All texts and votes

Lord Marinus van der GOES - van NATERS

Marinus van der GOES - van NATERS

Member of the House of Representatives
House of Representatives - Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal
Postbox 20018
NL - 2500 EA
The Hague
BE Netherlands

Reports and committee opinions


Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 21/01/1960 | Doc. 1091 | Motion for a recommendation Nature conservancy in Europe
  • 20/01/1959 | Doc. 945 | Motion for an Order European Economic Association
  • 14/10/1958 | Doc. 891 | Motion for a recommendation European Economic Association (Free Trade area)
  • 01/05/1958 | Doc. 826 | Motion for a recommendation Political, economic and social aspects of the Free Trade Area
  • 03/10/1956 | Doc. 537 | Motion for a resolution European general common market
  • 09/05/1951 | Doc. 38 | Motion for a resolution Amendment of Rule 38 of the Rules of Procedure in order to provide for the appointment of a Committee on Food and Agriculture
  • 09/08/1950 | Doc. 35 | Motion for a resolution Signing of a European Federal Pact and the creation of a European Political Authority