All texts and votes


Giuseppe  VEDOVATO

Camera dei deputati
Palazzo Montecitorio
IT - 00186
BE Italy

Reports and committee opinions


Motions, Written Declarations or Questions

  • 11/03/1976 | Doc. 3753 | Written question No. 181 - Reply by the Committee of Ministers to Recommendation 771 (1975)
  • 22/04/1975 | Doc. 3613 | Motion for a recommendation Relations between the Council of Europe and the north American states
  • 25/01/1975 | Doc. 3573 | Written question No. 172 - Draft European Convention for the Protection of International Watercourses against Pollution
  • 27/09/1974 | Doc. 3494 | Motion for a resolution Drawing up of a European Union Charter
  • 20/04/1972 | Doc. 3112 | Written question No. 148 - Recommendation 635 (1971) - Employment and development improving the quality of human resources through education and training
  • 06/10/1971 | Doc. 3030 | Motion for a recommendation Scheme to create a European Investment Insurance Fund for developing countries
  • 27/04/1970 | Doc. 2769 | Written question No. 144 - Role of the Council of Europe member states in the Second United Nations Development Decade
  • 22/04/1970 | Doc. 2762 | Motion for an Order Eurodollar market
  • 04/04/1968 | Doc. 2365 | Motion for a recommendation Cultural exchanges between Western and Eastern European countries
  • 04/04/1968 | Doc. 2364 | Motion for a recommendation Creation of a European university
  • 22/11/1965 | Doc. 1996 | Motion for a recommendation Practice of taking hostages