All texts and votes



House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus

CY - 1402
BE Cyprus

Reports and committee opinions


Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 25/04/2001 | Doc. 9062 | Written question No. 393 - The case of Mr Panicos Tsiakourmas
  • 06/10/2000 | Doc. 8857 | Motion for a recommendation Promotion of art history in Europe
  • 10/04/2000 | Doc. 8711 | Motion for an Order  Colonisation by Turkish settlers of the occupied part of Cyprus
  • 10/04/2000 | Doc. 8712 | Motion for an Order Violation of basic human rights of the enclaved population in the occupied area of Cyprus 
  • 10/02/1999 | Doc. 8321 | Motion for a resolution Lack of water resources and agriculture
  • 02/07/1993 | Doc. 6896 | Written question No. 352 - Rights of Greek Cypriot children
  • 19/03/1993 | Doc. 6798 | Motion for a resolution Use of cultural emblems or historical heritage symbols
  • 19/03/1993 | Doc. 6797 | Motion for a recommendation Protection of Salman Rushdie
  • 22/02/1993 | Doc. 6765 | Written declaration No. 225 - Immediate release of Xanana Gusmão and the defence of human rights in East Timor
  • 05/02/1993 | Doc. 6770 | Motion for a recommendation Systematic gang rape of women and children on the territory of the former Yugoslavia
  • 23/10/1992 | Doc. 6702 | Written declaration No. 224 - Restrictions on the freedom of movement of Mr Gorbachev
  • 16/10/1992 | Doc. 6712 | Motion for a recommendation Plight of the Kurdish people in Turkey
  • 02/10/1992 | Doc. 6687 | Motion for a resolution Fight against racism, xenophobia and intolerance
  • 30/09/1992 | Doc. 6683 | Motion for a recommendation Protection of personal data, in the use of telemarketing, telemetry, interactive media and social progress
  • 23/09/1992 | Doc. 6677 | Motion for a recommendation Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh
  • 22/09/1992 | Doc. 6678 | Motion for an Order Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh
  • 08/07/1992 | Doc. 6648 | Motion for a recommendation For gender equality in education