All texts and votes



Member of the Folketing
Christiansborg Slot
DK - 1240
BE Denmark

Reports and committee opinions


Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 02/07/2024 | Doc. 15969 | Written declaration Democratic remembrance in Spain and respect for the victims of Franco’s regime
  • 02/07/2024 | Doc. 15980 | Written declaration Implement urgently the interim measure of the European Court of Human Rights and release Gubad Ibadoghlu and other political prisoners in Azerbaijan
  • 24/04/2024 | Doc. 15913 | Written declaration Call on Kazakhstan to ratify and implement the Istanbul Convention
  • 24/04/2024 | Doc. 15914 | Written declaration Israel Gaza conflict
  • 24/04/2024 | Doc. 15920 | Written declaration Systemic arbitrary deprivation of liberty in Türkiye may constitute crimes against humanity
  • 18/04/2024 | Doc. 15977 | Motion for a resolution The humanitarian situation of (mainly) children and women in Gaza, the West Bank and in Israel
  • 01/02/2024 | Doc. 15849 | Written declaration Human rights situation in Iran
  • 31/01/2024 | Doc. 15920 | Written declaration Systemic arbitrary deprivation of liberty in Türkiye may constitute crimes against humanity
  • 29/01/2024 | Doc. 15918 | Motion for a resolution Ensuring full independence and respect for the separation of powers by Constitutional courts
  • 12/10/2023 | Doc. 15849 | Written declaration Human rights situation in Iran
  • 19/09/2023 | Doc. 15823 | Motion for a resolution Sustainable European guidelines to counter social dumping and strengthen collective bargaining mechanisms
  • 26/06/2023 | Doc. 15816 | Motion for a resolution Self-determination and territorial integrity in the 21st century
  • 21/06/2023 | Doc. 15807 | Motion for a resolution Shaping the Parliamentary Assembly’s relations with the United Nations Human Rights Council
  • 09/05/2023 | Doc. 15692 | Written declaration Do not extradite Julian Assange to the United States
  • 05/05/2023 | Doc. 15767 | Written declaration Russian Federation and its occupational forces must immediately release Maksym Butkevych
  • 03/05/2023 | Doc. 15758 | Motion for a resolution Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement
  • 03/05/2023 | Doc. 15759 | Motion for a resolution Impact of artificial intelligence on the labour market
  • 30/01/2023 | Doc. 15703 | Written declaration The need for an ongoing and unified European condemnation of the Iranian Government’s current murderous repression of its people
  • 25/01/2023 | Doc. 15692 | Written declaration Do not extradite Julian Assange to the United States
  • 09/02/2022 | Doc. 15385 | Written declaration Harassment against Catalan pro-independence political leaders and independence supporters must end
  • 22/11/2021 | Doc. 15410 | Written question Persistent violations of commitments to the aims of the Statute of the Council of Europe by Hungary and Poland
  • 30/09/2021 | Doc. 15385 | Written declaration Harassment against Catalan pro-independence political leaders and independence supporters must end
  • 09/05/2018 | Doc. 14488 | Written declaration Turkey must restore the right to freedom of expression and assembly to LGBTI persons
  • 01/02/2018 | Doc. 14424 | Written declaration Ensuring political democracy in Turkey: HDP co-chairs and opposition MPs in prison
  • 29/01/2018 | Doc. 14498 | Written declaration The invasion of Afrin by Turkey, a member State of the Council of Europe and a NATO ally
  • 26/01/2018 | Doc. 14494 | Motion for a resolution Strengthening the role of young people in the prevention and resolution of conflicts
  • 25/01/2018 | Doc. 14488 | Written declaration Turkey must restore the right to freedom of expression and assembly to LGBTI persons
  • 25/01/2018 | Doc. 14491 | Motion for a resolution Defend human rights and the rule of law in the context of international football events
  • 25/01/2018 | Doc. 14490 | Motion for a resolution Legal aspects of the prison conditions in Turkey
  • 23/01/2018 | Doc. 14483 | Motion for a resolution Improving the protection of whistle-blowers all over Europe
  • 12/10/2017 | Doc. 14424 | Written declaration Ensuring political democracy in Turkey: HDP co-chairs and opposition MPs in prison
  • Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 26/06/2024 | Recommendation 2281 | Reparation and reconciliation processes to overcome past conflicts and build a common peaceful future – the question of just and equal redress
  • 26/06/2024 | Resolution 2559 | Reparation and reconciliation processes to overcome past conflicts and build a common peaceful future – the question of just and equal redress
  • 26/06/2024 | Recommendation 2279 | Legal and human rights aspects of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine
  • 26/06/2024 | Resolution 2556 | Legal and human rights aspects of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine
  • 26/06/2024 | Resolution 2557 | The role of sanctions in countering the Russian Federation’s war of aggression against Ukraine
  • 26/06/2024 | Recommendation 2280 | Countering the erasure of cultural identity in war and peace
  • 26/06/2024 | Resolution 2558 | Countering the erasure of cultural identity in war and peace
  • 25/06/2024 | Resolution 2553 | Strengthening a youth perspective in the work of the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 25/06/2024 | Resolution 2554 | Protecting women human rights defenders in Europe
  • 25/06/2024 | Resolution 2552 | Strengthening democracy through participatory and deliberative processes
  • 17/04/2024 | Resolution 2542 | Sanctions against persons on the "Kara-Murza list"
  • 17/04/2024 | Resolution 2544 | The honouring of obligations and commitments by Albania
  • 17/04/2024 | Resolution 2543 | Freedom of expression and assembly of LGBTI people in Europe
  • 17/04/2024 | Resolution 2540 | Alexei Navalny's death and the need to counter Vladimir Putin's totalitarian regime and its war on democracy
  • 17/04/2024 | Resolution 2541 | The arbitrary detention of Vladimir Kara-Murza and the systematic persecution of anti-war protesters in the Russian Federation and Belarus
  • 23/01/2024 | Resolution 2524 | Recent developments in the Middle East: Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel and Israel’s response
  • 11/10/2023 | Recommendation 2258 | Pegasus and similar spyware and secret State surveillance
  • 11/10/2023 | Resolution 2513 | Pegasus and similar spyware and secret State surveillance
  • 10/10/2023 | Resolution 2511 | The challenge of far-right ideology to democracy and human rights in Europe
  • 20/06/2023 | Resolution 2499 | Addressing the specific challenges faced by the Belarusians in exile
  • 26/01/2023 | Resolution 2482 | Legal and human rights aspects of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine
  • 25/01/2023 | Resolution 2478 | Contact tracing applications: ethical, cultural and educational challenges
  • 25/01/2023 | Recommendation 2247 | The Istanbul Convention: progress and challenges
  • 25/01/2023 | Resolution 2479 | The Istanbul Convention: progress and challenges
  • 25/01/2023 | Resolution 2480 | The role and responsibility of men and boys in stopping gender-based violence against women and girls
  • 25/01/2023 | Resolution 2481 | Finding solutions for marital captivity
  • 24/01/2023 | Resolution 2476 | Conflict-related sexual violence
  • 23/01/2023 | Recommendation 2244 | Addressing the issue of Daesh foreign fighters and their families returning from Syria and other countries to the member States of the Council of Europe
  • 23/01/2023 | Resolution 2475 | Addressing the issue of Daesh foreign fighters and their families returning from Syria and other countries to the member States of the Council of Europe
  • 26/01/2022 | Recommendation 2221 | Football governance: business and values
  • 26/01/2022 | Resolution 2420 | Football governance: business and values
  • 27/09/2021 | Recommendation 2209 | Humanitarian consequences of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan / Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
  • 27/09/2021 | Resolution 2391 | Humanitarian consequences of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan / Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
  • 27/09/2021 | Resolution 2392 | Guidelines on the scope of the parliamentary immunities enjoyed by members of the Parliamentary Assembly
  • 24/01/2018 | Resolution 2200 | Good football governance
  • 24/01/2018 | Recommendation 2120 | Towards a framework for modern sports governance
  • 24/01/2018 | Resolution 2199 | Towards a framework for modern sports governance
  • 23/01/2018 | Recommendation 2118 | The protection and promotion of regional or minority languages in Europe
  • 23/01/2018 | Resolution 2196 | The protection and promotion of regional or minority languages in Europe
  • 11/10/2017 | Resolution 2185 | Azerbaijan’s Chairmanship of the Council of Europe: what follow-up on respect for human rights?
  • 11/10/2017 | Resolution 2184 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan