used by Prime Minister Pashinyan
in 2019, when the latter had denounced the links between part of
the judiciary and the former regime.

This statement was
interpreted as a political stance by the majority at the time and
a call to the judiciary to oppose the government. Mr. Vardazaryan's
hearing also took place in a context where judges had cancelled
numerous pre-trial detentions of demonstrators protesting against
the signing of the Trilateral Statement, including opposition politicians,
and where Mr Artur Vanetsyan, former head of the National Security
Service and president of the political grouping Homeland, who had
been in pre-trial detention imprisoned in the context of an investigation
into an assassination attempt on Prime Minister Pashinyan, had also
had his pre-trial detention cancelled.

The course of
events and the importance of the context at the time were confirmed
to us during our mission to Yerevan. On 15 April 2021, Mr. Vardazaryan was
suspended from office by the SJC on the ground that the Prosecutor
General's Office had confirmed that criminal proceedings had been
initiated against him in connection with the criticisms voiced by
parliamentarians during his hearing. In addition, in February 2021
the National Assembly had adopted a series of amendments to the
Judicial Code and other pieces of legislation, increasing the powers
of the SJC, including the right to replace judges presiding over
public proceedings, increasing the number of first instance and
appeal judges and appointing pre-trial detention judges. These amendments
were hotly debated in the National Assembly, where some opposition
members argued that they eroded the independence of the judiciary
by allowing the SJC to exercise stricter control over trial judges
and undermining the process for the appointment of new judges. On
24 February, President Armen Sarkissian refused to sign the amendments
and referred them to the Constitutional Court.

Clearly, independence
of the judiciary is still a major political issue.
101. Nevertheless, several measures have been taken over the past
few years to promote the independence of judges and thus strengthen
the confidence of the Armenian population in the judiciary.
102. Several distinct elements were brought to our attention during
our mission to Yerevan. For example, the issue of judges' remuneration
has been partially addressed by the authorities. In 2018, their
allowances were increased by 30%, which is a substantial increase,
the distribution of which apparently depends on the courts themselves,
which may have budgetary constraints. Similarly, we were told that
judges who will sit on new “anti-corruption” courts, which are expected
to be operational from 2023, will receive a higher remuneration than
ordinary judges. Beyond the financial issue, it was pointed out
that the behaviour of judges is starting to change in some cases.
In the area of pre-trial detention, the rate of rejection of applications
by the prosecution was said to be very low, around 0.2%. Today,
according to the SJC, it is around 40%, which would attest to a real
increase in the independence of judges with regard to prosecutors.
This trend is likely to increase as the authorities have introduced
specialised judges for pre-trial detention.
103. More systemically and structurally, it is important to note
that the SJC, the autonomous body of the judiciary, is considered
to be a body with broad powers that it exercises in a particularly
independent manner. Its composition, as it results from the 2015
amendments to the Constitution and the amended 2018 Judicial Code,
is parity: the SJC has ten members, five of whom are judges elected
by their peers, and five of whom are “academic lawyers and other
prominent lawyers” elected by the National Assembly by a qualified
majority of three/fifths of the votes. These five non-judge members
are also nominated by the Bar Association, academic institutions
and NGOs. The ten members of the SJC are appointed for a single
term of five years, with the chairperson elected from within the
SJC for a non-renewable term of one year, thus allowing for a rotating
chairperson. This composition was welcomed by the Venice Commission
in its 2016 opinion on the draft amendments to the Constitution
and its 2017 opinion on the draft judicial code. It stated that
the “equal number of judges and lay members ensuring inclusiveness
of the society should avoid both politicization and corporatism
of the Judicial Council”, noted that the composition was “quite
balanced” and stressed that the method of electing the President
“gives a democratic legitimation to the SJC before the public.

The competences of the SJC include both the career development of
judges, from their appointment to the end of their term of office,
including promotion and any disciplinary procedures, and the so-called
“support” functions, namely budget of the courts, procurements,
maintenance of court buildings, management of non-judicial staff, such
as bailiffs and secretaries, organisation of IT services and publications,
etc. The exercise of these support functions may lead the SJC to
deal with issues that are directly related to the independence of
the judiciary. During our mission to Yerevan, it was brought to
our attention that as of July 2021, the electronic random case allocation
system used by the courts was no longer in place, as it had been
seized for verification of its integrity in the context of a criminal
investigation. The consequence was a return to a system of manual
allocation by the presidents of courts, with the risk of influence
that this entails. The Human Rights Defender has taken a position
on this issue, including the need to establish objective criteria
for this manual allocation for the time it lasts. This issue is
currently being dealt with by the SJC, as part of its support functions.
104. The competences of the SJC have been clarified in 2018 and
2020, in a rather positive sense, and in 2021. However, a number
of stumbling blocks remain for both GRECO and the Venice Commission.
105. First, while the Venice Commission considers that the existing
disciplinary procedure is broadly in line with Committee of Ministers
Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)12 (paragraph 9) on judges: independence, efficiency
and responsibilities, according to which disciplinary proceedings
“should be conducted by an independent authority or a court with
all the guarantees of a fair trial “, it considers it “necessary”
to develop a mechanism for appealing against decisions of the SJC.

It is not satisfied
with the SJC's ability to re-open a disciplinary case if new circumstances
arise, which was introduced in 2020. In its 2021 interim compliance report,
GRECO reiterates that it shares the same position. It makes this
clear in recommendation viii (ii)

and concludes in recommendation
vii that proper appeal mechanisms to challenge SJC decisions on
the recruitment and promotion of judges have been put in place,
while this is not the case in respect of dismissals.

raised this issue with the Armenian authorities, who seemed open
to developments in this area.
106. On the other hand, they were firmer on the deletion of the
possibility for the Minister of Justice to initiate disciplinary
proceedings, as requested by GRECO in recommendation viii (i). At
present, three authorities can initiate disciplinary proceedings
against a judge: the Minister of Justice, the Ethics and Disciplinary
Commission under the Assembly of Judges, and the Commission for
the Prevention of Corruption (CPC) in case of irregularities in
the financial declarations of a judge. The final decision rests
with the SJC. The Armenian authorities reminded us that the Minister
of Justice is not both judge and party in this matter, but only
the initiator of the procedures. The fact that 90% of the requests
for disciplinary sanctions that he addresses to the SJC are rejected
would attest to this. They also pointed out that the CPC has only
a limited power to initiate proceedings, since it only concerns
the financial declarations of judges. They also pointed out that
the number of proceedings initiated by both the CPC and the Ethics
and Disciplinary Commission was very low and that it was therefore
not feasible to leave the initiation of disciplinary proceedings
to these two bodies alone. They also recalled that the Venice Commission,
in its opinion of October 2017, had seen no difficulty in entrusting the
initiation of disciplinary proceedings to the Minister of Justice,
unlike GRECO. Finally, they made it clear that they had given up
the idea of vetting judges following a dialogue with their international
partners, which did not mean limiting the possibilities of fighting
corruption among judges, which also involve disciplinary sanctions. Although
the Venice Commission's position has changed somewhat in its 2019
opinion compared to that of October 2017, since it now considers
that the new composition of the Ethics and Disciplinary Commission under
the Assembly of Judges brought about by the 2020 reform of the Judicial
Code should make it possible, in the long term, that the power of
the Minister of Justice to initiate disciplinary proceedings could
be phased, the position of the Armenian authorities did not appear
to be devoid of consistency.
107. With regard to its recommendation ix aimed at establishing
effective rules and mechanisms for identifying undue interference
with the activities of judges in the administration of justice and
for sanctioning judges who practice or seek such interference, GRECO
commended the adoption of preventive measures (in the form of awareness-raising
activities), but called on the authorities to go further in terms
of sanctions. It referred in particular to the prevalent practices
of lower court judges consulting higher court judges out of fear that
judgments will be reversed and judges disciplined for “illegal rulings”.
It held that, in this regard, the Armenian authorities were not
in a position to deliver tangible results. Indeed, according to
the latter, in only two cases, judges approached the SJC to report
interference in their activities.
108. Finally, GRECO noted progress in the implementation of its
recommendation xi, by which it called on the Armenian authorities
to pursue a deliberate policy for preventing improper influences
on judges, conflicts of interest and corruption within the judiciary.
In 2019, it considered that part i) of the recommendation consisting in
the provision of on-going mandatory training to all judges covering
these areas had been addressed. In 2021, it welcomed the start of
the implementation of part ii) relating to the provision of confidential
counselling within the judiciary in order to raise judges’ awareness
and advise them with regard to the areas mentioned under i). It
noted that the Ethics and Disciplinary Commission, which is a disciplinary
body, is no longer is no longer entitled to issue advisory interpretations
of the rules of judicial conduct at the request of judges, thus
respecting a standard of GRECO. It was, however, awaiting the establishment
of a neutral and competent body to provide confidential counselling
to judges.
109. Our assessment in the judicial field is that many reforms
have already been carried out or initiated. They will take some
time to yield results of some magnitude, but the foundations for
a more independent judiciary are being laid. The measures taken
to enhance the transparency and independence of the recruitment
and promotion processes of judges were considered satisfactory by
both GRECO and the Venice Commission. The question of the disciplinary
procedure is still under debate, because it is perceived by the
Armenian authorities as a fundamental lever to guarantee a more
virtuous behavior of the judges in place. That of the quality of justice
as well. Some of our interlocutors raised the length of the trial
delays at first instance which would be due to an insufficient number
of judges. However, effective justice is certainly able to restore
the image of magistrates in the population. Reforms must therefore
be continued in a context that we hope will be healthier than that
which prevailed between the end of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
in November 2020 and March 2021. Political positions cannot have
their place in an independent judiciary. Likewise, the respect due
to the office of judges by politicians and the executive and legislative
powers is an integral part of the rule of law. In addition, we have
no doubt that it would greatly facilitate the pursuit of reforms
of the judiciary. In this regard, we hope that the easing of tensions
between the government and the National Assembly on the one hand
and the SJC and the judges on the other hand, which our interlocutors
told us to have observed since March 2021, continues.
5.2.2. The Constitutional Court
110. The conflict from mid-2019
to mid-June 2020 between the majority and some of the members of
the Constitutional Court is another illustration of this. The reason
for the conflict is that the majority formed after the Velvet Revolution
saw the Constitutional Court as a tool in the hands of the former
majority, secure in its composition and set to impede the reform
agenda being pursued by a government with strong democratic credentials.
In return, the Court condemned the pressure and the attacks to which
it was being subjected and accused the majority of wishing to put
an end to its independence.
111. In the legal sphere, the discussion focused on three issues.
112. The first related to the difference in status between judges
making up the Court, particularly in terms of the length of their
terms of office. Amendments were made to the Armenian Constitution
of 1995 in 2005 and 2015, both of which changed the rules on the
appointment of members of the Constitutional Court. The provisions
of 1995 established a Court made up of nine members, appointed by
the National Assembly and the President of Armenia for a term of
office running up to the age of their retirement, at 70. The amendments
of 2005 slightly altered the way in which the members were appointed
and shortened their term of office by lowering their retirement
age to 65. Lastly, the amendments of 2015 reflected the transition
from a presidential to a parliamentary system and gave the National
Assembly the power to appoint members of the Court by a 3/5ths majority.
Three of them are now elected on a recommendation from the President
of Armenia, three on a recommendation from the government and three
on a recommendation from the General Assembly of Judges. Their terms
of office are now limited to 12 years and the same person cannot
be elected more than once. The amendments of 2005 and 2015 did not
have any retroactive effect and the transitional provisions of the
2015 revision provided that members of the Constitutional Court
appointed before the entry into force of the new rules would remain
in office until their term had expired. The amendments of 2015 came
into force on 9 April 2018, when the new President of Armenia took
office. In practical terms, the application of the transitional
rules meant that until mid-2019, the Constitutional Court had two
members who were appointed in accordance with the procedure introduced
in 2015, with a non-renewable 12-year term of office, while the
seven other members, appointed by previous majorities, were governed
by the provisions of 1995 (departure at the retirement age of 70),
which applied to two of them, or by those of 2005 (departure at
the retirement age of 65), which applied to five. In practice, two
judges had been in office for more than 12 years and one of them
was serving a second term but had not yet reached the 12-year limit.
As the government pointed out, although the constitutional amendments
of 2015 had come into force in 2018, the various retirement ages
of the members meant that they would not be fully applied for a
very long time as the acting President would not have reached retirement
age until 2035 and another member was due to retire in 2037, over
20 years after the adoption of the amendments.

113. The second question related to the status of the President
of the Constitutional Court. The 2005 revision had provided that
the National Assembly should select the President of the Court from
among its members on the recommendation of the Speaker of the Assembly.
The 2015 revision provided that the President of the Court should
be elected not by the National Assembly, but by the members of the
Court for a six-year term without the possibility of re-election.
As with other members, however, any president elected before the
2015 constitutional amendments would still be governed by the former
provisions, including those relating to the length of his or her
term. The former President of the Constitutional Court, Mr Gagik

had resigned on 5 March 2018,
enabling the National Assembly to elect a new President on 21 March,
barely three weeks before the entry into force of the provisions
of 2015, meaning that the term of office of this new President, Mr Hrayr
Tovmasyan, would be governed by the provisions of 2005 and run up
to his retirement age of 65. In practice, his term was due to end
sixteen years later, and not subject to the 6-year limit laid down
by the provisions of 2015. The new majority elected after the Velvet
Revolution interpreted this appointment as an abuse of procedure
designed to avoid the implementation of the 2015 amendments, especially
as Mr Tovmasyan had been a Minister of Justice, a well-known figure
in the ruling Republican Party in the previous government, and an
MP since 2017, as well as one of the main instigators of the constitutional
revision of 2015.
114. The third question took different forms, but for the government
it was about how to prevent the Constitutional Court from exercising
an a priori review over any revision initiated by the majority to
establish a single status for all constitutional judges. The Court
maintained that the Constitution gave it this power in relation
to any constitutional revision whereas the government considered
that according to the Constitution, it applied only to amendments
to four articles that were said to be “non-amendable”, namely Articles
1 to 3 and 203.
115. As a first step, the National Assembly voted in October 2019
to dismiss Mr Tovmasyan, but the Constitutional Court censured the
vote because it considered that the Assembly did not have this power.
The Armenian authorities then asked the Venice Commission and two
Council of Europe directorates for a joint opinion on a draft text
allowing members of the Constitutional Court appointed prior to
the entry into force of the 2015 constitutional amendments to resign
on a voluntary basis before the end of their term of office in exchange
for several advantages. This proposal was presented as a “dignified
exit” for judges whom the authorities associated with the “old regime”.
The Venice Commission accepted the government's argument that all
Constitutional Court judges should have the same status, whether
they were appointed before or after the revision of the Constitution
in 2015. It pointed out, however, that any early retirement scheme
had to be voluntary and should not result in a large number of departures
which would hamper the proper functioning of the Court.

such a procedure would undermine the principle of the irremovability
of judges, which is a guarantee of the independence of the judiciary
from the political authorities. The Armenian authorities followed
this opinion and the National Assembly adopted a law enabling members
of the Constitutional Court who so wished to retire early, with
monthly financial compensation equivalent to the salary they would
have earned as constitutional judges up to their scheduled retirement
age (65 or 70). This possibility was open until 31 January 2020.
None of the members appointed before 9 April 2018 took up the offer
and the composition of the Court remained unchanged. At the same
time, the relationship between the President of the Court and the
majority became increasingly strained.

In February 2020,
the National Assembly amended the transitional provisions on the
term of office of constitutional judges so that the President of
the Court and the seven judges appointed before the 2015 amendments
came into force would have to leave office. It also submitted the
final adoption of this amendment to a referendum, which was not
subject to the Court’s constitutional review. The referendum was
scheduled by presidential decree for 5 April. It was postponed, however,
because of the state of emergency declared in the wake of the Covid-19
pandemic. The authorities then requested a second opinion from the
Venice Commission on how to implement the Constitutional Court model
provided for by the amendments of 2015. The Armenian authorities
also asked the Venice Commission about the scope of the Court's
review of constitutional amendments and the National Assembly's
authority to cancel the planned referendum. The Venice Commission
reiterated the position of principle it had adopted in 2019 on the
irremovability of judges and the legitimacy of the Armenian authorities'
desire to ensure that the composition of the Constitutional Court
reflected within a reasonable time-frame the provisions of the Constitution,
as amended in 2015. This prompted it to advocate a gradual change
in the composition of the Court in order to avoid “any abrupt and
immediate change endangering the independence of this institution”. With
regard to the President of the Court, it called for a transitional
period “instead of immediately terminating the mandate of the current
[President]”. As to procedural questions, it considered, firstly,
that the Court did not have a general power of ex ante review of
amendments to the Constitution other than for its “non-amendable” articles
and, secondly, that the National Assembly had the authority to cancel
the referendum. The Armenian authorities have only followed this
opinion to a certain extent. On 22 June 2020, the National Assembly cancelled
the referendum and amended the transitional provisions of 2015 to
end the terms of office of three members of the Court who had already
served for over 12 years and the term of the President of the Court, Mr Tovmasyan,
who nonetheless remained a judge. The Statute of the Court provided
for in the 2015 amendments was therefore applied to all its members,
without a transitional period. In September 2020, the Assembly voted
by a 3/5ths majority to appoint three new members, bringing to an
end the conflict that began in 2019.
116. We have duly noted that the Armenian authorities began by
trying to find an honourable solution to the crisis which would
fully respect the principle of the irremovability of judges and
the independence of the judiciary. We also agree with the Armenian
authorities and the Venice Commission that it was not right that
the transitional provisions of the constitutional revision should
act as a de facto hindrance
to the application of the 2015 amendments. We are also conscious
that the Armenian authorities have talked to the Council of Europe, referring
questions to the Venice Commission on two occasions. We regret,
however, that they did not follow the Commission's recommendations,
which would have enabled a gradual change to the members of the
Court covered by the provisions prior to the 2015 amendments without
undermining the principle of irremovability, which is one of the
features guaranteeing the independence of the judiciary. However,
it has not escaped us that once three of the Court's judges had
been replaced, it gave a decision which was presented by the majority as
firm evidence of its independence. On 26 March 2021, the Constitutional
Court declared that Article 300.1 of the Armenian Criminal Code,
which covered the crime of “overthrowing the constitutional order”
and had formed the legal basis for the proceedings against former
President Robert Kocharyan for his role in the events of 1 March
2008, was unconstitutional. This case was one which the Armenian
authorities felt particularly strongly about. It will be recalled
that Prime Minister Pashinyan had called for the courts to be blockaded
after a trial judge released former President Kocharyan on bail
in May 2019. Likewise, the decision by the Constitutional Court
in September 2019, holding that the pre-trial detention of the former
President was illegal, had contributed to increased tensions between
the Court and the Armenian authorities. In its new composition, the
Court has had no hesitation in relying solely on the relevant law
without taking account of any potential objections on the part of
the Armenian authorities, proof that it has not lost its independence.
Nonetheless, we hope that the forced departure of three of the Court's
members has not created a precedent for further such moves within
the judiciary.
6. The media situation
117. According to the Reporters
Without Borders (RSF) World Press Freedom Index 2021, Armenia is
ranked 63rd out of 180 countries. According to the index, Armenia's
press is diverse but not yet independent. In its Freedom in the
World 2021 report, Freedom House considers that independent and
investigative media operate relatively freely in Armenia and generally
publish online. Small independent media outlets provided robust
coverage of the protests during the Velvet Revolution in 2018, challenging
the narratives of State broadcasters and other establishment media.
By comparison, most print and audiovisual media are affiliated with
larger political or business interests. With regard to Internet
freedom, Armenia is considered a “free” country by Freedom House.
118. In general, both international NGOs and local experts believe
that the diversity of the media landscape has flourished since the
Velvet Revolution. For example, in 2019, Armenia jumped 19 places
in the RSF ranking from 80th to 61st. The desire of the authorities
at the time not to restrict freedom of expression disproportionately,
including to combat hate speech, had been clearly expressed by our
predecessors' talking partners when they visited Yerevan in 2019.

In its report “Freedom
and Media 2019: A Downward Spiral”, Freedom House said that the
Armenian authorities at the time were more inclined to accept criticism
from a free press than the previous authorities.

Despite this genuine progress,
the Armenian media scene is still highly polarised. As both RSF
and Freedom House note, this polarisation is strongly linked to
the fact that the editorial line of the main television channels
or print media coincides with their owners' interests. Polarisation is
reflected in particular in the fact that a large part of the Armenian
press is still in the hands of people who are loyal to the authorities
who were in power before the Velvet Revolution whereas a minority
is “fiercely loyal to [Prime Minister] Pashinyan” and only a few
media outlets have no strong party bias.

119. In 2020, Armenia was confronted with events which led the
authorities to severely restrict the independence of journalists
and freedom of expression, albeit temporarily. For example, on 16
March 2020, the authorities adopted a decree to prevent the dissemination
of false information and publications likely to cause panic in the
context of the Coronavirus pandemic. The decree drew strong criticism
from media representatives and was withdrawn. Instead, a package
of amendments to the Criminal Code and the Administrative Code was
discussed by the National Assembly on 24 March. These texts provided
that any organisation engaged in journalism could only publish information
on Coronavirus after this information had been published by official
sources, namely by the authorities. Failure to comply with this
requirement was considered an infringement of the state of emergency
declared at the beginning of the pandemic, with offenders facing
fines. Press representatives and the OSCE Representative on Freedom
of the Media criticised the disproportionate nature of this restriction
on freedom of expression and pointed to the role of media outlets
in combating the dissemination of false information. On 13 April,
the contested provisions were withdrawn and no media outlets were
fined. This was not the case during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
The government issued a decree on 27 September declaring martial
law on the territory of the Republic of Armenia, supplemented by legislative
amendments requiring journalists to disseminate only official information
on military operations. The Criminal Code and the Administrative
Code were also amended to provide for penalties for infringements
of the restrictions imposed by martial law. In particular, a fine
of 2 000 to 3 000 times the nominal wage and a two-to-three-year
prison sentence was imposed for any action infringing the rules
on publication or dissemination of information during the period
of martial law, defined as “causing harm to the legitimate rights
or interests of individuals or organisations or to the legitimate
interests of the public or the State”. The police were in charge of
the implementation of this legislation, which resulted in their
banning 401 publications, 196 of which were put out by the media,
and imposing fines in 76 cases. The press representatives considered
the penalties provided for by these provisions to be disproportionate
and liable to put some media outlets at financial risk. They also
questioned whether the police were best placed to determine whether
a publication was harmful or not to the interests of the State.
The Ombudsman referred the martial law provisions restricting freedom
of expression to the Constitutional Court, as a result of which
they were suspended on 20 November.

120. In both cases, namely measures to combat false information
that could create panic in the middle of the Coronavirus pandemic
and martial law, we have seen similar patterns. The authorities
tend to take drastic measures, which are manifestly excessive in
view of their restrictions on freedom of expression, even if they pursue
a legitimate aim. However, they are able to heed criticism and relax
the rules, at least with regard to Coronavirus. Lastly, judicial
remedies are effective and can be successful, even if, in the case
of martial law, the Constitutional Court's decision was only given
after the signature of the Trilateral Statement which put an end
to hostilities.
121. This approach is also reflected in the measures taken to combat
hate speech and disinformation. As pointed out by the Committee
to Protect Freedom of Expression, an Armenian NGO, “the press, television
and social media are flooded with hate speech, explicit disinformation
and manipulations, especially in the post-war period [following
the war with Azerbaijan]”.

was also the view of the Ombudsman, who stated in 2020 that the
spread of hate speech had reached “alarming proportions” in Armenia.

The authorities have intervened
twice in this matter. A bill was tabled in September 2020 proposing
to increase fivefold the maximum amount of fines for "insults" and
defamation. Ultimately, the law adopted in March 2021 only tripled
these amounts, to 3 million and 6 million dram (about €5 150 and
€10 300) respectively, probably in response to the reactions to
the initial bill. This law seems to have been passed despite the
reservations of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, the Ombudsman
and civil society representatives. It was particularly criticised
for its potential to prompt the media to engage in self-censorship
and for implicitly encouraging prominent figures sensitive to criticism
to use this financial threat to deter any unwanted scrutiny. In
this case, the question arises as to the right balance to be struck
between the freedom of expression guaranteed by Article 10 of the European
Convention on Human Rights and the dignity of the person, which
forms part of the right to privacy protected by Article 8. In addition,
an amendment to the Criminal Code was adopted in July 2021, mainly targeting
social media. It criminalises “serious” insults in general and provides
for fines ranging from 1 to 3 million dram (€2 575 to €5 150), and
a maximum prison sentence of three months when they are directed
at persons on account of their public activities (public officials,
politicians, activists and other public persons). These changes
occurred in a country where defamation was decriminalised in 2010,
but journalists are still prosecuted for insult or libel. The Committee
to Protect Freedom of Expression documented 89 such prosecutions
in 2019 and 61 in 2020. Both the Law of March 2021 and the amendment
of July 2021 were referred by the President of Armenia to the Constitutional
Court. In early October 2021, the Court ruled that the relevant
provisions of the March 2021 law were not unconstitutional. The
constitutionality of the amendment to the penal code is currently
under review.
122. We discussed both sets of amendments with representatives
of civil society, but also with the authorities. The authorities
consider that these legislative changes were necessary, given the
level of hate-speech in the media and on social networks, and proportionate.
Furthermore, the July 2021 amendment would only be a temporary measure,
valid until July 2023, at which point the question of its continuation
would be decided in the light of developments. In this respect,
we were told that the measures voted on had had a real impact on social
networks and helped to reduce the amount of hate speech. On the
other hand, civil society representatives felt that the measures
risked provoking a form of self-censorship by the media and posed
a real financial threat, as far as the March 2021 amendments were
concerned, to offenders. One of our interlocutors presented a measured
view. He felt that the July 2021 amendment provided a sound definition
of the new offence, that the scope of the measure was narrow and
its purpose proportionate. However, he feared that the implementation
of the March 2021 amendments would leave too much room for discretion
to prosecutors, who might tend to interpret the concepts of insult
and defamation broadly, which would be detrimental to both individuals
and the media. Monitoring their implementation is therefore important.
With regard to the July 2021 amendment, we were told that ten prosecutions
had been initiated on the basis of this new offence and that none
had so far targeted media or journalists. Again, it will be important
to monitor the implementation of this new provision.
123. In general, civil society representatives regretted that the
authorities do not share their vision of a comprehensive reform
with them and that they are less consulted than they were after
the Velvet Revolution. They also stated that investigative journalism
contributes to the fight against corruption and, as such, should not
be exposed to disproportionate financial risks or criticism in its
124. While the challenge of combating hate speech and disinformation
is real in Armenia, we believe that there are tools other than preventive
punishment. For instance, the issue of training for journalists
is important and ought to be addressed by the Armenian authorities,
along with the issue of their insecure status. Another area that
merits attention is strengthening systems of self-regulation. While
the Law on Mass Media of 2003 includes provisions on the subject,
self-regulation is not considered to be effective in Armenia. Lastly, polarisation
of the media is partly responsible for the high level of hate speech
and disinformation. In this connection, increased transparency in
the area of media ownership could act as a deterrent. Since 2018,
the Armenian authorities have been developing a “beneficial ownership”
approach, whose aim is to set up a single register identifying the
actual person or persons who own businesses. This register is supposed
to include press companies.
125. In general, the requisite reform of media legislation is under
way in Armenia. On 16 July 2020, the National Assembly adopted the
Law on Audiovisual Media, which replaces the Law on Television and
Radio, whose provisions were, to a large extent, out-of-date. It
was the subject of a somewhat critical analysis by the OSCE.

Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression also lamented the fact
that neither the new law nor the tender procedures for the award
of television broadcasting licences introduced by the legislation enacted
on 16 July had really reduced the hate speech, manipulation, insults,
defamation and extreme manifestations of bias which continued to
be widespread on the air.

Furthermore, the Armenian authorities are
currently preparing an extensive reform of the Law on Mass Media
of 2003 and have asked for assistance from the Council of Europe
with this. We call on the Armenian authorities to adopt a comprehensive
approach to reform in the media sector and use all the tools at
their disposal to combat hate speech and not to focus solely on
administrative or criminal punishment. We also call on them not
to restrict freedom of expression disproportionately and to weigh
protection of this freedom against the preservation of other fundamental
rights and freedoms.
7. Conclusions
126. Armenia has successfully emerged
from the serious political crisis following the hostilities in the
context of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The crisis was resolved
by the holding of early parliamentary elections in June 2021, which
were organised in a democratic manner notwithstanding a a highly
polarised political environment. This is an important achievement,
all the more so because of the Coronavirus pandemic and the general
economic crisis.
127. Of the four themes covered in our report, electoral reform
is perhaps the one where the most significant results have been
achieved. According to the Venice Commission, the reforms addressed
the majority of its recommendations as well as those of the OSCE/ODIHR.
While under preparation, in an inclusive manner since 2018, they
entered into force shortly before the elections. The challenge is
now to ensure that the new legislative framework is also rigorously
applied in the area of campaign financing and political parties
and that these reforms have a positive impact on the political party
culture by encouraging affiliations based on political ideology
rather than personal, historical or an opportunistic basis.
128. The polarisation observed during the June 2021 elections is
unfortunately present in the National Assembly. This could affect
the establishment of a true parliamentary culture where the majority
and opposition confront each other in a constructive and respectful
manner on clearly identified political orientations. In this respect,
while all the mechanisms enabling the opposition to play its role
must obviously be maintained, it is also incumbent on the latter
to provide real alternatives and to contribute to easing the climate
of tension that prevails in parliament. Finally, as the parliamentary
majority has a high number of seats, it must genuinely exercise
its functions of control and evaluation of government action.
129. In general, it is clear that the institutional balances are
being built and that certain checks and balances, such as the Human
Rights Defender, are well established. Within the Executive Branch,
the President of the Republic has not failed to use all the powers
that the Constitution confers on him, even if that opened him up for
criticism from opposition or ruling majority. We can only encourage
the Armenian authorities to strengthen these institutional checks
and balances and hope that the announced constitutional revision
will be an opportunity to strengthen them, including by ensuring
the genuine independence of relevant institutions, such as the Commission
for the Prevention of Corruption.
130. The existing relationship between the authorities and the
judiciary as well as the Constitutional Court has been marked by
serious tensions since the peaceful change of majority in 2018.
We are well aware that confidence of the Armenian population in
the judiciary has been low for several years. We are also aware
of the public political stances sometimes taken by a number of representatives
of the judiciary. While that underscores a need for further reforms
of the judiciary, such reforms must be carried out in full compliance
with European standards, as outlined by both GRECO and the Venice
Commission, in particular with regard to the principle of the security
of tenure of judges. It is also important that these reforms preserve
the dignity of the judiciary and do not collectively question the
integrity of the office. This is important as the foundations for
a more independent justice system with more transparent operating
procedures have already been laid.
131. As regards the situation of the media, we are aware that the
Armenian authorities and society are confronted by an unprecedented
level of disinformation and hate speech, especially following the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The authorities have responded by tightening
the framework for freedom of expression, by increasing fines for
insults or by criminalising ‘serious insults’ in March and July
respectively. However, we wish to reiterate the Assembly clear position
against the criminalisation of defamation. Other tools that are
in line with European standards and norms are available instead
of exclusive preventive sanctions. We call on the Armenian authorities
to develop a comprehensive medium – and long-term strategy that
addresses the issues of transparency of media ownership, possible
media concentration, the precarious status of journalists and self-regulation
mechanisms, as these issues are linked to the proliferation of hate
speech in the media sector.
132. We will continue to closely follow developments in Armenia,
in particular with regard to: institutional checks and balances,
the establishment of a genuinely democratic political culture and
environment, judicial reform and the media situation. In this context,
we will also closely follow the implementation of the co-operation programmes
related to these issues contained in the Council of Europe Action
Plan 2019-2022 for Armenia and will ensure that they are also taken
into account in the Action Plan 2023-2026.
133. With regard to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, our visit to
the border town of Yeraskh reminded us again that, in the absence
of a comprehensive peace agreement, insecurity persists for which
civilians are paying the price. Nevertheless, Armenia has been able,
in a difficult context, to continue to progress on the path of democracy,
the rule of law and human rights, and this deserves to be welcomed.