Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (January 2023)
(Resolution 1202 (1999) adopted on 4 November 1999) with subsequent modifications of the Rules of Procedure*
Languages and records Retour au sommaire Atteindre l'élement suivant Atteindre l'élement précédent
- Languages and records
Rule 28 - Official and working languages
28.1. The official languages of
the Assembly shall be English and French.
28.2. Documents
of the Assembly shall be published in both official languages.
28.3. The working
languages of the Assembly shall be those of the member States which
are major contributors to the Council of Europe budget, provided
that the necessary appropriations for their funding are entered
in the Assembly’s budget.
Rule 29 - Interpretation in the Assembly
29.1. Words spoken in an official
or working language shall be simultaneously interpreted into the
other official and working languages.
29.2. Speeches may
be made in a language other than the official or working languages.
In such cases the speaker shall be responsible for arranging for
simultaneous interpretation into one of the official or working
languages, which shall be simultaneously interpreted into the other
official and working languages.
Rule 30 - Interpretation in committees
30.1. Interpretation during the
meetings of the committees and the Bureau shall be provided in the
official languages and, for working languages, under the conditions
stipulated in Rule 28.3. .
Interpretation at meetings of the Committee on the Election of Judges
to the European Court of Human Rights and in sub-committees shall
be limited to official languages.
30.2. Subject to
the agreement of the chairperson of the committee, a speaker who
cannot use one of the official or working languages may bring an
interpreter. Interpretation shall then be provided, as far as possible,
on the same conditions as in the Assembly.
Rule 31 - Reports of debates
31.1. An official
report of the debates of each part-session shall be issued. A provisional
report of each sitting shall be distributed as soon as possible.
The verbatim records of speeches delivered in any of the working
languages shall also be distributed.
31.2. In
addition to the speeches delivered, the report shall include texts
submitted by those representatives and substitutes on the list of
speakers who were unable to speak for lack of time, provided that
their author was present during the debate.
31.3. Any
correction by a speaker to his or her speech in the provisional
report shall be given to the Secretariat within twenty-four hours
of the report’s publication.