All texts and votes

Theodoros PANGALOS

Theodoros  PANGALOS

House of Parliament
Palaia Anactora
GR - 10021
BE Greece

Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 25/03/2009 | Doc. 11853 | Motion for a recommendation Sixty years of European co-operation
  • 24/04/2008 | Doc. 11590 | Motion for a recommendation Protecting financial aid granted by Council of Europe member countries to poor countries against the financial funds known as “vulture funds”
  • 22/02/1993 | Doc. 6765 | Written declaration No. 225 - Immediate release of Xanana Gusmão and the defence of human rights in East Timor
  • 05/10/1992 | Doc. 6692 | Motion for a recommendation Country identification plates
  • 05/10/1992 | Doc. 6695 | Motion for an Order Political consequences of the Maastricht Treaty
  • 02/10/1992 | Doc. 6687 | Motion for a resolution Fight against racism, xenophobia and intolerance
  • 15/07/1992 | Doc. 6634 | Written declaration No. 220 - Protection of women's life, dignity and rights
  • Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 22/01/2007 | Recommendation 1777 | Sexual assaults linked to “date-rape drugs”