All texts and votes

Lord Geoffrey FINSBERG

Geoffrey  FINSBERG

House of Commons

BE United Kingdom

Reports and committee opinions


Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 28/06/1996 | Doc. 7610 | Written question No. 369 - Monitoring of commitments accepted by member states
  • 27/06/1996 | Doc. 7596 | Motion for a recommendation Freedom of movement for members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
  • 27/06/1996 | Doc. 7594 | Motion for a resolution Quorum in committees
  • 17/11/1993 | Doc. 6971 | Motion for a recommendation Deleting the word "Consultative" in the Statute
  • 22/02/1993 | Doc. 6765 | Written declaration No. 225 - Immediate release of Xanana Gusmão and the defence of human rights in East Timor
  • 04/02/1993 | Doc. 6762 | Motion for an Order Embargo against Serbia and Montenegro
  • 07/12/1992 | Doc. 6723 | Motion for a recommendation History in Europe
  • 09/11/1992 | Doc. 6718 | Motion for a resolution Violations of, and departures from, international law and human rights principles in the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • 08/10/1992 | Doc. 6698 | Motion for a resolution Case of Andrey Loukanov, member of parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria
  • 07/05/1992 | Doc. 6616 | Motion for a resolution Situation in the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • 25/06/1991 | Doc. 6463 | Motion for a resolution Swift and coordinated reaction to disasters and tragedies
  • 10/05/1990 | Doc. 6243 | Motion for a resolution Pollution of the seas around Europe
  • 15/07/1989 | Doc. 6099 | Written question No. 309 - European Court of Human Rights
  • 15/07/1989 | Doc. 6098 | Written question No. 308 - European Commission of Human Rights
  • 31/01/1989 | Doc. 6009 | Written question No. 305 - European Commission of Human Rights
  • 26/04/1985 | Doc. 5411 | Written question No. 283 - Compulsory visas for Turkish nationals
  • 26/04/1985 | Doc. 5410 | Written question No. 282 - Venue of the Conference of European Ministers for Family Affairs