All texts and votes

Borjana KRIŠTO

Borjana  KRIŠTO

House of Representatives

BE Bosnia and Herzegovina

Motions, Written Declarations or Questions


Votes (from electronic voting system)

  • 11/10/2022 | Recommendation 2237 | Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans
  • 11/10/2022 | Resolution 2456 | Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans
  • 22/06/2022 | Resolution 2450 | Justice and security for women in peace reconciliation
  • 22/06/2022 | Resolution 2448 | Humanitarian consequences and internal and external displacement in connection with the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine
  • 22/06/2022 | Resolution 2449 | Protection and alternative care for unaccompanied and separated migrant and refugee children
  • 21/06/2022 | Recommendation 2235 | Recent challenges to security in Europe: what role for the Council of Europe?
  • 21/06/2022 | Resolution 2444 | Recent challenges to security in Europe: what role for the Council of Europe?
  • 28/01/2021 | Resolution 2363 | Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of the Russian Federation
  • 29/01/2020 | Resolution 2318 | The protection of freedom of religion or belief in the workplace
  • 24/01/2018 | Resolution 2200 | Good football governance
  • 24/01/2018 | Resolution 2201 | The honouring of obligations and commitments by Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 12/10/2017 | Resolution 2189 | The new Ukrainian law on education: a major impediment to the teaching of national minorities' mother tongues
  • 11/10/2017 | Resolution 2185 | Azerbaijan’s Chairmanship of the Council of Europe: what follow-up on respect for human rights?
  • 11/10/2017 | Resolution 2184 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan
  • 10/10/2017 | Resolution 2182 | Follow-up to Resolution 1903 (2012): promoting and strengthening transparency, accountability and integrity of Parliamentary Assembly members
  • 28/06/2017 | Resolution 2176 | Integration of refugees in times of critical pressure: learning from recent experience and examples of best practice
  • 28/06/2017 | Recommendation 2109 | Migration as an opportunity for European development
  • 28/06/2017 | Resolution 2175 | Migration as an opportunity for European development
  • 28/06/2017 | Resolution 2174 | Human rights implications of the European response to transit migration across the Mediterranean
  • 25/04/2017 | Resolution 2156 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Turkey
  • 20/04/2016 | Resolution 2106 | Renewed commitment in the fight against antisemitism in Europe
  • 20/04/2016 | Resolution 2108 | Human rights of refugees and migrants – The situation in the Western Balkans
  • 20/04/2016 | Resolution 2107 | A stronger European response to the Syrian refugee crisis
  • 20/04/2016 | Resolution 2109 | The situation of refugees and migrants under the EU–Turkey Agreement of 18 March 2016
  • 19/04/2016 | Recommendation 2088 | Towards a framework of competences for democratic citizenship
  • 19/04/2016 | Resolution 2104 | Towards a framework of competences for democratic citizenship
  • 19/04/2016 | Resolution 2103 | Preventing the radicalisation of children and young people by fighting the root causes
  • 23/06/2015 | Resolution 2061 | Evaluation of the partnership for democracy in respect of the Parliament of Morocco
  • 30/01/2014 | Resolution 1974 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine
  • 30/01/2014 | Recommendation 2035 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine
  • 02/10/2013 | Recommendation 2025 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 25/06/2013 | Resolution 1940 | The situation in the Middle East
  • 24/01/2013 | Resolution 1919 | Recent developments in Mali and Algeria and the threat to security and human rights in the Mediterranean region
  • 23/01/2013 | Recommendation 2008 | Georgia and Russia: the humanitarian situation in the conflict- and war-affected areas
  • 22/01/2013 | Resolution 1913 | The activities of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in 2010-12
  • 25/01/2012 | Resolution 1857 | The situation in Belarus
  • 25/01/2012 | Recommendation 1992 | The situation in Belarus
  • 24/01/2012 | Resolution 1855 | The functioning of democratic institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 06/10/2011 | Resolution 1839 | The political situation in the Balkans
  • 03/10/2011 | Resolution 1829 | Prenatal sex selection
  • 03/10/2011 | Recommendation 1979 | Prenatal sex selection