All texts and votes

François de MENTHON

François de MENTHON

Palais du Luxembourg, 15 rue de Vaugirard
FR - 75291
Paris cedex 06
BE France

Reports and committee opinions


Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 31/10/1957 | Doc. 755 | Written question No. 046 - Presentation of the statutory report of the Committee of Ministers
  • 21/06/1957 | Doc. 683 | Motion for a recommendation Establishement of relations between the Council of Europe and the Organisation of American States
  • 02/05/1957 | Doc. 672 | Motion for a resolution Treaty instituting the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom)
  • 02/05/1957 | Doc. 673 | Motion for a resolution Treaty instituting the European Economic Community
  • 22/10/1955 | Doc. 452 | Motion for a resolution Common European Policy at future East-West Conferences
  • 09/07/1955 | Doc. 388 | Motion for an Order Common European policy at future East-West conferences
  • 07/07/1955 | Doc. 378 | Motion for an Order Possible extension of the Council of Europe
  • 26/05/1954 | Doc. 251 | Motion for a resolution Action taken on Recommendation 57 concerning the future position of the Saar and on the drafting of the future Statute of the Saar
  • 28/11/1951 | Doc. 80 | Motion for a recommendation Establishment, at the seat of the Council of Europe, of a European Executive Committee
  • 10/08/1950 | Doc. 37 | Motion for a resolution Appointment by the Council of Europe of a High Commissioner for Defence
  • 08/08/1950 | Doc. 27 | Motion for a resolution Establishment of a European agricultural marketing organisation
  • 21/08/1949 | Doc. 7 | Motion for a resolution Reserve seats in the Assembly for the European nations which for the present, cannot be represented
  • 19/08/1949 | Doc. 3 | Motion for a resolution Organisation within the Council of Europe to ensure the collective guarantee of human rights